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Australia is in the grips of an anti-Semitic nightmare How many more synagogues will be torched before the elites take this threat seriously? Hugo Timms


The standard you walk past, as the famous Australian saying goes, is the standard you accept. Unfortunately for Jewish Australians, the standard set by the Labor government when it comes to anti-Semtism could hardly be any lower.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, Australians woke to the news that a Sydney childcare centre had been firebombed and sprayed with anti-Semitic graffiti. Last weekend, two masked figures attempted (and failed) to burn down a synagogue. Theses would once have been significant national events. But not so now, in Anthony Albanese’s Australia. They were merely just the latest of several recent attacks on Jewish property.

In December, Melbourne’s Adass Israel Synagogue, in the prominent and historic Jewish suburb of Ripponlea, was burnt to the ground in possibly the most significant act of anti-Semitism in Australian history. Last week, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, two cars were set alight, many more were graffitied with anti-Semitic slogans, and the former home of Alex Ryvchin, co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, was doused in red paint.

Anti-Semitism now pervades Australian society. It began, as most of the world now knows, on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, with crowds celebrating Hamas’s atrocities on 7 October 2023. It blossomed into regular, vicious anti-Israel marches, including one mourning the death of Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader responsible for the indiscriminate bombing of northern Israel. During that time, protesters have routinely damaged the offices of politicians deemed supportive of Israel – and they’ve done so, for the most part, with impunity. By the time the office of Jewish MP Josh Burns was targeted last June, with vandals deploying an age-old anti-Semitic trope by adorning his photograph with Satanic horns, hardly anyone could claim to be surprised.

Her name is Emily Damari The left will never live down the shame of staying silent on the racist kidnapping of a British Jew. Brendan O’Neill


There is a British woman who survived 15 months at the hands of a neo-fascist militia. A woman who was cruelly deprived of her liberty and dignity by racist monsters and yet who emerged from that hell smiling and defiant. A woman who spent her 28th birthday in the bondage of an army of bigots. A woman who was subjected to the most intolerable persecutions for one ‘crime’ and one ‘crime’ only – she’s a Jew.

And yet if you said her name on the streets of Britain, many people would not know who she was. No one on the ‘anti-racist’ left held a vigil for her. The activists of Antifa raised not a peep of concern for this Jew seized by a racist army. These people see ‘fascism’ everywhere, in every utterance made by Donald Trump, every bristling against mass immigration, every criticism of the Koran. Yet when a fellow Brit was cruelly incarcerated by a movement founded with the express intention of murdering Jews, they said not a word. To them everything is fascism, except fascism.

Her name is Emily Damari. Go and say it to people. Let them know that a British citizen was kidnapped by Hamas and that British ‘progressives’ said nothing. Let them know that this British-Israeli was brutalised by Jew-killers and it made not so much as a dent in the conscience of Britain’s bourgeois left. The people who cry ‘black lives matter’ and ‘trans lives matter’ and ‘Muslims matter’ could not bring themselves to utter these three poxy words: ‘Emily Damari matters.’

Ms Damari was taken from her home in Kibbutz Kfar Aza in southern Israel during Hamas’s orgy of barbarism on 7 October 2023. She was shot in the hand, causing her to lose two fingers. She was dragged to Gaza where she spent 471 days in the captivity of anti-Semites. She was released yesterday, as part of Phase 1 of the ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, along with two other women: Romi Gonen, 24, and Doron Steinbrecher, 31. I have come ‘back to life’, said Emily on Instagram after her release.

To be clear, Emily was not forgotten. Britain’s Jewish community held vigils for her. Fans of Tottenham Hotspur – the team she supports – campaigned for her release. So did fans of Arsenal. Not for the first time, working-class football fans showed themselves to be the moral backbone of the nation, as our ‘betters’ shamefully looked the other way. It fell mostly to Emily’s heroic mother, Mandy, to keep her daughter’s plight in the headlines. Her dogged campaigning even compelled government officials to break their reprehensible silence and speak on the racist brutalisation of one of their own people.

Is Global South Going South? by Amir Taheri


In Iran itself, even figures within the “southern” system are beginning to realize that their regime may be heading south.

In what is labeled “the Greater Middle East”, another shibboleth that is best avoided, there is an overwhelming desire for social reform, economic development and political participation, in other words for heading “north” rather than “south.”

A new generation of leaders has understood that unless they turn change into an ally, they risk turning it into a mortal foe.

Always anxious to portray the Islamic Republic of Iran in a world leadership position, the official media in Tehran have been trumpeting a three-day visit by President Masoud Pezeshkian to Dushanbe and Moscow as a “significant strengthening of the global south.”

You might wonder what the “global south” is all about.

This is a cliché invented in the 1970s to distinguish “Third World” countries from the two blocs of East and West, without abandoning its sister cliché of “non-aligned world.”

With globalism in decline if not actually moribund yet, the “global south” is gaining new adepts in circles seeking to divide humanity on ideological grounds, with Western democracies cast as villains as authoritarian regimes as choirboys.

Dividing the world on pseudo-geographical lines has a long history. The Roman Empire regarded the Persian Empire on its east as a cultural alternative, if not an existential threat. In medieval times, the concept of the Orient alternately depicted a seductive or a repulsive model for the Occident.

Karl Marx, who pretended to have discovered laws of human history, found it necessary to acknowledge that his analysis didn’t apply to “Asiatic societies,” by which he meant the whole world outside Europe and North America.

The English imperialist poet Rudyard Kipling, a literary giant but a political pygmy, played a similar chord: “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”

Mark Carney: The Wrongest Man at the Wrongest Time Ever Mark Carney’s bid for Canadian leadership pits a climate-activist banker against a political and economic tide increasingly rejecting the very ideals he champions. By Stephen Soukup


The politicization of business and capital markets has many fathers. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, one of the most prominent and unrelenting advocates for “sustainability” in investing, is often described as such. Klaus Schwab, the now-retired chairman and founder of the World Economic Forum, also often wears that title. So does the billionaire political gadfly Michael Bloomberg; so does R. Edward Freeman, the business professor and originator of “stakeholder theory;” and so do countless others who have worked diligently to advance ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance investing), DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and all the other efforts to make business and investing more “socially responsible” or less unfair or…whatever.

Of all those responsible for this abuse of business and capital markets, perhaps no man is more singularly responsible—yet nearly totally overlooked by ESG’s critics—than Mark Carney. Carney is a banking and economic giant. He was the Governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008-2013 and the Governor of the Bank of England from 2013-2020. It was in this latter capacity that, in September 2016, Carney gave one of the most important and influential speeches in the history of central banking. Appearing at an event in Berlin, Carney gave a very carefully and very confrontationally worded address, in which he addressed climate change and framed its mitigation in fiscal and fiduciary terms. “A wholesale reassessment of prospects, as climate-related risks are re-evaluated,” Carney intoned, “could destabilise markets, spark a pro-cyclical crystallisation of losses and lead to a persistent tightening of financial conditions: a climate Minsky moment.”

A “Minsky moment” is a market term named for the economist Hyman Minsky, which is used to identify the point at which a bull market has become so speculative and over-leveraged that it hits a peak and then tips over and crashes. What Carney meant by predicting a “climate-related” Minsky moment was that he—and others, presumably—believed that global capital markets were already overleveraged, already well overbought, given the inevitability of climate change. As a result, once investors started to understand the reality of the climate “crisis,” they would come to realize how foolish and speculative their investments in “unsustainable” businesses were, leading to a crash. Or to put it more simply, Carney—the Governor of the Bank of England—was warning global investors and politicians that they either had to force business in general to become environmentally sustainable immediately or could face commercial and economic Armageddon.

While Canadian Food Banks Collapse, Canada Offers $3K to Gaza Refugees Two million Canadians visited food banks. by Daniel Greenfield


Liberals claim that they care about other people, but the real mark of liberal governments is how little they care about their own people.

Times are hard in Canada under the corrupt radical Trudeau government.

As Canadians grapple with astronomical grocery prices, troublingly high numbers of people are flocking to food banks to feed their families. Last March alone, two million Canadians visited food banks—a staggering 90 per cent increase from 2019—and the most recent figures estimate that 12,000 new users access them every month. Food banks aren’t just frequented by unhoused and precariously employed folks anymore, either: now, one in five users has a steady job.

Faced with the deluge of need, community food programs across the country have begun closing their doors due to empty shelves

That means it’s the right time to bring a whole bunch of freeloading ‘refugees’ from terrorist Gaza to Canada.

The Liberal government will provide tax-free grants of $3,000 per adult and $1,500 per child to Gazan refugees arriving in Canada, the Department of Immigration announced Thursday…

Thus far, 4,782 applications have been approved, and 616 Gazans have arrived, typically as relatives of Canadian residents.

“While it is extremely difficult for people to exit Gaza at this time, Canada is making sure necessary support is in place for Gazans as they start to arrive in our country,” the department said.

The government has not disclosed the total cost of the refugee program.

“Canada is the only country in the world with a dedicated pathway for extended family members of its citizens or permanent residents in Gaza,” the department stated in a May 27 briefing note.

That’s not something to be proud of.

Iran’s Mullahs: Will the EU Ever Wake Up? by Majid Rafizadeh


Even though Iran keeps increasing its military support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — posing a significant threat to the European Union, the EU policy of appeasing the mullahs persists.

“These drones [in Russia] aren’t just a threat to Ukraine — they’re a threat to every NATO country bordering Russia.” — Henrik F. Rasmussen, executive director of the Institute for Science and International Security, politico.eu, November 13, 2023.

“The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was responsible for at least 11 attempted attacks in Europe between June 2018 and June 2024, making it clear Tehran sees Europe as one of the battlefields in its conflict with Israel and the West, going so far as to partner with organized crime to achieve its ends.” — Oliver Rolofs, Strategic security and communication expert and the director of the Austrian Institute for Strategic Studies and International Cooperation, politico.eu, October 9, 2024.

Europe is bankrolling Iran to devour it.

Even though Iran keeps increasing its military support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — posing a significant threat to the European Union, the EU policy of appeasing the mullahs persists.

The EU blithely continues to trade with Iran, the top state sponsor of terrorism. The Tehran Times bragged in a recent report that the country’s exports to the EU have increased by 28% in just 9 months:

“The Eurostat’s data show that Iran exported commodities worth €799 million to the union in the nine-month period of this year, while the figure was €623 million in the same time span of the previous year, IRNA reported.

Terror Group to Hold Canadian Conference on Overthrowing West Tolerance of the intolerant is suicidal. by Mark Tapson


Baby-faced Canadian tyrant Justin Trudeau may have finally relinquished power, but his country is still in the grip of a suicidal wokeness, an anti-Western multiculturalism that threatens to hollow it out from within – as wokeness is designed to do. The most recent case in point: Ontario will be hosting a conference this week organized by what other countries have deemed an international terrorist group: Hizb ut-Tahrir. The event’s theme is “eliminating the obstacles that are delaying [the] return” of an Islamic caliphate.

Unless government action is taken to prevent it, Hizb ut-Tahrir (Arabic for the “Party of Liberation”) will be hosting its annual Khilafah (Caliphate) Conference on January 18 in Hamilton, Ontario, after a public outcry forced it to move from its original planned location in Mississauga. The precise location of the conference will be available only to attendees who register via Eventbrite.

“Is America really so powerful that our Ummah [the worldwide Muslim community] can’t defeat it?” the group wrote in a post on Facebook:

There have been superpower states in the past too, like the Romans and the Persians; yet, they were defeated by the Ummah. Their great cities, like Constantinople, are now Muslim cities.

The post went on state, “Learn what it will take for our Ummah to overcome America, Europe, Russia, China, and others from the position we’re in today. If you want to help create real change in our Ummah, then get this critical knowledge by attending, inshaAllah.”

A spokesperson for HuT claims in a promotional video, which has since been deleted from the group’s website, “The colonialists will point to their technology, vast armies, giant economies, and their pervasive influence. However, none of this ‘power’ compares to the might of Allah. It doesn’t even stand against the strength Allah has given our Ummah.”

That all sounds rather threatening. Are the Canadian authorities too feckless to take a stand?

How ‘anti-racist’ policing let grooming gangs run riot The 1999 Macpherson report made police forces terrified of accusations of racism. Ian Acheson


A couple of years ago, I was encouraged to apply to sit on a board that would help the College of Policing produce a new code of ethics. My unsuccessful application was perhaps fatally brief. When asked what attributes should be central to a new code, I replied, simply, ‘moral and physical courage’.

I was put in mind of this after the smouldering rape-gang scandal exploded into flames this month, fanned by the most networked man on the planet, Elon Musk. Now momentum is gathering behind calls for a national inquiry – and in particular, into the behaviour of the police. Why did the gatekeepers for public safety desert their posts?

The charge sheet is stark. In multiple grotesque examples of child sexual exploitation by organised gangs of men, police forces failed to act to safeguard victims and deliver justice. The reports and reviews, delivered piecemeal after various grooming-gang court cases, revealed staggering incompetence and callous indifference on the part of far too many police forces, from Thames Valley to South Yorkshire to Greater Manchester. There was a pattern to their failures. Their investigations were inadequate. They failed to see brutalised young girls as victims. And they put the protection of their reputations ahead of justice.

In each instance, the victims were predominantly white girls and the perpetrators were predominantly older, south Asian men, most of them of Pakistani heritage. The police should have responded by upholding the law and protecting the vulnerable regardless of the seeming racial, ethnic dimension to the offending. The actual response was very different. As Professor Alexis Jay’s 2015 report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham revealed, 1,400 children were sexually abused and raped in the town between 1997 and 2013. Jay found that both the police and council staff were reluctant to confront the problem due to the ethnic origins of the perpetrators and the fear of being labelled racist. The lack of police action allowed the abuse to continue unchecked.

In Scandinavia, the Elites Freak Out about Trump’s Designs on Greenland Or pretend to. by Bruce Bawer


This is about Scandinavia, but let’s start with the Anglosphere. The other day, on his Talk TV show Piers Morgan Uncensored, the eponymous host discussed various topics with a panel whose most garrulous member was Kara Swisher, a stunningly obnoxious lesbian columnist – yes, even more obnoxious than Piers himself – whom I’ve never seen or read before but who obviously thinks that she’s brilliant and that everyone else is an idiot.

The subject of Trump wanting to acquire Greenland came up. It turned out that neither the slimy Piers nor the odious Kara had been aware until Trump began talking about Greenland recently (or, actually, resumed talking about it after having done so briefly during his first term) that the island is owned by Denmark. Nonetheless both of them had strong opinions about the issue. For Kara, Trump’s refusal to rule out the use of military force to annex Greenland was one more reason to call him a fool. But hey, at least Trump knew that Greenland is owned by Denmark.

For the rest of Piers’s panelists, as for many other stateside talking heads, the Greenland issue was mainly a cause for mirth. But let’s  move on to Scandinavia, where, for the most part, it was anything but.

“Just think of it for an instant,” wrote Maja Sojtaric in Norway’s Nettavisen: “an upcoming president of the world’s largest military power is willing to use his superior force to take over the territory of one of his allies.” Yes, commented Sojtaric, Trump is “easy to mock,” but “his wish to take territory from one of his allies is not a joke.” On the contrary, she warned, it’s “unbelievably dangerous. It destabilizes NATO. It ought to worry us here in Norway. A destabilization of NATO makes us extremely vulnerable.”

Iran’s Ayatollahs Expands Encroachment on US Hemisphere (the Caribbean Sea) Yoram Ettinger


Will the Monroe Doctrine be revitalized in the face of the growing military, economic and diplomatic entrenchment of Iran’s Ayatollahs throughout Latin America?! The Ayatollahs aim to undermine the strategic posture of the US in its own “soft underbelly,” and bring “The Great American Satan” to submission. Against this alarming background, can the US afford to persist in its diplomatic option toward Iran, or revert to President Trump’s maximum pressure economic sanctions, which were proven reversible, while refraining from the irreversible regime-change?!

*”After more than four decades of systematic penetration of Latin America, Iran is reaching its full geopolitical potential in the Western Hemisphere, prepositioning military assets and armaments in the region. Tehran’s goal is to bring the fight to the United States…. Venezuela’s Armed Forces is the first Latin American military to have armed drones in its inventory, courtesy of Iran. In 2021, Venezuela began receiving shipments of Iran-made precision-guided short-range missiles that will likely be used to arm the drones….”    

*The Warsaw, Poland-based Defense Industry Europe reports that “Iran’s supply of military systems to Venezuela creates grave concerns in South America. Iranian-made Zolfaghar-class missile boats (a modified version of the North Korean IPS-16) armed with Nasr-1 anti-ship missiles were observed during a July 24, 2023 naval parade in Venezuela [Do the Ayatollahs intend to export the Houthi piracy in the Red Sea to the Caribbean Sea and the Venezuela-Guyana territorial conflict?]. The Iranian defense industry is using straw companies to obtain dual-use components used in their locally manufactured military systems…. Iran is using Venezuela as its front base in South America, intending to target American interests….”

*The Riyadh-based Journal for Iranian Studies indicates that “Iran’s significant and growing presence in Latin America, [is noticed] among governments with adversarial relationships with the United States. [There is] a progression of Iran-Latin American cooperation from diplomatic, cultural and commercial ties to the signing of military agreements and the export of Iranian military technology, notably drones…. to Latin America, which represents a critical region for US national interests and security…. A drone production factory was established [in Venezuela] over a decade ago during Hugo Chavez’s tenure…. These commercial and military agreements help Iran circumvent international sanctions and the 2007 UN arms embargo, providing a venue for Iranian companies affiliated with the [US State Department terror-designated] Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to establish a presence beyond Iranian borders, notwithstanding the sanctions…. Bolivian Defense Minister, Edmundo Novillo, disclosed that the [Iran-Bolivia] agreement entailed provisions for acquiring drones and boats aimed at monitoring regional borders…. [He] underscored Bolivia’s need for maintenance services for its aircraft and helicopters [paid for by lithium], acknowledging the technical expertise offered by Iran in this regard….”