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Indian Land That Is Part of China’s Hawkish Policy by Mohshin Habib


India feels a giant demon breathing on her shoulder.

The more China strengthens its military and economic power, the more threatened India feels. The main reason is China’s aggressive actions along the China-India border.

Tibet [in 1914] was an independent country that had every right to negotiate border agreements with any bordering countries.

In 1950, China invaded and fully occupied Tibet. Since then, China has been claiming a right to Arunachal Pradesh and denying the Tibet-India agreement. Even though the McMahon Line is the clear boundary between the countries, the dispute between China and India increases as skirmishes flare up. Each time, the region and the world hold their breath.

Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal Pradesh was the site of one of the meetings in March. However, China did not participate in that meeting and also skipped the meeting held in Kashmir on May 22-24.

Day by day, relations between the two world’s most populous countries, both nuclear powers, continue to deteriorate, with no signs of peace talks in sight.

India feels a giant demon breathing on her shoulder.

“Cover Those Nazi Symbols, Please?” The New York Times releases a small disgusting detail about reporting in Ukraine Matt Taibbi


The New York Times just released a story called “Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History,” about whether or not it means anything that some Ukrainian soldiers have been photographed wearing Nazi Death’s Head or “Totenkopf” symbols. One passage stands out:

In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). He said he did not believe the patch was affiliated with the Nazis. A second press officer present said other journalists had asked soldiers to remove the patch before taking photographs.

The institutional obstacles to getting clear information about the war in Ukraine are formidable, from embedding rules barring journalists from entering “red zones” (and requiring escorts in “yellow” areas), to casualties undercounted by officials on both sides, to open use of planted stories, to harassment of voices who go against official messaging. Journalists asking soldiers to remove Nazi patches is a new level of insanity. With the line between propagandist and reporter all but dissolved, how long before embeds are offered NATO uniforms? Who thinks this is a good idea?

China’s Space Program: Designed to Defeat the United States by Lawrence A. Franklin


Far more significant than scoring space spectaculars, however, is the question of which nation will achieve military dominance in the domain of near-earth space. Chinese international media deceitfully stresses the peaceful, cooperative, and scientific nature of its national space program. However, the ambitious nature of China’s space program indicates that Beijing’s primary objective is to dominate near earth space.

China’s PLA is openly preparing for war, particularly in areas where Beijing’s territorial and maritime claims are illegal and hegemonic.

The aggressive nature of China’s space program is particularly obvious in its anti-satellite projects.

The proximity of these Chinese anti-satellite vehicles clearly reveals the mission to degrade and/or blind collection and transmission of intelligence data by US systems. Another Chinese anti-satellite project features a satellite with a grappling hook, designed to capture US satellites as an immediate prelude to war.

Beijing is planning to win a war in space as part of its reported overall objective of replacing the US as the dominant power on earth. One assessment estimates that fully 84% of China’s space launches are military in nature — indicating that the CCP may well be determined to emerge as the only remaining superpower.

It will also most likely be in the dimension of space, as well as biowarfare, that mankind will get a tip-off that a major armed conflict is about to breakout between China and the United States. China at present not only has “killer satellites,” but also reportedly: “Beijing also has rapidly developed an array of space warfare capabilities, including several types of ground-launched anti-satellite missiles capable of hitting satellites in different orbits; ground-based lasers that can blind or damage orbiting satellites; and small robotic satellites capable of maneuvering and grabbing orbiting satellites.”

China will most likely attempt to shut down US intelligence collection, “eyes and ears in the sky,” prior to combat operations on earth. The United States, if an impending military clash seems unavoidable, may be forced to “preemptively retaliate” by disabling China’s intelligence collection and data transmission space-based assets – if it can.

“[I]f the U.S. military doesn’t change course… we’re going to lose fast” — Air Force Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote, the deputy chief of staff for strategy, integration and requirements, americanmilitarynews.com, March 11, 2021.

It seems high time that the US increased its defense budget instead of cutting it, prepositioned arms in Taiwan for deterrence, and got serious about acknowledging the Chinese Communist Party, led by President Xi Jinping, not as a “competitor,” but as an adversary, and an intractable one at that.

The US-China “Space Race” is but one dimension of the ongoing Cold War between the two superpowers. The national space programs of both countries are comprehensive in scope, running across the entire scientific spectrum. Both America and China are focused on scoring space spectaculars to influence the world as to which superpower will inherit the future. Each rival is seeking to be the first to land a human on Mars.

Two Christian Teenagers Charged with Blasphemy and Sent to Jail in Pakistan by CLAAS-UK


[Police constable Zahid Sohail] alleged that the boys were making fun of each other and were calling a puppy “Muhammad Ali.”

The families of both boys said they have no puppy.

“‘Muhammad Ali’ is the brand name of the Naswar [tobacco] he takes. While both boys were talking about the brand, at the same time Zahid Sohail, a policeman, was passing by and heard them. Without knowing the facts, he started beating the children, saying they were committing blasphemy.” — Samina Nadeem, the mother of Simon.

[B]oth boys have been sent to jail, and nobody knows their fate.

On May 19, a judicial magistrate in Lahore, Pakistan sent two Christian teenagers, Simon Nadeem, 12, and Adil Baber, 18, to jail on judicial remand, after they were charged under Penal Code section 295-C (the blasphemy law).

Both boys were arrested by the police and charged on May 18 after a complaint was made against them by police constable Zahid Sohail.

WEF Talks ‘Gender Equality’ in Nigerian Plastics Amid Genocide By Catherine Salgado


Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be Christian, with thousands killed, kidnapped, or displaced every year by radical Islamic extremists. Fortunately the insidious World Economic Forum (WEF) always has its priorities straight. Its big concern for Nigeria right now is gender representation in the area of “plastic pollution.” Yes, really.

Firstly, I am not, of course, belittling the many Nigerian women who work so hard in bad conditions for little pay picking up and sorting plastics in Nigeria. They absolutely deserve better than what they have. But, let’s face it, gender equity and inclusion is hardly one of the biggest crises facing Nigeria right now. Thousands of men and women are coping with a bloody and catastrophe genocide right now, with those who survive frequently losing their homes. But WEF and the United Nations (UN) don’t really want to talk about that, because they would have to admit that Christians are being mass murdered by Muslims. WEF prefers to address a fake crisis like “global warming”—or woke “inclusion.”

Over 60,000 Nigerian Christians had been killed in the decade-long genocide there as of 2021, and of course the number has increased since. Jihadis reportedly killed 4,000 Nigerian Christians and abducted 2,300 more just in the first 10 months of 2022. Meanwhile, as of May 20, 2023, over 120 Nigerians had been killed and over 20,000 displaced in bloody Plateau State.

WEF published a piece June 1 by Priscilla Achakpa, global gender equality & inclusivity advisor for National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP), and Katherine Gilchrist, global gender equality & inclusivity advisor for GPAP (Global Plastic Action Partnership). These woke, wacky women only briefly referred to the jihadi violence from Boko Haram and other groups tearing Nigeria apart. They had a bigger issue in mind—“equity and inclusion.”

What if Putin Loses His War in Ukraine? Victory over Russia would recast Europe’s politics as well as the U.S.-China rivalry. Walter Russell Mead


Nobody this side of paradise knows how Vladimir Putin’s war will end, but Zbigniew Brzezinski identified the stakes in 1994. “Without Ukraine,” he wrote in Foreign Affairs, “Russia ceases to be an empire.”

Mr. Putin couldn’t agree more, and for him and the Russian nationalists clinging to his coattails, Russia is an empire or it is nothing at all.

A Ukrainian victory—which we can describe as an end to the conflict that leaves Ukraine with all or most of its original territory, independent of Moscow and aligned with the West—would be a geopolitical earthquake. The Russia that Europe has known and feared since the 18th century, an immense and looming presence relentlessly bent on expanding westward, will be gone. The consequences would reshape the politics of Europe and the Middle East and define a new era in U.S.-China competition.

Many in the West hoped that the fall of the Soviet Union would have ended the threat of Russian imperialism, but Mr. Putin’s regime was bent on defying the odds. After all, czarist Russia collapsed in World War I and the Communists had to sign the punitive treaty of Brest-Litovsk with imperial Germany, giving up swathes of land and acknowledging the independence of former imperial territories, including Ukraine. Taking advantage of Western divisions and weakness, Lenin reassembled almost the entire empire of Nicholas II, and Stalin seized still more territory to make Moscow a global superpower.

The Anti-Western Nuclear Club: North Korea, China, Russia and Iran Dangerously Target the West by Majid Rafizadeh


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered this January that his country carry out “exponential” expansion of its nuclear arsenal and the manufacturing of a more powerful ICBM.

“Today, China, Russia, North Korea and Iran continue to invest in technologies to expand their capabilities to hit the United States with nuclear weapons. All four countries have also escalated their threatening rhetoric, indicating their willingness to use nuclear weapons in a military conflict. By expanding their nuclear programs, each has made clear that our nuclear arsenal is no longer a deterrent to their potential use of nuclear weapons..” — Rep. Mike Turner, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, Fox News, May 4, 2023.

Russia is most likely helping Iran to boost its nuclear program in exchange for the weapons that the Islamic Republic is supplying to Russia for use against Ukraine.

The headline of a report by Iran’s state-controlled Afkar News read: “American Soil Is Now Within the Range of Iranian Bombs”. The report boasted: “The same type of ballistic missile technology used to launch the satellite could carry nuclear, chemical or even biological weapons to wipe Israel off the map, hit US bases and allies in the region and US facilities, and target NATO even in the far west of Europe….”

“After 9/11, the George W. Bush administration revived missile defense…. In 2009, the Obama administration scrapped this plan. Then it canceled key parts of its own plan, leaving the U.S. and Europe vulnerable to an array of threats and potential nuclear coercion by adversaries.” — Rep. Mike Turner, Fox News, May 4, 2023.

“[T]he Biden administration has shown a lack of foresight. In its 2021 Missile Defense Review, President Biden ignored our defense industrial base supply chain issues…” — Rep. Mike Turner, Fox News, May 4, 2023.

Unfortunately, through its failure to take on the Free World’s adversaries in a serious, credible way, the Biden Administration has been empowering tyrants and rogues states, at the forefront: North Korea, Russia, China and Iran.

The anti-Western nuclear club — North Korea, Russia and China, with Iran close to joining the club — have become emboldened and empowered as never before, thanks to the Biden administration’s feeble leadership.

How Sweden Became a Gangster’s Paradise by Peder Jensen


After the Russian invasion of the Ukraine in February 2022, Sweden and Finland abandoned generations of neutrality to apply for membership in the NATO military alliance. However, there is already a gang war going on in Swedish streets, and it has nothing to do with Russia.

[National Police Commissioner Anders] Thornberg estimated that more than 30,000 people are now involved in gang violence in Sweden… According to Thornberg, the situation is “extremely serious,” with organized crime infiltrating and corrupting the democratic society, the business world and the public sector.

Some two million immigrants (20% of the population) now live in Sweden, according to David Jones in the Daily Mail, Many come from the most troubled parts of Asia and Africa and have not integrated well into Swedish society. Rival gangs now shoot each other on a regular basis. In Stockholm alone, 52 gangs are vying for control of the burgeoning drug trade, according to a police report, and they are becoming ever more ruthless. Some child gang members even carry explosives in their school thermos flasks. Jones writes:

“Twenty years ago, gun crime was almost non-existent here.” — David Jones, the Daily Mail, February 10, 2023.

“Ten to fifteen years ago, it was about shoplifting when we were dealing with 14-year-olds, but now they deal in drugs and handle automatic weapons… Older criminals use children to avoid being caught themselves, and for the children, it is a sign of status to be chosen. It starts as a cool thing for a kid who can’t see consequences and ends up getting involved in gang conflicts.”— Police officer who asked to remain anonymous, document.no, March 1, 2023.

When available resources are dedicated to investigating shootings and bombings, other crimes such as burglary or theft have become effectively risk-free. This inversion of law enforcement contributes to a growing sense of lawlessness now being felt by many Swedes. What is the point of having laws if they are not enforced, or only used to punish honest citizens?

Since 2010, shoplifting in Sweden has doubled.

More serious crime is also being ignored or de-prioritized by an understaffed police force. In the city of Uppsala, victims of rape complain that they must wait for months to be interviewed…. Most available police resources are now dedicated to combating criminal gangs.

Swedish schools are also becoming increasingly violent, for teachers and pupils alike. Reports about threats and violence at schools have more than doubled since 2012. These reports mainly concern students who have attacked teachers with threats, punches, or strangulation.

In Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, native Swedes are already a minority. The city is experiencing a kind of “white flight.” Many move to smaller towns to find safer environments and schools for their families.

While ownership of rifles for hunting is not uncommon in Sweden, owning guns for self-defence had never, until recently, been a reason to be granted a firearms license.

China’s CCP: World’s Most Dangerous Transnational Criminal Organization by Gordon G. Chang


What is the world’s largest transnational criminal organization? At 96.7 million members, it is the Communist Party of China.

Beijing’s primary goal is rule — not domination — of Planet Earth and the near parts of the solar system.

This expansive Chinese view has many implications, but one of them is that China’s regime does not believe it is bound by the laws of the international community. China’s regime, with this mentality, thinks that whatever it does by definition is within its right and therefore not criminal.

There are in China, for instance, over 700 million surveillance cameras in its SkyNet system, about one camera for every two residents. Those devices are being connected to one centrally controlled system as the regime stitches together a nationwide social credit system to monitor every person in the People’s Republic.

Taxis and other vehicles also have government-installed cameras. The CCP has thought of everything. As a result, China is fast becoming totalitarian and a total surveillance state.

The Communist Party cannot run such a state and claim it does not know what is going on.

This means the CCP is responsible for the tens of thousands of Americans annually killed by fentanyl…. The result, Vanda Felbab-Brown of the Brookings Institution wrote, is “the deadliest drug epidemic in U.S. history.”

TikTok… which Beijing effectively controls, glamorizes drug use. Yes, the wildly popular app has community guidelines prohibiting videos promoting drug use, but you can find clips with millions of views teaching kids how to take illegal drugs.

The Chinese gangs use burner phones and Chinese banking apps to move vast sums quickly, quietly, and securely through the Chinese state banking system. The Communist Party of China tightly controls all Chinese banks, and no one could transfer sums through their networks without the cooperation of the regime.

“At its core, the People’s Republic of China is focused on gaining geopolitical leverage over countries in Central and South America to be used in an eventual conflict with the United States.” — Joseph Humire of the Center for a Secure Free Society to Gatestone, May 2023

These are just a few of China’s crimes as detailed in Frank Gaffney’s new book, The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party & Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World. Unfortunately, American law enforcement prosecutes individuals when it should be prosecuting the Communist Party of China instead.

China’s regime is trafficking illegal drugs, protected wildlife, and humans. It is laundering cash and participating in ransomware attacks. It steals intellectual property. The ruling group, as a matter of state policy, murders people for their organs.

The Chinese state is not only a dangerous international actor, it is also a common criminal. Perhaps we should say it is an uncommon or state criminal, the most powerful and insidious kind.

To The West: Brace for Another Tumultuous Five Years with Erdoğan by Burak Bekdil


Erdoğan, as he has always done since coming to power in 2002, did all that he could to use state resources and the media he controls to manipulate the voters both before the May 14 vote and before the second round.

State officials who are bound by the constitution to stay neutral in politics joined Erdoğan’s campaign, while blocking every opposition effort.

When a journalist asked Erdoğan “How was this video recorded?” Erdoğan admitted that the video shown was fabricated, but still alleged PKK complicity in the Kılıçdaroğlu campaign…. In fact, the PKK circulated its own, original version; militants dancing and chanting and so on. At the election rally, Erdoğan showed a fabricated version showing Kılıçdaroğlu dancing and chanting with PKK militants.

While Erdoğan will try to maintain a balanced policy between Russia and the West, he will be inclined to favor Russia to the point where he fears that Western sanctions will hammer Turkey’s ailing economy.

Putin will keep on drinking his champagne while rooting for his Turkish Trojan Horse in NATO. Turkey’s relations with the EU, however, will remain in the deep freeze, where they have been for the past several years, with virtually no chance of reviving Turkey’s process for EU membership.

What will happen after [Erdoğan] has left the political stage? The Turks will most likely quickly elect another opportunistic Islamist leader — another Erdoğan.

The second round of Turkey’s consequential presidential election on May 28 did not produce a surprise. Turkey’s Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, now in his third decade in power, won 52% of the national vote against 48% by Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the opposition leader. In the first round on May 14, Erdoğan and Kılıçdaroğlu had won 49.5% and 45% of the vote, respectively.