Imagine the outcry if a non-Muslim leader said Muslims were not welcome at the site of an ancient Muslim holy place. But no one will take any particular notice of this. On Wednesday, theJerusalem Post reported that “the Palestinian Authority Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, on Tuesday warned of attempts by Jewish groups to establish a presence on the Temple Mount.” Hussein said: “We affirm, time and again, that the blessed al-Aqsa Mosque, with its entire area of 144 dunams [144,000 sq.m.], is Islamic and only for Muslims. There is no place for non-Muslims in any way in this mosque, whether through schools, churches or other places of worship.”
And the world remained silent, fearing charges of “Islamophobia.”
This is not the first time that a “Palestinian” official has said something like this. In fact, many have declared that no Jews will be welcome in a Palestinian state at all, not on the Temple Mount and not anywhere else. In November 2007, Dr. Sari Nusseibeh, the Dean of Al-Quds University, appeared on Al Jazeera and said: “The Israelis now living in the territories of the future Palestinian state should return to living within the borders of the state of Israel. No Jew in the world, now or in the future, as a result of this document, will have the right to return, to live, or to demand to live in Hebron, in East Jerusalem, or anywhere in the Palestinian state.”
Then in the spring of 2013, Sheik Hammam Saeed, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, appeared on Al-Aqsa TV and said : “We must not forget the enemy, which planted the Jews in our land. It is time we demanded that these enemies and especially Britain, be held accountable. It is time that we held these true criminals accountable.” The idea that the British must be held accountable for having “planted the Jews” in Arab land is false in several ways, but the fact that Saeed said it indicated that he considered the Jews, despite the fact that they have had an unbroken presence in that land for over 2,000 years, are a foreign presence that must be removed.