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Australia Passes Sweeping Online Surveillance Bill Amid Privacy Concerns By Isabel van Brugen


The Australian federal government last week passed a sweeping surveillance bill that would grant top law enforcement agencies the authority to take over social media accounts and hack the devices of individuals suspected of participating in serious online crime.

The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identity and Disrupt) Bill 2020 passed both houses of federal parliament on Aug. 25, and introduces three new powers which Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews argues will assist law enforcement in keeping up with evolving technologies to protect Australians.

Specifically, the legislation grants the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) the power to modify or delete the data of suspected offenders, collect intelligence on criminal networks, and take control of a suspected offenders’ online account.

Those who refuse to comply can face up to 10 years in prison.

In defending the legislation, Andrews cited an operation earlier this year that resulted in 290 arrests, saying that this “confirmed the persistent and ever evolving threat of transnational, serious and organised crime—and the reliance of these networks on the dark web and anonymising technology to conceal their offending.”

“In Operation Ironside, ingenuity and world-class capability gave our law enforcement an edge. This Bill is just one more step the government is taking to ensure our agencies maintain that edge,” the minister said in a statement.

“Under our changes the AFP will have more tools to pursue organised crime gangs to keep drugs off our street and out of our community, and those who commit the most heinous crimes against children,” she added.

Passage of the bill however has been met with scrutiny, with some human rights activists saying it’s a “draconian” and “extreme” infringement on an individual’s right to privacy.

UK: Welcome to the Medieval Era of 2021 by Andrew Ash


Advocates of multi-culturalism demand not only that we should accept sweeping changes to our cultural landscape, but also that we should be far more welcoming of some of the medieval customs, traditions, and religious laws it has taken much of the world — often at great cost in the irrevocable currency of life as well as treasure — centuries to get rid of.

This importation of Muslim laws and customs, which often sit at odds with the British way of life, is seen as yet another example of a “preferential treatment” that minority groups receive over and above the indigenous population. That Christians, and people of other faiths, are guiltlessly persecuted in a majority of Muslim nations only serves to increase this resentment.

The advocates of diversity then claim that those who would disagree with what seem to them outdated practices that should remain outdated, are called “racist”, “xenophobic” or “Islamophobes,” when actually they might just be opposed to the beating of women, child marriage, female genital mutilation or a whole host of abuses they mistakenly thought had been left behind ages ago.

If there is one “woke” issue that has caused more division and anger in the UK than any other, it is that of the “multi-culturalism experience” that has been incrementally dumped on us – here and in Europe — since the end of the Second World War.

These practices have been introduced via the ever-expanding British Muslim community, which this writer was born into, and with which he therefore shares a certain understanding and affinity.

Advocates of multi-culturalism demand not only that we should accept sweeping changes to our cultural landscape, but also that we should be far more welcoming of some of the medieval customs, traditions, and religious laws it has taken much of the world — often at great cost in the irrevocable currency of life as well as treasure — centuries to get rid of.

ICNA, From Hamas to Haiti Terror-related group veils itself in the guise of overseas relief work. Joe Kaufman


On August 14, 2021, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the southern coast of Haiti, taking the lives of thousands and damaging or destroying over 130,000 buildings. Photographs on social media depict a man wearing a yellow vest peering at the rubble. On the vest is the logo of Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), the overseas division of ICNA. On one of the pics is a reference to a web page on the HHRD site devoted to raising money in the name of the earthquake. It would seem this group has good intentions, yet it is merely a façade meant to conceal ICNA’s radical history and foundation in terror and to benefit off and exploit a disaster.

ICNA or the Islamic Circle of North America is the American arm of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), a South Asian Islamist movement with numerous links to terrorism. JI’s former militant wing, al-Badr, was responsible for many of the massacres that took place during the 1971 genocide against the citizens of what is now known as Bangladesh. One of al-Badr’s death squad commanders, Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, has served in leadership positions at ICNA for decades. While Khan is yet to be punished for his alleged crimes (He was sentenced to death in absentia in November 2013), ICNA has publicly condemned the execution of Khan’s al-Badr colleagues.

Since November 2000, ICNA has formally partnered with JI’s Al-Khidmat Foundation (AKF) for a variety of overseas projects. In August 2006, AKF listed ICNA as its top donor, at the same time AKF took a delegation to the Damascus, Syria home of then-Hamas leader, Khaled Mashal, to hand him $100,000 for terrorist acts against Israel. On ICNA’s website, ICNA tries to confuse people and clean its hands of this subject, as well as with the matter of Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, while defaming this author with outright lies and “Islamophobia” smears. However, news of this was directly on JI’s website, and this author has reported on it and shown proof of it for years.

ICNA has a dawah (Islamic outreach) wing, Why Islam (WI), that utilizes its website to promote domestic violence against women. Posted on the site is a text, Gender Equity in Islam, that appallingly tells men that, if they “fear disloyalty” from their wives, it is a valid response to “beat them.” Not long ago, the site featured a message board, where forum moderators made posts deriding Jews and in favor of Hamas and Israel’s destruction. One WI moderator, Marwan, in response to a story about an Indian restaurant called “Hitler’s Cross” that was adorned with Nazi symbols, crudely joked, “Nazi restaurant… I wonder if they have kosher meals.”

Top Admiral Warns of Rapid Chinese, Russian Nuclear Arms Buildup Jack Beyrer


Admiral Charles Richard: ‘We are in uncharted waters’

Admiral Charles Richard, chief of U.S. Strategic Command, warned that China and Russia are building up their nuclear stockpiles at an unprecedented rate.

Richard said Thursday that China’s nuclear weapons buildup and Russia’s advanced nuclear capabilities have prompted a reassessment of America’s ability to defend itself.

“We are in uncharted waters,” Richard said at a Hudson Institute event. “We are facing a class of potential adversaries that we haven’t had to deal with in 30 years.”

Richard’s remarks come amid a heated fight over the future of America’s nuclear arsenal, as national security staff in the White House and lawmakers such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) push for a smaller U.S. stockpile.

A letter from Senate Democrats prompted the Biden administration to call for an independent review of ground-based nuclear weapons, which have been in service since the Vietnam War. Several powerful House and Senate Democrats have opposed nuclear modernization, an effort which experts say would give China and Russia an advantage in a growing arms race. Sen. Steve Daines (R., Mont.) called the attempt to “scuttle” America’s nuclear arsenal misguided in an August letter to the White House.

The admiral said that given the speed of Russia and China’s weapons buildup, policymakers should waste no time in strengthening America’s nuclear position.

“Business as usual will not work,” Richard said. “It is going to be long enough before I get any new modernized capability into the forces that I am responsible for. We can ill afford, given the threats that we’re facing, any further delays on that. … If we make the wrong decision, we can’t come back a couple years later and buy it back.”

The battle for eastern Europe’s energy sector   Ukraine has offered huge subsidies for renewable energy developments since its war with RussiaWilliam Nattrass


The fight to power eastern Europe is heating up. As Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky prepares to meet Joe Biden at the White House, competition for Ukraine’s energy market is increasingly being framed as a battle between East and West. And as western investments into renewables vie with fossil fuel imports from Russia, the struggle for the nation’s energy supply is assuming a moral dimension reminiscent of the Cold War.

Tens of thousands of panels at Ukraine’s huge Nikopol solar farm harvest the sun’s energy for nobody. In late 2019, the Canadian owners of the farm, TIU Canada, were informed that the nearby Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, owned by the notorious Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, would be disconnecting their farm from the power grid to make repairs. They were not aware that any such repairs were needed. Despite frantic protests the connection was severed — and a year and a half later, it has still not been restored.

Kolomoisky’s tentacles extend deep into Ukraine’s economy and politics. He controls a faction of MPs without which the current coalition would collapse, as well as the country’s most lucrative energy distributor and, previously, some of its biggest banks. He is a controversial figure who in March 2021 was banned entry to the US over his ‘significant corruption’.

Amb. Dore Gold The U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Will International Terrorism Now Be Empowered or Defeated?


Defending his withdrawal decision, President Joe Biden claimed that al-Qaeda was “gone” from Afghanistan. Yet at the same time, the American and British security establishments spoke of al-Qaeda’s continued presence in the country.
A UN report to the Security Council, submitted in June 2021, stated that “despite expectations for a reduction in violence, 2020 (the year of the U.S.-Taliban agreement on withdrawal) emerged as the most violent year ever recorded by the United Nations in Afghanistan.”
A common Western assumption is the hope that withdrawal would reduce the hostility of the Taliban and their allies. But this is a misinterpretation of what motivated jihadist groups. In the Middle East, withdrawals strengthen their motivation.
The Israeli experience was identical: when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza, Hamas won the Palestinian elections and took over Gaza from Fatah. Rocket attacks on Israel, after the Gaza withdrawal, increased by 500%.
To defeat the jihadist forces it was necessary to accompany withdrawal with actions that left no doubt that what happened was a defeat for them.
But it does not seem that President Biden will pursue such a strategy, leaving the West with an empowered al-Qaeda to fight against in the years ahead.

In a stunning statement last Friday in which he defended his withdrawal decision, President Joe Biden claimed that al-Qaeda was “gone” from Afghanistan. In other words, since the U.S. had set the goal of preventing Afghanistan from again becoming a platform for al-Qaeda to strike at the U.S. and this goal had been reached, it was reasoned, then, that all American forces could be safely withdrawn. The glaring problem was that Biden did not have the backing of the American security establishment.

An hour after Biden spoke, the Defense Department Press Secretary, John Kirby, stated, “We know al-Qaeda is a presence in Afghanistan.” A Defense Department report to Congress issued on August 17 plainly stated, “The Taliban continued to maintain its relationship with al-Qaeda, providing safe haven for the terrorist group in Afghanistan.” Roughly, at the same time, the Taliban released 5,000 prisoners from Bagram air base, which included al-Qaeda and ISIS operatives. In short, the Taliban and al-Qaeda were tightly linked.

Radical Islam and the clash of civilizations By Abraham H. Miller


The Biden administration will go to great lengths to downplay the significance of the debacle in Afghanistan. But no amount of wishful thinking or meaningless creations like over-the-horizon capabilities will deny the reality that the loss of Afghanistan has implications for the conflict with radical Islam far beyond Afghanistan’s geographic borders.

Culture is the primary context in which statecraft takes place. It is a concept that runs through the works of the late Professor Adda Bozeman, who understood that diplomats often talk past each other because the culture and linguistic context in which they operate mean different things.

To properly understand the meaning of the current catastrophe, it is necessary to ask the most fundamental question, which is not how is this playing in Peoria, but how is this playing in throughout the Islamic world? The Biden administration can spin the collapse of Afghanistan endlessly, but no amount of press conferences will change the perception within Islam of America’s defeat.

We in the West believe in the triumph of an ineluctable future that will be a vast improvement over the past. When our progress toward that future is limited or regressive, we become impatient. In non-western societies, however, it is not the future that is looked toward, but a golden past that needs to be resurrected.

Since centuries have elapsed without that resurrection, time is perceived differently. The rebirth of a golden past is inevitable. All that is required is to have faith and patience. Twenty years might seem like an endless war to Americans, but to Muslims it is a grain of sand in the measure of time. If the Taliban had to resist another twenty years, if they had to sacrifice another generation to be rid of the infidels on their land, they would have done so.

For Islam, the choices are not the ones the Biden administration has articulated, a choice between leaving and a war without end. The choice is between resurrecting the golden age of Islam or ceding victory to the infidel. It is not a choice.

Covid-19 Surge in Malaysia Threatens to Prolong Global Chip Shortage Southeast Asia country is cited as auto makers cut production, highlighting little-known but critical link in semiconductor supply chain by Feliz Solomon


SINGAPORE—A surge of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia, a little-known but critical link in the semiconductor supply chain, has opened a new front in the battle to fix manufacturing woes that have rippled across industries during a global shortage of computing chips.

The Southeast Asia nation is one of the world’s top destinations for assembly and testing of the devices that control smartphones, car engines and medical equipment. Disruptions in Malaysia threaten to prolong uncertainty over chip supply well into next year, dashing hopes of relief in the second half of 2021.

The supply crunch in Malaysia, caused primarily by staff shortages linked to virus-control measures combined with a sharp surge in global demand, poses a new problem for the auto industry. For the first half of this year, shortages largely stemmed from companies miscalculating the pace of economic recoveries and not ordering enough parts. Now they can’t always get the parts they need because Covid-19 outbreaks are denting factory output.

“It’s a bit like a game of whack-a-mole,” said Ravi Vijayaraghavan, a Singapore-based partner at the consulting firm Bain & Co. specializing in semiconductors. “We think we have supply sorted out, and then a problem suddenly pops up somewhere else.”

Some of the world’s leading car makers including Toyota Motor Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , General Motors Co. and Nissan Motor Co. have disclosed major production cuts due largely to chip shortages from factories in Malaysia. Ford suspended work for about a week at an F-150 plant in the Kansas City, Mo., area and a Fiesta factory in Cologne, Germany because of missing parts, while Toyota said it would cut global production by around 40% in September. General Motors said it expects to make 100,000 fewer vehicles in North America in the second half of the year.

North Korea Exploits Biden’s Weakness to Restart Nuke Reactor Daniel Greenfield


Weakness is a pretty clear message and the message has been received. It was received in Iran, in China, and in North Korea.

Everything it’s been received our enemies have responded by pushing the limit to see how much they can get away with.

The Norks are no different.

North Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear reactor, thought to have been shut down since December 2018, is apparently operating again, according to the U.N. atomic agency. “Since early July, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling water, consistent with the operations of the reactor,” said a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The reactor is allegedly producing plutonium for North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, according to Gary Samore of Brandeis University. 

That would put this within the window of Biden’s withdrawal announcement. Not to mention his previous kowtowing to Iran.

Under these conditions, why shouldn’t North Korea play Biden like a fiddle?

Pyongyang has also ignored overtures made by the Joe Biden administration since it took office in January, while warning Seoul and Washington of a “serious security crisis” for staging their regular joint military exercise this month.

During his Seoul visit, the special US envoy for the North said he and his South Korean counterpart had discuss possible humanitarian assistance to the North.

China to Biden: No Good Relations Unless U.S. Drops Wuhan Virus Origin Probe Daniel Greenfield


Communist China is really desperate to stop any probes of the origins of the Wuhan Virus.

A senior Chinese diplomat called on the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to work with the Taliban government and stop pressuring Beijing over the virus origin probe in order to improve ties between the world’s biggest economies.

Wang added that China opposed the U.S. intelligence community’s inquiry into the source of Covid-19, the virus that caused the worst pandemic in more than a century. He accused the U.S. of turning the coronavirus into a political issue if the Biden administration wanted to bring bilateral relations “back on the right track,” the Xinhua report said.

The official PRC readout states, “If the U.S. side also hopes to bring bilateral relations back on the right track, it should stop blindly smearing and attacking China, and stop undermining China’s sovereignty, security and development interests.”

By that, Foreign Minister Wang Yi meant apparently that, “China resolutely opposes the so-called investigation report on COVID-19 origins tracing produced by the U.S. intelligence community recently. Politicizing origins tracing is a political burden left by the former U.S. government. The sooner the U.S. side unloads this burden, the easier it will be to get out of the current predicament.”

By “former U.S. government”, Yi means the Trump administration.

The PRC has a lot of nerve trying to urge the Biden administration to abandon origin probes as a legacy of the Trump administration. It’s all but an announcement that it expects the Biden administration to choose the PRC over Republicans.