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Our University ‘Elites’ May Have Met Their Match Iranian universities offer exciting opportunities to America’s woke youth.


Every now and then you see a headline that makes you smile. This one made me laugh out loud:

“Iranian university offers scholarships to US students expelled over protests.”

The president of Shiraz University, a major religious center in Iran, is offering all-expenses paid scholarships to U.S. students expelled for anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist protests, so they can “pursue their studies” in Iran. The Shirazis are so generous they are offering similar stipends to college professors fired for taking part in the same protests.

So now those students and professors who have been chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” can go home to the regime that invented the slogans.

What a wonderful opportunity for all those screaming and incoherent female pro-Hamas supporters to go home again to the birthplace of female liberty. I bet they must be lining up right now.

I imagine every gay, lesbian, and trans pro-Hamas individual is scouring the Internet, trying to find out where they can get their free ticket to the Iran. This great new offer from Shiraz University comes as a relief to my fellow conservatives who have been offering free tickets to Iran to these folks in recent weeks.

And now two other universities in Iran are offering similar opportunities to our woke youth.

Going to Iran shouldn’t be much of a culture shock, either. They will just have to trade the masks they have been wearing to hide from the police and their tactical gear for the full-length Islamic hijab. (Sorry, ladies: you can’t wear a face mask with the hijab in Iran, because the regime wants to track your movements).

We learned recently from the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal that George Soros’s Open Society Foundation has been funneling millions of dollars to pro-Palestinian groups in the United States, both directly and through the Tides Foundation of Teresa Heinz-Kerry.

Iran’s Dangerous New Terror Proxy: Sudan Iran’s Encirclement of Israel, Control of Red Sea, Almost Complete by Pete Hoekstra


“What makes the future in this case darker is Sudan’s history of hosting extremists and jihadists from the far right and far left. During the previous regime, Sudan hosted Osama bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Carlos the Jackal. This warm embrace of violent extremists earned Sudan a spot on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.”— Areej Elhag, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, January 31, 2024.
The bottom line for America and Europe is that the strategy of engaging and appeasing Iran has failed miserably.
The U.S. and Europe must step up now to counter Iran’s efforts in the Middle East and Sudan.
We cannot allow new “proxies of terror” for Iran.

While the Biden administration is preoccupied trying to win re-election this November, as well as putting out a series of fires it helped start in Ukraine, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific, a new area of urgent concern, largely flying under the public’s radar, has been brewing: Iran’s increasing penetration of Sudan.

Pocketing Sudan would provide Iran with more oil, gold and rare minerals, as well as another port on Red Sea from which to continue blocking maritime commercial passage. Sudan would also provide Iran with proximity to Israel, and serve as an additional launching pad from which to swarm Israel with more lethal drone attacks – at least until its nuclear weapons program is complete.

Iran could also add Sudan to the list of the four other countries it already effectively controls in the region: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

Sudan, with Iran’s backing, would then be well on its way to being another Hamas, al-Qaeda or Taliban, and spreading its inclinations to the rest of the African continent.

Areej Elhag recently wrote for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy:

“What makes the future in this case darker is Sudan’s history of hosting extremists and jihadists from the far right and far left. During the previous regime, Sudan hosted Osama bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Carlos the Jackal. This warm embrace of violent extremists earned Sudan a spot on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.”

Iran and the US Administration: Mocking US Sanctions by Majid Rafizadeh


Never before have sanctions been so ostentatiously disregarded without any seeming awareness by those violating them of the possible consequences.

The US administration, it appears, has actually been funding Iran to attack Israel and itself.

The Biden administration has provided a lifeline to the Iranian regime by providing it with much-needed financial relief to export more oil and terror.

The evasions of US sanctions by Iran and its allies – largely thanks to the Biden administrations’ sanctions waivers — mark a new chapter in America’s history. Never before have sanctions been so ostentatiously disregarded without any seeming awareness by those violating them of the possible consequences.

Flouting international agreements not only undermines the integrity of the sanctions themselves but has also been demolishing the authority and credibility of the US administration. The problem is that such ostentatious flouting of sanctions has been producing a global lack of respect for the United States. Such derision has been transforming the once formidable reputation of the US into little more than a punchline, and, in the eyes of allies and adversaries alike, reducing America’s stature to that of an attractive target.

Despite the sanctions, Iranian oil exports have continued to surge, funding Iran’s October 7 war on Israel — in addition to more than 150 attacks on US troops in the Middle East by Iran’s militias and proxies. The US administration, it appears, has actually been funding Iran to attack Israel and itself.

In addition, Iran continues sending weapons to Russia, to help it crush Ukraine.

The Biden Administration Must Denounce the International Criminal Court’s Plan to Indict Netanyahu The precedent of the ICC indicting Netanyahu and members of his government over the Israel-Gaza War could easily be used by U.S. adversaries to seek indictments against Biden officials. By Fred Fleitz


According to press reports, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is preparing to issue arrest warrants for war crimes against Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, over the war in Gaza. Such an indictment would not just further isolate Israel over this war; it also would create a dangerous precedent that could lead to indictments of U.S. officials and servicemembers by this unaccountable and unconstitutional international court.

The Biden administration’s response to possible ICC indictments of Israeli officials has been extremely mild. President Biden dismissed them as “over the top.” White House Spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre deflected a question about this issue by saying, “We don’t believe the ICC has jurisdiction. We don’t support this investigation.” House Speaker Johnson said on Tuesday that a Biden official would tell the ICC “to stand down.”

These tepid responses to potential serious abuse by an out-of-control international court suggest the Biden administration would not mind if the ICC indicts Netanyahu and other Israeli officials. If this is the case, this position could come back to haunt the United States and set the stage for future indictment of U.S. officials and servicemembers.

The controversial treaty that created the ICC—the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court—was signed by the United States during the Clinton administration in 2000. Clinton officials never submitted this treaty for Senate ratification because of concerns about the threat the ICC would pose to U.S. national security and the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens.

According to John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley and former deputy assistant attorney general, the ICC “represents another effort by a global elite — consisting of European governments, international organizations, and their supporting interest groups, academics, and activists — to threaten American sovereignty.”

David Rivkin and Lee Casey, both noted attorneys and former Bush administration Justice Department officials, warned about the creation of the ICC because…

[t]he creation of a permanent, supranational court with the independent power to judge and punish elected officials for their official actions represents a decisive break with fundamental American ideals of self-government and popular sovereignty. It would constitute the transfer of the ultimate authority to judge the acts of U.S. officials away from the American people to an unelected and unaccountable international bureaucracy. As Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in his Democracy in America, “[h]e who punishes the criminal is . . .the real master of society.

Hamas and Hezbollah: How Iran Is Secretly Infiltrating Europe by Robert Williams


“Hamas sees Western countries such as Germany as a refuge in which the organization can concentrate on collecting donations, recruiting new supporters, and spreading its propaganda.” — Germany’s domestic intelligence service, apnews.com, November 23, 2023.

In February, Belgium’s justice minister confirmed that Hamas operates in Brussels… through a network of front companies raising funds for the terrorist organization… Belgian authorities nevertheless continue to allow Hamas to operate there.

“Hamas has been in Europe for about 30 years. It’s an open secret. Of course, they don’t call themselves Hamas… They will have names like Conference of Palestinians Abroad, Palestinians in (country name), Palestinian Students Abroad, and so on. But when you dig a bit, you find out who the people are behind these associations, and what their connections are back home. It’s always the same cluster of 20-25 people. Their propaganda, their social media patterns, everything is Hamas.” — Lorenzo Vidino, director of the program on extremism at George Washington University, April 12, 2024.

“This is a typical Muslim Brotherhood tactic. They come up with a million different names for their organizations, for two reasons: Firstly, they want to give the impression that it’s a broad movement, so that when they organize a public event, there will be 50 participating organizations, or if they publish a public letter, there will be 50 signatory groups. Secondly, if one of these groups is taken down by law enforcement, well, there’s all the other ones.” — Lorenzo Vidino, April 12, 2024.

In all of this, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is a central actor. As stated by the US Congress, the IRGC “trains, funds, arms, and shares intelligence with dangerous proxy forces throughout the Middle East and abroad” and has targeted both European and American civilians.

The US Congress, Israel and thousands of Iranians have urged the European Union to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. Last year, by an overwhelming majority, the European Parliament passed a resolution to that effect, but the EU nevertheless refuses to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell claims there are legal obstacles; however, that claim has been refuted as a lie.

Iran has ballistic missiles that can reach Europe, and is one minute away from nuclear weapons capability, if not already there.

WATCH: Radical Islamists Rally in Hamburg Calling for Caliphate in Germany: Kurt Zindulka


The German city of Hamburg saw over a thousand Muslims rally on Saturday against the freedom of the press and other liberal values of the country while calling for the imposition of an Islamic caliphate.

Around 1,100 gathered in the central Hamburg district of St. Georg — a progressive area of Germany’s second-largest city often identified as a gay neighbourhood — to demonstrate against what they perceived as an attempt by the media to portray all Muslims in Germany as radical Islamists.

However, the rhetoric reported from the event indicated the radical positions of the group itself, with chants of Allahu Akbar (God is great or Our God is greater than yours). Meanwhile, signs at the rally declare that a “Caliphate is the solution” and others read: “Germany = dictatorship of values”, NTV reports.

The rally was also attended by members of the Muslim Interactive group, a successor to Hizb ut-Tahrir, an international Islamic fundamentalist political party seeking to institute a caliphate which was officially banned in Germany in 2003 for extremism.

Muslim Interaktiv, which was founded in 2020, previously organised a demonstration in St. Georg in October in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks on Israel, despite the city placing bans on anti-Israel demonstrations at the time. The group has also been active outside of Germany, having organised a February 2023 protest against Qur’an burnings in Sweden.

Will the West Get Ever Serious about Sanctions on Iran? by Con Coughlin


[D]espite the clear and present threat Iran poses to the security of both the Middle East and the wider world, Western governments are still proving reluctant to take any measures needed to cripple the Iranian economy.

A key factor in the reluctance of Western leaders to punish Iran for its aggression is the appeasement policy the Biden administration has pursued towards Iran in recent years in the naive hope that, by going easy on Iran, the Iranian regime might be persuaded to agree to a new deal on its nuclear activities.

“The Iranians have mastered the art of sanctions circumvention. If the Biden administration is really going to have an impact, it has to shift the focus to China.” — Fernando Ferreira, head of geopolitical risk service at the Rapidan Energy Group in the US, Financial Times interview, April 17, 2024.

If the West is really serious about holding Iran to account for its aggressive activities, then it ….

should include the possibility of imposing secondary sanctions against any country that continues to do business with Tehran in defiance of Western sanctions.

Without Chinese oil imports, for example, the Iranian oil industry would most likely collapse, thereby increasing the pressure on the Iranian regime to mend its ways.

If attempts by Western leaders to impose further sanctions against Iran in retaliation for its direct attack against Israel are to have any validity, they will need to be a great deal more effective than those implemented in recent decades.

For decades, the US and its allies have been imposing sanctions against Tehran in an attempt to restrain its malign support for terror organisations, such as Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

Wide-ranging sanctions have also been imposed against Tehran to curb its nuclear programme, which most Western intelligence agencies believe is ultimately aimed at fulfilling the Iranian regime’s quest to acquire a nuclear weapons arsenal.

Otherwise, What Was it All For?Joanna Hackett


My father returned from the war with ten quid in his pocket. He’d been flying Spitfires and Hurricanes over Europe and later in Burma. He was invalided out, worn out by what he’d seen and done. One dream had kept him going during the three years away from Australia—to marry his fiancée, settle down and become a farmer.

He arrived in Melbourne, with his faded RAAF uniform hanging off a lanky body scrawny from bouts of malaria and burnt near-black from the tropical sun. His aim was to buy a wedding ring, as the long-awaited event was planned for two days hence. My mother’s family was not about to allow time for any pre-marital hanky-panky!

Dad found a jeweller’s shop near Flinders Street station and went in to purchase a ring. The shop was run down and gloomy and the counters dusty. Buying jewellery had obviously not been a priority for Melburnians during the hard years of war. The elderly jeweller shuffled out from a back room.

“I need a wedding ring, please. Doesn’t have to be fancy, just something simple will do the trick.”

The old man looked at him thoughtfully. “You have been over there, to my side of the world?” 

“Yeah, just got off the boat, and I’m getting married in a couple of days. She’s been waiting three years.”

“Well,” said the jeweller slowly, setting the dust motes dancing as he pulled out a tray of rings. “I am thinking, perhaps one of these?”

Dad’s heart sank when he saw the prices.

“I only have ten quid,” he said, embarrassed.

“Let me see, this one here should suit. It’s excellent quality, and wide enough to last a lifetime or more. That’s what you want, is it not? One day your great-great granddaughter will wear it.”

Dad shifted from one foot to another. “It’s just fine. In fact, it’s more than just fine. It’s a beautiful ring, but …”

“I’ll wrap it for you then.” The jeweller polished the ring carefully and found a small box.

“I can’t afford it,” said Dad loudly.

“You see my name up there, on the sign? Ezra Lieberman. You know what that means? Of course you do. So this ring is a gift, an offering of thanks, from someone who was too old to go and fight for his people. Now leave me, my friend, and get married and live happily ever after. Otherwise, what was it all for?”

And so Dad left, with the tiny box in his pocket. He married my mother as planned, brought up a large family and eventually owned the farm they so desired.

Eighty years later, as shrieking ghouls from earlier times rise up to stalk our streets, his great-granddaughter will wear this ring when she marries her beloved. And that is just as it should be. Otherwise, what was it all for?

China Humiliated Blinken But Blinken Kept Begging by Gordon G. Chang


“This was more than a slight. Aside from a calculated insult to the dignity of the United States, the move indicates Xi Jinping is making clear that the accepted norms of diplomacy will not be respected by China anymore.” — Charles Burton, former Canadian diplomat who served in Beijing, to Gatestone Institute, April 27, 2024.

Blinken was in China to discuss the growing list of disagreements between Washington and Beijing. Not surprisingly, he did not accomplish anything there other than register America’s complaints on matters such as Beijing’s support for the Russian war effort in Ukraine and unfair treatment of U.S. companies. On every major issue, the U.S. and China take different sides, and the Chinese have clearly dug in. Blinken was reduced to begging.

America is resorting to the dialogue-is-progress narrative…. In substance, therefore, Blinken in Beijing continued talking about talking.

There is no question that AI is an important topic, especially when it comes to the control of nuclear weapons. Yet this does not mean the U.S. should seek an agreement with China on that topic.

Burton and Weichert point out that China never honors agreements, so any deal with Beijing is akin to a unilateral promise.

The risk now is that the Biden administration will trade away its restrictions for meaningless promises from China’s Communists.

“China is deeply committed to the weaponization of AI and would be counting its lucky communist star if the Americans basically deterred themselves with such a protocol,” Weichert, also author of Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, added.

The secretary of state should never have gone to China in the first place.

It is not clear whether a Chinese official was at the Beijing airport to bid farewell to Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he ended his three-day visit to China on Friday, but the send-off was in any event low-key and Chinese leader Xi Jinping slighted America’s top diplomat at the end of his troubled stay.

Humza Yousaf is everything that’s wrong with modern politics Vain, haughty and brazenly disdainful of working people – we now know what wokeness in power looks like. Brendan O’Neill


For me, the most notable thing about the Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf is his haughtiness. Rarely has a man’s arrogance been so out of proportion to his intellect. He has honed to perfection the Diane Abbott style of addressing both the media and the masses as if they were special-needs children. Remember the time he told a striking nurse to stop being patronising? All she’d said is that politicians like him are not listening to nurses’ concerns. ‘Let’s not patronise each other’, he snapped. A man with great power telling an underpaid health worker to check her patronising tone is, ironically, patronising beyond comprehension.

If this were just a personality trait, I could live with it. (Kind of.) If his ‘snide, arrogant and patronising’ demeanour – as one Scottish observer described it – was just the way he is, I’d be a tad more forgiving. We can all be wankers at times. But with Yousaf, something else is at play. His condescending style is directly reflective of his condescending politics. His conceited bemusement at journalists’ questions and pompous disdain for the Scottish throng are less personality tics than core tenets of his identitarian belief system. It is not an accident that a man beholden to the ideology of woke should be such a neo-aristocratic arse.

As Yousaf heads for a no-confidence vote – following his dissolving of the coalition between his Scottish National Party and the Greens – it’s worth reflecting on what his time in office has told us about politics in the 21st century. It is unlikely his first ministership will bother the history books much – though his recent batty claim that men experience misogyny might be included in a future tome on Stupid Shit Politicians Say. And yet there is something noteworthy about his rule. It’s shown us what wokeness in government looks like. It has given us a grisly glimpse of what will become of public life once the grievance-mongers of identitarianism seize the reins of power.

Fundamentally, Yousaf’s is a government not for the people, but against them. It’s an administration devoted less to unleashing Scotland’s potential than to taming its bigotries. It’s concerned less with meeting Scots’ needs than with policing their feelings. This is why his speech on the unbearable whiteness of Scottish politics was so important. You remember it. It’s gone viral about a hundred times since he first made it in the Scottish parliament during the BLM madness of June 2020. He reeled off various ruling-class positions – lord advocate, solicitor general, Police Scotland chief constable – and barked the word ‘white’ after each one. A country where 96 per cent of people are white has mostly white rulers? I’m shocked.