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Shock and Awe in Windsor, Ontario Two cases that highlight the dark side of diversity. Lloyd Billingsley

“Wow! Are you ever nice and tight!”

It sounded like dialogue from some porn video, but the speaker was Dr. Bassam El-Tatari, a physician in Windsor, Ontario. The doctor was addressing one of his Canadian patients during a vaginal exam.

“I was shocked,” the woman told reporters. “I immediately started looking for another doctor.” So did six other patients, who say that the doctor, whose full name is Bassam Mohamed Khalil Darwish El-Tatari, kissed female patients on the lips, squeezed their breasts, played with nipples, and showed excessive interest in women’s vaginal areas.

This activity recalls Dr. Syed K. Zaidi, 41, of Granite Bay, California, a wealthy community near Sacramento. As several of his patients noted, the eager Dr. Zaidi liked to cup their naked buttocks, squeeze their breasts, and show a surge of attention during vaginal examinations. Even so, the California Medical Board did not lift Zaidi’s license and settled instead for five years probation. So far, Canadian authorities are taking sterner measures with Dr. Bassam El-Tatari.

Allegations dating back to 2009 have landed him in court on charges of sexual assault. One woman told the court “I never let him do another female exam again,” and three other victims have testified. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has allowed El-Tatari to retain his medical license but barred him from being alone with patients. The doctor, who trained in the Czech Republic, will face disciplinary hearings that could result in the loss of his license to practice medicine. As this plays out, a much more serious case has yet to reach the courtroom.

In October of 2017, Habibullah Ahmad, 21, attacked Anne Widholm as she strolled on the Ganatchio trail in Windsor, Ontario. The 75-year-old grandmother suffered “the worst skull fractures I’ve seen in my 12 years here in Windsor,” as neurosurgeon Dr. Balraj Jhawar told reporters. The victim’s lacerated scalp, bruised face and fractured neck vertebrae were “among the most brutal things I’ve seen in my career.” The attack, Dr. Jr. Jhawar said, “is not just another assault,” but represents “a new, dark side of Windsor that we can’t let propagate.”

ISRAEL AND ANNE FRANK’S JEWISHNESS The deeper meaning behind the distortion of the Holocaust victim’s legacy. Caroline Glick

On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the New Israel Fund announced it signed a partnership agreement with Anne Frank Fonds, the foundation Anne Frank’s father, Otto Frank, established in 1963 to administer the profits from the sales of her diary.

Frank’s diary has sold more than 30 million copies in 60 languages since it was first published in 1947. Its sales and global reach make it the most famous book authored by a Jew aside from the Bible.

The New Israel Fund’s deal with the Anne Frank Foundation is a symbolic expression of the existential struggle being waged in the Jewish world today. That struggle pits the government of Israel against much of the American Jewish leadership. It pits Israel’s public against the justices of the Supreme Court. It pits IDF line soldiers and commanders against the General Staff.

The effective merger of the New Israel Fund with the Anne Frank Foundation is the latest chapter in the theft of Anne Frank’s legacy, which began in the 1950s.

In 1952, a Jewish-American journalist named Meir Levin discovered The Diary of Anne Frank in French translation. Levin recognized that her diary was the ideal vehicle for telling the story of the genocide of European Jewry to the American public.

Frank was a Westernized Jew. Her family wasn’t religious. They were cosmopolitan German Jews who decamped to Amsterdam in 1933 when the Nazis rose to power, and immediately fit right in.

But for the Nazi occupation of Holland in 1940, Anne would likely never have received any Jewish education. But when the Dutch collaborationist government implemented the Nazi race laws, and expelled all Jewish children from public schools, in 1941 her parents were compelled to enroll her in a Jewish school.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Millennials Don’t Know What Auschwitz Was By Bridget Johnson

As the world marked Yom HaShoah on Thursday, a new poll revealed that nearly half of millennials cannot name one concentration camp out of the more than 40,000 camps and ghettos used during the Holocaust.

The survey from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany polled adults in the United States ahead of this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Seventy percent of those polled said they believe fewer people seem to care about the Holocaust than they used to, while 58 percent said that an atrocity like the Holocaust could happen again.

Thirty-one percent of all Americans polled and 41 percent of millennial-generation respondents believed that 2 million or fewer Jews were killed in the Holocaust — substantially less than the 6 million Jews killed.

Even though knowledge of the Holocaust is lacking — just 20 percent had visited a Holocaust museum — 93 percent agreed students should learn about the Holocaust in school and 80 percent said it was important to continue Holocaust education to ensure history does not repeat itself. CONTINUE AT SITE

Saudis admit paying for jihad By James Lewis

In an interview with the Atlantic, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman revealed that Saudi Arabia has financed terrorism. Most people will ignore this. The U.S. left has successfully colluded with jihad against national security. That is also part of Mueller’s mission, to cover up and protect jihadist infiltration, espionage and sabotage during the Clinton-Obama years. See the Awan espionage cell placed in the House Intelligence Committee, with the plausible collusion of Mueller, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper. It was much too obvious not to be noticed, and the House Democrats including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz literally ignored the need for vetting. This was not an accident.

Mohammed bin Salman is trying to modernize and hold down the jihad-sponsoring and paying faction, which apparently involved Walid bin Tallal. However, in Islam there is no such thing as a permanent peace. There is only “hudna,” or a temporary truce with “the enemies of God.” In Turkey, the jihad faction came back when Tayyip Recip Erdogan was allowed to win his first election with the collusion of the EU, which insisted on international recognition of this “election” of a paleo-fascist party, the party of neo-Ottomanism (self-described).

Trump has gotten the Salman faction in SA to turn against the Sunni jihadist faction, but in SA, basically a tribal federation, nothing completely changes. Same as Turkey, etc.

For that reason, exposure of Mohammed bin Salman’s admission of guilt always has to be considered to be tactical. This is not a governing hierarchy, it’s an unstable tribal gang, with a fantasy of conquering the world. The left loves jihad for that reason, and we are facing a left-jihad coalition. Now we know that Facebook and Google have been set up as political players from the start, that they provide shelter for Obama radicals who are constantly plotting to overthrow Trump, and we see the new Soros foundation with something like $50 billion from Soros. We are still seeing a new version of old-style Marxist-Leninist imperialism. Obama is a Third World Socialist. The internet is the natural domain for that style of imperialism, and they don’t disguise their willingness to use AI and planted electronics in individual homes under extranational “laws” to exercise control. Europe is seeing a revolt against this, since Victor Orban and the Hungarians are afraid of Soros, and have seen Soviet imperialism in the memory of living individuals.

Americans are soft targets, they have been told never to believe in political conspiracies, which do exist, and which are in fact the continuation of old infections.

U.S., France and Britain Craft Broad Plans for Strike on Syria Trump confers with May and Macron; Mattis warns a mistake could broaden the conflict to Russia and IranBy Dion Nissenbaum and Gordon Lubold

WASHINGTON—Britain, France and the U.S. united Thursday around broad plans for a military strike against Syria as they worked to bridge differences over the scope and purpose of a coordinated response to a suspected chemical weapons attack, U.S. officials said.

President Donald Trump met with his national security team on Thursday to weigh military options while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad sought to limit the impact of an expected attack by moving warplanes under the protection of Russian air defenses.

While officials in all three countries said there now is definitive proof that Syria used chemical weapons last weekend to kill dozens of civilians, they had yet to finalize plans for a strike as the Pentagon warned about the risks of miscalculation.

Momentum had been building for a unified reprisal, especially after Mr. Trump suggested Wednesday on Twitter that a cruise missile strike was looming.

But Defense Secretary Jim Mattis injected a public note of caution into the discussion Thursday, suggesting that the U.S. and its allies had to carefully calibrate any strike to ensure that it didn’t trigger a broader conflict with Syria’s two biggest backers, Russia and Iran.

“We are trying to stop the murder of innocent people, but, on a strategic level, it’s how do we keep this from escalating out of control, if you get my drift on that,” he told U.S. lawmakers. CONTINUE AT SITE

Terror Plot? There’s an App for That Encrypted messaging systems pose a real threat, and Western leaders need to engage their creators. By Steven Stalinsky

Right now Islamic State and its followers around the world are using mobile devices to choose targets, discuss methods and timing, and even raise funds. With the aid of encrypted messaging apps—most of which are developed by Western companies—these terrorists can communicate fully out of sight of intelligence and law-enforcement agencies. The murders of countless innocent people have been planned this way, and most Western leaders seem unsure about how to stop it.

Counterterrorism officials are overwhelmed by the sheer number of potential terrorists using these apps on mobile devices. They are further handicapped by their inability to access the encrypted information, which could help them stop attacks. In a January speech at the International Conference on Cyber Security, FBI Director Christopher Wray called the threat from terrorist use of encrypted apps “an urgent public safety issue.” He revealed that, as part of lawful investigations, the FBI had tried and failed to access encrypted information on nearly 8,000 devices in 2017. Appealing to the technology sector for help, Mr. Wray said: “I’m open to all kinds of ideas, because I reject this notion that there could be such a place that no matter what kind of lawful authority you have, it’s utterly beyond reach to protect innocent citizens.”

In response, Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) wrote a highly critical letter. He called Mr. Wray’s speech “ill-informed” and damaging to America’s security, economy and freedom: “Building secure software is extremely difficult . . . and introducing vulnerabilities would likely create catastrophic unintended consequences that could debilitate software functionality and security entirely.”

A Plan for Europe’s Great Unwinding Mario Draghi has less than two years to devise an exit strategy from today’s extraordinary monetary policy. By Richard Barwell and Arnaud-Guilhem Lamy

The economic crisis in Europe is finally fading, and Mario Draghi and his colleagues at the European Central Bank can breathe a sigh of relief. Their strategy of negative interest rates and asset purchases is paying dividends. But now the recovery brings fresh headaches for Mr. Draghi. It will soon be time to start the complex task of unwinding the extraordinary and unconventional monetary stimulus that has resuscitated the economy.

The immediate problem facing Mr. Draghi is how to phase out the ECB’s asset-purchase program, known as quantitative easing or QE, and then gradually return interest rates to more normal levels. And that is only the beginning.

The ECB’s balance sheet has doubled in size over the past three years. This is partly as a result of QE. But it is also reflects the €750 billion of cheap fixed-rate, long-term funding that the ECB has lent to banks. In some respects those loans, known as TLTROs, are an indirect form of QE, with the ECB lending the banks cash and the banks buying bonds. Either way the ECB is printing money and its balance sheet is increasing. That balance sheet will eventually have to shrink back to more normal levels.

That will take years. Adding to the complexity, Mr. Draghi’s term as president ends in October 2019. He needs to devise an exit strategy from current ECB policies knowing that he won’t be in charge for much of this process. Although he’ll be keen to signal to investors what to expect from the ECB in the years ahead, there’s no point promising a gradual monetary exit if investors believe his successor will pick up the pace.

Preventing the Next Global Health Disaster By Alex Azar

Alex Azar is the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services nominated by President Trump.

Each year in April, the World Health Organization celebrates World Health Day, an opportunity to raise awareness of global health issues. This year, it is also a chance to observe the centennial of the deadliest global health disaster of the 20th century—and the deadliest event of the century, period.

One hundred years ago, on March 11, 1918, at Camp Funston, Kansas, a U.S. Army cook by the name of Albert Gitchell fell ill as he and his fellow soldiers prepared to go to war in Europe. He thought he had a bad cold. Soon after, Corporal Lee Drake went to the infirmary showing the same symptoms. By that afternoon over a hundred others joined them, and eventually, this influenza virus would circle the globe.

Over the next two years, the 1918 influenza pandemic, also known as the Spanish flu, infected nearly a third of the global population, killing more than 50 million people worldwide. At the time, the United States and the world were ill-prepared to combat a pandemic. Influenza viruses had not yet been discovered, there were no vaccines to prevent infection and no medicines to treat it, and the field of public health was in its infancy.

Today, influenza pandemics remain one of our top infectious disease threats. We have a growing set of increasingly advanced tools to detect the emergence of a new strain of influenza virus domestically and abroad, but much work remains to be done.

When it comes to the threat of pandemic flu, as well as other infectious threats, preparedness cannot be confined within borders. The world must work together to focus on the prevention and mitigation of pandemics that pay no mind to borders, and focus the work of institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) on that threat.


Mireille Knoll slaughtered one year after Sarah Halimi

Attempts to mobilize a commemoration march on the first anniversary of the jihad torture/murder of Sarah Halimi were tragically sidestepped by the murder of another Jewish grandmother in the same 11th arrondissement of Paris. The solemn march [marche blanche] in honor of Mireille Knoll, an 85 year-old invalid, drew as many as 30,000 people. Not all of them Jewish.

Yacine Mihoub, the 29 year-old Muslim neighbor that allegedly slit madame Knoll’s throat, stabbed her repeatedly, set her body and her apartment on fire, was a welcome visitor to her modest apartment in a public housing project.

The Islamic Jew-hatred of madame Halimi’s killer, Kobili Traoré, a violent repeat offender, was no secret. Much has been made of his consumption of marijuana leading up to the murder on the night of April 3-4 2017, overlooking the fact that friends had taken him to the radical mosque on rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud that day to “calm him down.”

For eleven months, the investigating judge refused to charge Traoré with aggravating circumstances of antisemitism, despite the evidence, the publicly expressed wishes of President Macron, the articulate concerns of intellectuals, lawmakers, and citizens, the psychiatric report (that discerned clearly antisemitic motives http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/sarah-halimis-killer-suffered-a-bouffe-dlirante?f=family#ixzz4sla2iner ), and the recommendations of the public prosecutor. Finally, she questioned the perpetrator and found to her satisfaction that the charge was justified. Though Traoré is interned in a psychiatric unit awaiting trial, he has no chance of getting off with an insanity plea.

Friday March 23rd: A heroic gendarme and a warm-hearted Jewish invalid are slaughtered

Friday morning, Reduane Lakdim, went on a killing spree in the village of Trèbes near the picturesque city of Carcassonne. The 25 year-old soldier who had pledged allegiance to Daech began the day with a carjacking; he shot the passenger dead and left the young Portuguese driver in critical condition with a bullet lodged in his head. Next he shot at a group of riot policemen who were innocently jogging, and wounded one, missing his heart by 3 cm. Then Lakdim parked the car on a supermarket lot, stormed in, gun blazing, screaming allahu akhbar, and fatally shot a butcher and a customer.

The attack that had begun at 11 AM ended at 2:30 PM when Lakdim shot and slit the throat of Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, who had voluntarily replaced an employee used as a human shield. Lakdim was neutralized by commandos that had been waiting outside.

Hungary Embraces National Conservatism Viktor Orban’s victory is a serious challenge for the Eurocracy.By John O’Sullivan

Well, I was wrong in predicting that Viktor Orban’s victory in yesterday’s Hungarian elections would fall short of a landslide. For it was a landslide by the most exacting standards — which more or less destroys the arguments of his opponents and critics that his governing Fidesz party could win only through authoritarianism, gerrymandering, and the dominance of the media by Fidesz and its business allies. What made this landslide still more unexpected, even shocking, was that throughout yesterday the opposition parties had been growing more optimistic about their prospects of scoring an upset victory. The visiting media — to be on the safe side — were hesitating between the headlines “Opposition Wins” and “Democracy Dies.”

Yet when the smoke of battle was clearing last night, with 80 percent of the vote counted, Orban’s governing party had won 49 percent of the popular vote and 134 seats in the 199-seat parliament. It had an almost clean sweep of the single-member constituencies outside Budapest. And it seems likely to obtain a two-thirds parliamentary majority again and thus the continued right to amend the Hungarian constitution. (All the results cited here might change marginally when the final votes have been counted.) This is as clear an endorsement as any government has received from an electorate — and it was given in the teeth of disapproval from the dominant political and cultural elites in Europe.

That’s significant. It can no longer be plausibly argued that Orban is pushing through his “revolution” either by stealth or undemocratically. Voters knew exactly what both Orban and his opponents stood for, and they plumped strongly for him. Certain conclusions flow from that.

The first is that democracy is vital and active in Hungary. Turnout was the largest since 1998 (coincidentally the election that first brought Orban to power). There were long queues outside the polling booths, which in some cases stayed open to ensure that no one who joined the line by the official closing time was denied the chance to vote. And the result — one party winning half of the vote — was conclusive. It simply cannot be explained away as the result of gerrymandering, since a 49 percent share of the total vote would mean a landslide in seats under almost any multi-party electoral system.