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The ‘Butcher of Tehran’ Meets a Mountain One of Iran’s worst monsters goes down. by Daniel Greenfield


Thirty-five years after taking part in the massacre of thousands, President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter went down over a mountain. Inside the chopper was the body of the man viewed as the likely future Supreme Leader of Iran along with his Foreign Minister and various other officials of the Islamic terrorist regime.

The Iranian people celebrated the death of the man known as the ‘Butcher of Tehran’ with fireworks and dances. Many of those celebrating were the women whom he had tormented for so long.

President Raisi was said to have harbored a special hatred for women and he has been held responsible for everything from prison rapes to the torture of pregnant women. The cleric and former prosecutor had overseen the brutal suppression of human rights protests against the Islamic regime as part of a record of his crimes against humanity going back to the 1980s.

The Islamic Revolution in Iran had brought many monsters to power. Raisi among them. One of the Islamic student radicals who turned a nation with freedom and civil rights into a ruthless Islamic theocracy, Raisi also represented the last generation of the revolution. Still in his early sixties, it was expected that he would usher in the next era of the Islamic Revolution.

But within weeks of Iran’s likely arrival at a nuclear threshold, Raisi went down in a Bell helicopter that the United States had exported to Iran back in the era of the Shah. Iran had spent billions on nukes, ballistic missiles and drones but neglected to invest in developing its own civilian aircraft. While the price of putting guns ahead of butter is usually paid by civilians, it was the ‘Butcher of Iran’ and his entourage, including Iran’s Foreign Minister, who paid the price for their murderous obsession with nuclear weapons with their lives.

Western Universities: A Double Invasion by Amir Taheri


They introduce themselves as university students, young scholars who are supposedly training to become the nation’s political guides and mentors.

However, you soon found out that their understanding of political issues, including the current war in Gaza, is a reflection more of street politics than academic methods. In other words, the street, and its politique de la rue in French, have invaded the university or at least part of it that wears the label of “humanities”, a witches’ brew of once academic subjects corrupted by ideology.

The crisis in Western universities is further complicated by the advent of wokeism, a corrupted secular version of the seminarian’s sympathy for the innocent scapegoat, a sympathy extended to all real or imagined victims of injustice. While the seminary is chiefly interested in the text, faculty ought to be equally interested in the context. In many “humanities” departments in Western universities, however, the text comes from propagandist pamphlets written by polemicist professors, while the context is regarded as a mere diversion from the truth.

Shakespeare said it best: “Now confusion has made its masterpiece!”

If you visit Paris these days, you may run into solemn-looking youths distributing a tract that’s says: “Palestine is fighting for all of us!” or tagging this message on the walls: “Stop Genocide in Palestine!”

They introduce themselves as university students, young scholars who are supposedly training to become the nation’s political guides and mentors.

However, you soon found out that their understanding of political issues, including the current war in Gaza, is a reflection more of street politics than academic methods. In other words, the street, and its politique de la rue in French, have invaded the university or at least part of it that wears the label of “humanities”, a witches’ brew of once academic subjects corrupted by ideology.

Geert Wilders to Join New Dutch Government “‘strictest-ever’ asylum policy” by Daniel Greenfield


Last November, Dutch voters rallied for Geert Wilders. The PVV party became the largest party in the Dutch parliament. Normally that should have meant that Wilders, who has spoken out against Islamization and globalization, should have been on track to become prime minister. But after quite a few months of negotiation, there will be a coalition government. Wilders isn’t being allowed to be PM but he has announced a tough asylum policy and an end to the EU’s ‘green’ war on farmers.

And the EU, the media and the rest of the machine will do everything possible to stop it.

Dutch voters have come out over and over again against an invasion of their country.

According to November exit poll data, men and women, urban and rural, old and young voted for the far-right party.

In parts of the Netherlands, such as the northeast, the previous election — in which, due to pandemic precautions, 70-plus voters could cast their ballot by post — revealed a generational gap between older voters, who still backed traditional parties, and younger voters, who supported Wilders more often. “The children of PVDA-ers [Labor Party] have become PVV-ers,” said De Voogd, referring to the Freedom Party by its Dutch acronym.

As well as luring voters away from other parties, the Freedom Party tapped into a major new voter potential: Non-voters. Dutch voter analysis has shown that Wilders’ second-largest source of new votes — about 11 percent — had come from people who had abstained in 2021.

And this is the first time there’s a government that may actually act.

The Netherlands has today said it will opt out of European Union rules and bring in its ‘strictest-ever’ asylum policy following Geert Wilders’ shock election victory.

The parties said they would file a request to the European Commission for an opt-out on European asylum policy ‘as soon as possible’. People without a valid residence permit will be deported ‘by force if necessary,’ said the report.

The Left Bows Low and Cries ‘Allahu Akbar’ Phil Shannon


Odd bedfellows are often found in politics or war, but is the secular Left’s lovey-dovey relationship with the anti-Semitic, genocidal Hamas fanatics in Gaza and, indeed, Islam generally, really such an odd pairing? We are entitled to speculate because there appears  no limit to what it would take for the woke Left to say, along with a majority of other Australians, ‘to hell with Hamas, to hell with Islam’.  Neither the bestial nature of the Hamas terror attack on Israel and the imported Jew-hate that consequently erupted here in Australia, nor the Muslim teen jihadi’s stabbing of a Sydney bishop, have proved to be a threshold too far for the modern Left.

No matter what depths of depravity are reached by Islam, it remains ring-fenced by the impregnable force-field of ‘Islamophobia’, one of the top sins in the Woke catechism and zealously enforced by the Left, even though ‘Islamophobia’ should more accurately be called ‘Islamo-awareness’ rather than an ‘irrational’ fear of Islam. Whilst Islamo-Fascism has a long history (one common enemy in particular united both the  Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Fuhrer, for example), Islamo-Leftism is a relatively new phenomenon in a Left which has traditionally been wary of, indeed hostile to, ‘radical Mohammedans’ (in Trotsky’s words) and their milieu.

So, what is going on with the infatuation of the Left with the barbaric, Jew-killing, gay-hating, women-raping, head-lopping religious fundamentalists of the Islamic faith, and their often silently supportive, more ‘moderate’, brethren?

Islam’s demographic march

Like the rest of the West, Australia is beginning to undergo Islamicisation.  In 1966, Muslims made up fewer than one in a thousand Australians (Islam did not statistically reach even the 0.1 per cent population needed to warrant its own religion category in the Census of that year).  From that invisibly low base, however, the acceleration has been rapid.  By the 2021 Census, Muslims in Australia had reached a population of 813,392 or 3.2 per cent of the total population.

Russia, China and Iran Must Not Seize Control of Sudan by Con Coughlin


Moscow has undertaken a radical change in its involvement in the Sudanese conflict, with the Kremlin now providing al-Burhan’s Islamist-aligned SAF its “uncapped” military support.

In return, Moscow is hoping the Sudanese leader will honour a deal struck in 2020 to allow Russia to establish a naval base in Port Sudan, a move that would enable the Russian navy to threaten directly Western trade routes passing through the Red Sea.

If, as now seems likely, both Russia and Iran, together with China, succeed in deepening their foothold in Sudan, as well as gaining access to key maritime bases such as Port Sudan, they will be in a strong position to challenge the West’s ability to protect key shipping routes in the Red Sea.

Iran’s presence in Sudan, moreover, will present a major challenge to Israel: it will complete Tehran’s strategic encirclement of the Israelis.

The Western powers must act urgently to protect this pivotal African state from falling into the hands of hostile autocratic regimes, such as Iran, Russia and China, which seek to use Sudan as a base from which to maintain their assault of the West and its key allies in the region.

A modern-day “Scramble for Africa” is taking place in war-torn Sudan, where an unholy collection of hostile autocratic states, namely Iran, Russia and China, are competing for a stake in the country’s key resources, especially the all-important maritime base of Port Sudan in the Red Sea.

Back in the late nineteenth century, the original “Scramble for Africa” was the term coined to describe the efforts of European colonial powers such as Britain, France and Germany to expand their influence throughout the African continent. Their campaign of expansion proved so successful that by the outbreak of the First World War, only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free from the shackles of European colonisation.

Motherhood is the most important job in the world And it’s one fewer and fewer want Don Feder


When President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day a federal holiday in 1914, the average American woman had six children. During the baby boom, the number was 3.62. Today, it’s an anemic 1.6, which should set off alarm bells.

Motherhood is the most important job in world. But it’s a job fewer and fewer want to do.

In 2023, 3.6 million babies were born in the United States, compared with 4.16 million in 1990.

The total fertility rate is the number of children the average woman will have in her lifetime. We haven’t had replacement-level fertility (2.1) since 1973.

Still, the United States is experiencing another baby boom compared to most of the industrialized world.

In Italy, the fertility rate is 1.21. The average Italian child has no brothers, sisters or cousins.

In South Korea, it’s 0.72. The nation will lose more than half of its population in each generation. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un can disband his army. In a few years, he’ll be able to just walk in and take over.

Last year, Japan lost 595,000 people. This is the 13th consecutive year of population decline. More than 20 million Japanese are 75 and older, a record high. The number of vacant homes also hit an all-time high of more than 9 million, or 13.8% of the housing supply.

The Xi-Macron Romance – and Big Nukes Dreaming of the end of American preeminence. by Kenneth R. Timmerman


China’s president Xi wound up his five-day European tour just as an emperor should, with a red carpet welcome and full military honors in Budapest.

The Hungarians, known Euro-contrarians, welcomed Xi’s pledge to invest billions to build an EV plant in Hungary, and didn’t bat an eye when told it meant they now belonged to China’s imperialist Belt and Road Initiative.

Xi’s trip went better than expected. France’s president Emmanuel Macron, whom I call “Little Cookie” for reasons you will find fully explained in my new book on France, Raising Olives in Provence, backed away from his aggressive statements about China’s unacceptable economic takeover of Europe.

Instead of berating Xi, he took the Chinese dictator to a childhood haunt in the Pyrenees, thinking perhaps he was Donald Trump, who gave Xi the Mar-a-Lago treatment when the two first met in May 2017. He was left to beg Xi to reduce the huge trade imbalance between China and the EU ($314.72 billion in 2023), or else – or else, nothing.

Macron could make no credible threat of tariffs, because he doesn’t yet speak for the EU, although on most days he thinks he does.

Little Cookie and Xi could agree on one thing, however: Both would like to end American “hegemony,” and see both the EU and China play larger roles on the world stage.

Bambie Thug has exposed the rottenness of the new Ireland Ireland’s hostility to Israel is a grotesque betrayal of its own liberatory history. Brendan O’Neill


What a thing of beauty that Israel beat Ireland in Saturday’s Eurovision Song Contest. That Israel’s serene songstress, Eden Golan, got more points than Ireland’s warbling, gurning, pseudo-Satanic they / them, Bambie Thug. That an actually decent song trumped the caterwauling of a fake punk who mistakes having tattoos, identifying as ‘nonbinary’ and saying ‘I’m queer!’ for a personality. More importantly, that a singer who was harangued by baying mobs of Hamas fanboys did better than the ‘singer’ who helped to whip up this orgy of cruelty by saying she cried when she heard Israel had made it to the final. Boo-fucking-hoo. I bet you’re crying even more now, Ms Thug.

This is the news – the beautiful news – that Israel came fifth and Ireland sixth in the Eurovision Song Contest. Of course – because they are racist and mentally unstable – Israel haters on social media are saying the Zionist octopus helped to bump up Israel’s points. One pictures Mossad agents taking a break from hunting down the anti-Semites who slaughtered a thousand of their compatriots to post memes on Facebook saying ‘Screw Bambie, Vote Eden!’. In truth, the reason Israel did so well in the public vote – getting the maximum ‘douze points’ from no fewer than 14 of the 37 nations eligible to vote in Eurovision – is because normal people don’t share the Euro-bourgeoisie’s feverish loathing for the Jewish State. It wasn’t only the emotionally incontinent Israelophobe Bambie Thug who took a beating last night – so did the entire anti-Israel middle class whose cries for a boycott of Eurovision clearly fell on deaf ears.

We shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves, of course, given it’s only Eurovision, and given that some people (me, for example) were highly motivated to vote for Israel in order to wind up the wankers of Europe. But it is undeniably delicious that, despite the pompous pleas of drag queens and other paragons of morality for everyone to switch off Eurovision this year, millions watched. Around 7.6million Brits tuned in. Yes, that’s lower than last year – when we were the hosts – but it’s higher than every year between 2015 and 2021. It will be a source of mirth for me for some time that while the LGBTQ lobby was self-importantly putting away the glitter, locking the drinks cabinet and doing their very best not to check X for Eurovision updates, the general public were watching and enjoying the daftness of it all. Rarely has the moral gulf between us and our preening cultural overlords been so starkly exposed.

Then there were the votes for Israel. It felt like a tiny rebellion against the hysteria of the elites. Brits gave Israel 12 points. So did France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and others. This was people saying ‘We don’t agree with your bullying of a young woman and your obsessive hatred for her homeland’.

The Strange Non-Death of TikTok And The Current College Chaos Ian Oxnevad

CounterCurrent: China Edition is a monthly newsletter of the National Association of Scholars uncovering and highlighting the effects of the Chinese Communist Party’s influence on American education.

Cognitive warfare is a technical term for altering the attitudes and behaviors of a specific individual or a population for political purposes by “degrading rationality” and changing perceptions of reality. At the end of last month, Joe Biden in his cognitive wisdom signed into law a bill that forces China to sell one of its foremost cognitive weapons: TikTok. Included as part of an aid package to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, the bill mandates that the Chinese company ByteDance either sell the app or face an outright ban in the United States. While TikTok’s looming legislative death sentence has upset Communist China and American libertarians alike, it will likely remain an enabler of college campus chaos under new ownership.

As a tool of cognitive warfare, China’s reasons for wanting and using TikTok are as evident as its effect. According to Congressional testimony from United States Army General Paul M. Nakasone, roughly a third of American adults get their news from the app, while one out of six children are chronic users of it. The FBI and FCC have noted that TikTok collects data ranging from a user’s history and location to biometric data and shares it with its Chinese parent company, ByteDance.

Regarding content, TikTok is an app parade of the ugly and horrible. Vinod Khosla, one of Open-AI’s major investors, has called the app an “AI-powered subversion weapon.” According to algorithmic studies of the app, after five hours on the platform, users are exposed to content harmful to mental health. Videos encouraging teenagers to commit suicide play alongside those enabling child exploitation. Anti-Semitism is plentiful in TikTok’s “Photo Mode,” and has faced allegations from whistleblowers over moderating content on the Middle East to favor Hamas. Osama bin Laden went viral at the end of last year, seemingly from the grave, on a viral TikTok. Add to the mix idiotic and dangerous TikTok “challenges” like cooking chicken with NyQuil, eating corn cobbs on rotating drill bits, overdosing on Benadryl, choking yourself until blackout, and eating Tide pods. Cognitive warfare not only works—it works too well. In China, TikTok is restricted to educational and patriotic content favoring the Chinese Communist Party.

ByteDance has been active in the minds of American students in more formal ways by contributing heavily to colleges and universities. In 2020, ByteDance announced it would donate $10 million to medical scholarships awarded for “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” ByteDance gave much more than that. In fact, ByteDance gave in excess of eight figures in donations that universities failed to disclose. Despite Beijing’s largesse, universities in predominantly Republican states have banned TikTok.

TikTok has played its role in the recent protests of Jews and Israel playing out across college campuses nationwide. According to a survey conducted by the data firm Kaggle, spending only 30 minutes a day on TikTok increases someone’s likelihood of holding anti-Semitic views. According to the study, “TikTok users are more likely to believe that Jewish people are dishonest in business, are disloyal to America, and have too much power in the media.” Kaggle’s findings are not unique, as its conclusions were verified by an experiment conducted by the Wall Street Journal that found teenagers exposed to “apocalyptic, conspiratorial” content warped in a lopsided anti-Israel position. It is no wonder that campuses are currently overrun with anti-Semitic mobs.

While banning TikTok or forcing its sale seems a logical step to safeguard national security, it nonetheless begs the question of whether such a move would be little more than a Pyrrhic victory. There is a good chance that TikTok’s algorithms, which contain its secret sauce of subversion, would not be included in a forced sale of the app to an American buyer. Even if out of the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, there is no guarantee that the “new” TikTok would not continue to erode societal cohesion and the mental capacity of young Americans. After all, other apps such as Facebook and Instagram have fostered similar discord.

One way to determine a political slant of an app’s content is to measure its hashtags to assess how they align with or against a given cause. The Washington Post found that hashtags for TikTok were lopsided in favor of #freepalestine against those in support of Israel. At the same time, Facebook posts with the #freepalestine dwarfed those of #standwithisrael by 39 times. Instagram’s posts in favor of the Palestinians were 29 times more numerous than those supporting Israel. TikTok may be waging cognitive warfare on young Americans; however, the darker truth is that China can only be blamed so much for the societal rot exemplified in today’s surge of anti-Semitism or the broader polarization in America. Americans are perfectly capable of destroying civilization on their own.

This brings us to the strange “non-death” of TikTok. With or without its algorithms, potential American tech investors buying TikTok will obtain an amazing tool to sway popular opinion for political purposes. In 2018, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg noted that Silicon Valley is an “extremely left-leaning place.” While major figures in the high-tech sector such as Peter Thiel and Elon Musk have shifted rightwards in recent years, there is no guarantee that a TikTok under new management would be any less conducive to societal fragmentation. TikTok may be the next leftwing app used by protest groups and promoting dangers to mental health. In other words, TikTok’s effects will likely never die, even if the app is effectively banned.

China’s strategy to make America angry and stupid with an app has proven remarkably successful. Still, it must be stressed that China’s efforts to sow discord only add momentum to cultural fracturing due to existing domestic dynamics. TikTok may help make students more anti-Semitic, but it only adds to what is heard in campus classrooms across the country where Western civilization is repeatedly condemned as illegitimate and Israel an oppressive, racist state. For those looking to Beijing’s app as the cause of today’s campus chaos, a mirror would suffice.

The Eurovision hurricane The tantrums over Eden Golan epitomised the childishness of performative protest Melanie Phillips


This is an expanded version of my column in The Times of London (£) today.

When the Irish Eurovision contestant, Bambie Thug, failed to bully Israel’s competitor out of the contest being staged in the Swedish town of Malmö, Thug did what today’s culture warriors feel is an appropriate reaction when they don’t get their way. The singer had a meltdown and burst into tears.

Thug, a “non-binary” individual who performed a pagan satanic routine as a kind of goblinesque Goth, had demanded that Israel’s entrant, Eden Golan, be barred from the contest because… well, because of course all Israelis everywhere should be shunned and hounded and cancelled by the entire human race because of the war in Gaza.

Asked how it had felt when Golan qualified for the contest’s final, the goblin replied, choking back the tears, “I cried with my team”.

Of course! Because the protest was all about them, to demonstrate their virtue as victims of… well, Israel’s existence, not to put too fine a point on it; and to demonstrate the frankly intolerable human cost to themselves of their principled stand of resistance. “The world has spoken!” cried Thug triumphantly, gulping back principled sobs.

Except the world hadn’t quite said what Thug —  speaking from within the alternative universe where Israel’s fight for its life against a genocidal enemy is itself denounced as an act of genocide — thought the world had said.

Because in the real world people had seen something rather different. They saw a vast mob on the streets of Malmö supporting the “Palestinian resistance” —  ie terrorism against Israeli Jews — and besieging a young Israeli singer to force her out of the contest.