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Serbia and Israel: The triumphs and tragedies of two nations The failure to withstand supremacist Islam is dhimmitude or death By Victor Sharpe see note please


The President of Kosovo is  Hashim Thaci who was  indicted in late June for war crimes and crimes against humanity by a special tribunal investigating the 1998-1999 conflict with Serbia. When Thaci was Prime Minister of Kosovo,he was accused of being the “boss” of a “network of unlawful activity,” which included prisoner abuse and organ harvesting. rsk

Serbia’s troubles with Kosovo parallel Israel’s problems with the terrorist Palestinian Authority. It is very fitting that Serbia and Israel should have political, economic and cultural ties as the similarities between each of the embattled nations are considerable and significant in historical terms. Like the ancient Land of Israel and the modern Jewish state of Israel, Serbia has a magnificent yet tragic history. Both peoples have suffered from Islamic threats, aggression and an uncaring and, too often, hostile world as during World War 2.

In the 14th century, the Byzantine Empire began to crumble, finally falling to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. But in 1389, the Ottoman Turkish sultan, Murad, had begun to lead his Muslim horde against the armies of the Serbian Christian prince Lazar.

Prince Lazar had already been active in resisting increasing Muslim raids against Christian lands in the Balkans and the place chosen to make a stand against the Turks was at Kosovo Polje (the Field of Blackbirds) – the heartland of the Serbian nation. It was in June, 1389, on St. Vitus Day, (Vidovdan), that the rival forces met. The battle began at first with Serbian successes and the great Serbian hero, Milos Obilic, killed the Muslim sultan, Murad. For a while the Turks were in disarray but they managed to recover and by sheer weight of numbers ground down and finally defeated the Serbian army.

Thus began 500 years of Christian suffering under the Muslim yoke

It was not a mere military defeat but the end of Serbian independence. But worse still, the Serbian heartland of Kosovo was lost. For the Serbian people, the blood shed at the Battle of Kosovo in the Field of Blackbirds marks Kosovo as eternally Serbian.

Hezbollah’s Growing Terror Network in Europe by Con Coughlin


According to Nathan Sales, the U.S. State Department’s counterterrorism coordinator, Hezbollah has been steadily building up its weapons stockpiles in Europe with the aim of preparing for any future acts of terrorism that may be ordered by Tehran.

Describing Hezbollah’s arms build-up in Europe as posing a “clear and present danger to the US” and its allies, Mr Sales said that US intelligence reports showed that Hezbollah had weapons based in Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, while “significant” ammonium nitrate caches had either been discovered or destroyed in France, Greece and Italy.

Further evidence of Hezbollah’s expanding terrorist presence in Europe has emerged in Ireland, where ten members of an Irish dissident group known as the New IRA (NIRA) were arrested on terrorism charges last month, following claims they met with Hezbollah officials at Iran’s embassy in Dublin.

At a time when tensions are increasing between Iran and the West over Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme, the expansion of Hezbollah’s terror operation in Europe should certainly be a major cause for concern. Iran, after all, has a long history of resorting to terrorism to put pressure on its adversaries, and Europe is an obvious target for future Iranian terror attacks.

The conviction in absentia of two terrorists with links to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia for murdering five Israeli tourists in Bulgaria in 2012 has shed new light on the organisation’s expanding terror network in Europe.

The convictions, which were announced earlier this week by the Specialised Criminal Court in Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, relate to a suicide bomb attack against a bus carrying Israeli tourists on July 18, 2012.

The attack took place at the airport in the Bulgarian Black Sea resort of Burgas, killing five Israelis, as well as the bus driver.

Bulgarian investigators subsequently identified two prime suspects in the case, Meliad Farah, a Lebanese-Australian, and Hassan El Hajj Hassan, a Lebanese-Canadian, whom they claimed carried out the attack on behalf of Hezbollah.

While Hezbollah has consistently denied any involvement in the murders, the court nevertheless found the two men guilty of the attack, and sentenced them to life imprisonment without parole.

As the whereabouts of the convicted men is unknown, they are unlikely ever to serve their sentences. The evidence uncovered by Bulgarian prosecutors, however, pointing to Hezbollah’s involvement in the attack has been sufficient to persuade European Union officials to place the organisation’s so-called military wing on its terrorism blacklist.

When Conventional Wisdom Gets Downright Dangerous By Victor Davis Hanson


T he problem with conventional wisdom is not that it is always wrong. The rub is that the majority of “experts” unthinkingly and habitually mouth its validity until they ensure that it becomes static, unchanging, and immune from reexamination and dissent — an intolerant religious orthodoxy that finally become dangerous.

The recent Middle East breakthroughs are a perfect example. Both the Obama and Trump administrations sought quite different ways of navigating through the nearly 75-year-old “Middle East problem,” usually framed as the Israeli–“Palestinian” question.

Obama, in radical fashion, sought to empower and elevate Iran. The so-called Iran deal, the dropping of sanctions, the nocturnal infusions of cash, the exemptions for clear violations of the deal’s protocols, the nefarious work of Hezbollah — all that and more was excused on the theory that a growing Persian Shiite Iranian nexus from Tehran to the Mediterranean was inevitable and would “balance” both Israel and the so-called moderate Sunni Arab states. That realignment might prevent a Middle East war and end the leverage of America’s former Arab allies and Israel over us.

What destroyed the fantasy was not just its sheer idiocy — ensuring that a revolutionary, anti-Western theocracy would soon get nuclear weapons and become “moderate” while empowering its terrorist minions in their destructive agendas in Syria, Lebanon, and the Gulf states, as well as Europe and Latin America.

Instead, we see the futility of embracing Iran in its corollary — the old saw that the Palestinians were still central to the Obama administration’s gambit. That is, an empowered Iran, as the self-described revolutionary and chief patron of the Palestinians, would use its new clout to pressure Israel to offer concessions to the Palestinians, without any corresponding recognition of the Jewish state or reduction in Palestinians’ anti-Zionist bellicosity.

The Arab world then would be forced to rival Iran to regain its anti-Israel credentials, further bolstering the power-broking ability of the much-courted Palestinians. Eventually, Israel would concede and usher in a defiant and completely autonomous West Bank nation. Palestine Inc. would then reciprocate Israeli magnanimity by concluding peace with the Jewish state now confined within its 1967 borders. And so Middle East peace would reign.

Amid coronavirus, this year’s Yom Kippur is another kind of war Ruthie Blum


Most of the country is focused on the current battle against the COVID-19 pandemic – or, rather, on the fever-pitch fighting within the government about how to curb the alarming rise in morbidity.
For the first time in decades, the Israeli press is not devoting the lead-up to the Day of Atonement with stories about and lessons learned from the 1973 Yom Kippur War. 

Instead, the bulk of the news and accompanying analysis is focused on the current battle against the COVID-19 pandemic – or, rather, on the fever-pitch fighting within the government about how to curb the alarming rise in morbidity and fatality rates.
Unlike other issues at the root of major rifts between politicians and the sectors that they supposedly represent, however, this one seems to have no clear camps. And, as Israelis are used to having actual enemies to confront – either with swords or pens – the debate over coronavirus closures has been causing great confusion. 

Indeed, though by this point there is wide consensus that the situation is dire, there has been little agreement, even among medical professionals, on how to reverse the worrisome trend. To make matters even more complicated, the same experts and lawmakers have shifted their positions. 

Much of the public responded to the flip-flops and arbitrary directives by ignoring them completely or by looking for loopholes. This triggered others to feel like patsies and follow suit.

Finally, after days of deliberations – following a semi-lockdown during the past week that was barely enforced – the coronavirus cabinet decided on a complete nationwide lockdown, to begin Friday and last at least until the end of the Jewish holidays in October.

Turkey: Erdoğan’s Soft Spot for Hamas by Burak Bekdil


So far, Erdoğan’s fanaticism has come without any cost to him internationally, or any damage to his domestic political survivability. He has every ideological and pragmatic reason to keep up his love affair with Hamas.

Erdoğan seemingly loves to make such gatherings [with Hamas terrorist leaders] public to challenge the parts of the world that designate Hamas as a terrorist entity: the EU, Israel and the United States. There is also a message to his Turkish audience: I challenge the world powers, including America, and I remain untouchable.

“In overlooking these designations and thousands of its victims, who were injured and murdered by Hamas terrorists, Turkey is actively supporting it both financially and logistically.” — Spokesperson for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, Fox News, August 28, 2020.

In reality, it is equally possible that these developments might actually spur a two-state solution, by notifying the Palestinians that, as the Arab saying goes, “The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.”

It is not only ideological and not only pragmatic: it is both: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan comes from the ranks of militant Islamism for which the “Palestinian cause” is sacred and “as national as any other national matter.” His love for Hamas and his dedication to the “cause” are genuine. So is his pragmatism.

Erdoğan’s pro-Hamas (and anti-Israeli) fanaticism is one reason why Islamist Turks vote for him. So far, his fanaticism has come without any cost to him internationally, or any damage to his domestic political survivability. He has every ideological and pragmatic reason to keep up his love affair with Hamas.

How Trump Changed the World By defying conventional wisdom on the Middle East and China, he reshaped both political parties. Matthew Continetti


On Sept. 16 the editorial board of the New York Times did the impossible. It said something nice about President Trump. “The normalization of relations between Israel and two Arab states, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, is, on the face of it, a good and beneficial development,” the editors wrote. They even went so far as to say that the “Trump administration deserves credit for brokering it.” I had to read that sentence twice to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Perhaps the world really is ending.

Or perhaps the Times cannot avoid the reality that the “Abraham Accords” between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain are a historic achievement. It is the first advance toward peace in the Middle East since Israel signed a treaty with Jordan in 1994. By exposing the intransigence and corruption of the Palestinian authorities, and thereby removing them from the diplomatic equation, the Trump administration reestablished the “peace process” as a negotiation between states. And because the states in the region face a common foe—Iran—they have every incentive to band together. This is textbook realpolitik. The world is better off for it.

Just as remarkable as the deal itself is the bipartisan applause that greeted it in the United States. No one needs reminding that domestic politics is polarized and paranoid. Each party is convinced that the other one will extinguish democracy at the first opportunity. The past three presidencies have been jarringly discontinuous in style, temperament, and policy. But the same Democrats who sometimes appear eager to remove Donald Trump from office by any means necessary treated this foreign policy accomplishment with equanimity and acquiescence. “It is good to see others in the Middle East recognizing Israel and even welcoming it as a partner,” Biden said in a statement, adding that “a Biden-Harris administration will build on these steps.” Senator Chris Coons of Delaware told Jewish Insider that the agreement is “a very positive thing.”

Canada: New Conservative Party Leader Being Coerced by Islamic Groups Courting a hope of the Muslim vote. Christine Douglass-Williams


The official opposition to Islamo-pandering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority Liberal government is the Conservative Party of Canada, which has a new leader, Erin O’Toole. He’s already being pressured by two questionable Muslim lobby groups: the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and the National Council of Canadian Muslims (formerly CAIR-CAN, with historic ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations–an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism funding case in American history, the Holy Land Foundation Trial)  

Sharaf Sharafeldin, Executive Director of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), threatened O’Toole that he will lose the Muslim vote if he does not kowtow to their demands. Sharafeldin stated:

Muslims who share conservative values—ranging from fiscal responsibility to compassionate social policy—voted Liberal for the first time. Stephen Harper introduced Canada to “fear and smear” politics, while simultaneously threatening religious freedoms, particularly of Canadian Muslims. The 2019 election was equally concerning, with Andrew Scheer allowing candidates who had expressed anti-Muslim views to run.

This is untrue. If anything, Andrew Scheer shut down reasonable discourse regarding jihad violence in order to appease agenda-driven Muslims, but evidently he didn’t do enough. For example, Scheer made headlines when he threw the Tory MP Michael Cooper out of a Commons committee hearing involving “online hate” after Cooper’s confrontation with a Muslim witness who had become provocative.

Also, THIS VIDEO surfaced, featuring Andrew Scheer cornered, intimidated and pandering to an Israel-hating imam who sanctions wife-beating.

Sharafeldin also spreads propaganda about Stephen Harper, who as Prime Minister, was very much committed to human rights and equality of rights for all, as opposed to special treatment for one group over another. Harper also demonstrated a commitment to religious freedom when he installed Canada’s Office of Religious Freedoms in the Foreign Affairs Department — in recognition of persecuted minorities everywhere. The Trudeau Liberals shut down this office almost immediately after Trudeau was elected in 2015. Harper’s problem as far as the MAC is concerned was that he was not an Islamo-panderer, prone to being bullied.

Warning: China Retains Algorithm, Loves Oracle’s TikTok Deal by Gordon G. Chang


“The more reporting I do on this the more it is a sleazy back room deal that protects no one and advantages Trump supporters and, inexplicably, the Chinese government.” — Kara Swisher, America tech journalist and guru, Twitter, September 20, 2020.

“ByteDance in driver seat, algorithm in Chinese hands.” — Eunice Yoon, CNBC’s Beijing Bureau Chief, Twitter, September 21, 2020.

“The TikTok team retains stewardship over the app.” — Shen Yi, professor, Fudan University, China Daily, September 21, 2020.

As Senator Marco Rubio told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures on the 20th of this month, control of the source code is critical… Beijing, not surprisingly, seems determined to keep all of TikTok’s secret sauce.

What’s not [for China] to like? Beijing-based ByteDance gets a lot of cash — the app will carry a valuation that could be as high as $60 billion — and the Communist Party will be able to continue to use TikTok for malign purposes.

The only acceptable arrangement, however, is to completely sever China from TikTok’s U.S. operations — or ban the app entirely.

ByteDance Ltd., the privately owned Chinese technology company, will soon sell minority ownership stakes in the TikTok app to American companies Oracle Corp. and Walmart Inc.

Oracle will become the “secure cloud technology provider” for a new U.S. company, TikTok Global, which will own most of the app’s worldwide operations.

The proposed arrangement, however, does little to address the most important U.S. national security concern with the wildly popular video-sharing platform.

Using his emergency powers, President Trump on August 6 prohibited, after the expiration of a 45-day period, Americans from any transaction with ByteDance or any of its subsidiaries. As a practical matter, the order contemplated the closure of the TikTok app if it was not sold to an American company. The order has been extended.

Appeasing China Won’t Cool the Earth A President Biden would face pressure from climate hawks to go easy on Beijing. by Walter Russell Mead


As policy makers in Beijing weigh their options in the event of a Biden victory, one of the subjects that will most engage their attention is climate change. Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that he will put the goal of slowing climate change at the heart of U.S. foreign policy. Washington would rejoin the Paris Climate Accords and urge all countries to enact measures to keep Earth’s temperature from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, as the Democratic Party platform states.

China is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Does this mean a Biden administration would add another dimension to U.S.-China tensions? Beijing likely hopes it’ll ease them.

For Chinese officials, the goal would be to get the Biden administration to negotiate with itself—the climate hawks persuading the incoming president to squelch the China hawks to save the planet. Beijing is the key to climate change, climate warriors will say, and America can’t persuade China to help cool the Earth by harassing it on trade, imposing sanctions against its companies, arming Taiwan, and encouraging its neighbors to form alliances against Beijing.

This is an approach China can work with. Beijing wants to fight climate change, its diplomats will whisper to U.S. climate hawks, but Chinese hard-liners need to be convinced. Help us to help you: If America demonstrates a spirit of compromise and cooperation on issues important to the hard-liners, well, who can say? We might even give up our coal plants. Someday.

Arabs: “Palestinians Repeat the Same Mistakes” by Khaled Abu Toameh


At this pace, Palestinians might wake up one morning to discover that they no longer have any friends in the Arab countries at all.

“The Palestinians failed to establish their state. They failed because they did not want to establish a state. Here I mean the political leaders, some of whom still insist on repeating revolutionary phrases. The establishment of a Palestinian state will be a burden on the Palestinian leaders and will prevent them from practicing corruption…. The Palestinian Authority is no longer suitable to represent the Palestinian people.” — Iraqi writer Farouk Youssef, Al-Arabiya, September 19, 2020.

“Israel did not destroy Syria; Israel did not burn Libya; Israel did not displace the people of Egypt; Israel did not destroy Libya, and Israel did not tear up Lebanon. Before you Arabs blame Israel, take a look at yourselves in the mirror. The problem is in you.” — UAE Islamic cleric Wassem Yousef, Twitter, September 16, 2020.

“Palestinian leaders failed to invest in opportunities. They failed to take strategic decisions and chose [instead] to forge an alliance with Iran.” — Saudi writer Yusef al-Qabalan, Al-Riyadh, September 18, 2020.

The biggest losers, of course, are again the Palestinians — who are quickly losing the sympathy of a growing number of Arabs.

The Palestinians have recalled their ambassadors to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in protest of the signing of the peace deals between the two Gulf states and Israel. The Palestinians are now threatening to withdraw their envoys from any Arab country that follows suits and establishes relations with Israel.