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The Irish President’s Holocaust Address Was a Predictable Disaster Michael Brendan Dougherty

The European impulse after the Holocaust is a kind of utopian death wish. The Zionist impulse is a thrilling will to live.

Above the expressed objections of the Jewish community in Ireland, Irish president Michael D. Higgins was invited to speak at the National Holocaust Memorial commemoration yesterday.

He managed to bungle it, of course. Twice he referred to the “attempted genocide” of the Holocaust. Not once in the last year has he qualified the word “genocide” when using it to describe Israel’s policy in Gaza. A granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor was physically dragged out of the ceremony.

Higgins gave what I have come to call the European religious answer to the Holocaust:

We must never lack the courage to challenge hatred and persecution in whatever forms they are sought to be manifested by promoting a world that is free from persecutions based on difference, such as faith or ethnicity, by embracing diversity, by working for equality, peace and justice, thus making possible a world that is free, too, from so many of the sources of war and conflict based on a distorted reflection of the ‘Other’.

Theologian and philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin saw such a peaceful state as being achievable through a species evolution in human consciousness, believing that humankind is not only capable of living in peace but by its very structure cannot fail eventually to achieve peace.

It’s hard to communicate to the Irish mind how offensive this is. The closest I can come is to say that this is preaching Raglan Road manners to kids who have to grow up in Crumlin. But it’s something worse than that.

Qatar’s ‘Day After’ Plan for Gaza: Keeping Hamas in Power by Khaled Abu Toameh


Qatar wants the Palestinian Authority (PA) government to collect the garbage, rebuild destroyed houses, and pay salaries to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, while Hamas is busy rearming, regrouping and getting ready for the next attack on Israel.

[T]he PA government in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians in the West Bank, decided to suspend the broadcasts of the Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera television for supporting and promoting Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups. Israel and some Arab states had also shut down the broadcasts for the same reason.

The Qataris do not want the PA in the Gaza Strip to rein in Hamas and other terrorist groups, or to prevent attacks against Israel. Instead, they want the PA to act as a front to maintain Hamas’s hold on power — as a cover for keeping Hamas in power.

Qatar has one main purpose: to safeguard its friends in Hamas, continue promoting radical Islam, and deceive Westerners into believing that the Jihadists are a better alternative to the Arab world’s present regimes. Whether the new US administration will be as gullible as other Westerners in trusting Qatar remains to be seen.

Why does Qatar, the largest funder and sponsor of Hamas, have such a strong desire to restore the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the Gaza Strip? To guarantee Hamas’s continued domination of the Gaza Strip.

Qatar has no problem with the PA, which was expelled from the Gaza Strip by Hamas in 2007, taking up its duties there again as long as Hamas is permitted to maintain its grasp on power and preserve its security and military forces and capabilities.

The debasement of the Holocaust Auschwitz has been robbed of its historical and moral significance. Frank Furedi


On 27 January 1945, Soviet forces liberated those then still imprisoned at Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi concentration and death camp. Eighty years on, millions of young people in the West know nothing about Auschwitz or indeed the Holocaust itself. They are ignorant of the gravest crime of the 20th century.

A recent survey has shown that one in nine young Germans has not heard of the Holocaust. A quarter cannot name a single concentration camp, death camp or ghetto. It also showed that ‘nearly half of American adults could not identify any killing sites of the Holocaust’.

A poll carried out by The Economist and YouGov in 2023 made for equally disturbing reading. It showed that more than a fifth of young Americans, aged between 18 and 29, agreed with the statement that ‘the Holocaust is a myth’, while a further 30 per cent neither agreed nor disagreed. That means that less than half of young Americans firmly believe the Holocaust actually happened.

This growing historical amnesia is worrying enough. But of even greater concern is the way in which the meaning of the Holocaust has been distorted and inverted by our cultural and political elites, and weaponised by anti-Israel zealots.

Indeed, Auschwitz itself – a death camp designed for the genocide of the Jews – is fast being turned into something else: an all-purpose symbol of human cruelty. It is becoming Disneyfied, transformed into a gruesome theme park for those looking for an easy moral message.

Take UNESCO, arguably the most powerful international cultural institution in the world. In its official assessment of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, a World Heritage site, it talks of its ‘outstanding universal value’. It claims that the camp serves as a symbol of ‘humanity’s cruelty to its fellow human beings in the 20th century’.

To treat Auschwitz as a generic symbol of cruelty, as UNESCO has done, renders it totally banal. There are countless examples of humanity’s terrible cruelty throughout history, but there is only one Holocaust. Its unique historical significance derives from the fact it was an industrialised extermination campaign singularly directed at Jewish people. And it’s that meaning we are now in danger of losing altogether.

How Jews were turned into the ‘new Nazis’ Eighty years on from the liberation of Auschwitz, the Holocaust is now routinely weaponised against Israel. Daniel Ben Ami


On this Holocaust Memorial Day, we are marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most notorious of the Nazis’ concentration camps. It ought to be an occasion for sombre reflection on the systematic extermination of six million Jews. A chance to contemplate the unique moral horror of the Holocaust.

But that is becoming more difficult than ever. And that’s because so many ‘progressives’ today are eroding the terrible significance of the Holocaust by casting Israel, and by extension Jews in general, as the new Nazis.

How did it come to this? How did the victims of the greatest evil in modern history come to be likened to its perpetrators?

Those portraying Israel as the new Nazi Germany will, of course, point to Israel’s brutal war in Gaza to substantiate their claims. But such a comparison is absurd. Israel is hardly behaving like Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was an expansionist, imperial power. Israel simply isn’t. It is responding to the horrific, genocidal actions of Hamas after it carried out a pogrom on Israel on 7 October 2023. Since then, Israel has been fighting a war of self-defence not just against Hamas, but also against an anti-Semitic alliance from across the Middle East (including Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen), which is hell bent on Israel’s destruction.

Claims that Israel is a new Nazi Germany speak to a more profound problem – namely, the ‘dejudification’ of the Holocaust. That is, instead of being seen as a specifically anti-Jewish act, the Nazis’ systematic extermination of Jewry has increasingly been cast as an example of man’s inhumanity to man in general. Hence, even Jews can apparently be guilty of Nazism.

Many now downplay the specifically anti-Jewish character of the Holocaust. They will point out that the Nazis’ mass-killing operations took the lives of 13million civilians, of whom less than half were Jews. Other mass casualties included Soviet prisoners of war, civilians killed in anti-partisan operations, disabled people and the Roma. From this perspective, it is possible to argue that Jews were just one group among many who were slaughtered by the Nazis.

However, this misses the centrality of anti-Semitism to Nazi ideology. It is not that the loss of an individual Jewish life should trouble us more than other lives. It was that the Nazis were driven by an overriding racial animus towards the Jews – they were the specific targets of the Nazis’ Vernichtungskrieg, their ‘war of extermination’.

There was a reason for this. In the fevered imagination of the Nazis, the Jews represented the combined evils of capitalism and Communism. As historian Paul Hanebrink explains, ‘Communism and global capitalism always functioned in [Nazis’] minds as two sides of the same international (and anti-national) Jewish evil. In their paranoid fantasies, Jewish Communists and Jewish financiers invariably worked together to pursue world domination, each feeding off the power of the other.’

Islamic Republic of Iran: Two girls arrested for dancing could face ‘years in prison or death penalty’ Robert Spencer


The Ayatollah Khomeini said it: “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”

“Teenage girls arrested by Tehran over viral video of them dancing on Iranian war memorial could now face ‘years in prison or the death penalty,’” by Tom Midlane, Daily Mail, January 25, 2025:

Two young women were detained by police in Iran for posting a video of themselves dancing.

The viral Instagram post features the two girls, who appear to be teenagers, purportedly dancing at the Monument to the Unknown Martyrs of the Sacred Defence war memorial in Tehran.

The monument was built by Italian architect Marcello D’Olivo and honours those killed in the Iran-Iraq War that raged between 1980 and 1982.

Both of the women are wearing jeans, with one wearing a knitted jumper and the other a blue top covered by a cardigan.

Iranian authorities have said the girls’ outfits were ‘inappropriate’ and both girls have had their Instagram accounts blocked, according to Iran International.

The Change at the Top of the International Criminal Court New president rejects South Africa’s claims that Israel is committing genocide. by Hugh Fitzgerald


Nawaf Salam, who had been the president of the International Court of Justice, has just accepted the post of Prime Minister of Lebanon. When Salam headed the ICJ, the Court agreed to consider South Africa’s charge that Israel was committing “genocide” in Gaza. But one judge — Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, who has been Vice President of the ICJ since February 2024 — robustly rejected South Africa’s claims. And now that Salam has left his ICJ post, Judge Sebutinde becomes the president of the ICJ for the next three years. That may well result in a more just treatment of Israel by the Court. More on Judge Julia Sebutinde can be found here: “Pro-Israel judge poised to take over ICJ presidency,” Jewish News Syndicate, January 14, 2025:

Judge Julia Sebutinde is set to assume the presidency of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), marking another milestone in her groundbreaking career as well as a significant shift for the court.

The Ugandan jurist, who recently made headlines for her robust defence of Israel against South Africa’s genocide allegations, will take the helm following current President Nawaf Salam’s departure.

Salam has been appointed Prime Minister of his native Lebanon by new president Joseph Aoun, whose election, backed by the US and Saudi Arabia, represents a major blow to Iran and its proxy Hezbollah.

‘We Are Going to Behead You and Get a Big Reward’: The Persecution of Christians, December 2024 by Raymond Ibrahim


“Experts warn of a growing trend of youth radicalization through online platforms, where extremist groups exploit vulnerabilities to indoctrinate and recruit individuals. This year alone, 15 minors have been arrested across Spain for terrorism-related offenses….” — rmx.news, January 2, 2025, Spain.

“Despite the declarations of tolerance and inclusion by the new government in Syria, this attack on Christian sites is not the last, because jihadists continue to act and have fought for the new Syrian government. In particular, some, who are as close as two peas in a pod to the Islamic State, with the same patches on their combat uniforms.” – caliber.az, December 24, 2024, Syria.

Ahmed al-Sharaa, jihadist warlord and current leader of Syria, swiftly turning into an Islamic state, confessed in a Dec. 17 interview that, “When we build the Islamic caliphate, Christians will pay Jizya under Islamic Sharia.” — X.com, December 17, 2024.

The word jizya — a payment for protection — is often translated to “tribute” or “tax.” The requirement originates in Koran 9:29: “Fight those among the People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not believe in Allah, nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and his Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth [Islam], until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves humbled.”

The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of December 2024.

Negotiating with Iran on New ‘Deal’ Is Insane Waste of Time. Take Out Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Now! by Majid Rafizadeh


Diplomacy, negotiations, or a new “deal,” have no hope of limiting the regime’s plans either for a nuclear weapons breakout or for “exporting the revolution” after Trump has safely left office.

“There’s a one in trillion chance you’ll degrade the Iranian nuclear program through diplomacy. There’s a 90% chance you’ll degrade it through military action by Israel, supported by the United States.” — US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Politico, January 19, 2025.

An empowered, nuclear-armed Iran would no doubt increase its support for its terrorist proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, as well as most likely triggering the mother of all nuclear arms-races.

Ending Iran’s nuclear program, bluntly, is a matter of global security. The United States must stand not just with Israel and the Gulf States, but with itself. “If we don’t do that,” Graham said, “it will be a historical mistake.”

Iran, led by the mullahs, is on the brink of crossing the nuclear weapons threshold. Once it reaches this milestone, the regime is presumably hoping that it would then be too hazardous for any country to stop it. It is critical to act decisively as soon as possible to stop Iran before it crosses that threshold. Failing to will only embolden a regime known for unremitting aggression at home and abroad.

The Iranian regime seeks to acquire the power to expand its ideological reach to dominate the region — for a start.

Diplomacy, negotiations, or a new “deal,” have no hope of limiting the regime’s plans either for a nuclear weapons breakout or for “exporting the revolution” after Trump has safely left office.

Azerbaijan Continues to Illegally Hold, Torture Armenian Hostages by Uzay Bulut

On January 17, Azerbaijan began trials of 16 Armenian captives… in military courtrooms, to which international media and observers have been denied access.

The next court hearings are slated for January 27, during which court decisions are expected to be announced. As of now, the trials are open only to Azerbaijani state media.

Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing against the Armenian people of Artsakh has been proceeding for the past four years…. Azeri soldiers posted videos and photos of themselves beheading and mutilating Armenians.

“A court hearing of my case is scheduled for January 27 at 3:00 PM. I have been informed that I am facing 42 charges, some of which carry sentences up to life imprisonment. However, I have not been granted the opportunity to fully review the official indictment. My lawyer and I were merely allowed to skim through 422 volumes of the case files, all written solely in the Azerbaijani language, which I do not understand…. Moreover, pressure has been exerted on me, my lawyer, and my interpreter to force us to backdate and sign documents, including falsified protocols and records of interrogations that never took place…. Let me reiterate: all protocols bearing my signature are falsifications.” — Ruben Vardanyan, former State Minister of Artsakh, January 16, 2025.

One of the Armenian hostages tortured in an Azeri prison is Vicken Euljekjian… [detained] 10 hours after the ceasefire had gone into effect…. A court sentenced Euljekjian to 20 years imprisonment after a short trial without adequate legal representation…. Liparit Drmeyan, an aide to Armenia’s representative to the European Court of Human Rights, said that Euljekjian did not have access to lawyers that were chosen by him…. [His wife said he] has requested a retrial and a lawyer, but the Azeri authorities refuse to meet these requests.

The Trump administration needs to make Azerbaijan release these hostages. US President Donald Trump needs to sanction Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and other Azeri officials for carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Nagorno-Karabakh that continues to threaten the territorial integrity of Armenia while refusing to release the Armenian POWs and hostages.

Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing against the Armenian people of Artsakh has been proceeding for the past four years. Pictured: The Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shusha, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) on October 13, 2020, after it was bombed by Azerbaijani forces. (Photo by Aris Messinis/AFP via Getty Images)

Azerbaijan’s government authorities refuse to release the Armenian hostages whom they have illegally held and abused since they captured them in 2020 and 2023.

On January 17, Azerbaijan began trials of 16 Armenian captives — including the former leaders of Artsakh (Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh) — in military courtrooms, to which international media and observers have been denied access.

In a press release, the Center for Truth and Justice (CFTJ) requested that Azerbaijan allow international legal experts to observe the trials. The request remains unanswered. The next court hearings are slated for January 27, during which court decisions are expected to be announced. As of now, the trials are open only to Azerbaijani state media.

Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing against the Armenian people of Artsakh has been proceeding for the past four years. Azerbaijan – with the help of Turkey — launched an aggressive war against Artsakh that lasted 44 days — between September 27 and November 9, 2020. The aggressors committed countless crimes and indiscriminately shelled the indigenous lands of Armenians, where around 120,000 Armenians resided in the South Caucasus. Azeri soldiers posted videos and photos of themselves beheading and mutilating Armenians.

The trilateral ceasefire agreement signed by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on November 9, 2020 was supposed to halt the war. The agreement mandates the exchange of prisoners of war (POWs), hostages and detainees, as well as the repatriation of the remains of deceased individuals. Armenia has honored the agreement, but Azerbaijan has still not.

After the Azeri bombardment of Artsakh in September 2023, Azerbaijan took even more Armenians hostage. As of now, according to official Armenian data, Azerbaijan is holding 23 prisoners of war and political prisoners. Christian Solidarity International (CSI) says that the true figure may be as high as 100, and calls for all Armenian hostages to be released without delay.

Some of the detained individuals include Davit Babayan, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh, Arkady Ghukasyan, former president of Artsakh, Arayik Harutyunyan, former president of Artsakh, Davit Ishkhanyan, chairman of the National Assembly of Artsakh, Davit Manukyan, former deputy commander of the Artsakh Armed Forces, Levon Mnatsakanyan, former commander of the Armed Forces, Bako Sahakyan, former president of Artsakh, and Ruben Vardanyan, former State Minister of Artsakh.

Vardanyan, who has been detained by Azerbaijan since September 27, 2023, issued a statement posted on social media by his family on January 16. He is being tried separately from the other 15 Armenians. He said that he had not been given enough time to prepare his defense on 42 charges, including terrorism:

“A court hearing of my case is scheduled for January 17 at 3:00 PM. I have been informed that I am facing 42 charges, some of which carry sentences up to life imprisonment. However, I have not been granted the opportunity to fully review the official indictment. My lawyer and I were merely allowed to skim through 422 volumes of the case files, all written solely in the Azerbaijani language, which I do not understand, within a very short timeframe – from December 9, 2024, to January 8, 2025. I only received the list of charges in Russian on January 8, 2025.

“Moreover pressure has been exerted on me, my lawyer, and my interpreter to force us to backdate and sign documents, include] ng falsified protocols and records of interrogations that never took place.

“I officially declare: I have given no testimony since the day of my arrest, except during the first interrogation, where I only stated my name and surname. Let me reiterate: all protocols bearing my signature are falsifications. These documents do not exist in reality. My lawyer and interpreter were coerced into signing these documents.

“I once again reiterate and state my complete innocence and the innocence of my Armenian compatriots also being held as political prisoners and demand an immediate end to this politically motivated case against us.”

The court denied Vardanyan’s request to merge his case with those of the others. His trial is set to resume on January 27.

The people of Artsakh democratically elected their representatives through a direct vote. The term “elected representatives of Nagorno Karabakh” is recorded in several documents of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

The former leaders of Artsakh are not the only Armenian hostages held by Azerbaijan. Since 2020, Azerbaijan has taken many Armenian civilians and soldiers hostage during and in the aftermath of Azeri military attacks. Azerbaijan tortured and murdered many of them.

One of the Armenian hostages tortured in an Azeri prison is Vicken Euljekjian, a dual citizen of Armenia and Lebanon. Azeri soldiers detained him on November 10, 2020, near the Armenian city of Shushi in Artsakh, currently occupied by Azerbaijan. The detention reportedly took place 10 hours after the ceasefire had gone into effect. Soon after, he was transferred, along with other Armenian hostages, to a prison in Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital. A court sentenced Euljekjian to 20 years imprisonment after a short trial without adequate legal representation.

Armenia’s government and human rights groups condemned the trial as a travesty of justice. Liparit Drmeyan, an aide to Armenia’s representative to the European Court of Human Rights, said that Euljekjian did not have access to lawyers that were chosen by him.

Euljekjian’s wife, Linda Euljekjian, told Gatestone Institute that he is suffering from serious physical and mental health problems in prison, and has requested a retrial and a lawyer, but the Azeri authorities refuse to meet these requests.

Luciana Minassian, a lawyer and specialist on international law who monitors the cases of the Armenian hostages in Azerbaijan, told Gatestone:

“Trials that lack transparency and fail to meet the standards of due process transform the judicial system into a tool for political retribution. This not only violates the Geneva Conventions but also damages the credibility of the prosecuting state, inviting international condemnation and setting a dangerous precedent for future conflicts. Releasing POWs immediately is not just a legal obligation—it is a moral imperative. Compliance with the Geneva Conventions preserves the integrity of international law, reinforces mutual respect among warring parties, and ensures that states remain accountable to their commitments.

“However, Azerbaijan continues to ill-treat and even torture the Armenian hostages it illegally holds.”

Despite the November 9, 2020 ceasefire agreement, the Azeri aggression or threats against Armenia have never ended. On September 12, 2022, Azerbaijan launched a deadly attack across several regions of Armenia’s eastern border, killing more than 200 Armenian soldiers and capturing parts of southern Armenia. During that military offensive, Azeri soldiers raped, slaughtered, and mutilated an Armenian female soldier. They then posted on social media images of her abused and tortured body.

In December 2022, Azerbaijan started its starvation siege targeting Artsakh. For nine months, Armenians in Artsakh were blockaded by Azeri forces and deprived of sufficient food, medication and their right to freely travel. And on September 19 and 20, 2023, Azerbaijan bombed Artsakh and forcibly displaced the entire Armenian population – around 120,000 people.

Kathryn Hemmer, a human rights scholar and Genocide Studies Program student fellow at Yale University, wrote of Artsakh:

“The territory, which declared independence in 1991, was home to a predominantly ethnic Armenian population until Azerbaijan launched a 10-month blockade and military assault in 2023. Now, the continued imprisonment of many of Nagorno-Karabakh’s leaders has further victimized a population that just experienced what is arguably one of the most overlooked episodes of ethnic cleansing in recent history.”

The Trump administration needs to make Azerbaijan release these hostages. US President Donald Trump needs to sanction Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and other Azeri officials for carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Nagorno-Karabakh that continues to threaten the territorial integrity of Armenia while refusing to release the Armenian POWs and hostages.

Uzay Bulut, a Turkish journalist, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.

The grooming-gangs scandal is far worse than you think A new film illuminates the shocking depravity of these crimes.Phelim Mcaleer


The details of what grooming gangs did to young British girls are literally unbelievable. They are so grotesque that it is truly hard to believe that one human could do such things to another, never mind to young girls.

That is why court transcripts are such valuable documents. Courts are one of the last places in the UK where you will hear the truth. In trials, there is generally little tolerance of ideology or cliché and claims must be backed up by hard evidence.

When some of the grooming gangs were eventually brought to court and the truth was dragged into the light, their crimes were just as bad or even worse than campaigners had originally claimed. It was easy for many of us to be sceptical about the full extent of the scandal. After all, there have been many cases of grisly sounding crimes that have turned out to be hoaxes, designed to make some kind of ideological point. Like when Jussie Smollett, a gay black actor, falsely claimed he was attacked in liberal Chicago by Trump supporters, who supposedly put a noose around his neck and threw bleach at him. Or when the white players of the Duke University lacrosse team were accused by Crystal Mangum of raping her and using their influence to avoid prosecution – only for Mangum to reveal, 18 years later, that she had lied.

The grooming-gangs scandal sounds like a similarly fantastical story. Mostly Muslim men targeted primarily white British girls and subjected them to rape, trafficking, beatings and forced substance addiction. Meanwhile, police forces ignored and sometimes even facilitated this abuse, afraid that intervening would lead to them being called racist.