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Iran’s Ayatollahs bully the US by destabilizing Saudi Arabia Yoram Ettinger


Since the February 1979 Ayatollahs’ Islamic Revolution – which transformed Iran from “America’s policeman in the Gulf” to the epicenter of anti-US terrorism – Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has attempted to erode the US strategic posture, regionally and globally, including Latin America.  Thus, the IRGC has agitated and radicalized the Shiite communities in the pro-US, oil-producing, Sunni Arab countries, while training Shiite terrorists and providing them weapons and explosives. The IRGC has focussed on Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (Bahrain’s patron), and especially on Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, which is the home of the bulk of Saudi oil reserves, as well as, the main Saudi refinery and export terminal of Ras Tanura, where the Shiites – who are a 20% minority in Saudi Arabia – constitute a majority.  Moreover, the Ayatollahs claim title to the major offshore Al-Durra oil and natural gas field, currently controlled by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The Saudi perception of Iran’s Ayatollahs

*The Saudi Crown Prince, Muhammed bin Salman (MBS), the de facto ruler of the kingdom, does not allow the March 2023 resumption of the Saudi-Iranian diplomatic ties to smother the reality of the inherently subversive, terroristic, anti-Sunni and imperialistic track record of Iran’s Ayatollahs. MBS is cognizant of the fact that the Ayatollahs’ 1,400-year-old Shiite ideology – as stipulated in their 1979 Constitution, school curriculum, mosque sermons, and documented in their systematic rogue policy – mandates the toppling of all pro-US, oil-producing, “heretic” Sunni regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, which controls Mecca and Medina, the two holiest Moslem sites, and rivals the Ayatollahs for the dominance of the Moslem World and the Persian Gulf.

*He is aware that Saudi Arabia is a top prize for the Ayatollahs, since it constitutes the chief component of the Persian Gulf’s 48% of global oil and natural gas reserves, a focal point of global economy, in general, and the price at the pump, in particular. Furthermore, toppling the pro-US Saudi regime would accord the anti-US Ayatollahs control of the Arabian Peninsula, which dominates much of the shipping route between Europe and the Far East.

This Genteel Country Is Now the Rape Capital of Europe Stephen Green


An explosion of violent crime in the United Kingdom has made England and Wales into what one economist calls “the rape capital of Europe by a sizeable margin.”

The figures are “pretty grim,” according to UK economist and podcast host Philip Pilkington. “Looks like Britain is becoming a pretty unsafe place.”

(The UK publishes separate crime statistics for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.)

The rate of increase is staggering, too. Reported rapes are up 63% in just five years.

In the city of Bournemouth, where anti-immigration protestors were rounded up by authorities two days ago, rapes increased from 98 in 2010 to 342 last year — three and a half times as many as before.

Meanwhile, His Majesty’s Labour government responded by preparing to empty the jails of 5,000 criminals, some of them violent, to make room for the people protesting against Britain’s immigration-fueled crime wave.

‘The Black Day’: A Decade of Displacement for Iraqi Christians by Raymond Ibrahim


August 6 marked the tenth anniversary of “the Black Day,” a day indelible to Iraqi Christians as the start of the unrelenting atrocities to which they were subjected on August 6, 2014, ten years ago.

On that day, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) unleashed a jihadi massacre of unprecedented terror, brutally attacking ancient Christian communities across northern Iraq. Villages were overrun, homes and churches looted and destroyed, and countless lives shattered. Christians were murdered, raped and sold into slavery.

Even though ISIS has largely been neutralized, the remaining 154,000 Christians [in Iraq] face “very high” levels of persecution.

“We stayed in Mosul for 39 days under ISIS control because they initially offered us safety. But then they declared that as Christians and People of the Book, we were infidels. They demanded we either pay the jizya, convert to Islam or face execution.” — Saadallah, an elderly Iraqi refugee from Mosul, recalling August 6, 2014.

“There are very few NGOs left that focus on our displacement and who continue to provide assistance for Iraqi Refugees; but American FRRME is still on the ground and actively helping.” — Nate Breeding, Executive Director of the American Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, interview with Gatestone, August 5, 2024.

China Condemns Killing of Hamas Leader And supports Iran’s position of “self-defense” against Israel. by Christine Williams


A report by United Press International recently indicated that China is virtually encouraging Iran to attack Israel. This comes as no surprise, seeing that Beijing not only condemned the recent killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, but also made it clear that it “supports Tehran’s defense of its sovereignty, security and national dignity.”

China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, told his Iranian counterpart, acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri, over the phone:

China firmly opposes and strongly condemns the assassination, viewing it as a severe violation of the basic principles of international relations, a serious infringement on Iran’s sovereignty, security and dignity and a direct disruption of the Gaza cease-fire negotiations, impacting regional peace and stability.

Any attack on Israel by Iran obviously has nothing to do with self-defense. It was Iran-backed Hamas that barbarically attacked Israel in the first place, and it is Israel that is fighting a defensive war for its own survival. Iran and its proxies have been brazen about their goal of annihilating the Jewish State.

Contrary to what Wang Yi told Ali Bagheri, Iran is hardly a representative of “peace” in the region. It can better be characterized as the head of the snake that destabilizes the region. Nor does it operate from a place of “dignity.” Savagery and deceit better characterize it.

Communist China is politically anti-Israel, as it is anti-American and anti-Western, despite its complex economic ties and cooperation with the West. China is loyal only to its self-interests and goal of global dominance.

Pure self-interest characterizes the China-Iran relationship. In 2021, China and Iran signed a $400 billion accord, creating a power shift that Forbes described as threatening Western interests. The deal incorporated China’s ongoing Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), “spending billions in infrastructure investment with an eye on long term influence and economic and security hegemony.”

Iran’s Gaza War: Ceasefire? What Ceasefire? by Bassam Tawil


Hamas is now in dire need of a ceasefire because its leaders want to hold on to power in the Gaza Strip.

If the Biden-Harris administration and its Iranian, Qatari and Egyptian allies manage to impose a ceasefire on Israel, it will be viewed by many Arabs and Muslims not only as a reward for the October 7 massacres, but specifically as a lifeline for Hamas.

Hamas officials, however, were more honest than the Americans, Egyptians and Qataris. These officials were quick to deny any progress in the ceasefire talks and described them as “a waste of time.”

According to reports, Hamas has demanded that the Israeli army completely withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Until recently, Hamas maintained exclusive control over the border, which allowed it to smuggle weapons and ammunition into the Gaza Strip over the past two decades.

Hamas, in addition, insists on releasing the Israeli hostages in phases. It clearly wants to hold on to as many hostages as possible as an “insurance policy” to avoid being targeted by Israel in the future. Hamas apparently wants the negotiations over the hostages to continue forever, so it can use the time to rebuild its terror infrastructure and prepare for more attacks on Israel.

In Israel, meanwhile, the plight of the hostages has been hijacked by the political rivals of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They are inciting the families of the abductees to demand a deal with Hamas at any cost, including surrendering to Hamas to end the war, and a full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

[I]f Israel is forced to relinquish control of the Philadelphi Corridor, it will effectively lose the war. Such a move would mean a return to the pre-October 7 era, when Hamas and other Iran-backed terror proxies controlled the border with Egypt and used it to smuggle weapons and ammunition into the Gaza Strip.

A ceasefire now will just allow Hamas to regroup, rearm and prepare for more attacks against Israel. A ceasefire does not mean that Hamas would abandon its plan to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Islamist state.

The Biden-Harris administration is, sadly, dead wrong if it believes that a ceasefire will open the door to security and stability in the Middle East. A ceasefire would simply give the Iranian regime and its terrorist allies more confidence, especially when they have nuclear weapons, to pursue their Jihad (holy war) against the Jews and Israel, and then their neighbors in the Gulf.

Stephen Schecter :Canada is showing us how societies collapse. The country is a microcosm for the Western world increasingly becoming a joke — a well-deserved one — and Israel would benefit from keeping its distance.


Last week, Gay Pride Vancouver held its annual parade, only to cancel it half-way through because 20 to 30 “pro-Palestinian” masked protestors blocked the route of the parade at its mid-way point.

The police said the protest was peaceful and no arrests were made, not even for causing a public disturbance. The organizers stated afterwards that the decision to cancel the parade was not taken lightly, but as “the right to protest is a cornerstone of our democracy.”

Given that they “stand in solidarity with the protestors,” the organizers decided to cancel the rest of the parade and “focused on ensuring that our Parade participants and those who came to watch the parade dispersed safely.”

Wasn’t that nice of them?

Having not attended the parade myself, unlike Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sporting a gay rainbow on a black t-shirt, I cannot vouch that among the parade participants this year there was the usual float of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid; but even if there was, it clearly was not enough for the more militant of the LGBTQ2TS+ community, who clearly felt obliged to make a more fervent statement supporting people who rape, mutilate, burn, and murder men, women, and children.

That they did so in their usual cowardly fashion, masking their faces, puts them right alongside the keffiyeh-sporting Palestinians they so adore and champion, as tightly bound to them as they can get without jumping into bed with them. For that, of course, they would be thrown off Gaza rooftops, but this prospect never seems to penetrate their dimwit brains, just as supporting vile murderers never strikes them as perhaps an abuse of free speech.

Nor does it occur to the Vancouver Police Department that this “peaceful protest” on behalf of crazed rapists that put an end to a parade is perhaps a violation of public order and a crime akin to shouting fire in a crowded cinema. But nothing of that sort seems to cross the minds of the good denizens of Vancouver, who pride themselves on the spirit of community that celebrates dead Jews.

Iran’s Mullahs and Their Deadly Serious Plan: The Total Annihilation of Israel and the US by Majid Rafizadeh


This conflict is a battle for survival not only for Israel but for the region, and ultimately for Europe and the United States.

Israel understands the stakes: Iran’s belligerency requires an unequivocally committed response from the United States. In that part of the world, wishy-washy means a green light, open season. The consequences are assumed to vary from minimal to non-existent – and often even a profit!

Iran has no interest in becoming a sand dune. That is why it has proxies, so that they will do the attacking and take the incoming retaliation, ensuring that their devoted patron, Iran, will not have to. Iran’s proxies are its human shields.

“Now, ask yourself, which country ultimately stands in the way of Iran’s maniacal plans to impose radical Islam on the world? And the answer is clear: It’s America, the guardian of Western civilization and the world’s greatest power. That’s why Iran sees America as its greatest enemy…. That’s why the mobs in Tehran chant ‘Death to Israel’ before they chant ‘Death to America.’ For Iran Israel is first, America is next…. When Israel acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons…. [that] threaten every American city…. we’re not only protecting ourselves. We’re protecting you.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Address to US Congress, July 25, 2024.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… has gone as far as proclaiming to the youth of Iran that they will soon witness the downfall of both Israel and American civilization.

Has anyone noticed how Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat of using nuclear weapons succeeded in intimidating the Biden-Harris administration? Why wasn’t the Biden-Harris administration intimidating Putin?

As [General Hossein] Salami [chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] boasted, Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, to such an extent that it now has the capability to “wipe out Israel” on its own. — timesofisrael.com, January 28, 2019.

The US should make it unequivocally clear that any entity that attacks Israel will face costs it cannot even imagine.

The Iranian regime and its proxies appear to believe they have the perfect opportunity to eradicate Israel. They perceive a weak administration in the United States under President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris: the US has released billions of dollars that mainly assist Iran in arming its proxies.

The stakes could not be higher. The United States must prevent Iran’s unfathomably dangerous prophecy from becoming a lethal reality.

The war initiated against Israel on October 7 by the Iranian regime, along with its proxies and terrorist groups — Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iraqi Shia militias — is far more than a minor skirmish or an isolated act of aggression.

Olympic Fool’s Gold Follies Algerian boxer Imane Khelif files “criminal complaint” against J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk. by Lloyd Billingsley


J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk have been named in a criminal complaint to French authorities over “acts of aggravated cyber harassment” against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, NBC reports. The complaint centers on “bullying” over Khelif’s gender, which allegedly “greatly affected” the boxer, who won a Gold Medal in the women’s 66 kg class. The bullying refers to online comments from Rowling, that men beating up women had become an Olympic sport; Riley Gaines stating that men don’t belong in women’s sports, and Donald Trump saying that he would keep men out of women’s sports.

Nabil Boudi, Khelif’s attorney, told reporters that the lawsuit “could target personalities overseas,” and that prosecutors dealing with “online hate speech has the possibility to make requests for mutual legal assistance with other countries.” As Boudi helpfully clarifies, this is all about punishing free speech.

Female impersonator bullies like Khelif seek to force compliance with their reality dysphoria by creating offenses such as “misgendering” for simple recognition of biological truth. If someone criticizes gender fakery, the parties in question are not the target of “hate speech” and not “oppressed” in any fashion. The gender benders are the bullies and oppressors, and another dynamic is in play.

Men who beat up women are gutless cowards, what previous generations called “chickenshit” without the slightest embarrassment, and they also qualify as underachievers. For example, the former William Thomas was mediocre at best on the men’s swim team at Penn. Against women, with his rudder still intact, he does much better, and the NCAA sanctions the fraud. When swimmer Riley Gaines attempts to make her case, she becomes the target of outright assault.

It would be interesting to see how Imane Khelif would perform against men’s Olympic lightweight champ Erislandy Alvarez of Cuba, or the USA’s Omari Jones, who won the bronze, the only boxing medal for the USA in the Paris games. If anyone thought the American would smack the fertilizer out of the Algerian it would be hard to blame them. So put it to the test, or take it to another level.  Khelif failed a chromosome test with the International Boxing Association, so he might want to take on the professionals.

France: Political Chaos by Guy Millière


Rebellious France is not only a far-left party, it is also a party tinged with anti-Semitism and counts supporters of Islamism and terrorist groups such as Hamas in its ranks.

The left-wing coalition has clearly been gaining ground. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of Rebellious France, to emphasize that he accepts anti-Semitism and supports Hamas and Islamism, gave a speech about his party’s results while standing on stage next to an Islamist pro-Hamas activist, newly-elected Member of European Parliament Rima Hassan. Hassan wore a keffiyeh and displayed on her clothes a small Palestinian flag.

An unprecedented situation in France took shape: all the candidates from other parties were asked to withdraw from the election and support the candidate of another party better placed to defeat the National Rally candidate, even if the better-placed candidate belonged to a party that they totally rejected.

The French mainstream media contributed to the operation and fueled fear of “fascism”. They accepted the propaganda. Rappers, who are widely listened to in Islamic no-go zones, released a song that calls for the murder of Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally, the rape of party leader Marine Le Pen, and the elimination of “Zionist Jews”. The song was described by some journalists as a courageous “song of resistance” and was broadcast over the radio. One of the lines from the song goes: “From the Jordan to the Seine, Palestine will be free” – a call not just for the destruction of Israel, but for the submission of France to Sharia law and Islam.

The “left”, with 184 seats, became the largest group in the National Assembly; Rebellious France, its most powerful component. The party’s leaders present themselves as the spearhead of the “anti-fascist struggle”; claim that they must govern the country, and that to remove them would be to make “concessions to fascism”. They do not bother to hide their anti-Semitism and their support for Hamas and Islam.

France has become almost ungovernable. No political party has a majority. No party can form a government coalition without having to renounce the most essential part of its program.

The power acquired by Rebellious France means that a government which does not have its approval cannot claim to govern. In addition, no new parliamentary elections can be organized for a year.

Polls have shown for months that a majority of French people would like a firm fight against crime, a stop to illegal immigration, and an end to the Islamization of the country. All these points were on the program of the National Rally.

Every year, on average, 500,000 new immigrants, mainly from the Muslim world, settle in France. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants reside in the country. Few are expelled. Islamic no-go zones are growing.

On the evening of July 7, Rebellious France organized a large rally in Paris’s Place de la République. Palestinian flags were everywhere; French flags almost nowhere. Speakers presented hateful slogans against the National Rally, Israel, Jewish journalists, and the police. Demonstrators burned cars and trash cans, and destroyed stores.

Double Effect and Human Rights in War The flawed moral reasoning of the ICC’s panel of legal experts would have approved the arrests of Churchill and Eisenhower. Nigel Biggar


When, in June, the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor sought arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defence minister over their conduct in Gaza, the Conservative government objected that the ICC lacks jurisdiction over Israeli citizens. Last week, the new Labour incumbents of No. 10 abandoned that challenge. 

But lack of jurisdiction is only the weakest ground for objection. Had the reasoning of the panel of legal experts invited to justify the prosecutor’s action been applied to the Allies’ invasion of Normandy in June 1944—the eightieth anniversary of which we have just celebrated—it would have approved the arrests of Churchill and Eisenhower. 

According to the experts’ report, there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that the Israeli ministers have committed war crimes in Gaza. This is because they have “intentionally” used the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare against Hamas, by depriving civilians of “objects indispensable for their survival” and so of their “fundamental rights.” They have done this by “deliberately” impeding the delivery of humanitarian relief and by “attacks directed against” facilities that produce food and clean water, civilians attempting to obtain relief supplies, and humanitarian workers and convoys. “Either … the suspects meant these deaths to happen,” write the lawyers, “or … they were aware that deaths would occur in the ordinary course of events as a result of their methods of warfare.” As for the crime of extermination, “the number of deaths resulting from starvation is sufficient on its own to support the charge.”

Objections to the panel’s report could be raised on factual grounds, since responsibility for the failure of aid to reach its intended recipients and the question of whether or not Gaza has in fact been on the brink of starvation at all both remain hotly contested. But I shall let these pass, since my own objection is ethical rather than factual.