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A Blanket Of Darkness Is Falling Over The West Armando Simón


From Sweden and Germany, to Australia and New Zealand, to France and Finland, to America and Canada, to Armenia and Italy, to Britain and Ireland, a network of censorship has been developing and steadily solidifying. Censorship has even been imposed on scientists. Ironically, this blanket of darkness has occurred in those countries with the longest tradition of freedom, specifically of freedom of speech, assembly and of writing. Soon, the peoples of those countries will have to resort to samizdat.

When Musk took over Twitter and exposed the systematic censorship apparatus within the organization, he also revealed that part of the censorship was being carried out at the request of the Biden regime (Facebook likewise agreed to impose censorship). By doing so, he opened the window to what was, in fact, a governmental conspiracy to establish censorship, thereby ironically putting an end to the automatic dismissal of “conspiracy theories” for those persons who could not, or would not, connect the dots.

He also fired the vermin who were carrying out the censorship.

Leftists in the Biden regime were not happy. The White House is “keeping an eye” on Musk and X, and pseudo-President Biden has spoken out against Musk. In retaliation, the FTC was ordered to harass Musk. One would expect that the American media would support Musk, but the reverse is the case. Except for one.

By exposing to the light of day the existence this conspiratorial censorship and allowing X to become a truly free speech zone, he infuriated the totalitarian elites.

But No Boycotts on Russia, China or Iran: The Staggering Hypocrisy of Starmer, Trudeau and Scholz by Robert Williams


[T]he UK government announced that it is imposing an “immediate” weapons embargo against Israel. The statement followed almost a year of relentless attacks on Israel, not only by Iran’s proxies — Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis — but by Iran itself, and probably several tons of unverified propaganda by Hamas that Israel is supposedly committing “war crimes.”

Even South Africa is seeking to extend the deadline for presenting evidence against Israel at the International Court of Justice, for lack of evidence of its allegations of genocide. So far, all evidence points to Israel being “the world’s most moral army.” Meanwhile, the same cannot be said for the entities attacking it.

The UK suspended “around 30 licences for items used in the current conflict in Gaza which go to the IDF, from a total of approximately 350 licences to Israel” allegedly because of Hamas-induced fear that they “might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law.” [emphasis added]

Hamas, on the other hand, continues to receive Britain’s support: Although UNRWA has proven itself to be identical with Hamas, with roughly 10% of its members proven to have been terrorists or with ties to terror groups, and having used its entire Gaza infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, for the purpose of facilitating terror and missile attacks against Israel and its civilians…

UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, in his announcement of the weapons embargo to the House of Commons, said, “in July, I told this House that this government’s priority in the region would be to advance the cause of peace” — apparently because nothing spells peace more than emboldening terrorists.

The UK government worries about Red Cross access to terrorists who participated in the most gruesome crimes, while the ICRC’s blatant lack of interest in the Israeli hostages held by Hamas did not even merit a mention by Lammy.

The UK’s arms embargo appears to represent nothing so much as pure racist perfidy. Lammy completely ignores the extreme lengths to which Israel has gone to avoid civilian casualties, as well as the huge amounts of humanitarian aid it has facilitated into the Gaza Strip.

Spain has also suspended arms export licenses to Israel since October 7. Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said the Gaza war “made us realize the importance of a fair and lasting solution” to the Palestinian conflict with Israel. Fair and lasting, evidently, means siding with terrorists. It is particularly unbecoming of Spain, after 60 years of having combated the terrorist group ETA, to throw the first stone.

By contrast, Germany is massively arming Qatar, which, alongside Iran, is the most significant backer of Hamas, and effectively every other Islamic terrorist group.

What will be the result of the embargoes? Western leaders claim to want de-escalation, but placing Israel under arms embargo only serves to strengthen and empower Qatar, Iran and Iran’s terrorist proxies — which in turn can lead only to further destabilizing the Middle East, particularly after Iran regime succeeds in acquiring nuclear

‘Islamists and the woke left are the enemies of civilization’ Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the calls to criminalize ‘Islamophobia’.


The new UK Labour government has declared war on free speech. Within weeks of gaining power, it scrapped a law upholding free speech in universities. In early August, following rioting across England, it announced plans to tighten the regulations on online speech. Perhaps most troubling of all, Keir Starmer is also considering writing a broad definition of ‘Islamophobia’ into law, which would make it almost impossible to criticise Islam and even Islamic extremism.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali – writer, activist and author of Prey: Immigration, Islam and the Erosion of Women’s Rights – returned to The Brendan O’Neill Show last week to discuss the importance of free speech in the battle against Islamist extremism. What follows is an edited extract from the conversation. You can listen to the full thing here.

Brendan O’Neill: Why do you think politicians – even those who would define themselves as ‘liberal’ – are so willing to adopt a phrase like Islamophobia?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: I think it has to do with guilt about the past. When it comes to the Jews, many European countries did not protect them from Nazi persecution, so there’s definitely a sense that we don’t want to do the same to our Muslim minorities. When I was living in the Netherlands, this was a very potent argument. The Dutch felt extremely guilty about the fact that, in proportion to the Dutch population, more Jews were removed from their homes and sent to concentration camps, than in any other country in Europe. So there’s definitely a sense of ‘let’s not repeat history’. But this is also what makes me so angry, because the Islamists – and to a certain extent, the leftists – will exploit this. They will exploit what is essentially the goodness of human beings, a desire to ‘do right this time round’, in order to do wrong.

US hypocrisy marks the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s murder Ruthie Blum

http://US hypocrisy marks the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s murder

In his press briefing on Friday, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller was asked about how the Biden administration is responding to the dire situation for women in the Islamic Republic. The journalist referred to the latest report by a United Nations fact-finding mission on the increase in suppression of women’s and girls’ rights in Iran.

She prefaced her question by mentioning the second anniversary of the Sept. 16, 2022 murder of Mahsa Amini.
Amini was a 22-year-old woman from Saqez in Iran’s Kurdistan Province. While on a trip with her family to Tehran, she was arrested by the regime’s “morality police” for not having her head covered properly. According to eyewitnesses, she was beaten as soon as she entered the van that was transporting her to the station for “education”—mullah-style. Three days later, she was dead.

One can only imagine the kind of torture she endured before she was taken to the Kasra Hospital in northern Tehran. Photos that emerged of her lying in a coma matched the medical center’s statement that when she was admitted on Sept. 13, she showed “no vital signs.”

This notice was removed from the hospital’s social-media pages after hardliners called its staff “anti-regime agents.” In parallel, police denied having beaten Amini to death, insisting that she had passed away from a heart attack. It was a lie, of course, and everybody knew it

To Stop Hamas, Confront Qatar and Iran by Majid Rafizadeh


The Biden-Harris administration’s lifting of sanctions is what enabled Iran to profit to the tune of an estimated $100 billion, used for waging terror against Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia — and the US. Just since October, Iran and its terror proxies and militias have attacked US troops in the Middle East more than 160 times, killing three and wounding more than 120…

By turning a blind eye to the actions of the Iranian regime’s while releasing roughly $100 billion to the treasury of the mullahs, the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for empowering these entities.

This week in Gaza, more deaths were reported after Israel took out a Hamas command center embedded in what used to function as a school in a “humanitarian zone.” If Hamas cares about the Palestinians and does not want them killed, why does it deliberately put its terrorist command centers in the middle of crowded “humanitarian zones”?

“He was murdered by Hamas…. And if you want the hostages home, which we all do, you have to increase the cost to Iran…. Iran is the Great Satan here. Hamas is the junior partner…. They [could not] care less about the Palestinian people.” — US Senator Lindsey Graham, referring to the murdered US-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Fox News, September 1, 2024.

It is a clear call for the Biden-Harris administration to hold Iran accountable for the remaining hostages, and to target Iran’s oil refineries if the hostages are not immediately released.

So long as the US government continues to sit on the sidelines, the brutality and savagery of Hamas and their Iranian benefactors will only escalate. It is high time to confront Iran’s regime head-on and stop its spread of barbarity before more innocent lives are lost — above all, before the world’s “leading state sponsor of terrorism” produces nuclear weapons.

France at War with Itself by Drieu Godefridi


The French people, the plurality of whom voted “right-wing” in the first round, were astonished to discover, after the second round, a “left-of-center” National Assembly, a parliament that seemingly does not represent the real country.

The message seems to be the all-too-familiar Marxist concept of Volksrache (“the people’s revenge”): arousing hatreds in order to channel them towards the “enemies of the regime”, and, in the end, liquidate them. The murder of a policeman, the burning of a synagogue, the death of a delinquent, a war in the Middle East, elections, no elections: everything is used as a pretext for the hate-filled, agitprop vituperation of the minions of La France Insoumise, who, by stirring up hostilities and resentments, particularly anti-Semitic ones, appear to be whipping up violent — even terrorist — militancy, in the tradition of France’s 18th-century terreur.

France appears to be sliding, slowly but surely, towards a version of chaos — the ancestral breeding ground for the violence that would be the victory, the horizon and the ultimate goal not only of Mélenchon’s phalanx, but of all those trying to take down the West.

Since the results were announced of France’s July 2024 legislative elections, President Emmanuel Macron has been unable to build a majority in the National Assembly, which appears more divided than at any time in the history of what the French call “the Fifth Republic”.

The elections produced three blocs, all of which appear to hate each other: the left, coalescing around Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s far-left La France Insoumise (“France Unbowed”), Macron’s centrist Renaissance party, and Marine Le Pen’s right-wing Rassemblement National (National Rally).

Three factors seem to favor France’s slide towards an open or latent form of even greater internal conflict.

Identity politics is destroying Barcelona Catalan separatists have prioritised their luxury beliefs over the real needs of locals. Maria Reglero


Barcelona has been in the news this summer for its many anti-tourism protests. Local residents have been firing water guns and blocking hotel entrances in protest against ‘over-tourism’ and its impact on living conditions.

In some ways this is not surprising. In Barcelona, there are already over four tourists for every local and this is only set to increase. Spain is soon expected to become the world’s No1 tourist destination. By 2040, it is predicted to receive 110million tourists a year, surpassing France (105million) and the United States (100million). Of course, tourism brings huge economic benefits, but the pressures it can place on accommodation and infrastructure have gone completely unaddressed by politicians. And this is far from the only issue plaguing Barcelona.

Catalonia, of which Barcelona is the capital, is ruled by a political class with a pathological obsession with identity politics. Catalonia’s elites have for years promoted the idea of Catalan identity as a nationality – through public schools and state media – rather than as a regional identity within Spain. In Barcelona, a city that was built with the help of migrants from other parts of Spain, this has been particularly divisive.

Nowhere is this clearer than through the Catalan secessionists’ weaponisation of language. Despite both Spanish and Catalan being official languages of the region, children whose mother tongue is Spanish are excluded by design from the public-school system. Since the 1980s, children have been taught exclusively in Catalan from ages three to seven. Spanish is introduced in the second year of primary school, but even then, Spanish classes are limited to two or three hours per week. Until recently, before a 2021 Supreme Court ruling, Spanish was taught as if it were a foreign language and other school subjects were generally not taught in Spanish at all.

It’s fair to say that this system puts native Spanish speakers – a substantial minority – at a disadvantage. It is particularly tough for those with special needs, who consequently aren’t given the same level of support as Catalan speakers.

China’s Weapons of Choice: First Wuhan Covid, now Fentanyl-Laced Drugs by Lawrence Kadish


We can debate the economy, decry the border mocked by illegal immigrants, and step around the criminally deranged allowed to stagger through our streets, but it is the deliberate and calculated effort to destabilize our nation through fentanyl that is the dagger thrust toward the heart of America.

In a national survey conducted by the respected polling company McLaughlin & Associates, it was revealed that a third of those voters asked acknowledged they know of someone who has been harmed by fentanyl. Consider that number: over 100 million people have seen the devastating impact of this drug. It reflects a crisis that makes the past plagues of heroin and cocaine a side show.

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Administrator Anne Milgram acknowledged as much earlier this year when she stated:

“The shift from plant-based drugs, like heroin and cocaine, to synthetic, chemical-based drugs, like fentanyl and methamphetamine, has resulted in the most dangerous and deadly drug crisis the United States has ever faced.”

As presidential candidate Donald Trump connects with the American people on issues vital to our shared future, he needs to pledge as central to his next administration the defeat of the fentanyl scourge stalking our land. To do so will require him to confront the global supplier of that poison: China.

The New UK Government’s Anti-Israel Policy Is a Disgrace by Con Coughlin


The pretence that the UK’s new Labour government has moved away from the blatant anti-Semitism that was rife under former leader Jeremy Corbyn has been brutally exposed by the actions of David Lammy, the party’s new Foreign Secretary.

It was during Corbyn’s stint as Labour leader that his party faced constant accusations of anti-Semitism. A damning report produced by the Jewish Labour Movement in 2019 said the party harboured “endemic, institutional anti-Semitism” and that there was “overwhelming evidence that anti-Semitic conduct is pervasive at all levels of the party.”

Having been a close political ally of two prominent Labour politicians accused of anti-Semitism, it is hardly surprising therefore that two of Lammy’s first initiatives since his appointment as Labour’s new foreign secretary in July have been aimed at discrediting Israel.

His [Lammy’s] first act was to withdraw the British government’s official objection to attempts to persuade the International Criminal Court to issue an injunction for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on war crimes charges.

At the same time Lammy confirmed that the UK was to restore its funding to UNRWA, the UN agency responsible for supporting Palestinian refugees, after support for the organisation was withdrawn by a number of countries — including the US — over claims its staffers were directly involved in the October 7 attacks carried out by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists against Israel.


Lammy has now added to his anti-Israel stance by suspending a number of UK arms contracts to Israel, a decision that was announced on the same day that Israel buried the latest group of hostages to be murdered by Hamas terrorists, a decision that was denounced as “shameful” by Netanyahu.



Jihadists massacre hundreds in Burkina Faso
More than 1,000 churches, public Christian properties, houses, shops and businesses were attacked, damaged, bombed, looted, destroyed, burned down, closed or confiscated for faith-related reasons in 2023.

Oct. 7-like attacks happen almost daily across Africa. In at least nine countries, armed jihadists, following what they believe to be the precepts of Islamist theology, storm villages, and torture and murder innocent Africans. Boko Haram in Nigeria, al-Shabaab in Somalia and the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan are Hamas by different names.

Like the Israelis, Africans have their homes and schools burned. Churches are a prime target. Women and girls are kidnapped and enslaved as concubines, “wives” of warriors, or merchandise to ransom or sell—all to the screams of “Allahu Akbar!”

Not all the victims are Christians; moderate Muslims and practitioners of tribal faiths are also attacked. This has resulted in the displacement of millions of people who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Yet this is generally ignored by the Western “human rights” establishment.

To break the silence, we have formed the African-Jewish Alliance: to recruit decent people for the tasks of liberating the slaves and protecting the innocent. The topic will be discussed in a series of pieces.

Jihad continues to ravage Africa.

At least 500 people in the central part of Burkina Faso were killed on Aug. 27 when jihadists opened fire on civilians who were digging defensive trenches. Hundreds of those wounded were transported to healthcare facilities.