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Netanyahu at UN Parley Sounds Wake Up Call On Lebanon Benny Avni


Never let a United Nations milestone, if at a point of failure, go to waste. That may well have been the motto of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu in addressing today the United Nations General Assembly via video from Jerusalem.

Ignoring well-worn analyses of the coronavirus crisis, Bibi instead went to his usual playbook — Iran. This time his target was the Islamic Republic’s Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.

New Yorkers may have missed the U.N.’s annual gabfest — traffic in Manhattan moved freely — but last week the world body conducted the General Assembly’s annual debate. It’s been long envisioned as a special event this year, the organization’s 75th anniversary. The carefully planned pomp, however, was upstaged by the pandemic that forced heads of state to avoid traveling to New York — and, literally, phone it in instead.

Canned videotaped speeches were full of well-worn Covid warnings. Secretary General Guterres issued his by now familiar call on all to lay down arms and unite instead in the fight

against Corona, climate change, and other global maladies. Armenia and Azerbaijan must have missed the plea, as they launched a new war at the heart of Europe.

The road to hell? Really? Liberty is important, but surely so is protecting life and health Melanie Phillips


The number of MPs who are in potential revolt over the government’s Covid restrictions is apparently rising.

They protest that they aren’t being consulted and parliament is being sidelined over measures which threaten people’s liberties. 

The main focus of their ire is that these restrictions are being introduced through regulations made by ministers. This complaint is echoed by three briefings published by the Constitution Unit, the Bingham Centre and the Hansard Society.

Ministers are given powers under acts of parliament to make such regulations. They come into force immediately, with parliament able to approve them for up to 28 days.

Their instant application, which so concerns MPs, is precisely why ministers say they are needed: to combat the threat from the virus which develops and changes all the time and so needs the fastest possible interventions.

But the result has been a succession of stop/go/stop measures which are undoubtedly contradictory and confusing and have squandered public trust.

The MPs’ concern about their inability adequately to advise, warn or hold the government to account over mistakes it is making over the virus is understandable. Even Boris Johnson didn’t seem to know the answer, when he was asked today how his own rules on household mixing are supposed to apply in the north-east.  

The Message Of Iran’s Execution Of A Wrestling Champion Ali Safavi


Last Saturday, despite a global outcry, the Iranian regime brutally executed a 27-year-old wrestling champion. Navid Afkari was arrested during peaceful anti-regime protests back in 2018. Amnesty International called the execution a “travesty of justice.” And the International Olympic Committee (IOC) sad it was “shocked” by the announcement.

A high-profile campaign around the world had been sparked to force the regime to stop the execution. That included the World Players Association representing 85,000 athletes worldwide, along with other major sports groups and athletes in Iran and around the world. But in the end, Afkari, who proclaimed his innocence until the end, was executed so hastily that the regime even robbed him of a final family visit.

In tape recordings and letters from prison, Akfari had explained some of the torture he had endured: “They put a plastic bag over my head and almost suffocated me. Using batons and other hard objects, they beat hard on my hands, abdomen, and legs. … They tied me forcefully and poured alcohol down my nostrils.”

Both of his brothers have also been sentenced to decades in prison after being tortured. Their grieving mother, Bahieh Namjoo, said in a video posted on social media: “They tortured my sons to confess against Navid. This was a sham trial. My children could not defend themselves.”

The Iranian people are facing devastating circumstances and are on the verge of rising up. Decades of endemic state corruption and economic mismanagement by state officials have left millions of Iranians struggling to make ends meet. In 2018 and 2019, millions in close to 200 cities called for democratic regime change.

That is precisely why the regime sentenced Afkari to not one, but TWO, death sentences. The regime wanted to send a message of intimidation to the rest of the population in order to prevent further protests in a very tense environment. But the execution actually sent the complete opposite message. It revealed the regime’s incredible fragility.

China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan is ‘Morally Justified’ by Gordon G. Chang


Beijing is sending aircraft near Taiwan “almost every day” and directing them to approach in all four directions.

“Hu Xijin is not just urging China to commence a war to murder millions of Taiwanese, he wants China to be able to kill millions of Americans as well.” — Richard D. Fisher, Jr., military analyst and senior fellow at the Virginia-based International Assessment and Strategy Center, Taipei Times, September 21, 2020.

China’s ruler, therefore, needs something to distract restive Chinese people as well as unhappy senior leaders. We may think that Xi Jinping should be cautious, but from where he stands, he now has incentives to start a crisis, especially if he thinks President Trump, seeking re-election, will not respond.

China, violating previous understandings, has been sending large numbers of fighter aircraft and bombers into Taiwan’s airspace this month.

At the same time, China’s ruling Communist Party is issuing threats. The flights of military aircraft are not warnings, the Communist Party’s Global Times newspaper stated in an editorial on September 18. “They are rehearsals on taking over Taiwan. What is needed is a political reason that can turn them into real battle to smash Taiwan independence forces.”

Fortunately, bad weather is coming. The November-through-January period is not conducive to conducting invasions across the Taiwan Strait. Nonetheless, China is clearly gearing itself for war.

Beijing calls the island “sacred” Chinese territory, but Taiwan has never been part of communist China, the “People’s Republic.” In fact, Taiwan has never been formally recognized as part of any Chinese state. People on the island, in survey after survey, overwhelming consider themselves “Taiwanese,” not “Chinese.”

Beijing nevertheless insists it has sovereignty over Taiwan, which formally calls itself the Republic of China. The People’s Republic has been sending planes near Taiwan’s territory to make a point.

The Dangerous New Iran-Qatar-Turkey-Hamas Alliance by Khaled Abu Toameh


Abbas has already damaged the Palestinians’ relations with some Arab countries by condemning the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain for signing peace treaties with Israel…. Now it appears that the Palestinians are also headed toward ruining their relations with Egypt because of Abbas’s decision to make peace with Hamas and appease Iran, Turkey and Qatar.

“Qatar has provided Hamas with more than a billion dollars since 2012… Qatar did not provide these funds out of a humanitarian standpoint and to help the residents of the Gaza Strip. The Qataris did so to help Hamas and its leaders and to enable Qatar to establish a foothold in the region.” — Egyptian writer Hashem al-Fahkrani, Al-Youm7.com, September 21, 2020.

“Those who believe that Hamas’s first goal is to resist Israel are mistaken. Its first and only goal is to receive money. Hamas’s slogan is: Loyalty to anyone who pays the most.” — Hashem al-Fahkrani.

Yet, the Palestinian leadership and the international community appear distinctly indifferent the looming danger of this newest axis of evil. For them, the only fate worse than death is normalization between the Arabs and Israel. Abbas has once again pegged his hopes and those of his people on entities that would obstruct the Palestinians and destroy Israel.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s continued rapprochement with the Iran-backed Hamas is jeopardizing the Palestinians’ relations with Egypt. Egyptian media outlets have resumed their scathing attacks on the Palestinian leadership in general, and the Islamist movement that has been ruling the Gaza Strip since 2007 in particular.

The Egyptian attacks came on the eve of a meeting in Turkey between leaders of Abbas’s Fatah faction and Hamas. At the meeting, held under the auspices of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Hamas and Fatah leaders discussed ways of ending their dispute and holding long overdue Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections.

U.S. and China: Emerging Technologies and the Race to Control the Future by Lawrence A. Franklin


Chairman Xi seems to want to secure a commanding lead in the emerging hi-tech disciplines to create a sense of inevitability about China’s rise to world domination.

Now, a Chinese physician and virologist, Dr. Yan Limeng, who fled China and is in hiding in the U.S., has said that China released the virus “intentionally” — perhaps, one surmises, as a way of torpedoing both President Trump’s prospects for re-election and his effort to alter trade deals that have favored China by $600 billion a year. Meanwhile, Twitter thoughtfully deleted Yan’s clearly important account.

Ominously, China appears to be doubling down on its effort to checkmate the West’s capability to use space-based systems during conflict. If China can successfully blind U.S. systems by offensive cyber operations or outright destruction of U.S. systems by anti-satellite attacks, the war-fighting advantage currently possessed by the West can be annihilated.

The costs to the US of falling behind could well prove catastrophic.

The United States is in a “Tech War” with China, the victor will control the global dissemination of information. The winner will also write the world’s rules and standards for emerging technologies in the digital economy.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Xi Jinping threw down the gauntlet to the U.S. in a May 2017 speech, where he outlined the plan for establishing a Chinese-supervised “Digital Silk Road.” President Xi realizes that the information dimension of modern war is bound up with China’s apparent overall objective of unseating the United States as the leader of the existing liberal democratic world order.

Xi seemingly wants to secure a commanding lead in the emerging hi-tech disciplines to create a sense of inevitability about China’s rise to world domination. The U.S. still has the time, talent and resources to secure a victory over China in this contest for global leadership, provided that the U.S. has the will, self-discipline and flexibility to institute a total societal mobilization over decades.

Why There’s No Peace With the Palestinians A sobering look at the Palestinians’ ultimatum on the “Right of Return.” Joseph Puder


In the recent historic Abrahamic Peace Accords (August 13, 2020), which established full peace and diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Bahrain, signed at the White House by U.S. President Donald Trump, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyani, the issue of “Right of Return” was not brought up.

One of the principle issues that prevents peace between Israel and the Palestinian-Arabs is the “Right of Return to Israel” of Palestinian refugees. The visionless Mahmoud Abbas, and his cohorts in the Palestinian Authority (PA), lack the vision and humanity to end the plight of the descendants of Palestinian refugees, by ending the illusion of the “Right of Return.” Now more than 72 years following the 1948 War of Independence for Israel, and “Nakba” for the Palestinians, most all of the original refugees have died. Still, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is demanding the return of their third or even fourth generation descendants to Israel. However, the refugees were not only on the Arab side. More Jews became refugees than Arab-Palestinians as a result of being kicked out of the Arab states, where they resided long before the Islamic invasion. Conversely, many of the Palestinian refugees were relative newcomers to Mandatory Palestine.  They migrated to Palestine for jobs Palestinian-Jews created during the Mandatory period. While the Jewish refugees from the Arab countries were fully assimilated into Israeli life, Arab refugees were deliberately relegated to refugee camps and left in miserable conditions. If Israel would agree to the “Right of Return,” Israeli Jews would become a minority in the Jewish state, defeating the very purpose of Israel, namely, a home for the Jewish people in their historic homeland. It would simply be a suicide pact for the Jewish state.

An Antiterror Opportunity in Sudan The country deserves to be delisted as a state sponsor of terrorism.


The fact that Sudan’s leaders are openly discussing the normalization of relations with Israel shows how much the northeast African nation has changed since the downfall of dictator Omar al-Bashir. The Trump Administration’s diplomacy is pulling Khartoum closer to the West, but it needs help from Congress.

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok took office last year after widespread protests brought about the old regime’s end. He shares power with unsavory figures but has managed to repeal draconian Islamic laws and give civil society some breathing room. The government has promised elections in 2022, and Mr. Hamdok wants to improve ties with the U.S. before his term ends.

The prime minister’s position is fragile. Many Islamists want him gone—he survived an assassination attempt this year—and the generals who toppled Mr. Bashir aren’t excited about democracy in Khartoum. But Congress can improve Mr. Hamdok’s standing, and give the country’s struggling economy a boost, by removing Sudan from the state sponsor of terrorism list.

The U.S. made the designation in 1993. Mr. Bashir hosted al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden at the time and gave them a free hand to plot mayhem around the region. After decades of isolation, the country has turned around and already qualifies for removal. Washington has tied the change to a $335 million compensation package for victims of the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

UAE: Iran’s aggressive policies made Arabs look at Israel


“The more strategic the Israelis look at these relationships, the more doors will open to them,” says UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash. Normalizing ties with Israel “was strategically good for the UAE, will make it have more of a global presence.”

The United Arab Emirates didn’t need peace with Israel to counter Iran, a top UAE official said Friday, but he said Iran’s aggressive policies over three decades alarmed many Arab countries and made them look at their relationship with Israel “with fresh eyes.”

UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash acknowledged at a virtual briefing on the sidelines of the equally virtual UN General Assembly’s annual meeting of world leaders that this may not have been Iran’s intention. But its actions had an impact in the region, he said, though he wouldn’t speculate on whether other Arab countries would follow the UAE and Bahrain in establishing relations with Israel.

“The only thing I want to say is the more strategic the Israelis look at these relationships, the more doors will open to them,” Gargash said. “If they look at it very `transactionally’, I think that it is not going to send a very good omen for normalizing relations with many of the Arab countries.”

Gargash said the UAE’s message to Israel is to “look at these opportunities and build strategically, and think long term rather than short term” – and prove wrong the countries who say that because of the Israeli political system its decision-makers think only tactically.

France: More Terrorism, More Silence by Giulio Meotti


This brand of extremism has also managed to transform many European citizens into prisoners, people hiding in their own countries, sentenced to death and forced to live in houses unknown even to their friends and families. And we got used to it!

“[T]his lack of courage to follow in Charlie’s footsteps comes at a price, we are losing freedom of speech and an insidious form of self-censorship is gaining ground.” — Flemming Rose, Le Point, September 2, 2020.

“To put it simply, freedom of speech is in bad shape around the world. Including in Denmark, France and throughout the West. These are troubled times; people prefer order and security to freedom.” — Flemming Rose, Le Point, August 15, 2020.

On September 25, in Paris, two people were stabbed and seriously wounded outside the former offices of Charlie Hebdo, where 12 of the satirical magazine’s editors and cartoonists were murdered by extremist Muslims in 2015. The suspect, in police custody, is being investigated for terrorism.

The accused murderers in the 2015 attacks are currently on trial in Paris.

Shortly before the knifing attack, on September 22, Charlie Hebdo’s director of human resources, Marika Bret, did not come home. In fact, she no longer has a home. She was evicted after serious and concrete death threats from extremist Muslims. She decided to make her “exfiltration” public for French intelligence to alert the public to the threat of extremism in France.

“I have lived under police protection for almost five years”, she told the weekly Le Point.

“My security agents received specific and detailed threats. I had ten minutes to pack and leave the house. Ten minutes to give up a part of one’s life is a bit short and it was very violent. I will not go home. I am losing my home to outbursts of hatred, the hatred that always begins with the threat of instilling fear. We know how it can end”.

Bret also claimed that the French Left abandoned the “battle for secularism”.