All over Europe, elections are teaching Brussels that Greeks like being Greek, Brits, Brit, and French, French. Nobody much cottons to being “European,” where some Belgian bureaucrat says what you will and won’t do in your small town where another language is spoken and people don’t like paying huge salaries to self-important nobodies in gray flannel suits.
The population of Europe is discovering it really doesn’t like the creeping socialism of the European Union, though many probably don’t even realize that that’s what they’re mad about. It isn’t even full-blown socialism yet, but everybody knows that’s the destination, and the shine has worn off. Happens every time on the long and winding road to socialism.
Some insightful sage noted that you can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out. That’s what waits at the end of the road Europe is on. Strife. Once it breaks into the open, citizens will suddenly understand why they haven’t been allowed to own private firearms. It’s a lesson Venezuelans have learned the hard way and that many Americans still don’t get.
But Europe will probably have to get hungry first. Literally hungry, and not “literally” in the Joe Biden sense. Perhaps before that, Europe will get literally cold as Moscow starts playing with the natural gas spigot, just to show who’s really boss. Certainly, before that Europe will run low on gasoline and will have to wait in line for a few expensive liters to get home from the job that just laid them off.