One of the men captured confessed that he was “promised a monthly 2000 dollar payment for fighting against ‘kafirs’ in Artsakh, and an extra 100 dollar for each beheaded “kafir.” (Kafir, often translated as “infidel,” is Arabic for non-Muslims who fail to submit to Islamic authority, which makes them enemies by default.) — Armen Press, November 1, 2020, Armenia/Azerbaijan/Turkey.
“It is not possible to get justice in this part of Somalia where almost everyone is a Muslim. We are being hunted down like wild animals because of putting our faith in Issa [Jesus].” — The father of a 7-year-old boy who was beaten and hospitalized, Morning Star News, October 30, 2020, Somalia.
“A sexual act with a minor is felony even if she is willing. The court has validated a rape despite the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act 2014 that punishes contractors of child marriage with up to three years’ imprisonment…. What is the future of minority girls in Pakistan?” — Samson Salamat, the Christian chairman of an interreligious organization, Union of Catholic Asian News, October 28, 2020, Pakistan.
“As an Egyptian, I have rights—including the right to see my daughter and sit with her and make sure she is okay. If she wishes to follow another path [Islam], that is her right, but my right is to see her…. She is not some “chicken” I can forget about… As for the video, I am a father and know well how my daughter talks, and she [appeared] terrified… Is it that hard for the Egyptian police to return the girl?” — Coptic Solidarity, October 6, 2020, Egypt.
The following are among the abuses that Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of October 2020:
Slaughtered Christians and Terrorized Churches
France: On October 29, a Muslim man who wielded a knife entered the Notre Dame Cathedral of Nice and, while shouting “Allahu Akbar” [“Allah is greatest”], beheaded a Christian woman and stabbed two others to death. According to one report:
“Married Nadine Devillers, 60, was the first person attacked by Tunisian knifeman Brahim Aoussaoui, 21, who slit her throat near the baptismal font. After he tried to decapitate Devillers [other reports state the beheading was complete], Aoussaoui hacked 54-year-old sacristan Vincent Loques to death as he prepared for the first Mass of the day. Brazilian-born Simone Barreto Silva, 44, was then stabbed multiple times but managed to escape the church, running to a nearby burger bar where she succumbed to her injuries. The mother-of-three’s last words to paramedics were: ‘Tell my children that I love them’. On arrival, French police shot Aoussaoui 14 times as he screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ … a phrase he kept shouting even after being sedated and put into an ambulance.”