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Slaughter in Bangladesh and the International Cover-Up by Vijay Patel


Muhammad Yunus is one of the major donors of Clinton Foundation, and according to a cable leaked by Wikileaks, back in 2007, Hillary Clinton made frantic bids and exerted pressure on Bangladesh Army to make her friend Yunus head of the then military-backed interim government.

[S]ince August 5, 2024, massive attacks on Hindus, including their homes, businesses and temples began, while local media were barred from covering these incidents, as the Yunus regime has been arresting critics and journalists and bringing murder cases against them.

As Yunus is enjoying full support of the Biden administration as well as Democratic Party leaders such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, none of the rights groups, including Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch has issued any statement pertaining attacks (including murder and rapes) on Hindus in the country.

On August 5, 2024, Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina was forced to flee the country and take refuge in India following a month-long anti-government movement led by Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), ultra-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Hizb Ut Tahrir and other Islamist organizations in the country. It was earlier perceived by many that the Biden administration had been trying to topple Sheikh Hasina from power and install Muhammad Yunus as head of the government.

Muhammad Yunus is one of the major donors of Clinton Foundation, and according to a cable leaked by Wikileaks, back in 2007, Hillary Clinton made frantic bids and exerted pressure on Bangladesh Army to make her friend Yunus head of the then military-backed interim government.

Scathing Truths at the UN Javier Milei


“From this day on, know that the Argentine Republic will abandon the position of historical neutrality that characterised us and will be at the forefront of the struggle to defend freedom. As Thomas Paine said, “Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.”

To the authorities of the United Nations, to the representatives of the various countries that make up the United Nations and to all the citizens of the world who are watching us, good afternoon. For those who do not know, I am not a politician, I am an economist, a libertarian liberal economist who has never had the ambition to be a politician and who was honored with the position of President of the Argentine Republic after the resounding failure of more than a century of collectivist policies — policies that destroyed our country.

This is my first speech before the UN General Assembly and I would like to take this opportunity, with humility, to alert the various nations of the world to the path they have been treading for decades and the danger of this very organisation’s failure to fulfill its original mission.

I do not come here to tell the world what to do. I come to tell the world, on the one hand, what will happen if the United Nations continues to promote collectivist policies, which they have been doing under the mandate of the 2030 Agenda, and, on the other hand, to lay out the values the new Argentina defends.

Zelensky’s Inexplicable and Inexcusable Partisanship By Michael Brendan Dougherty


Volodymyr Zelensky’s decision to campaign with Kamala Harris and to specifically attack the Republican vice-presidential nominee — preemptively blaming J. D. Vance for a global war — is unwise for many reasons. By appearing at what was in effect a campaign event for Democrats, the Ukrainian president himself is now deliberately and knowingly contributing to the political polarization of this issue in a way that can only work to his country’s detriment. 

There are two possible explanations for this bizarre stunt: One, Zelensky has concluded that Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán is correct in saying that a Trump victory means that U.S. aid to Ukraine will immediately be zeroed to nothing. Or two, the Harris campaign is using its own leverage over Zelensky to make him a campaign surrogate, hoping to complete its pitch to Nikki Haley–style Republican voters who overwhelmingly support Ukraine, even if this stunt does more damage to Ukraine’s cause among Republicans generally.

To the first point, there is little evidence Donald Trump will simply cut off U.S. support for Ukraine. Trump has been cagey about his views on supporting Ukraine, but there are some clues about his wanting to keep his options open. First, he backed Republican Mike Johnson in the House as Johnson signed onto a Ukraine aid package. Second, Vance, as his running mate, has stuck to the script set by Trump. Even though Vance went out of his way to debate and cajole his own party on this issue when he was in the Senate, he did not mention Ukraine once in his own convention speech, and on the stump he repeats Trump’s views, not his own. Trump has said only that the war wouldn’t have happened if he were in office, and that it will end shortly after he is elected. He has also implied that he could, if he wanted to, make worse problems for Vladimir Putin.

To the second point, the deployment of Zelensky on the American political front amounts to a tacit admission that perhaps Ukraine isn’t vital to America’s interests. If it were, Democrats would not make it an acceptable sacrifice in a presidential campaign.

‘He Targeted My Child for Sexual Exploitation’: The Persecution of Christians, August 2024 by Raymond Ibrahim


Muslim militants slit the throats of about 26 people inside a church: “All non-Muslim men over the age of 12 were separated out before being killed.” — acnuk.org, August 30, 2024, Burkina Faso.

“So let everyone know that the role of Christians in Lebanon has ended! You have become a minority in this country, and yet you still hold high positions… Nobody would accept this issue. The coming generations will… not accept that the president must be Christian; he must be a Sunni Muslim or Shi’ite.” — Reda Saad, pro-Hezbollah commentator, x.com, August 18, 2024.

“We informed the police about the accused, but they still did not take any action, giving sufficient time to Asad to convert the minor child and contract an Islamic marriage with her…. Fairy is just 12 years old. She had no access to a cell phone and rarely went out of the home by herself….” — Parveen Shaukat, mother of Fairy Shaukat,12, abducted, converted and married by Muhammad Assad; morningstarnews.org, August 28, 2024, Pakistan.

“The accused not only kidnapped the child, he converted her and contracted an Islamic marriage to save himself from prosecution [a common practice by kidnappers to sexually exploit underage non-Muslim girls].” — Sumera Shafique, Christian attorney; morningstarnews.org, August 28, 2024, Pakistan.

“Women who disappear and are never recovered must live an unimaginable nightmare. The large majority of these women are never reunited with their families or friends because police response in Egypt is dismissive and corrupt.” — Coptic Solidary report, “‘Jihad of the Womb’: Trafficking of Coptic Women & Girls in Egypt”, copticsolidarity.org, September 10, 2020, Egypt.

On August 5, a Muslim migrant from North Africa was arrested for robbing a church in Turin. There were many other acts of arson, desecration (including of a Christian cemetery), statue breaking, and thefts targeting churches in Italy throughout the month of August — torinotoday.it, August 6, 2024, Italy.

On Sunday, Aug. 18, a mob consisting of local officials forcibly dragged a Christian pastor from his church and sealed off its site on the dubious claim that the place had originally belonged to the government…. “What was disappointing was those people who closed my church were my friends….” — morningstarnews.org, September 3, 2024, Indonesia.

On Aug. 30, a massive fire “broke out” in the Coptic Christian Diocese of Beni Suef in Egypt, consuming all of the five-story Christian building’s contents…. [T]his is only the latest of many churches in Egypt to be torched and immediately attributed to “faulty wires” and other natural causes. In one month alone, August 2022, a full 11 churches reportedly “caught fire.”… Also “interesting” is that “accidental” fires in mosques—which outnumber churches in Egypt by a ratio of 40 to 1—are completely unheard of.” — copticslodarity.org, September 2, 2024, Egypt.

Hating and Hounding Jews on Campus Tony Thomas AUSTRALIA


‘I made a workplace complaint to the police about students [who performed Nazi salutes], and then suddenly, my contract wasn’t renewed.’ — Jewish academic in Senate committee submission

At the weekend I began reading the submissions to the Senate committee on a Bill for a judicial inquiry into anti-Semitism at universities. I had no idea how intense the Jew-hatred is, how it’s tolerated, and even fostered by administrators.

My mother when a young Perth journalist, honeymooned to Holland and Germany in 1938. She wrote,

“At Aachen we had our first contact with Nazis, swastikas crawling like black spiders on the uniforms of the border guards. In Berlin we tried to read Dr Goebbel’s noticeboards with their hideous anti-Jewish cartoons. ‘Juden verboten’ signs on the public toilets were clear enough. English-speaking Germans would sometimes make a cautious approach, begging us to tell the outside world how their relatives had disappeared in concentration camps…”[1]

The same elements — swastikas, Nazi-style cartoons, “Jews unwanted!” signs — can be found at Australian universities today. In place of concentration camps and gas chambers, there are omnipresent chants of “from the river to sea” for exterminating Israel and its citizens.

Jewish students and staff are “disappearing” from our universities because of hostility and anti-Semitism in tutorials, classes and social life. Jewish Liberal MHR Julian Leeser says,

“Jewish tradition values education as one of the highest virtues. Jews are taught to have arguments for the sake of heaven – to arrive at truth through debate and discussion. This is the essence of a university. There is a particular tragedy about campus antisemitism which seeks to exclude Jews from the intellectual life of the nation. What happens on campus today sets the tone for the Australia of tomorrow…

It’s tempting to think of antisemitism as the domain of the uneducated. But history tells us that antisemitism also lives in the minds of society’s best educated. More than half of the people who attended the Wannsee Conference that developed the ‘final solution’ were either doctors or had PhDs.

From last August 5 to September 6, the federal government’s Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism,  Jillian Segal, organised interviews of 65 Jewish students and academics nationally. To protect subjects from reprisals, she was unable to publicise the most harrowing and confronting testimonies. What she does spell out is so traumatic I have to wonder what she had to omit. One para really hit home:

Several students and staff who were interviewed reported seeking medical assistance and being prescribed anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication to manage their response to the rise in antisemitism in their university environment. Approximately half of those interviewed were visibly teary during their interview…A culture that excludes one group, intimidates, traumatises and makes them feel unsafe is contrary to the mission of universities and contrary to the best interests of the nation.” 

The West’s Self-Assisted Suicide Michael Galak



Instead of the leaders with iron resolve we got terribly Democratic and profoundly weak Joe Biden, a succession of the UK PMs whose names nobody can remember, former GDR Young Communist League member Angela ‘Mutti’ Merkel, ex-Secretary-General of the Portuguese Socialist Party Antonio Guterres and the ever-elegant Emmanuel Macron, addicted to long chats with Vladimir Putin. In keeping with the trend, Australia has granted itself the honour of being governed by Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong.

It seems the proudest achievement of the human species, Western Civilization, is quietly expiring under the assault of resentful and determined enemies. Sensing weakness, they are gathering for the kill. In too many instances the West facilitates its own demise, aiding and abetting those who would destroy it.

Those who are as old as I might remember big buttons proclaiming “Nuclear? No thanks”. Ubiquitous, they were a visible aspect of the unilateral disarmament campaign orchestrated by Moscow and conducted by the front organisations such as People for Nuclear Disarmament, the World Council of Churches and the like. Motivating this campaign was the Soviet fear that the Western nuclear deterrent might succeed in defeating Moscow’s conventional arms assault on Western Europe should push ever come to shove.

Now, the “protest” movement is more sophisticated – it fights for the clean environment, nothing political, you see. The neo-Marxist movement has weaponized ecology and, under the guise of saving the planet, undermines the West. They do it by posturing as “green” movements, fighting to stop fossil fuels production in the West. The result has been spectacular. We are forced to buy the necessary fuel from OPEC and Russia, countries have no homegrown protest movements which can pump oil to their hearts’ and treasuries’ content. According to the July issue of the Foreign Policy, before its assault on Ukraine, Russia was getting around $US1 billion US dollars every day in oil revenues. After the Western sanctions that figure declined to $720 million dollars per day — a decrease certainly, but still more than enough to wage war on Ukraine, finance anti-Western activities while keeping things on the homefront relatively content.

The death pains of the European Union Even arch-Eurocrats are admitting that Brussels is leading Europe to ruin. Fraser Myers


The largely unspoken trade-off involved in membership of the European Union is that democracy and national sovereignty are sacrificed in return for economic prosperity. Member states give up much of their control over critical policy areas to an unelected, technocratic elite who are entrusted with delivering higher living standards and productivity. But Brussels is not keeping its part of the bargain – and hasn’t for some time.

Worse, the EU economy is about to endure decades of ‘slow agony’. This is the grim prognosis not of a Eurosceptic or populist, but of one of Europe’s most senior technocrats, Mario Draghi, the former head of the European Central Bank and ex-prime minister of Italy. Last week, Draghi unveiled a 400-page doorstopper report, commissioned by the EU, on the ‘future of European competitiveness’. Without radical economic reform, he warns, EU member states will suffer from stagnant living standards, technological backwardness and geopolitical impotence.

As Draghi’s report makes clear, the EU has been in deep economic trouble for some time now. At the turn of the century, the EU and US were on a relatively equal footing. But, on a per-capita basis, real disposable income in the EU has grown at only half the rate of the US since 2000. The US now massively outperforms the EU in advanced technology. Only four in the world’s top-50 tech firms are European. Almost a million manufacturing jobs were lost in the EU in the last four years alone. For too long, Draghi argues, policymakers have viewed the growing gap between the EU and US as merely an ‘inconvenience’, rather than the ‘calamity’ it really is.

In truth, Draghi’s bleak assessment actually underestimates the scale of the EU’s economic malaise. Looking at averages across the 27-member bloc obscures the depths of the crisis. Astonishingly, the economies of Italy, Spain and Greece, having been battered by the Euro crisis and EU-mandated austerity, are actually smaller than they were in the late 2000s. Germany, traditionally the EU’s economic powerhouse, is rapidly deindustrialising. In France, the EU’s second-largest economy, debt is spiralling to the kind of levels seen in Italy just before the Euro crisis. The cost of all this foregone growth is a diminished quality of life, stretched public services and decaying infrastructure.

UN Official Denounces Use of ‘Human Shields’ A sound message to the establishment media. by Hugh Fitzgerald


Seldom does a UN official denounce Hamas for the way it fights its war, so that when it happens, it ought to be carefully noted in the media. But that isn’t what happens. Instead, the mainstream media either downplay, or leave out altogether, any denunciation of Hamas by UN officials. On September 10, the UN’s Tor Wennesland, the UN’s Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, delivered a statement, critical of Israel for the IDF’s bombing of a Hamas command and control center that was embedded in a humanitarian zone in Khan Younis. Amazingly, however, Wennesland also stated that Hamas must stop using human shields. It was a rare case of an attempt at “balance” by a UN official. More on his statement can be found here: “A UN official said Hamas must stop using human shields. International media ignores it.” Elder of Ziyon, September 11, 2024:

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, issued a statement condemning the IDF  airstrike in Khan Younis yesterday condemning Israel for hitting a civilian area. But his statement was unusually balanced for a UN official:

While the IDF said it struck Hamas militants who were operating in a command-and-control center embedded inside the Humanitarian zone, I underline that international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack, must be upheld at all times. I also emphasize that civilians must never be used as human shields.

Yet again, such actions only underscore that nowhere is safe in Gaza.

Wennesland appears to have added the statement about human shields to appear even handed. His tweet on the statement didn’t mention that part of it.

But Wennesland emphasized that using human shielding is unacceptable and said that was one of the reasons that “nowhere is safe in Gaza.”

And almost no one reported on this part of his statement.

To The EU: Time To Stand Against Iran’s Regime, Terror Groups, Nukes by Majid Rafizadeh


Moreover, maintaining… economic ties grants legitimacy to the regime, signaling that the European Union is willing to overlook Iran’s role in supporting aggression against Ukraine.

To stanch this, the EU urgently needs to stop its economic dealings with Iran.

Along with cutting economic ties, the EU would also do well to list the IRGC as a terrorist organization and close all Iranian embassies in Europe. The IRGC is the primary force behind Iran’s military support for Russia. Isolating it would be a crucial step in weakening Tehran’s capacity to destabilize the entire Middle East.

It [the EU] really has become a principal enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The longer the EU allows the Islamist regime of Iran to operate with no repercussions, the more it strengthens both Iran’s and Russia’s war machines. For the wellbeing of the EU, the Middle East and the Free World, the EU severing its ties with Iran cannot take place soon enough.

It is hardly a secret that without the Iranian regime’s financial, military, and operational backing, its affiliated terror groups — such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Houthis as well as its own militias, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) — would not have been able to launch the kind of large-scale attacks against Israel that have upended the broader region. Iran’s support not only provides these groups with financial resources but also with crucial intelligence and military training. Without this support, the military capacity of these groups would be significantly diminished, and the extent of the chaos in the region far less severe.

Iran’s reach extends, of course, far beyond its proxies and militias. Some national governments, notably Russia, have relied on Iran’s support to sustain their military campaigns. Iran’s backing of Russia’s war against Ukraine, for example, only prolonged and intensified it.

Why Egypt Prefers Palestinian Terrorists On Its Border by Bassam Tawil


“Before el-Sissi, but also during his tenure, cars, motorcycles, clothes, drugs, medicines, alcoholic beverages, and weapons were smuggled through the Philadelphi Corridor over the years, lots of weapons: improved RPG-29 rockets that killed our soldiers in the Iron Swords War, hidden rocket parts, machine guns, mines, and more.” — Nadav Shragai, Israeli author and journalist, Israel Hayom, July 10, 2024.

“[E]ven those who trust President el-Sissi now cannot guarantee that a new [former Egyptian President] Mohammed Morsi from the Muslim Brotherhood won’t rise to power in the future, as we saw happen in 2012 presidential elections in Egypt. Israel must, therefore, remain in Philadelphi [gateway between Egypt and Gaza]…. Foreign monitoring forces have failed in Lebanon over the years, and they also failed at the Rafah crossing from which European Union monitors fled in 2007.” — Nadav Shragai, Israel Hayom, July 10, 2024.

“Even today the city of Rafah [near the border with Egypt] is full of smugglers who bribe the Egyptian police and run a business sector with a turnover in the billions. The smuggling still continues during wartime, as war materiel and other goods flow from Sinai into Gaza every day. And there is fear that such smuggling is, or will be, accompanied by smuggling in the other direction. Senior Hamas figures are likely to try to escape into Egyptian territory, with hostages, and from there to Iran.” — Brig. Gen. (Res.) Amir Avivi, March 4, 2024.

“Palestinians desperate to leave Gaza are paying bribes to brokers of up to $10,000 (£7,850) to help them exit the territory through Egypt… Very few Palestinians have been able to leave Gaza through the Rafah border crossing, but those trying to get their names on the list of people permitted to exit daily say they are being asked to pay large ‘coordination fees’ by a network of brokers and couriers with alleged links to the Egyptian intelligence services…. a network of brokers, based in Cairo, helping Palestinians leave Gaza has operated around the Rafah border for years…. The Guardian has spoken to a number of people who have been told they would have to pay between $5,000 and $10,000 each to leave the strip, with some launching crowdfunding campaigns to raise the money. Others were told they could leave sooner if they paid more.” — The Guardian, January 8, 2024.

“A company owned by an influential Egyptian businessman and ally of President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi is making around $2m a day from Palestinians fleeing Israel’s war on Gaza… Hala Consulting and Tourism Services, a firm owned by Sinai tribal leader and business tycoon Ibrahim al-Organi, has been charging Palestinians crossing from Gaza’s Rafah to Egypt at least $5,000 per adult and $2,500 for children under 16. It has a monopoly on providing transfer services at the Rafah crossing….” — Middle East Eye, May 1, 2024.

Anyone who believes that the Egyptians would act differently if and when Israel withdraws from the border area must be living on another planet. If the IDF leaves, Hamas will swiftly return to the border, and the Egyptians will continue looking the other way.