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Appeasing China By Rick Fuentes


While we bemoan the events of the past year, the 90-million strong Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can rightfully celebrate a good half-century.  Since the Cold War, it has been a foreign policy goal of Mao Zedong and his successors to get America to lower its defenses and do the dirty work of empowering the People’s Republic.  All we got in exchange were diplomatic smiles, successive presidential courtships, and the promise of liberalism from a country that refuses to savor a drop of it. 

At age 67, China’s president and general secretary Xi Jinping is a dyed-in-the-wool communist despot who hides his connivances behind an immotile and disarming smile. Today, from aircraft carriers and ICBMs to shirts and face masks, China has stripped our government, private sector, and research institutions of its most precious intellectual property.  Much of it was simply there for the taking, surrendered in the hope of distributing and weakening Soviet military power across two fronts, or to advance an American government or corporate overseas interest.  Some of it has been expropriated slow and methodically from inside America through classic spycraft, sexspionage, and other extortionate plots for recruitment.  United States senators Eric Swalwell and Diane Feinstein, Hunter Biden, and perhaps the Biden family en masse, offer both unwitting and witting examples, respectively, of their triumphs.

The Democrat establishment and its media hacks have turned a blind’s eye to the wholesale infiltration of the CCP into our social order.  Wall Street has been long complicit in these Machiavellian intrigues, always willing to bootlick a regime that holds business opportunities and investments hostage to continued displays of friendship and the occasional ask for a White House intervention.  Years of fingerpointing at the Russians and chasing ghostly Bolshevik plots has diverted our attention and allowed China to slither in the back door and pillage our economy and security on an industrial scale.

UK: We Need to Keep Schools Open The COVID-related tragedies that no one wants to talk about. Katie Hopkins


As I sit here in my kitchen three days before the official start of the new school year, not a single member of my family knows what they are supposed to be doing next week.

Of course my husband and I know the things we have to get done — shifts for work already on the fridge, calls all scheduled in the calendar, and the other stuff of life stacked up like the ironing pile, reminding me there is no good reason to be sitting on my sofa.

But my children have no sense of what their lives are supposed to look like next week, or when they should show up for school, or whether their schools will be shuttered altogether.

If we turn on the news, the top story is the Teachers Unions angrily bellowing at the Education Secretary Gavin Williamson to shut everything down completely. He just caved to their demands in London and closed the few remaining primary schools he had tried to keep open.

Dr. Mary Bousted, joint head of the National Education Union (which has more than 450,000 members), called for all primary and secondary schools to be closed. She said, “What is right for London is right for the rest of the country.”

All very well Mary, but shouldn’t it be about what is right for our kids?

It’s the pro-lockdown lobby that is spreading fake news Covid alarmism is giving rise to myths and misinformation. Brendan O’ Neill


The Kafkaesque quality of the lockdown was on full display at the weekend. We had the extraordinary sight of lockdown supporters accusing critics of the lockdown of spreading disinformation while they themselves were signal-boosting claims that were either categorically untrue or questionable in the extreme. This is the stage of lockdown authoritarianism we have now reached: anyone who questions the lockdown will be branded a liar and a hoodwinker who should be expelled from public life, while the cheerers of lockdown, those self-styled saviours of lives, can say whatever they want with very few repercussions.

The irony would have been delicious if it were not so serious and disturbing. Just as the lockdown fanatics were gunning for Karol Sikora, accusing the ‘positive professor’ of spreading disinformation, it became clear that they themselves have a somewhat difficult relationship with the truth. From both millennial leftists and tragic centrists, Sikora, a celebrated oncologist, has been getting it in the neck for quite a while, on the basis that he has committed the thoughtcrime of criticising harsh lockdowns and failing to predict there would be a second wave of the virus. Yet his accusers have some serious self-reflection to do, because their orgy of Sikora-bashing over the weekend coincided with an explosion of fibs from their own side.

First there was their vaccine disinformation (or, unlike them, let’s be generous: misinformation). Britain’s lockdown fanclub went wild over a New York Times piece which claimed that the UK is adopting a ‘mix and match’ approach to vaccination. This essentially means that this insane country some of us have the misfortune to live in will allow one vaccine to be given in a person’s first shot and an entirely different vaccine to be given for the second shot a few weeks later. The nutters! As the NYT’s haughty, startled headline put it: ‘Britain opts for mix-and-match vaccinations, confounding experts.’

Arabs: An Extremely Important Voice for Peace by Khaled Abu Toameh


When someone with George Kurdahi’s weight and stature openly states that it is up to the Arab countries to decide whether they want to make peace with Israel, this sends a message to millions of Arabs that the idea of establishing relations with Israel may not be a bad one after all.

This, needless to say, is a refreshing change, especially because it is coming from a country such as Lebanon, which is effectively ruled by Hezbollah and the mullahs in Iran.

“If the weapons [of Hezbollah] undermine the State of Lebanon and are an obstacle to the return of many Arabs to Lebanon, then there needs to be re-examination of the situation. Hezbollah must reconsider its positions so that we can ensure a prosperous future for Lebanon.” — George Kurdahi, one of the Arab world’s most influential TV presenters, YouTube, December 26, 2020, Lebanon.

Kurdahi may have “shocked” his audience by speaking out in favor of peace with Israel and by criticizing the Palestinians and Hezbollah. His words, however, hardly surprised those who read and listen to what many Arabs in the Gulf have been saying about the Palestinians and Hezbollah, as well as peace with Israel.

These Arabs also have a clear and powerful opinion of Hezbollah: a manipulative and murderous terrorist group that serves as proxy for the mullahs in Iran and poses a real threat not only to Israel, but to Lebanon and other Arab countries as well.

George Kurdahi is one of the Arab world’s most influential TV presenters. On December 26, 2020, he surprised many of his fans by stating that Arab countries are entitled to normalize their relations with Israel.

The Lebanese-born Kurdahi, ex-host of the Arabic version of the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” also angered many Arabs and Muslims by criticizing the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization and the Palestinians. Until recently, Kurdahi was considered a supporter of Hezbollah and an opponent of relations with Israel.

Peace Agreements between Israel and Morocco: The Wisdom of a King by Pierre Rehov


“30 years is long enough to place ballot boxes.” — Sami Gailani, blaming the UN for the conflict in the Western Sahara that had been frozen for 30 years; Euronews; November 17, 2020.

“There is no Sahrawi people as there is a French, American or Moroccan people,” stated the political scientist Alexandre Greenberg. “The only institution that claims to represent the Sahrawi people is the Polisario Front, a Marxist guerrilla group armed by Algeria.”

Through these agreements, stemming from the Trump doctrine, which redraw the map of an Arab world more united in the face of Iranian threats and Turkish ambitions, a modern myth is shattering — that of “international law” represented by the false omnipotence of the United Nations.

The agreement forged by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the United States is a feat of great statesmanship — a firm diplomatic triumph for peace in the Middle East.

In December 2020, Morocco became the fourth Arab-Muslim country — after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan — to announce the normalization of relations with Israel, including direct flights from Tel Aviv to Rabat.

The relationship between the two countries has long been rooted the large number of Jews who had lived in Morocco before and after the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Moroccans who immigrated to Israel in the two decades following its establishment became one of the most important components of the new state’s population. Today, they and their descendants comprise nearly one million people, whom Morocco’s King Mohammad VI can consider distant supportive sympathizers.

Unlike Algeria and Tunisia, whose successive governments have never considered opening negotiations leading to the recognition of Israel, Morocco, under the aegis of its sovereigns, is the only Arab country whose constitution formally recognizes Judaism as a referent of identity, alongside Muslims and Christians.

Did Iran’s President Just Said Trump’s Life ‘Will End’ in ‘a Few Days’ By Tyler O’Neil


U.S. troops suspect that Iran may attempt to take revenge on President Donald Trump for the death of Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani on the anniversary of the airstrike that killed Soleimani. This week, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani sent a cryptic warning to Trump, gloating about Trump’s loss in the 2020 election and warning that the American president’s life “will end” in “a few days.”

In a speech during a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Rouhani warned, “As I said after the martyrdom of Martyr Soleimani, I emphasise again that if you cut off Martyr Soleimani’s hand, we will cut off your leg from the region and we will continue the resistance until that day.”

“One of the effects of this stupid and disgraceful act was that Trumpism ended and in a few days, the life of this criminal will end and he will go to the dustbin of history, and we are very happy about this and we believe that the period after Trump will be a better condition for regional and global stability,” the Iranian president added, according to an Iranian government official English translation of the remarks.

While it is possible Rouhani meant that Trump’s political life will end, the official Iranian translation suggests the president was referring to Trump’s physical life.

Rouhani’s remarks came just as Iranian officials had pre-emptively blamed Trump for a confrontation that had yet to occur. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused President Donald Trump of attempting to fabricate a pretext to attack Iran before incoming President Joe Biden replaces him. Such an accusation seems rather suspicious.

“Instead of fighting Covid in US, [Trump] & cohorts waste billions to fly B52s & send armadas to OUR region. Intelligence from Iraq indicate plot to FABRICATE pretext for war,” Zarif claimed on Twitter Thursday.

China: Paying US Media to Publish Propaganda ‘Borrowing a Boat to Go Out on the Ocean’ by Judith Bergman


In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times.

China Daily’s ads — in a strategy known as “borrowing a boat to go out on the ocean” — come in the form of advertising supplements, inserts called China Watch… camouflaged to look like the other news content of the media outlets in which they appear.

The practice does not seem to have caused any sort of actual uproar in those media circles that engage in it… This reticence is odd… but because so many journalists and editors consider themselves as standing up against racism, ethnic and religious discrimination, and human rights abuses. Taking money from the Chinese Communist regime in exchange for spreading its propaganda would seem to indicate that this stance is simply empty posturing.

The Chinese government-controlled English language newspaper, China Daily, in 2020 paid a variety of US media outlets nearly $2 million for publishing propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to a disclosure that China Daily filed in late November with the US Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to Daily Caller.

China Daily has reportedly been registered as a foreign agent under FARA since 1983, which means it is required to report its activities and financial transactions to the Justice Department.

In June, China Daily filed a disclosure with the Justice Department showing that, since November 2016, it had paid $19 million to U.S. media outlets, including $12 million to newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times. Other newspapers included the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Seattle Times, Houston Chronicle and Foreign Policy.

China Daily’s ads come in the form of advertising supplements, inserts called “China Watch,” in a strategy known as “borrowing a boat to go out on the ocean.” According to Sarah Cook, Senior Research Analyst for East Asia, Freedom House, in 2017 testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:

“This phrase refers to disseminating Chinese state-media content via the pages, frequencies, or screen-time of privately owned media outlets that have developed their own local audiences… In recent years, its robust expansion to English-language media has garnered much attention and public debate. One of the most prominent examples has been the emergence of China Watch — a paid insert sponsored by the state-run China Daily — that has appeared both in print and online in prominent U.S. papers like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.”

This form of advertising is sometimes also known as advertorials, or native advertising: the stories are camouflaged to look like the other news content of the media outlets in which they appear.

Ruthie Blum: Tehran’s hope for a happy nuclear new year – opinion Diplomacy addicts always believe their lying eyes when a given reality is unpleasant – or when it’s touted by nemeses at home and those overseas in Israel.


The revelation by the FBI last week that Iranian cyberwarriors are behind the death threats against American officials circulating online since the US presidential election on November 3 should not have come as a surprise. One aim of the regime in Tehran and its PR soldiers is to sow internecine discord among its enemies.

To those wearing rose-colored glasses about the dawn of utopia in the United States – thanks to the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and his sidekick, Kamala Harris – the fact that one of the multiple websites set up by social-media-savvy forces in the Islamic Republic targeted such figures as Christopher Krebs makes no sense.

On November 17, US President Donald Trump fired Krebs from his post as head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency for refuting claims of massive electoral fraud on the part of the Biden campaign. It would stand to reason, then, that Iran would have no bones to pick with him.

On the contrary, the mullahs and their puppets in Tehran have made their deep hatred for Trump clear for the past four years, well before he withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – the favorable nuclear deal that it reached in 2015 with world powers, led by the administration of former president Barack Obama.

Germany’s “Shameful” Two Years on the UN Security Council by Soeren Kern


A closer examination of Germany’s voting patterns at the UN over the past several years, however, reveals a troubling double standard on a range of issues, especially on human rights, which the German government claims to be “a cornerstone” of its foreign policy.

The record shows that during its stint on the UN Security Council, Germany voted for dozens of resolutions — many of which smack of anti-Semitism — that singled out Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

Moreover, Germany turned a blind eye as multiple serial human rights abusers, including China, Libya, Mauritania, Sudan and Venezuela, among others, were elected to the UN Human Rights Council, the UN’s highest human rights body.

In 2020, Germany voted 13 times to condemn Israel, but failed to introduce a single resolution on the human rights situation in Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Venezuela — or on 175 other countries, according to UN Watch, a Geneva-based, independent non-governmental watchdog group.

“While nearly all EU countries backed 13 out of 17 UNGA resolutions singling out Israel this year, they failed to introduce even one resolution for women’s right [sic] activists jailed and tortured in Saudi Arabia, dissident artists arrested in Cuba, journalists thrown behind bars in Turkey, religious minorities attacked in Pakistan, and opposition members persecuted in Venezuela, where more than five million people have fled government repression, hunger and economic collapse.” — UN Watch, December 16, 2020.

Germany pursued a similar policy of approving anti-Israel resolutions at the UN in 2018, 2017, and 2016, when Germany voted for an especially disgraceful UN resolution, co-sponsored by the Arab group of states and the Palestinian delegation, that singled out Israel as the world’s only violator of “mental, physical and environmental health.”

Turkey: Turks Celebrate Nazi Sympathizer by Uzay Bulut


Sadly, Hüseyin Nihal Atsız still has many fans in Turkey.

“As the mud will not be iron even if it is put into an oven, the Jew cannot be Turkish no matter how hard he tries. Turkishness is a privilege, it is not granted to everyone, especially to those like Jews… If we get angry, we will not only exterminate Jews like the Germans did, we will go further….” — Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, in his National Revolution (Milli Inkılap) journal, 1934.

Today, behind many of Turkey’s continued aggressive policies such as its anti-Armenian, anti-Greek, anti-Cypriot, anti-Jewish, anti-Kurdish, anti-Western, and anti-Israeli activities lie the racist views of Atsız and the like. Millions of Turks have for decades been poisoned with Atsız’s Nazi-like views.

On December 16, the Istanbul metropolitan municipality, led by Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), named a park in Istanbul after Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, a racist anti-Semite and one of Turkey’s most prominent Nazi sympathizers. The request was made by members of another Turkish opposition party, “The Good Party” (Iyi). Atsız (1905-1975) was known for “measuring skulls” to determine people’s “amount of Turkishness.”

In March, a member of the Good Party presented a motion to the Istanbul municipal assembly, calling for a park in Istanbul’s Maltepe district to be named after Atsız. The motion stated that Atsız spent most of his life in the Köyiçi region of Maltepe, and the subject was put on the assembly’s agenda in November. After the motion was passed by the assembly, the park in the Yalı Neighborhood officially received Atsız’s name.