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Here’s What Happened When Zimbabwe Seized White Farmers’ Land By Todd Bensman


Last week’s controversy over President Donald Trump’s call for his State Department to examine South Africa’s coming land reform policy — in which white farmers purportedly are to have their farmlands seized — recalled a similar tragic situation in neighboring Zimbabwe in the early 2000s.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson apparently started the ball rolling when he reported on South Africa’s plan to begin expropriating white farmers’ land. Carlson drew comparisons with a similar program in Zimbabwe 20 years ago that led to economic collapse and hunger there. The president apparently took his cue from Carlson; the talk show host called on the U.S. to take a human rights stand on the basis of how things turned out then in Zimbabwe for both blacks and whites. All of this has been portrayed elsewhere as “dog-whistling” to alt-right nationalists and white supremacists.

Even if the South Africa plan coincidentally excites some racists, Carlson is correct about naming Zimbabwe as the poster child for what can happen down this road. Zimbabwe was that bad — and the United States should put South Africa on notice that it and the whole world is watching if it chooses to follow Zimbabwe down this path.

I know a little about this. Some 17 years ago, while working as a reporter covering federal court systems for the Dallas Morning News, I’d had an interesting connection to the Zimbabwe situation referenced by Carlson. Back then, I heard through my source grapevine that a white family from Africa had arrived in Dallas and was pursuing a U.S. asylum claim. They, because they were white, claimed they had suffered racial persecution at the hands of a black-majority government.

This was classic man-bites-dog stuff, ironic beyond threshold as a news story to a broad general audience far wider than a few white supremacists. Naturally, I jumped all over it. Soon, I was interviewing Dave and Amber Penny and followed them in and out of the immigration courtroom.

A little background: Rebels supporting Mugabe and armed by the Soviet Union achieved independence in 1980 for the country once known as Rhodesia, about the size of Montana. Long before apartheid was dismantled in neighboring South Africa, Zimbabwe was seen as a model of how whites and blacks could live together after blacks replaced white minority rule, despite resentment that whites got to keep the nation’s land wealth. White farmers, who made up about 1 percent of the country’s population of 12 million but formed the backbone of its economy, were urged to stay as a minority class protected by law. The arrangement had been supported by the United States for decades, with appropriately little regard for whatever white supremacists in the U.S. might have had to say about it. CONTINUE AT SITE

Jihadist Psychopath : How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us Hardcover – by Jamie Glazov

This title will be released on December 18, 2018.

There is a war being waged on America and the West. The aggressors? Islamic Supremacists. Their method? Duplicating the sinister methodology of psychopaths who routinely charm, seduce, capture, and devour their prey.

Every element of the formula by which the psychopath subjugates his victim, the Islamic Supremacist likewise uses to ensnare and subjugate non-Muslims. And in the same way that the victim of the psychopath is complicit in his own destruction, Western civilization is now embracing and enabling its own conquest and consumption.

Anni Cyrus: Sold By My Father Into Child Slavery Under Islam. A Sharia survivor unveils the harrowing world of Islamic child marriage.


On this new Anni Cyrus Moment, Anni discusses: Sold By My Father Into Child Slavery Under Islam, where she shares her harrowing personal story and unveils the barbaric world of Islamic child marriage.

Don’t miss it!

Julius Malema on ‘coloniser’ Theresa May and a ‘United States of Africa’ Julius Malema blasts the Commonwealth and calls for an end to white arrogance.

The US president tweeted earlier that he had asked his secretary of state to look into land expropriation without compensation in SA.

On Thursday, EFF leader Julius Malema lashed out at US President Donald Trump‚ whom he referred to as a pathological liar‚ demanding that he stay out of SA’s domestic affairs.

This comes after Trump tweeted that he had asked his secretary of state to look into land expropriation without compensation in SA.

Malema said at a media briefing at the party’s headquarters in Braamfontein that the EFF would not be intimidated by the US. “We want to send a strong message to the US authorities‚ just like we did to the Australian authorities: stay out of SA’s domestic affairs.

EFF leader Julius Malema addressed the media in Johannesburg on August 23 2018 on his response to US President Donald Trump’s tweet on land expropriation.

“SA is a post-colonial country with deep racial inequalities that were long designed by apartheid and colonisation. Our land expropriation programme seeks to realise the ideal of equality and human dignity‚” Malema said.

He said that the process of land expropriation was a means to force white people to share land which was gained through a crime against the humanity of black and African people.

“We must put it on record‚ unequivocally‚ [to] Donald ‘the pathological liar’ Trump: we are not scared of you and your US or Western imperialist forces‚” Malema said.

Danes, Davos and Denial by Mark Steyn


A quarter-century ago this summer, Samuel Huntington published the first version of what would become his book The Clash of Civilizations. I’ve quoted it many times over the years, not least its passages on what Huntington called “Islam’s bloody borders”. The man himself has been dead a decade now, and so on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his famous thesis it falls to Francis Fukuyama, Huntington’s former pupil and author of The End of History, to do the honors:

Since Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations has been contrasted with my own End of History in countless introductory International Relations classes over the past two decades, I might as well begin by tackling at the outset the issue of how we’re doing vis-à-vis one another. At the moment, it looks like Huntington is winning.

That’s big of him, all things considered. Fukuyama has attempted to modify his thesis over the years but it doesn’t get any sounder: He argued a book or two back that democratic societies were all trying to “get to Denmark”, but, if you’ve actually set foot in Denmark recently, you might be inclined to think that the challenge for Danes is to figure out a way to get back to Denmark. Elsewhere in Scandinavia, it’s easier to imagine Sweden getting to Sudan than Sudan getting to Sweden. Huntington discerned a lot of this, as Fukuyama concedes:

Huntington was very prescient in his depiction of “Davos Man,” the cosmopolitan creature unmoored from strong attachments to any particular place, loyal primarily to his own self-interest. Davos Man has now become the target of populist rage, as the elites who constructed our globalized world are pilloried for being out of touch with the concerns of the working class. Huntington also foresaw the rise of immigration as one of the chief issues driving populism and the fears that mass migration has stoked about cultural change. Indeed, Carlos Lozada of the Washington Post has labeled Huntington as a prophet of the Trump era.

Europe’s Mullah Appeasement Appeasing evil is a European specialty Joseph Puder


Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, is seeking a way to undercut the Trump administration sanctions against trade with Iran. At a cabinet meeting in Berlin earlier this month he stated that “Europe needs to set up payment systems independent of the United States if it wants to save the nuclear deal between Iran and major powers that were abandoned by President Donald Trump…That is why it is indispensable that we strengthen European autonomy by creating payment channels that are independent of the U.S., a European monetary Fund and an independent Swift system.” He added, “Every day the deal is alive is better than the highly explosive crisis that would otherwise threaten the Middle East.”

Politico reported (August 12, 2018) “EU leaders including U.K. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, France’s Jean-Yves LeDrian, Germany’s Heiko Maas, and EU top diplomat Federica Mogherini issued a statement making clear they are actively working to thwart renewed U.S. sanctions against Iran.” They added, “We deeply regret the re-imposition of sanctions by the U.S., due to the latter’s withdrawal from JCPOA, the EU is taking legislative action – activating a so-called blocking statute – in a bid to protect EU businesses operating in Iran from U.S. economic sanctions.”

According to his official website, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has “threatened” Europe while meeting with British ambassador to Iran, Rob Macaire. He stated, “After the U.S. illegal withdrawal from the nuclear deal, the ball is in Europe’s court now.” Rouhani and Iranian senior military commanders have recently threatened to disrupt oil shipments from the Gulf countries through the Strait of Hormuz if Washington tries to strangle Iran’s oil exports. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei has threatened the Europeans with the resumption of Iran’s nuclear activities. He said, “If the Europeans linger over our demands, Iran has the right to resume its nuclear activities. When we see that the JCPOA is useless, one way forward is to restart those halted activities.” In his May 23, 2018 address to Iranian government officials, he conditioned Iran’s remaining in the nuclear deal on European compliance with such demands as: a resolution against the U.S. violation of the UN Security Council resolution 2231, which endorsed the JCPOA; a promise to stop objecting to missile testing and (Iran’s) actions in the Middle East; that the Europeans stand against U.S. sanctions; and European protection for Iran’s oil sales and financial transactions.

A Visit to Islamic England Muslims headed to Friday prayer while non-Muslims went the other way. No one made eye contact. By Andy Ngo


“Other tourists might remember London for Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus and Big Ben. I’ll remember it for its failed multiculturalism. Or perhaps this is what successful multiculturalism looks like.”

Other tourists may remember London for its spectacular sights and history, but I remember it for Islam. When I was visiting the U.K. as a teenager in 2006, I got lost in an East London market. There I saw a group of women wearing head-to-toe black cloaks. I froze, confused and intimidated by the faceless figures. It was my first encounter with the niqab, which covers everything but a woman’s eyes.

This summer, I found myself heading back to the U.K. as it was plunging into a debate over Islamic dress. Boris Johnson, the country’s former foreign secretary and London’s ex-mayor, wrote a column opposing attempts to ban face-covering veils. Nonetheless, he added, “it is absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes.” The responses could hardly have been more heated.

I wanted to cut past the polemics and experience London’s Muslim communities for myself. My first visit was to Tower Hamlets, an East London borough that is about 38% Muslim, among the highest in the U.K. As I walked down Whitechapel Road, the adhan, or call to prayer, echoed through the neighborhood. Muslims walked in one direction for jumu’ah, Friday prayer, while non-Muslims went the opposite way. Each group kept its distance and avoided eye contact with the other. A sign was posted on a pole: “Alcohol restricted zone.”

Women and girls were dressed in hijabs, niqabs and abayas (robes). Some of the males wore skullcaps and thawbs, Arabic tunics, with their trousers tailored just above the ankles as per Muhammad’s example. The scene could have been lifted out of Riyadh, a testament to the Arabization of Britain’s South Asian Muslims. At the barbershop, women waited outside under the hot sun while their sons and husbands were groomed.

Inside the East London Mosque, visitors were expected to dress “modestly.” Headscarves were provided at reception for any woman who showed up without one. A kind man on staff showed me around the men’s quarters. He gave me a bag filled with booklets about Islam. In one, Muslims are encouraged to “re-establish the Shari’ah,” or Islamic law. Those who ignore this mandate are “of little worth to any society.”

That night, I visited the Houses of Parliament. Rifle-carrying police officers greeted me when I stepped out of the Tube. The extra security was mobilized in response to last year’s car and stabbing attack in Westminster by Khalid Masood, who killed five people. Outside the station, there are roadblocks along Westminster Bridge and a new security fence in front of the palace yard. I asked an officer about Masood’s attack. “I’d rather not talk about it,” he replied. “I was there that day.”

Forty-eight hours later, I woke up to the news that a car had rammed a Westminster security barrier. Police arrested Salih Khater, a 29-year-old Sudanese refugee who had been given asylum and British citizenship. Three people were injured in the attack. London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, expressed support for banning vehicles from parts of Parliament Square. CONTINUE AT SITE

Italy: Interior Minister Accused of Kidnapping Migrants “Being investigated for defending the rights of Italians is a disgrace.” by Soeren Kern


“The investigation notice sent to [Interior Minister Matteo] Salvini could in fact be seen as a direct attempt to prevent a minister from carrying out his political activity in accordance with the vote expressed by the majority of Italians on the basis of precise electoral commitments.” — Gianni Alemanno, former Mayor of Rome, denouncing the investigation into Salvini as unconstitutional.

“I am amazed at the astonishment of a political left that now exists only to challenge others and believes that Milan should not host the president of a European power, as if the left has the authority to decide who has the right to speak and who does not — and then they wonder why no one votes for them anymore.” — Matteo Salvini, Italian Interior Minister.

Opinion polls show that Salvini’s anti-immigration stance has boosted his League party’s approval rating.

Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is under formal investigation for “kidnapping” after he refused to allow illegal migrants to disembark from a ship at a Sicilian port. The investigation, a political move aimed at blunting the government’s hardline stance on illegal immigration, has threatened to plunge Italy into a constitutional crisis over the separation of powers.

Sicilian Prosecutor Luigi Patronaggio said that the investigation into Salvini, the head of the anti-immigration League party, would focus on “kidnapping, illegal arrest and the abuse of power.”

Salvini responded:

“If he wants to interrogate me or even arrest me because I defend the borders and security of my country, I am proud and I look forward to it with open arms. Being investigated for defending the rights of Italians is a disgrace.”

Salvini added that we could not be “cowed” and that he would not reserve his right to immunity from prosecution: “I only did my job as minister and I am ready to do it again.”

Antisemitism in France Has Moved ‘From Streets Into Homes,’ Says Head of French Jewish Community


Antisemitism in France has moved “from the streets directly into the homes of Jewish people,” the head of the country’s 465,000-strong Jewish community told The Algemeiner on Wednesday.

“The Jews in France feel threatened in their own homes,” Francis Kalifat — president of CRIF, the French Jewish communal body — said during a discussion of the antisemitism that has resulted in several deaths and injuries among French Jews over the past decade.

Kalifat underlined that “what used to be attacks on buildings, or insults thrown in the street, has evolved into the most violent acts.”

In the last eighteen months, two elderly Jewish widows in Paris — Sarah Halimi in April 2017 and Mireille Knoll in March 2018 — have been murdered in brutal antisemitic assaults, while several incidents of violent raids on Jewish homes involving gangs of mainly Muslim youths have also been reported.

Sadly, as Kalifat acknowledged, the problem is not new — though the pattern of Jewish response is changing.

Following what Kalifat called “the paroxysm” of antisemitic violence in 2012-13 — a year that witnessed the murders of a rabbi and three young children during a terrorist attack at a Jewish school in Toulouse — French aliyah to Israel climbed precipitously, with 8,000 Jews emigrating to Israel in 2015 alone. That trend has now slowed, Kalifat said, overshadowed by what some call an “internal aliyah.”

Is Canada Prepared for the Threat of Returning Jihadists? by A. Z. Mohamed


Canada’s intelligence service stated that some 60 “returnees” — fighters who had returned to Canada — “have the potential to pose a significant threat to our national security.” In other words, there are dozens of jihadis roaming free in Canada, without being apprehended or charged by authorities.

The noise surrounding the debate over jihadist returnees has been drowning out the country’s intelligence service assessment about the threat they pose to Canada’s national security — a threat that the Trudeau government is ill-prepared, ill-equipped and ideologically ill-suited to confront.

Prevention, investigation and prosecution of terrorists should be the top priority, ahead of rehabilitation and reintegration.

According to the website of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), under the section “National Security Threats – Terrorism”:

“Terrorism, including terrorist travel and the radicalization of Canadians, is the most prominent threat to Canadian interests and our national security. The intelligence community has never before faced a terrorist threat of this scope, scale, and complexity.”

The CSIS text, last modified on January 27, 2017, also notes that, despite ISIS’s huge losses, “its ideology continues to hold global appeal, including among susceptible Canadians,” and Canadians with extremist Muslim views “continue to engage in a range of terrorist activity, in Canada and abroad.”