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.Black Lives Matter – in Lithuania? Grant Arthur Gochin


Lithuania is about the most ethnically pure country in the world. They have almost zero diversity. However, this past week, young Lithuanians showed they care about Black Lives. On June 5, approximately 1,000 youthful demonstrators took to Lithuanian streets to show their support. Their support for those racially different surprised people worldwide who never expected encouragement of diversity. After all, Lithuania is a country where members of Parliament are able to openly throw the Nazi salute without objection or consequence.

MP’s identified as Arūnas Gumuliauskas and Audrys Šimas throwing the Nazi Seig Heil salute in a Parliamentary meeting of the National Security and Defense Committee on May 20, 2020 (Photo from Lithuanian Government feed. Free for public use.)

At sporting events, some Lithuanians openly throw the Nazi Seig Heil salute

In the capital city, Nazis march openly and freely.

Neo-Nazi march in Vilnius on March 11, 2020. Banner is the ethnically purist racist rallying cry: “Lithuania for Lithuanians” – a goal already achieved
Multiple monuments for Holocaust perpetrators populate the country.

Newly installed monument for genocidal mass murderer Jonas Noreika on a government protected national heritage building

The government of Lithuania is deeply involved in Holocaust revisionism and considers Holocaust perpetrators as their national heroes.

Lithuania states they have banned Communist and Nazi displays, but if the demonstrations are pro-Nazi, they seem never to be prosecuted, or cause official concern.

Even the Lithuanian military glorifies the Nazi leader that first called for the elimination of Jews in Lithuania, Kazys Skirpa. The military showcased his photograph on the front cover of their national Lithuanian military magazine in 2020.

Palestinians: Pursuing War on Their Media by Khaled Abu Toameh


“The case of Sami [Al-Sa’i] and what he was exposed to drove concern regarding the attempts of Palestinian Security Services… of torturing Palestinian Journalists, that may enhance the intimidation of journalists and the practice of self-censorship,” MADA said. It also called on the PA to launch an investigation into the torture and ill-treatment of Al-Sa’i and other Palestinian journalists.

These are extraordinary violations of press freedoms and freedom of expression. Perpetrated anywhere else in the world, the international community would be up in arms. Because they are being committed by Palestinians against Palestinians, however — and because the Palestinian leadership has not yet found a way to blame Israel for these particular crimes — the torture of a Palestinian journalist is considered a no-news story.

We do not know how pro-Palestinian groups feel about the abuse: they never object to it. What they only seem to find objectionable is Israel. No wonder Palestinian leaders feel they have a green light to continue persecuting journalists and anyone else who utters a word against Abbas and his associates.

While the Palestinian Authority (PA) appears to have suspended security coordination with Israel in accordance with PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s May 18 announcement, it has not ended its long-time policy of harassing, intimidating and arresting Palestinian journalists.

Islam: The Iranian Version By: Amil Imani


Before the Islamic invasion of 1979, Iranian people had a different view of Islam. The kind of Islamic version people believed did not exist beyond their own imagination. To them, that was the real Islam. Kind, perfect and peaceful. With the return of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, ‘real’ Islam was reintroduced to the populace and it turned Iran and Iranians’ fictitious beliefs into a nightmare.

Most people around the world are not aware of this fact. I believe, historians conclusively need to elucidate this reality so that Iran is not referred to as an Islamic country.

Before the invasion of 1979, Iranians in general lived in a peaceful and relatively calm country that did not impose the religion of any kind on its citizens. Major events in Shi’a Islam was only celebrated during certain days of the year. These innocent and naïve Iranians had a completely imaginary and unrealistic vision of ​​Islam without the slightest idea what the real Islam was, what the Qur’an said, what the Prophet of Islam did, and did not do. Irrespective of any and all, they attributed Islam with their own vision, fantasy, ideals and beliefs. In other words, Islam was only as good as the person practicing it.

Copts Crucified: Trump Remembers Egypt’s Persecuted Christian Minority by Raymond Ibrahim


On May 30, 2020 — two days before President Trump congratulated Copts around the world — Egyptian authorities demolished the village of Koum al-Farag’s only Coptic church, even though it had … served three thousand Christians. According to the report, “The destruction of the church was a punishment for the ‘crime’ of building rooms for Sunday school…. When the work began, some extremist Muslims began to attack Christians.”

Police further arrested and imprisoned 14 Christians overnight. The nearest church to the Christians of Koum al-Farag, most of whom are limited to traveling by foot, is 10 miles away.

“No one should fear for their safety in a house of worship anywhere in the world.” — President Donald J. Trump, “Presidential Message on Global Coptic Day, 2020”, June 1, 2020.

All that former President Barack Obama could bring himself to do [after the 2011 Maspero Massacre, when the Egyptian government slaughtered and ran over dozens of Copts with tanks for protesting the burnings and closures of their churches] was call “for restraint on all sides” — as if Egypt’s beleaguered Christian minority needed to “restrain” itself against the nation’s armed and aggressive military.

On June 1, 2020, President Trump issued a statement titled “Presidential Message on Global Coptic Day, 2020.” (Copts are Egypt’s indigenous Christians, now a minority.) After sending his “best wishes” to the “millions of Coptic Christians in the United States and around the world,” he said that recognizing Global Coptic Day provides “an opportunity for the world to mark the contributions, legacy, and ongoing challenges facing the largest Christian group in the Middle East.” He continued:

“Today is also a time for us to acknowledge the importance of religious freedom and reaffirm our commitment to promoting and defending this core tenet of a free society. Tragically, far too many people the world over face persecution on account of their faith.”

This is certainly true for the Copts. Most recently, on April 14, 2020, an Islamic terror plot to bomb Coptic churches around Easter was thwarted. Previous plots, however — which also targeted churches during Christian holidays, when they are most packed with people and therefore offer the greatest harvest of slain Christian worshippers — came to fruition:

Powers Play with Fire in Libya by Amir Taheri


Cameron’s friends tell me that he and Sarkozy were both pushed into the Libyan adventure by then US President Barack Obama who wished to test his “leadership from behind” theory which, in turn, flattered the European midgets.

Libya is currently the largest theater of proxy wars in the Greater Middle East. More foreign powers are involved in the Libyan proxy war than in Syria.

According to Moscow sources, Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes to gain a pause-and-resupply base for his navy on Libya’s 1,770-kilometer-long Mediterranean coast to complement the aero-naval base he has obtained in Tartus, Syria.

The second reason why this mini-world war is worthy of attention is that Libya, with the longest shoreline on the Mediterranean, is also neighbor on land to six countries, all of which could be destabilized or worse. It is no surprise that, thanks to Egyptian efforts, the Libyan dossier is slated to come up in the African Union as a threat to security across the continent.

A series of seesaw battles, in some of which Haftar’s forces scored tactical gains, has shown that without military intervention by a bigger player, neither side is able to kick the other out of the game…. The prospect of Libya being Syrianized must be taken seriously.

With coronavirus lockdown gradually whittled down, last week we started working on a series of conferences on the greater Middle East region for one of the local universities. As we suggested topics we came to Libya where a forgotten war has been going on for almost a decade.

The response from committee members was almost unanimous: Who cares about Libya?

Evil tongues might suggest that, coming from French and British academics, this “who cares” sounds like an attempt to hide a shameful family secret.

After all, the tragic mess we witness in Libya today is, in good part, a result of policies pursued by French President Nicholas Sarkozy and British Premier David Cameron, who took on the job of toppling Col. Muammar Gaddafi without knowing what they would need to do next.

Cameron’s friends tell me that he and Sarkozy were both pushed into the Libyan adventure by then US President Barack Obama, who wished to test his “leadership from behind” theory which, in turn, flattered the European midgets.

Finally, a Good New Snap-Back Plan on Iran by Peter Huessy


The RSC plan also advocates that Congress impose further new sanctions on “Iran’s petrochemical, shipping, financial, construction and automotive sectors.” Legislation would also target “Iran’s human rights violations and regional aggression, including in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. And it suggests sanctioning the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), a European mechanism that the United States has criticized as a way to evade US sanctions on Iran.”

In an unprecedented but welcome manner, the RSC bill would for the first time place “new sanctions on the arms industries of countries like Russia and China that return to selling weapons to Iran, the banks facilitating any sale of weapons to Iran, and the companies shipping weapons.”

Diplomacy will not stop Iran. Real pressure will.

With the new RSC strategy, the US and its allies have a real shot at taking down the regime in Iran. That would indeed signal the success of economic “maximum pressure.”

The Republican Study Committee (RSC) in the House of Representatives, proposed on June 10, 2020, an unprecedentedly strong new Iran policy. The package of proposed legislation would end all Iranian waivers, snap-back economic sanctions in place prior to the Iran nuclear deal, and set severe economic penalties on those seeking to sell advanced weaponry to Iran.

The new GOP plan also advocates that Congress impose further new sanctions on “Iran’s petrochemical, shipping, financial, construction and automotive sectors.” Legislation would also target “Iran’s human rights violations and regional aggression, including in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. And it suggests sanctioning the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), a European mechanism that the United States has criticized as a way to evade US sanctions on Iran.”

China Takes Over Hong Kong: EU Shrugs by Giulio Meotti


“Germany is leading the whole Europe, they’re so ambitious, they want to be leader but morally they are so collapsed.” — Ai Weiwei, artist, La Repubblica, June 1, 2020

“China is a predator and Europe is its prey”. — François Heisbourg, French scholar, Le Figaro, May 29, 2020.

There is no mediation with Chinese imperialism.

“Why die for Hong Kong?”, the Europeans shortsightedly seem to say today.

During the last year of protests, Hong Kong’s demonstrators have waved the American flag. China well knows the meaning of that small outpost on its doorstep, with its freedom of speech and rule of law. Have you seen the European flag being waved in Hong Kong? No, and with good reason.

In the aftermath of China’s approval of a new national security law for Hong Kong, which de facto ends the autonomy of the former British colony guaranteed by an international treaty, two Anglo-Saxon democracies immediately protested very loudly.

The United States and the United Kingdom tried to convene a meeting of the UN Security Council to deal with the matter (China prevented it). Then the governments of the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada released a joint statement stressing that the international community has a lasting interest in the stability and autonomy of Hong Kong. The UK even announced that it will extend to more than three million residents of Hong Kong a renewable one-year visa and the eventual possibility of obtaining British citizenship. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo raised the possibility of canceling the privileged commercial status that the US has so far given to Hong Kong, and President Donald Trump announced sanctions against Chinese leaders responsible for introducing the national security law in Hong Kong.

A Brief History of Antifa: Part I by Soeren Kern


Empirical and anecdotal evidence shows that Antifa is, in fact, highly networked, well-funded and has a global presence. It has a flat organizational structure with dozens and possibly hundreds of local groups.

Antifa’s stated long-term objective, both in America and abroad, is to establish a communist world order. In the United States, Antifa’s immediate aim is to bring about the demise of the Trump administration.

A common tactic used by Antifa in the United States and Europe is to employ extreme violence and destruction of public and private property to goad the police into a reaction, which then “proves” Antifa’s claim that the government is “fascist.”

Antifa is not only officially tolerated, but is being paid by the German government to fight the far right. — Bettina Röhl, German journalist, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 2, 2020.

“Out of cowardice, its members cover their faces and keep their names secret. Antifa constantly threatens violence and attacks against politicians and police officers. It promotes senseless damage to property amounting to vast sums.” — Bettina Röhl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, June 2, 2020.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has blamed Antifa — a militant “anti-fascist” movement — for the violence that has erupted at George Floyd protests across the United States. “The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” he said.

Barr also said that the federal government has evidence that Antifa “hijacked” legitimate protests around the country to “engage in lawlessness, violent rioting, arson, looting of businesses, and public property assaults on law enforcement officers and innocent people, and even the murder of a federal agent.” Earlier, U.S. President Donald J. Trump had instructed the U.S. Justice Department to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.

Academics and media outlets sympathetic to Antifa have argued that the group cannot be classified as a terrorist organization because, they claim, it is a vaguely-defined protest movement that lacks a centralized structure. Mark Bray, a vocal apologist for Antifa in America and author of the book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” asserts that Antifa “is not an overarching organization with a chain of command.”

The Quiet Struggle Over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Jordan vs. Turkey. Joseph Puder


There is a quiet struggle going on over control of East Jerusalem’s Noble Sanctuary (Haram al-Sharif) or Temple Mount.  It is not as you might guess between Israel and the Palestinians.  It is actually between two Sunni-Muslim nations, the Hashemites Kingdom of Jordan and Erdogan’s Turkey.  To the extent that Israel is involved in this quiet struggle, it is to strengthen Jordan’s position against the encroaching Turks, by adding Saudi representatives to the Islamic Waqf Council.  The Islamic Waqf Council controls the activities surrounding the Noble Sanctuary or Temple Mount.  Israel has engaged the U.S. administration to mediate the issue with the Saudis.

The Hashemites, who once controlled Mecca and Medina, Islam’s holiest sites, lost out to the Saudis in the 1920’s.  The Hashemites are related by a bloodline to the Prophet Mohammad through his daughter Fatimah and her husband Ali, the Fourth Caliph.  Hasan, the son of Fatimah and Ali, is the progenitor of the Hashemite line, which is a subdivision of the Quraysh tribe.  The consolation prize was control over Islam’s third holiest site -The Noble Sanctuary or Temple Mount where the Al-Aqsa and Omar mosques are located. The Prophet Mohammad is said to have flown from the al-Aqsa mosque to heaven on his horse named Buraq.

Given the historical rivalry between the House of Saud and the Hashemites, Jordanians in the past would not contemplate allowing their Saudi rivals a foothold in Jerusalem’s holy places.  But now, after 100 years, Erdogan’s Turkey is challenging Jordan’s control over the Temple Mount. Jordan, under the Hashemite King Abdullah II, is finally relenting to the Saudis out of financial necessity and a looming threat from Erdogan’s Turkey.  

Iran: The supreme leader’s regional girdle is tearing apart By Hassan Mahmoudi


Internal, regional, and international developments reinforced by the coronavirus crisis, have submerged the Iranian regime’s policy of war-mongering and export of fundamentalism and terrorism into a whirlpool of crises.

Iran counts on Syria as its strategic ally. In the last 40 years, and especially the last nine since 2011, it has supported Bashar Assad’s regime with a vengeance, spending enormous amounts of money.

In its turn, Tehran uses Syria as a link through to Lebanon’s Hezbollah, to supply it with weapons and logistics.

On Feb. 25, 2019, on the invitation of Iran’s chief terror master, Qasem Soleimani, Assad, for the first time since the 2011 start of Syria’s civil war, visited Tehran unexpectedly where he met and talked with Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.

In this meeting, Khamenei said that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s help for the government and nation of Syria is equal to giving help to the ‘resistance’ against the U.S. and its allies pressures and he honors it dearly.

Hossein Taeb, the head of the Ammar Base Council affiliated with the IRGC, explained the strategic importance of Syria when he said: “Syria is Iran’s 35th province.  Defending it is a greater priority than defending Khuzestan (Iran’s southern province).”

After the onset of the uprising in Syria, when the Iranian regime vastly escalated its cooperation with Assad’s regime to suppress it, Hossein Taeb declared: “If the enemy attacks us to invade Syria or Khuzestan, our priority is to preserve Syria. If we hold Syria, we can regain Khuzestan, but if we lose Syria, we will not even be able to hold Tehran.”