See also Rick Moran’s: Did Trump endorse ‘white nationalist conspiracy theory’ in South Africa tweet?
A hideous specter is descending over the once-promising South African political landscape: Race hate. An end to property rights. Poverty. The grotesque inequality of all socialist regimes. And an inevitable Zimbabwe-like ruin.
The country of course, has rather insanely started expropriating the country’s white-owned farms without compensation, imagining that in doing so, its government will finally make black South Africans rich and equality the reality. It’s simple: End the niceties of rule of law, and all you do is add free stuff. Or, get your free stuff (and vote for us!) How’d that work out in Venezuela? Heck, how’d that work out in Zimbabwe next door? We are looking at the most prosperous and developed nation on the African continent about to become an absolute dump in a striking parallel to its fellow formerly rich country across the Atlantic, Venezuela.
To see this happen is astonishing. South Africa 20 years ago was a nation so full of promise in its commitment to a ‘non-racial’ society. To see a smart nation like this go off the cliff like another lemming in the name of ‘equality’, after all we know about how this works out elsewhere, shows the amazing disconnect from reality that infects the minds of socialists.