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Russia Has Deployed 97% of Army in Ukraine but Is Struggling to Advance, U.K. Says U.S., allies gather for a second day of talks on boosting supplies to Kyiv


The U.K. said Russia has deployed nearly its entire army in Ukraine, increasing pressure along the front line in the east of the country but falling short of a breakthrough.

Ukrainian officials have warned of a renewed Russian onslaught to coincide with the first anniversary of Moscow’s invasion next week. But some Western officials say the offensive is unlikely to be one single event. Russian forces have redoubled attacks along the front lines in eastern Ukraine in recent weeks, eking out gains after a series of reversals last year.

“We now estimate 97% of the whole Russian army is in Ukraine,” U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told the British Broadcasting Corp.’s “Today” show on Wednesday.

Russian forces were trying to advance on all fronts, he said, adding: “We haven’t actually seen this massing of a single force to punch through in a big offensive. We’ve just seen an effort to advance, and that has come at a huge cost to the Russian army.”

Ukraine is seeking to absorb the attacks, buying time to build up its own forces for an offensive to retake territories occupied by Russia. Western officials expect Ukraine to launch a counteroffensive in the spring.

Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence, said Russian forces were rushing to gain ground before Kyiv amassed sufficient combat power for its own offensive. “The Russians understand that the continuation of the Ukrainian counteroffensive and operations to liberate our territories are inevitable,” he said. “That’s why the enemy is in a hurry.”

Fighting has been particularly fierce in the eastern city of Bakhmut, where Ukrainian forces are resisting Russian moves to encircle the city.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said grueling battles in the east were depleting Russia’s capacity to mount a broader offensive. In his nightly address, Mr. Zelensky said the situation in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk remains extremely difficult.

“We must understand the significance of these battles,” Mr. Zelensky said. “That is where the unprecedented destruction of Russian potential is taking place now.”

Klaus Schwab: Whoever Masters 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies ‘Will be the Master of the World’ By Debra Heine


Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said this week that technologies emerging from the so-called fourth industrial revolution (4IR) are advancing exponentially and could “escape” the globalists’ “power to master” them.

In his keynote speech to the World Government Summit on Monday, Schwab said shared global policies will be needed to mitigate this issue so globalists can be the “master of the world.”

The 2023 World Government Summit is taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Feb. 13-15.

Schwab said: “A few years ago, we considered some technologies a science fiction that was difficult to implement, but today it has become a reality that we live through artificial intelligence, new space technology, and industrial biology, which heralds a major change coming during the next ten years, and requires governments to be ambitious in their decisions.”

“Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected,” Schwab explained, “and who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the master of the world.”

“My deep concern is that those technologies, if we don’t work together on a global scale, if we do not formulate, shape together the necessary policies, they will escape our power to master those technologies,” Schwab said.

Schwab and his WEF sidekick Yuval Noah Harari have spoken and written extensively in recent years on what they call “the fourth industrial revolution,” which is defined as “a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), Web3, blockchain, 3D printing,  genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies.”

‘The Global Getaway’: More Empty Promises from the EU? by Judith Bergman


The Global Gateway project was launched in December 2021. Meanwhile, China’s BRI was launched in 2012 and has spread all over the globe, especially to Africa, Latin America and Asia, where it has gained China vast influence. The Communist Party newspaper China Daily recently claimed that in 2022 alone, China had signed new contracts with BRI countries worth nearly $100 billion.

As of March 2022, the number of countries around the world that have joined the BRI by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with China was 147, according to the Green Finance and Development Center at Fudan University in Shanghai. Forty-three of those countries were in sub-Saharan Africa and another 18 countries were in North Africa and the Middle East.

The US Center for Global Development has criticized the Global Gateway program as a “mere packaging exercise of things that have already been programmed,” and saying that the €300 billion promised in new investments is not new at all.

The Global Gateway project is “a strategy to put together what was already going to happen and present it as something new, and if our partners are tricked by this then more fool them”. — Barry Andrews, an Irish member of the European Parliament, December 15, 2022.

“While China has roads, bridges and dams to show for its 20-year-engagement with Africa… the EU brings red tape and a lecture.” — African view of Global Gateway, Euractiv, December 20, 2021.

Since 1991, China’s foreign ministers have made it a tradition always to travel to Africa on their first trip abroad in the New Year. This year, China’s new Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Ethiopia, Gabon, Angola, Benin and Egypt in a week-long tour.

“Who listens and understands the context in which African countries are operating is going to be the better development partner… The EU is the one that doesn’t listen…. Was there consultation with African partners leading up to the global gateway? Zero.” — Ovigwe Eguegu, Nigerian policy adviser at consultancy Development Reimagined, Euractiv, December 20, 2021.

“Beijing has long viewed African countries as occupying a central position in its efforts to increase China’s global influence and revise the international order…” — US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2020 Report to Congress.

It has been just over a year since the European Union launched its Global Gateway infrastructure project to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Terrorism: An Ounce of Prevention? A British counter-terrorism report doesn’t mince words. by Bruce Bawer


In the wake of 9/11, Britain’s Home Office concocted a counter-terrorism strategy that’s known as CONTEST – an acronym (kind of) for “counter-terrorism strategy” – and that consists of four distinct programs, each of which involves collaboration among a range of government agencies as well as businesses, community groups, emergency services, and the military. Those four programs are Prevent, which seeks to keep “vulnerable people from being drawn into extremism”; Pursue, which seeks to bring terrorists to justice; Protect, which seeks to safeguard potential victims of terrorism; and Prepare, which seeks to maintain a high level of readiness. Not surprisingly, CONTEST was controversial from the start for its basis in a frank recognition that Islamic terrorism is (hello!) the work of Muslims who carry it out in the name of Islam.

Take a 2015 article for the left-wing New Statesman, in which one Maria Norris – who at the time was a Ph.D. candidate at the London School of Economics and is now a professor (pronouns “she/her”) at Coventry University – charged that then Prime Minister David Cameron’s rhetoric about Islamic terrorism, like that of Tony Blair a decade earlier, drew unforgivably “sharp boundaries between Muslims and the west.” Moreover, complained Norris, Cameron proffered “an extremely reductionist understanding of terrorism” and “ignored the terrorists’ legitimate grievances.” Also, Cameron dared to suggest that millions of Muslims in Europe were enemies of “our way of life” and “our values.” All of which, in Norris’s estimation, resulted in “a counter-terrorism strategy that reduces the complexity and diversity of the Muslim community into a homogeneous group of potential extremists.”

Of course, Islamic terrorism isn’t about specific grievances, legitimate or otherwise. It’s jihad, plain and simple – part of a holy war on the non-Islamic world that’s been underway ever since the religion’s founding. But you can’t say such things in respectable circles in Britain, where the standard euphemism for Muslims is “Asians” and where such activities as brutal Jew-bashing by Muslim gangs are routinely whitewashed as “tensions between communities.”  

Europe’s Proxy War against Israel How The EU Ignores Hamas’ Crimes by Bassam Tawil


What is even more painful and humiliating for the Palestinians, is that EU officials who regularly visit the Gaza Strip intentionally ignore the suffering of the Palestinians living under Hamas.

On February 2, fifteen EU Heads of Mission visited the Gaza Strip without saying a single word about any of the victims of Hamas’s crimes and human rights violations.

Notably, the EU did not state that it is Hamas, whose wealthy leaders live comfortable lives in Qatar, Turkey and other countries, that is mainly responsible for the bad “humanitarian situation” in the Gaza Strip.

Instead of working to strengthen the economy after it violently seized the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas has since been investing the millions of dollars it receives in building tunnels, and manufacturing and smuggling weapons to attack Israel.

Hamas, in addition to its disproportionately large military budget, also diverts aid money from Europe and the US to fund its military ventures.

When Hamas threatens that Israel will “pay the price,” the Iranian-backed group is actually saying it will continue to murder Jews for daring to enforce the law against those who violate the law.

The EU show of solidarity with the residents of Khan al-Ahmar not only emboldens Hamas, it also incentivizes Palestinians to pursue their illegal attempts to seize territory that, in the Oslo Accords, they had agreed did not belong to them, as well as to continue launching terrorist attacks against Israel.

Recently, a confidential document composed by the EU mission in east Jerusalem revealed that Brussels is actively working with the Palestinians to take over all of Area C by building scores of other illegal “facts on the ground.” By doing so, the EU has disqualified itself from playing the role of an honest broker in any future peace process between the Palestinians and Israel.

What right does any European official have to tell Israel that it is not permitted to enforce the law against illegal squatters? Would any European official tolerate it if, for example, an Israeli government official told the authorities in Paris or Madrid that they are not entitled to take action against those who break the law in their cities?

The actions of the EU finally expose its deep hostility toward Israel in Europe’s proxy war against the Jewish state, as well as its undisguised bias in favor of the Palestinians.

By obsessing about Israel and ignoring the crimes of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the EU is doing a massive disservice to the two million Palestinians living there. The EU’s actions always seem more about hating Israel than helping the Palestinians.

If the Europeans truly cared at all about the Palestinians, they would raise the roof about the crimes committed by Hamas against the residents of the Gaza Strip. And they would be calling out their cohorts in the Palestinian Authority for abusive governance, corruption, embezzlement of public funds, and especially the Palestinian crackdown on human rights activists and journalists, who are trying to tell the EU, the international community and the so-called human rights groups about the brutal conditions under which their leaders keep forcing them to live.

On January 30, representatives of the European Union and several other countries, including Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Ireland, Spain and Sweden, visited the Palestinian community of Khan al-Ahmar in the West Bank “to express their concern at the threat of demolition facing the village.”

Iraqi YouTube Sensation Murdered by Father in ‘Honor Killing’ By Ben Bartee


Via CBS News:

Dozens of Iraqi protesters gathered Sunday to decry the so-called “honor killing” of a 22-year-old YouTube star who was allegedly strangled by her father, adding fuel to calls for legal reforms protecting women.

Interior Ministry spokesman Saad Maan on Friday announced that Tiba Ali was killed Jan. 31 in the central city of Diwaniyah by her father, who then turned himself in to the police. Reports say the father strangled Ali at night while she was asleep.
The so-called “honor killing” was met with condemnation from women’s rights groups and residents, who sounded the alarm on violence against women in Iraq and the need to reform legislation to impose harsher punishments on perpetrators.

Under Iraq’s penal code, Article 409 reduces the severity of punishment for men who injure or murder their wives in the pursuit of moral justice to as little as three years in prison.

A couple of takeaways:

Operation Iraqi Freedom apparently didn’t deliver liberal democracy to the Middle East as promised by the neocons. First, ISIS emerged from the wreckage, and now honor killings are more or less sanctioned in the law. It turns out that changing a society for the better requires more than bombs and bullets.
This shouldn’t be taken as an endorsement of honor killings, but if Western fathers were as involved in their children’s online activities as this Iraqi man was, the internet in the West might not be so cringe. Dylan Mulvaney might just find the fear of God — Allah, Christ, or otherwise.

Iran’s Military at the Panama Canal: Significant National Security Threat by Majid Rafizadeh


Iran’s military presence at the Panama Canal, the major maritime chokepoint in the Western Hemisphere — which is controlled by America’s main enemy, China — is a serious national security threat to the United States in more ways than one.

“Iran has been aggressively strengthening its ties to the Western Hemisphere through like-minded socialist regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. They are also looking for opportunities elsewhere, and it’s no coincidence that Iranian ships are docking in Brazil just a month after a socialist retook power in the country. Instead of supporting the Iran-friendly socialist and left-wing regimes in Latin America, the Biden administration should be strengthening political forces committed to keeping our hemisphere free of antisemitic terror.” — U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, Fox News, February 1, 2023.

[T]he Islamic Republic has been shipping considerable amounts of oil to Venezuela without either country fearing repercussions from the Biden administration.

Iranian ships will be allowed to sail through the Panama Canal “as long as they abide by international norms,” Panamanian authorities said this week. However, according to Reuters: “Panama’s vessel registry, the world’s largest, has withdrawn its flag from 136 ships linked to Iran’s state oil company in the last four years, the country’s maritime authority said this week, pushing back against claims by an anti-nuclear group.” So, you can tell which country is really in charge.

Iran’s military presence at the Panama Canal, the major maritime chokepoint in the Western Hemisphere — which is controlled by America’s main enemy, China — is a serious national security threat to the United States in more ways than one.

The Biden administration, seemingly as usual, has been turning a blind eye to the Iran’s increasing military presence in Latin America. Its latest activities now pose a grave danger to North America’s security and US national interests.

Islamic Justice Prevails: Stripped Naked and Paraded in Egypt, Christian Grandmother Is Now the Guilty One by Raymond Ibrahim


Her “crime” was that her son was accused of being romantically involved with a Muslim woman. Islam assumes the man is superior, and that non-Muslims must never have authority over Muslims. Non-Muslim men may therefore never court or marry Muslim women, although Muslim men may court and marry non-Muslim women. Why do so many Western women support this unabashed discrimination?

Several Christian homes in the village were also looted and torched during this 2016 riot, in keeping with Islamic law, or sharia, which prescribes the collective punishment of non-Muslim “infidels.”

It took the… local policemen more than two hours to appear, giving the mob of 300 “ample time”… to brutalize her.

Sadly, such is the notion of “justice” in many Muslim nations. Muslims, because they are part of the “right” tribe — Islam — are seldom punished when transgressing the rights of “infidel” minorities, who, in keeping with the prevailing sentiment, are apparently supposed to feel lucky to be afforded any tolerance at all.

Islamic “justice” — which usually finds Muslims in the right, and non-Muslims in the wrong — or rather, tribal justice, has, once again, prevailed in Egypt.

Not only have the Muslim men who stripped naked and publicly abused an elderly Christian grandmother been acquitted in a court of law; now she is the one facing serious legal charges to compensate her tormentors.

Sliding Toward the Abyss in Scandinavia Islamization is a gradual process, but not so gradual that you can’t see it happening. by Bruce Bawer


As Islam continues to gain numbers and power in Western Europe, certain questions take on greater importance. If you’re female or Jewish or gay, for example, and the only local doctor without a full patient list is a Muslim (and given how some nationalized medical systems work, this kind of situation arises not infrequently), do you choose to assume that he doesn’t take his religion’s teachings seriously, or do you move?

A rise in Muslim numbers means a rise in Muslim influence on many fronts. In Norway, there are about 1500 Jews and about 175,000 Muslims. When Jewish parents complain about their kids being beaten by their Muslim classmates – a charge that, if acted upon, can lead to major unrest – how do you expect teachers, principals, cops, and politicians to respond?

Or consider the Christian People’s Party (KrF), the traditional political home of Norway’s aging religious right. As that cohort dies out, KrF risks extinction. How to recoup? Some of its leaders, possessed of a fanciful misconception that all “people of faith” share essentially the same values, have tried reaching out to Muslims. But so far this hasn’t worked too well, largely because of KrF’s ardent support for Israel. Which raises the question: as the party’s crisis intensifies even further, will KrF feel compelled to distance itself from Israel?

Then there’s this news item. On January 30, Norway’s newspaper of record, Aftenposten, reported that the Oslo police department had established a special patrol unit for the Muslim-heavy neighborhood of Tøyen. Police don’t routinely patrol on foot in Oslo, but the members of this four-person group will do so, the purported goal being to improve community relations – to have friendly chats with the locals, to get to know them better, to develop trust.

It’s a puzzling piece of news. As longtime observers of Muslim neighborhoods in Western Europe are well aware, once an urban area has become sufficiently Islamized, police cars (and fire engines) that try to enter it risk being attacked violently by the inhabitants. In districts that haven’t yet reached that magical saturation point, you can still enter without triggering displays of rage, but the tension and sense of threat will be palpable. Do Oslo authorities expect that Tøyen, which is definitely at that tense stage, will now transform suddenly into Mayberry, with its own genial Sheriff Andy and his three deputies hanging out on street corners and shooting the breeze with imams, halal butchers, and women in niqab?

One not insignificant detail ignored in the Aftenposten article is that neighborhoods like Tøyen have already had their own patrols for many years – patrols, that is, by the morality police, whose job is to seek out violations of sharia. The whole premise underlying the existence of the morality police is that these neighborhoods are, practically speaking, under the jurisdiction not of the Norwegian government but of local imams and patriarchs. Does Oslo’s tiny new constabulary quartet – the four horsemen of the apocalypse, as it were – plan to challenge that control? Or does it expect to forge some kind of working relationship with its Islamic counterpart? How will the morality police react when they see that one member of the new patrol is female? (Will she wear niqab?)

Like most other Western government programs conceived in response to the challenge of Islam, needless to say, this Tøyen initiative is absurd – based on the delusion (and how stunning that it still persists after all these years!) that if many Muslims feel little or no connection to mainstream society, it’s because authorities have failed to reach out to them sufficiently. It’s as if those authorities are unaware that one of the key commandments of the Koran is don’t befriend the infidel.

Speaking of the Koran, Aftenposten’s story about the new Tøyen patrol came three days before it was reported that Oslo police had prohibited an anti-Islam group, SIAN (Stop the Islamization of Norway), from carrying out a planned Koran-burning outside the Turkish embassy, in protest against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s opposition to Sweden and Finnish membership in NATO. (As it happens, a similar protest in Stockholm was allowed to go forward.) Why did the Oslo police ban the demo? Because, they explained, they feared it would provoke an act of terrorism and/or lead to domestic disorder – an outright admission that they’ve granted Al-Qaeda and ISIS a veto on free speech in Norway and that they’ve lost the numerical battle against the enemy within.

And most Norwegians, it turns out, are on the side of the cops. Survey results released on Tuesday show that only 33% of them think Koran-burning should be permitted. When only a third of a country’s population support the small minority who are actively standing up for everyone’s freedom, how long can that freedom endure?

Numbers! A surprisingly frank article appeared in last Sunday’s Aftenposten. The headline was “Not entirely colorblind: Have Oslo’s youth become a big colorful community after 50 years of immigration? There’s not much sign of it.” I expected it to be yet another piece – they’ve been writing them for decades – smearing Norwegians as racists. But no, in the eastern half of Oslo things have now moved beyond that. At Oslo’s largest school, Kuben Upper Secondary School, reporter Hilde Lundgaard visited a typical classroom, in which only two – yes, two – of the students were ethnic Norwegians. A few inquiries established that most of the non-Norwegian kids don’t have any ethnic Norwegian friends at all – and prefer it that way.

In fact, they don’t even see themselves as Norwegian. Even those who were born in Norway, Lundgaard found, refer to themselves as “foreigners.” A girl named Fatima, whose parents are Pakistani, admitted that she feels safest around “people with my cultural background.” One teacher told Lundgaard that “the pupils are unbelievably preoccupied with color and ethnicity.” Although the teacher apparently didn’t feel comfortable adding the word “religion,” Lundgaard cited a researcher, Monica Rosten, who’s dared to tiptoe closer to the truth, writing that “[students] with religious identity find one another.” Religious, of course, being code for Muslim.

Lundgaard’s article reads like a portrait of Norway’s future: a majority Muslim country in which the views of ethnic Norwegians about immigration and integration – or, for that matter, about anything whatsoever – have become irrelevant, simply because Muslims now outnumber them.

To be sure, not all of the schools in Oslo are majority Muslim. Here’s a February 6 story about a primary school in central Oslo where most of the pupils are apparently ethnic Norwegian. At present, a male teacher’s assistant (unnamed) from that school (also unnamed) is on trial for molesting several of the little girls under his care. He’s not ethnic Norwegian – at his trial, he’s using an Arabic translator. One mother testified that she complained about him repeatedly to the school’s principal, but the latter “didn’t care,” explaining that the assistant was from “another culture.”

Indeed, he is – a culture in which young men are taught that they’re free to abuse the children of infidels. If convicted, he’ll spend no more than 60 days behind bars. (By comparison, I just now watched an episode of a documentary series about Norwegian customs officers in which they arrested a Polish trucker for smuggling vodka. Sentence: six years.)

When more and more people who hold responsible positions in a civilized society place deference to a barbaric foreign culture above the well-being of their society’s own children, how long is that civilization for this world?

If civilization is slipping away in Norway, it’s on even slippier ground in Sweden. Take the municipality of Botkyrka. Incorporating part of southern Stockholm, it’s increasingly populated by Muslims and plagued by crime – and was recently the setting of an illuminating, and unsettling, political predicament.

Botkyrka, by the way, made the news back in September 2018 when Ali Khalil, head of the local Green Party, promised leaders of an opposing party, the Moderates (M), to turn out 3,000 votes for them in that year’s elections in exchange for a plot of land on which the congregation of the Alby Mosque in Botkyrka could build itself a new house of worship. When this proposal was made public, Khalil had to step down from his political office. The story cycled out quickly enough, but its lesson was clear: Muslims in many parts of Western Europe are reaching a point at which they can manipulate politics through sheer numbers.

Now Botkyrka has made the political news again – with another development that teaches the same lesson. It concerns the leader of Botkyrka’s municipal council, a Social Democrat politician named Ebba Östlin, who’s made a name for herself as a bold crime-fighter – an unusual distinction in a country where all too many police departments prefer not to send officers into dangerous neighborhoods, where all too many judges are loath to mete out tough sentences to Muslim miscreants and where all too many politicians are scared even to speak about Islamic crime.

One of Östlin’s most controversial actions while in office was the closure of several youth centers – basically, after-school recreational clubs – that turned out to have employed convicted felons, and to have been riddled with violence and narcotics. The centers, which had been run by a local community college, were later reopened under the direct (and stricter) control of the municipality.

On January 28, the Social Democrats of Botkyrka were holding a meeting when a group of about 50 people showed up and identified themselves as newly enrolled party members. With these new members in attendance, a vote was held in which Östlin was removed from her post as local party leader – which meant that she was automatically out as head of the municipal council. The votes cast by the new members, all of whom supported Östlin’s ouster, were decisive in her removal.

Who were these new members? Many of them, according to Aftonbladet columnist Oisín Cantwell, “barely even knew Swedish” and “didn’t seem to understand what they were doing there.” Also, several were recognizable as having “close connections to gang crime” – specifically, to the notorious Vårby crime network, whose shady leader, Chihab Lamouri, is originally from “some country in the Middle East.” At least one of them was a notorious gang figure who’d “recently been released from prison.”

What was going on here? “There are many indications,” wrote Cantwell, in what reads like a major understatement, “that organized crime may have participated in the ouster of the leading politician in the municipality.” He asked: “What happens to Botkyrka if a social democrat who owes a debt of gratitude to the Vårby network takes over?” In the years to come, this sort of question will be raised increasingly.

There’s more to the Botkyrka story. On Thursday, it was reported that people who’d voted for Östlin at that meeting later received threatening text messages. Several of them described the incident as a “coup.” But what to do? Tobias Baudin, the national secretary of the Social Democrats, was quick – in good Swedish fashion – to throw in the towel, declaring the vote in Botkyrka legitimate; another of the party’s national leaders promised on the TV news that the party would stand with Östlin, although he hardly seemed worked up about the situation. But what could the party do?

It was Hans Rustad, editor of the alternative Norwegian news website document.no, who made the key point in a February 4 piece. Immigrants, he observed, “constitute such a large proportion” of Sweden’s current population “that they can take over democratic processes if they wish.” And the same process is underway all over Western Europe, with the potential consequences for these societies extending far beyond electoral politics.

In any event, anyone with a grain of sense can see where all this is leading.

Pakistan’s ‘Purification’ Campaign Against Its Minorities by Lawrence A. Franklin


When Pakistan was created in 1947, 23% of its citizens were non-Muslim. Today in Pakistan — “Land of the Pure” in Urdu — only about 3% of citizens are non-Muslim.

The Pakistanis, it is clear, do not want to host minorities: instead, they seem to be increasingly engaged in “purifying the land of the pure.”

The country’s male-only, elementary school-level madrassas turn out millions of students who are taught to hate Hindus, Christian and Jews.

The imams of Pakistan, many of whom are trained in Saudi Arabia’s austere Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam, financially support Pakistan’s madrassas and help to perpetuate intolerance. The International Center for Religion and Diplomacy reports that Pakistani seventh grade textbooks portray Pakistan’s Hindus as a traitorous group that supports the country’s arch enemy, India. The same books also portray Pakistan’s Christians as agents of the West bent on destroying Islam.

Despite the Pakistani government’s having established a “National Action Plan” to protect minorities, there is no discernible improvement in their daily lives.

The most venomous abuses of all are probably the false accusations of blasphemy, especially common in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. In Pakistan, as in many other Muslim countries, blasphemy is a crime punishable by death, and often also ends up in mob violence against entire minority communities.

According to an Indian media report last month: “Pakistan was to review its harsh blasphemy laws. It has made them even harsher.”

In December, after the beheading of Daya Bheel, a Hindu woman, who skin was reportedly peeled off her head, India’s Foreign Ministry demanded that Pakistan fulfill its obligations to protect minorities. The demand will likely have little impact upon crimes such as the abduction of non-Muslim girls and women by Muslim men.

When Pakistan was created in 1947, 23% of its population was non-Muslim. Today in Pakistan — “Land of the Pure” in Urdu — only about 3% of the population is non-Muslim. At present, about 80-85% of its citizenry are Sunni Muslim. Pakistan’s appalling treatment of Hindus, Christians, Shia Muslims and other Islamic sects, such as the Ahmadis, has caused many minorities to leave the country. Most Hindus have migrated to India, others to Singapore and Hong Kong.