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The Safest Country for European Jews? Try Hungary By David P. Goldman


Last Friday evening I put on a kippah and walked half an hour across Budapest to the Keren Or synagogue maintained by the Budapest Chabad. After violent attacks on Jews in German streets, the leaders of Germany’s Jewish community warned Jews last month not to wear a kippah or any other visible sign of Jewish identification in public. The French community issued such warnings years ago. Belgian TV could not find a single Jew in Brussels willing to wear a kippah in public. I walked across Budapest four times (for Friday evening and Saturday daytime services), and no-one looked at my kippah twice. At services I met Hasidim who had walked to synagogue with kaftan and shtreimel, the traditional round fur hat. Whatever residual anti-Semitism remains among Hungarians, it doesn’t interfere with the open embrace of Jewish life. There are no risks to Jews because there are very few Muslim migrants.

On any given Friday evening, the Keren Or synagogue—one of several Chabad houses in Budapest—hosts two hundred people for dinner. Jewish life isn’t just flourishing in Budapest. It’s roaring with ruach, and livened by a growing Israeli presence. About 100,000 Israelis have dual Hungarian citizenship; many own property in the country and vote in Hungarian elections.

Prime Minister Orban has been a close friend of Israeli leader Binyamin Netanyahu for twenty years. When Orban first was elected prime minister in 1998 in the thick of an economic crisis, he asked then-Finance Minister Netanyahu for help, and Netanyahu lent him some of his staff to shape Hungary’s economic program. I asked everyone at Keren Or who spoke English what they thought of Orban. In that gathering the prime minister would have polled 100%.

Orban, in turn, is one of Israel’s few staunch supporters overseas. Earlier this month Hungary, along with Rumania and the Czech Republic, vetoed a European Community resolution condemning the U.S. for moving its embassy to Jerusalem. Cynics dismiss this as an instance of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” That isn’t the case. Hungary is in the middle of a nasty fight with the European Community over migration, and stands to lose up to $4 billion in EC subsidies—roughly 3% of the country’s GDP. It doesn’t help Hungary to provoke Brussels by sabotaging its diplomatic efforts, as in the case of the Jerusalem embassy vote. On the contrary, Hungary is spending precious political capital in defense of the Jewish state, to its own possible disadvantage.

U.S. Walks Out as Syria Assumes Presidency of UN Disarmament Panel By Bridget Johnson


The U.S. delegation staged a walkout today in protest of Syria assuming the rotating presidency of the Conference on Disarmament at the United Nations in Geneva.

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations said in a statement today that they would have tried to block Syria from holding the leadership role but were unable to do so because of the conference rules requiring unanimous consent. Instead, over the next four weeks of Syria’s presidency, the U.S. delegation “will limit participation in informal sessions convened by the presidency and will continue to highlight the hypocrisy of Syria holding this position in spite of its continued use of chemical weapons and disregard for its other disarmament obligations.”

Tweeted Robert Wood, a career State Department official who serves as U.S. ambassador to the conference: “I informed CD members that throughout Syria’s four-week presidency, the US would not attend any subsidiary body mtgs. or any informal sessions convened by the presidency. Syria’s presidency cannot be business as usual. I will, however, call out the regime’s crimes in plenaries.”

“It is shameful that a regime that continues to use chemical weapons to murder its own people has the audacity to accept the presidency of the very organization that established the Chemical Weapons Convention,” Ambassador Nikki Haley said. “The Assad regime does not have the moral authority to chair an organization that helped establish the global norms for ending the use of these heinous weapons.”

“It should immediately relinquish the presidency, and every country that supports accountability for the use of weapons of mass destruction should share our outrage and join us in opposing Syria’s presidency,” she added.

The monthlong presidency rotates alphabetically among the 65 conference members. Last up was Switzerland; next up will be Tunisia.

Assad’s Disarmament Chair Syria now leads a U.N.-related body opposed to chemical weapons.


Anyone who still thinks that world peace and order can be enforced from something called the United Nations might want to consider that Syria this week assumed the rotating presidency of the U.N.-backed Conference on Disarmament. That’s Syria as in Bashar Assad, as in sarin gas, as in barrel bombs dropped on innocent civilians.

The Conference is a multinational body based in Geneva that was established in 1979 to promote reductions in armaments, especially weapons of mass destruction. Though independent from the U.N., it reports annually to Turtle Bay, and the director-general of the U.N. office in Geneva is secretary-general of the Conference. Syria is now leading the group because it follows Switzerland in the alphabetical list of member nations.
Photo: istock/getty images

The appointment is best understood in light of the Conference’s proudest achievement: The 1993 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction. Apparently no one at the Conference sees any contradiction with having at its helm a regime that has used such weapons on its own people.

In 2012 Barack Obama declared the use of chemical weapons by Syria a “red line” that would trigger U.S. intervention. Assad used sarin gas anyway. In 2017 Syria used gas again, and President Trump responded with a missile strike on a Syrian airbase. Assad used chemical bombs again in April, which provoked another U.S. strike on Syria joined by Britain and France. On Friday U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said Assad has used chemical weapons at least 50 times.

An Israeli Maritime Strategy Benefits the U.S. By Seth Cropsey


As the opening of the American embassy in Jerusalem plainly shows, the U.S. is going to be more closely linked to Israel including especially its security. Since the 1960s, Israel has concentrated its attention on ground and air forces. Because of new technology, Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs, and Russia’s increased naval presence in the region to name a few, Israel—today and in the future—will have to look to the seas to defend itself.

Israel’s maritime strategy is not fully formed, nor is its outline detailed. This matters not only to Israel but to the U.S. which retains a vital interest in free navigation in the Mediterranean and the stability that powerful naval forces in the region help assure. The U.S. shares an interest with Israel in denying use of the seas to terrorists; and preventing the hegemonic power that Iran and Turkey seek. A robust Israeli navy and maritime strategy benefit the U.S. whose permanent presence in the Med is based in Spain and has been reduced to four ballistic missile defense destroyers where once two aircraft carrier groups and a large Marine amphibious ready group patrolled.

The Med has reverted to its historic template: the tensions and conflict that have characterized the area from the Trojan War to the Cold War are back. In the Eastern Mediterranean Russian naval presence is growing, the Lebanese state has become increasingly enthralled to the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror organization while Iran regards Syria as another instrument to threaten the Jewish state. Turkey recently signed an agreement to build a naval base in the Iran-friendly Persian Gulf state of Qatar and continues to distance itself from NATO, and Chinese investments in the region are accelerating, as are the naval deployments of Iran.

Stefan Molyneux : The War on Tommy Robinson


Explain why white men accused of pedophilia are allowed to be photographed and questioned by reporters on court steps, while Pakistani Muslims are not. Explain why a police force that took three decades to start dealing with Muslim rape gangs was able to arrest and incarcerate a journalist within a few scant hours. Explain why a man can be arrested for breaching the peace when no violence has taken place. To the British government: explain your actions, or open Tommy Robinson’s cell and let him walk free.

The rule of law is fragile, and relies on the self-restraint of the majority. In a just society, the majority obey the law because they believe it represents universal values – moral absolutes. They obey the law not for fear of punishment, but for fear of the self-contempt that comes from doing wrong.

As children, we are told that the law is objective, fair and moral. As we grow up, though, it becomes increasingly impossible to avoid the feeling that the actual law has little to do with the Platonic stories we were told as children. We begin to suspect that the law may in fact – or at least at times – be a coercive mechanism designed to protect the powerful, appease the aggressive, and bully the vulnerable.

The arrest of Tommy Robinson is a hammer-blow to the fragile base of people’s respect for British law. The reality that he could be grabbed off the street and thrown into a dangerous jail – in a matter of hours – is deeply shocking.

Tommy was under a suspended sentence for filming on courthouse property in the past. On May 25, 2018, while live-streaming his thoughts about the sentencing of alleged Muslim child rapists, Tommy very consciously stayed away from the court steps, constantly used the word “alleged,” and checked with the police to ensure that he was not breaking the law.

Tommy yelled questions at the alleged criminals on their way into court – so what? How many times have you watched reporters shouting questions at people going in and out of courtrooms? You can find pictures of reporters pointing cameras and microphones at Rolf Harris and Gary Glitter, who were accused of similar crimes against children.

Italy’s Pro-EU President Flouts Voters by Soeren Kern


The political situation reflects the stranglehold on power wielded by the pro-EU establishment, which is evidently determined to preserve economic austerity at the expense of democracy.

“We need to prepare a plan B to get out of the euro if necessary… the other alternative is to end up like Greece.” — Paolo Savona, a former industry minister who has called Italy’s entry into the euro a “historic mistake.”

“In Italy, there is a problem of democracy. In this country, you can be a convicted criminal, convicted for tax fraud, under investigation for corruption and be a minister… but if you criticize Europe, you cannot be the Minister of the Economy in Italy.” — M5S leader Luigi Di Maio.

Italy’s new populist government-in-waiting resigned on May 28 after its choice of a eurosceptic finance minister was rejected by the country’s pro-EU president — who instead asked an unelected technocrat to form a pro-EU government.

The political wrangling ends a bid by Italy’s two anti-establishment parties — the left-leaning Five Star Movement (M5S) and the center-right League (Lega) — to form a populist coalition government, which would have been the first of its kind in Europe.

The political situation reflects the stranglehold on power wielded by the pro-EU establishment, which is evidently determined to preserve economic austerity at the expense of democracy.

Italian president Sergio Mattarella refused to accept the nomination for finance minister of Paolo Savona, an 81-year-old former industry minister who has called Italy’s entry into the euro a “historic mistake.”

In his latest book, “Like a Nightmare and a Dream” (Come un incubo e come un sogno), Savona called the euro a “German cage” and warned that “we need to prepare a plan B to get out of the euro if necessary… the other alternative is to end up like Greece.”

Mattarella, who was installed by a previous pro-EU government, said that the “uncertainty over our position in the euro has alarmed Italian and foreign investors who purchased our government bonds and invested in our companies.” He added that “membership of the euro is a fundamental choice for the future of our country and our young people.”

Turkey and Israel: From Loveless to Fracas by Burak Bekdil

How can there ever be a lasting peace between a Zionist state and another nation where the president thinks that Zionism is a crime against humanity?

When Turkey and Israel decided to normalize their badly strained ties in December 2016, after more than six years of downgraded diplomatic relations, the first thing they did, as the protocol dictates, was to appoint ambassadors to each other’s capital. With a theoretical new chapter opening in troubled relations, Turkey and Israel appointed two prominent career diplomats, Kemal Ökem and Eitan Na’eh, respectively.

This author’s pessimistic guess at the time was: “The diplomats may be willing, but with (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) Erdoğan’s persistent Islamist ideological pursuits, they would seem to have only a slim chance of succeeding”. In essence, Erdoğan had pragmatically agreed to shake hands with Israel, but his ideological hostility to the Jewish state and his ideological love affair with Hamas had not disappeared.

After less than a year and a half, the Turkish and Israeli embassies in Tel Aviv and Ankara are once again ambassador-less. The loveless date has turned into a tussle.

“A crime against humanity,” Turkish prime minister, Binali Yıldırım, shouted after clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters caused the deaths of dozens of demonstrators. Erdoğan described the incidents as a “genocide” and Israel as a “terrorist state.” “No matter from what side, whether from the United States or Israel, I curse this humanitarian plight, this genocide,” he said. Then what would naturally happen happened.

Turkey recalled Ökem “for consultations” and told Na’eh to leave the country “for a while.” Na’eh was shown on Turkish television undergoing an airport security check in public view in an apparent plot that aimed to degrade him in the eyes of the public. In return, Israel asked the Turkish Consul General in Jerusalem to temporarily to leave the country.

The Threat of Erdogan And what the U.S. must do about it. Joseph Puder


Turkey’s Dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan, assembled with great urgency Sunni-Muslim leaders from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, as well as Iran’s Shiite President Hassan Rouhani. The assembled representatives of the 57 member-states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held this “emergency meeting” in Istanbul, Turkey, by virtue of Turkey’s holding the presidency of the OIC. The ostensible reason for the meeting was the Gaza “March of the Return,” and the U.S. embassy relocation to Jerusalem.

According to Al-Jazeera, the Qatari based network also funded by the Qatari regime, Erdogan called on Muslim leaders to “unite and confront Israel.” He mentioned “70 years of Israeli occupation,” wrongly charging that Israel, before 1967, “occupied” Palestinian lands. Apparently, in the dictator’s mind, the UN never voted for partition of Palestine in 1947. Erdogan, obfuscating the fact that the Arab community in Palestine rejected the UN partition plan, while the Jewish community in Palestine accepted it, fulminated against the Jewish state, distortimg history in his blind hatred. He conveniently disregarded the fact that the Arab armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and contingents from the Islamic world along with the Arabs of Palestine attacked and sought to annihilate the newborn Jewish state. Actually it was the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan that occupied the lands allotted to the Arab-Palestinians by the UN, which they (the Palestinians) rejected in November, 1947.

Erdogan shamelessly compared Israeli treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. He spouted that, “The children of those who were subjected to all sorts of torture in concentration camps during WWII are now attacking Palestinians with methods that put the Nazis to shame.” Once again Erdogan twisted reality that could only make neo-Nazis in Germany feel redeemed. Jews in concentration camps could only wish to have had the opportunity to change places with the Palestinians. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and leader of the Arab-Muslim community in Palestine, was in fact Hitler’s ally and urged the Nazis to expedite the murder of the Jews.

Video: Geert Wilders’ Stands in Solidarity with Tommy Robinson “We will not accept this. Never.”


In the video below, Geert Wilders makes a statement in solidarity with Tommy Robinson in front of British Embassy in The Hague. Don’t miss it.

Britain moves from Orwell to Kafka, imprisoning Tommy Robinson and gagging media reports By Thomas Lifson


Is Britain lost to the ranks of free nations? The land that bequeathed the world the Magna Carta and the “mother of parliaments” is indulging in totalitarianism with its handling of Tommy Robinson, a famous political activist agitating about the threat of radical Islam and attempting to report on the trial of a Muslim “grooming gang” that allegedly preyed on young English girls, forcing them into prostitution. I wrote about the fragmentary reports of his arrest in Leeds two days ago for the alleged crimes of “breach of the peace and incitement.”

British writer George Orwell warned of the dangers of totalitarian thought control via the corruption of language and pervasive electronic spying in his novel 1984. Calling the act of reporting on a trial “breach of the peace and incitement” is as Orwellian as “War Is Peace,” “Freedom Is Slavery,” and “Ignorance Is Strength,” Orwell’s most famous examples of totalitarian brainwashing.

The British authorities (I’m looking at you, P.M. Theresa May) have now managed to import a policy from Czech writer Franz Kafka, famous for exposing the corruption totalitarians impose on those under their thumbs. In his book The Trial, the defendant is not allowed to know the charges against him. The Brits now have imposed a gag order on any reporting of the fate of Robinson, including his trial and prison sentence. Bruce Bawer of the Gatestone Institute captures the essence of Kafka-logic implicit in the gag order in his title, “UK: You’re Not Allowed to Talk about It. About What? Don’t Ask.” I recommend that you read his entire post to understand the fear of offending Muslims that has the government of the U.K. descending into a nightmare of totalitarianism, but here is a sample.