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Israel-Gulf relations pass first major test unscathed Daniel Sonnenfeld


While Gaza fighting threatens to put any future agreements on hold for now, some are reassured that commerce with Emirati and Bahraini companies will progress as usual, citing relatively lukewarm reaction to violence.

With justified festivity, Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed normalization agreements and established full diplomatic relations in 2020, with the aid of American mediation. They were the first peace accords signed between the Jewish state and an Arab country since 1994, when relations were cemented with Jordan. Importantly, and in opposition to the cold nature of relations with Israel’s neighbor to the east, the ties between it and its new Gulf friends were expected to be warm and friendly in nature. And indeed, tourism and business relations between the countries soon flourished for all to see.

However, the agreements signed did not include a solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which had been the barrier preventing an earlier establishment of relations. Now, with fighting between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza erupting on May 10, relations between the Jewish state and its new Arab allies were put to a test.

“The latest conflagration between Israel and Hamas, and especially the events in Jerusalem which preceded it, constituted the first significant test of the normalization agreements and the resilience of the growing relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan,” Dr. Yoel Guzansky, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University and a specialist on Gulf politics, told The Media Line. Morocco and Sudan also set on a path of normalization agreements with Israel under the wider umbrella named the Abraham Accords.
Guzansky is referencing the violent clashes between Israeli police and Israeli Arabs, which first began outside Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, and later escalated and spread to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.
Police actions on the compound, especially entering one of the mosques there, were perceived as a grave insult to Muslim sensitivities by believers in Israel, the Palestinian territories, and throughout the world. Rising tensions in Jerusalem, tied also to a legal deliberation that threatened to evict Palestinians from several houses in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, were ultimately seized as justification by Hamas to fire rockets at Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. Israel retaliated and exchanges of fire commenced.

Biden’s Worst Move Yet: Giving U.S. Vaccine Tech to China by Gordon G. Chang


A TRIPs waiver will not only impede vaccine production at this moment, it will also cause long-term harm. There are two principal concerns in this regard. First, a waiver for COVID-19 vaccines will obviously decrease the incentive for companies to make vaccines for the next disease. “The recent rhetoric will not discourage us from continuing investing in science,” wrote Bourla, the Pfizer chief. “But I am not sure if the same is true for the thousands of small biotech innovators that are totally dependent on accessing capital from investors who invest only on the premise that their intellectual property will be protected.”

Second, a TRIPs waiver will eliminate the most important of the barriers to China making sophisticated vaccines: patent protection. Reuters reports that the Biden administration does not want a waiver to aid the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and believes it can address this issue “through the WTO negotiations,” but unfortunately it “did not specify how.”

Of course, the Biden administration cannot stop Chinese companies once patent protection is waived. Furthermore, Beijing is not going to adhere to the terms of the waiver. As Reuters tells us, “Enforcing limits on use of the technology could be very difficult.”

Chinese ruler Xi Jinping a year ago said China’s vaccines would be made available as a “global public good,” but Beijing has not offered them as such. Instead, China has offered its vaccines to other countries on extraneous and harsh conditions, such as de-recognition of Taiwan or the purchase of 5G networking gear from Huawei Technologies.

So why should the United States support China’s biological weapons program to enable another deadly attack? That is exactly what Biden is doing with his proposed TRIPs waiver.

President Joe Biden is moving to surrender to China U.S. patent and trade secret protections on America’s COVID-19 vaccines. Two of those vaccines, made by American-based Pfizer and Moderna, employ revolutionary mRNA technology.

Specifically, the Biden administration has agreed to support a request by India and South Africa for waivers that would permit members of the World Trade Organization to not enforce laws protecting patents and trade secrets covered under the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPs).

“This is a global health crisis, and the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic call for extraordinary measures,” declared U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai in a May 5 statement. “The Administration believes strongly in intellectual property protections, but in service of ending this pandemic, supports the waiver of those protections for COVID-19 vaccines.”

France, Germany offer Israel worst advice ever to deal with latest Hamas attack By David Zukerman


“Absorb the attack”? Really?

The lead story in The New York Times, May 20, on the demand (really) on Israel that it halt its self-defense campaign against the evil Hamas criminal entity, referred to France and Germany as “strong allies of Israel.”  Whom is The New York Times kidding?  France?  Where Jews are advised not to wear yarmulkes outdoors lest they provoke a Muslim to attack them?  With a reported millions of Muslims being accepted by the countries of Europe, how long until the streets of Europe today, resemble the streets of Europe in the Middle Ages, when a Jew strolled about a city, town or village at his peril?

And consider Europe today.  Police protection is called in, for a time, after an Islamist kills Jews — not before.  The truth remains: Islamists fear no authority in Europe when a Jew is in his line of vision.  Is there outrage when an Islamist assaults a Jew in Europe?  Not at all.

And now comes Europe again to advise the government of Israel, when Hamas or Hezb’allah rockets strike Israel — to “absorb the attack.”

Donald J. Trump would never have yielded to pressure from Europe’s anti-Semites.  How brave he was, willing to stand apart from our “NATO allies.”  Biden has demonstrated that not only is he the puppet for the Jew-haters, but he is craven in his acceptance of their demand that the proper place for the Jew is in harm’s way — even if it means letting a few hundred Gazans, here and there, serve as collateral damage.

Have the so-called “strong allies” of Israel, Macron in France and Merkel in Germany, ever denounced Hamas for putting Gazans in harm’s way, as blood sacrifice for the primary goal: killing the Jew?  Not in the slightest.

The New Furies of the Oldest Hatred Take a good look at who is speaking out against Jew-hate. And who is staying silent. Peter Savodnik


The furies have been unleashed. They were everywhere you looked these past two weeks, though you won’t read about them much in the papers.

We saw them on Thursday, when pro-Palestinian protesters threw an explosive device into a crowd of Jews in New York’s Diamond District. 

We saw them on Wednesday, when two men were attacked outside a bagel shop in midtown Manhattan.

We saw them on Tuesday, at a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood, when a group of men draped in keffiyehs asked the diners who was Jewish, and then pummeled them. And in a parking lot not far away, when two cars draped in Palestinian flags roared after an Orthodox man fleeing for his life. And in the story of the American soccer player Luca Lewis, cornered by a band of men in New York demanding to know if he was a Jew. 

Then there was the caravan careening through Jewish neighborhoods in North London carrying people screaming: “Fuck the Jews! Rape their daughters!” 

And the rabbi, outside London, who was hospitalized after being attacked by two teenagers. 

And the demonstrator in Vienna shouting, “Shove your Holocaust up your ass!” — the crowd of young people, mostly women, cheering. 

The synagogue in Skokie that was vandalized. The synagogue in Tucson that was vandalized. The synagogue in Salt Lake that was vandalized. 

The pro-Israel demonstrators in Montreal pelted with rocks. And the pro-Palestinian agitators in Edmonton driving around in search of Jews.

The teeming crowds in Washington, D.C., Berlin, Bangladesh, Philadelphia and Boston and San Francisco and, of course, across the Arab world. The seemingly ubiquitous accusations of “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.” 

The Turkish president, reaching all the way back to the Middle Ages, accusing Israelis of “sucking the blood” of non-Jewish children. 

Every hour on the hour, the celebrities posted their memes and the elected officials and the influencers — it’s hard to tell the difference — called Israel an “apartheid” regime. Apartheid regimes, like regimes guilty of genocide and ethnic cleansing, are meant to be overthrown. Violently, if need be. So bloodshed is warranted, yes?

How Europe Became Pro-Israel:  The most recent fighting with Palestinians has revealed a radical change in European foreign policy that’s been years in the making. By Benjamin Haddad, the director of the Future Europe Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.


By Benjamin Haddad, the director of the Future Europe Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C.

Last week, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz made the unusual decision to fly the Israeli flag on official buildings in solidarity with the country facing Hamas rocket attacks on its cities. “I condemn, with the utmost firmness, the attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip,” said the conservative chancellor. “Israel has the right to defend itself against these attacks.” Kurz is known to have court Israel in the last few years, most likely to deflect criticism for his alliance with the far-right Freedom Party of Austria. On Wednesday, the European Council agreed (minus Hungary) on a resolution calling for a cease-fire, but the Austrian chancellor isn’t an outlier among European leaders in expressing support for Israel.

Since the start of this new round of violence between Israel and Hamas, European leaders have been vocal in expressing their support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called Hamas rockets “terrorist attacks,” and the German political class on the left and right, in the midst of a parliamentary campaign, has echoed her support for Israel. Green candidate and current poll leader Annalena Baerbock has called Israeli security “the national interest of the modern German state.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged these statements of support, thanking U.S. President Joe Biden but also European leaders, specifically “the president of France, the British prime minister, the chancellor of Austria, the chancellor of Germany, and others.” Netanyahu added: “They have upheld our natural and self-evident right to defend ourselves, to act in self-defense against these terrorists who both attack civilians and hide behind civilians.”

Another U.S. Ally Gets in Bed With Iran One that sits atop vital oil and gas pipelines. So what’s next? Kenneth R. Timmerman


The answer is obvious: nothing good.

The Republic of Georgia lost 20 percent of its territory in 2008 to Russian invasion, and continues to struggle politically and economically from Russian interference in its domestic affairs.

The ruling Georgia Dream party, dominated by pro-Russian oligarch Bidzia (“Boris”) Ivanishvili, won parliamentary elections last October that the opposition declared were rigged. Since April 19, a new power sharing agreement hammered out by the European Union and the United States, seems have convinced the opposition to rejoin the parliament.

But Georgia’s northern neighbor and election irregularities are only part of the former Soviet republic’s problems. It also sits atop a key pipeline that transports oil from Baku, Azerbaijan, through Georgia to Turkey and Western Europe.

The Iranian regime has long sought to block the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, since it rivaled Iran’s own oil and gas exports to Turkey. Because of this, and because of a succession of weak governments in Georgia, the Iranians have established a powerful commercial and intelligence base inside Georgia that has influenced policies and infiltrated the Georgian security and judicial establishments.

Iran’s infiltration of Georgia and manipulation of Georgian state policy led the U.S. Department of Treasury to expose a network of Iranian sanctions-busting traders based in Tbilisi in 2014. As part of the 2015 Iran deal, U.S. sanctions against them were then lifted. By all accounts they continue to operate in Georgia today with the blessing of Georgian politicians and local banks.

The State Security Service has also established robust ties to its Iranian counterpart, the Ministry of Information and Security.

Under the control of then interior minister GeorgiGakharia, SSS-men raided an Iranian restaurant in Tbilisi in February 2018 and arrested its owner, claiming he was engaged in a dastardly plot to hire an assassin to murder other Iranians in Tbilisi.

The man they arrested, Alireza Soleimane-pak, also known as Hamid Reza Zakeri, was a defector from Iranian intelligence who became a witness in the 9/11 court case against the Iranian regime that ultimately led to a damage award in favor of the victims of over $16 billion. He was also a UN-registered political refugee.

I was involved in the 9/11 case, and have interviewed Mr. Soleimane-pak on many occasions over the past 18 years.Since learning of his arrest, I have traveled to Tbilisi twice to attend court hearings. 

The Republic of Georgia’s courts have struggled since the 2003 Rose Revolution to separate themselves from political interference. 

Canada: Open Letter Lobbies Journalists on How to Cover the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict The “woke” agenda that tarnished journalism. Joan O’Callaghan


A letter with nearly 1600 signatories was sent on May 14 to newsrooms across Canada, calling for greater “balance” (code for pro-Palestinian) in coverage of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The letter began with the observation that covering events in the Middle East is “complicated” but then goes on to imply that newsrooms are cowed by pressure from “outside groups” into favoring the Israelis. This amounted to the latest iteration of the old canard that Jews control the media, a favorite trope of the world’s antisemites. It was rather befitting to the victimhood agenda that has grown steadily to morph real journalism into becoming woke activism over time.

An examination of the signatories of this “open letter” revealed that the vast majority of names have a Middle Eastern ring to them, and most were not media people, although several of the signatories did claim to work in the media.  

The letter of course is ironic because–both nationally and internationally–most media outlets have found ways to present Israel as the villain, the bully beating up on innocent Palestinians, booting them out of their homes and dropping bombs on them.

The journalistic rot began a long time ago and is now in full flower.

Take for example, in his memoirs, Maverick Publisher – J. Patrick O’Callaghan: A Life in Newspapers (Carrick Publishing, 2015), O’Callaghan recalled an April, 1995 annual Canadian Press dinner, where Ralph Klein, former premier of Alberta, was the keynote speaker. Klein maintained that newspapers were obsessed with victim-of-the-week journalism. He cited the case of the Edmonton Journal, which in advance of an Alberta budget had prepared a document for reporters suggesting how they might contextualize the budget items. At the head of the list was the proposal to put the case for those who would be “victimized” by certain budget cuts. In other words, reporters were expected to go out and find “victims.”

Europe: Anti-Israel Protests Descend into Anti-Semitism by Soeren Kern


The current crisis of anti-Semitism is a testament to the failure of European multiculturalism, which is making Jewish life in Europe increasingly unviable.

“Open, disgusting hatred of Jews and Israel, but not only: It was also hatred of our free, tolerant democracy.” — Peter Wilke, correspondent, Bild.

“It is astonishing that, only 76 years after the Shoah, many people fail to understand that the Jewish state cannot accept a threat to its existence without being able to defend itself. The anti-Semitic attacks of the past few days have once again made it clear how fragile Jewish life is in Germany.” — Andrei Kovacs, managing director, “321-2021: 1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany.”

“Angela Merkel’s refugee policy, which no longer bothers to identify true war refugees, has imported hundreds of thousands of times an ideology that focuses on the Jew as an eternal enemy… Too many streets were in the hands of people at the weekend who want a different Germany, a country without Jews.” — Julian Reichelt, editor-in-chief, Bild.

“A large part of this mob consists of people who came here as refugees and brought their hatred of Jews with them and continued to expand it here.” — Michal Kornblum, German commentator.

“German politicians have not understood that immigration from Iraq and Syria, from the Arab countries, also brings more anti-Semitism to Germany. Anyone who says that is immediately branded as right wing and there is no fair discussion or debate about it.” — German-Egyptian political scientist and author Hamed Abdel-Samad, Die Welt.

“In the end, not even schools can talk about anti-Semitism or the Middle East conflict. Or about Erdogan or about Islamism. Even at universities, Muslim students refuse to speak about such topics. Universities should be a safe haven for opinions. But for many Muslim students, universities are now safe spaces from opinions and criticism, even though that is where we have to start.” — German-Egyptian political scientist and author Hamed Abdel-Samad, Die Welt.

“This isn’t about Gaza. We’ve never seen such hate after any Western action in Syria or Afghanistan. No British crowds marching through malls to protest airstrikes in Iraq. This is bigotry in its most ugly, rawest form. Gaza is an excuse to find a socially acceptable way to publicly express Jew-hatred while pretending that your hate is righteous…. Arab persecution of Palestinians is ignored by the anti-Israel crowd as well.” — Elder of Zion blog.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in cities across Europe have descended into unrestrained orgies of anti-Semitism after protesters opposed to Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip openly called for the destruction of Israel and death to Jews.

The protesters, numbering in the tens-to-the-hundreds of thousands, include a hodgepodge of anarchists, hard-left anti-Israel activists and immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa. Many demonstrators — carrying flags of Muslim countries, including Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey and Syria, as well as the green flag of the Islamist terrorist group Hamas and the black flag of global Jihad — have shouted Islamist chants such as ‘Allahu Akhbar’ (‘Allah is the Greatest’), and have openly called for Jews to be murdered or raped.

Turkish Anti-Semites Celebrate Rockets against Israel by Uzay Bulut


According to Hamas’s charter and statements by its leaders, its aim is the destruction of Israel, genocide of the Jewish people, and replacing the state with an Islamist one. This, a religious war, is the real reason Hamas and its enablers are conducting an unprovoked, jihadist assault against Israel. The tweets posted by Turks calling for further attacks against Jews just reaffirm the repeated vow of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to “reconquer” Jerusalem, part of the Ottoman Empire, as part of a new caliphate for Islam.

Israeli civilians have indiscriminately been targeted by the rockets of Islamist terrorist groups in Gaza for more than a week now. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have fired more than 3,000 of them at Israel since the outbreak of the war on May 10, according to the Israel Defense Forces. Ten people in Israel, including a young child, have been killed in the rocket fire, and hundreds have been injured.

As Tel Aviv was bombed by terrorists based in Gaza on May 11, the Turkish users filled Twitter with Jew-hating posts, calling for more bombardments and murders of more Jews. Some Twitter users, celebrating the attacks and praying for more, shared photos of fires and explosions caused by rockets not intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system.

The Turkish news website Avlaremoz reported these posts. Some include:

“Hell all broke loose for you. Fear the Muslim. You’ll burn in hell. May your fire be abundant. Murderers, terrorists. May Allah’s curse be upon you. Jewish flocks. Despicable, cursed Israel. #TelAviv”

“If only I was in Jerusalem now and fighting against Israeli terrorism. If only I could kill Jews in Tel Aviv now and be al-Qassam [the Syrian Muslim preacher Izz ad-Din al-Qassam who launched attacks against British and Jewish targets in the 1930s]. Allah, you know about this much better than I do.”

“The best Jew is a dead Jew.”

“Ya Allah bismillah, inshallah, there won’t be a single alive Jew left until morning.”

“Cowardly Jews are hiding in shelters in Tel Aviv. The Jew only fears power and death.”

“Jerusalem belongs to Islam. Jerusalem is ours.”

“Jewish dogs are looking for a corner to hide from the rockets launched from our Gaza. Inshallah, you will be crushed under those rockets.”

“Beautiful news from Palestinian friends. 9 Jews are dead and more than 30 injured as a result of rockets launched at Tel Aviv.”

“If only you could send 100 TB2 [Turkish unmanned combat aerial vehicles]…. There would no longer be a Tel Aviv or a single Jew left.”

The “We-Must-Hate-Israel” Season Re-Opens in Turkey by Burak Bekdil


There is, however, a significant difference between Turkey in May 2018 and May 2021. In May 2018, Turkey was heading for presidential and parliamentary elections — which Erdoğan won with 51.5% of the national vote. Erdoğan was confident of “making Turkey great again” and systematically fueled hostility against Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. In May 2021, Turkey is not heading for elections but for economic collapse and political isolation,

Erdoğan has grossly profited, in domestic politics, from every form and period of violence in the Arab-Israeli dispute in the past two decades. But he will not get anything from this year’s clashes between terrorists and a legitimate state. There are no elections in sight.

And the Turks, despite their usual manifest anti-Israeli behavior, are in fact too busy with their everyday struggles to bring bread to their homes and milk to their babies. Some grocery stores in big cities like Istanbul have recently started to sell “stale bread” for the first time. A stale loaf sells at five US cents cheaper than standard bread and has thousands of customers.

Each time the Arab-Israel dispute turns violent on Israeli soil, Turks immediately return to their post-truth mode. One newspaper headline proudly says that Palestinian fighters shot 137 rockets into Israel within five minutes. The next headline says Israel is a state of terror because it reciprocated to attacks against its citizens.

“This is how al-Qassam Brigade hit a lifeline oil plant in Ashkelon-Eilat,” one headline said. “Hamas hits, Zionists are burning,” was another. “Rockets shock Zionists.” “Tel Aviv turns into hell: Get worse, bastards!” “Zionists are fleeing Hamas rockets.” And, according to Hamas’ leader Ismail Haniyeh, Gaza militants “have defended Jerusalem.” There are more.

“To the Islamic world, we say: It’s time to stop Israel’s heinous and cruel attacks!” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s spokesman, Fahrettin Altun, wrote on Twitter. On May 9, thousands of angry Turks demonstrated in support of Palestinians outside both Israel’s Embassy in Ankara and consulate in Istanbul. The Turkish police did not intervene despite a ban in place on large public gatherings because of the coronavirus pandemic. The crowds chanted: “Turkish soldiers to Gaza!”