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The Night the Lights Went Out in Europe A continent transforms into a third-world banana republic by Stephen Moore


Politico Europe, a publication marinated in green politics, has named Russian President Vladimir Putin as one of its “power players of the year” — for, in the publication’s words, “advancing Europe’s green agenda.”

“By invading Ukraine and manipulating energy supplies to undermine European support for Kyiv, Putin has achieved something generations of green campaigners could not — clean energy is now a fundamental matter of European security,” the news outlet explained approvingly.

It went on to note that Putin “invaded Ukraine after the EU had spent two years laying the foundations of its Green Deal program for zeroing out emissions by 2050. That meant the policy machinery for a total remake of the European energy economy was already moving. All it needed was a nudge.”

You would have to be pretty severely afflicted with Climate Change Derangement Syndrome to celebrate a silver lining in Putin’s murderous attack on Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Europe has sprinted so far ahead of the United States in its quest to end the use of fossil fuels that many U.S. politicians, environmentalists and media voices look on with envy.

But how is Europe’s Green New Deal going now that Putin has given it “a nudge”?

How Xi Misreads the Taiwan Battlefield: Frank Mount



In any war between China on the one hand and Taiwan, Japan, the US and their allies on the other, Chinese vessels of all kinds will be prevented from significant access to the Pacific Ocean. The Chinese (and Russian) Pacific fleets will almost certainly be enclosed in their coastal waters.

This is because the First Island Chain running parallel to the mainland from Sakhalin Island in the north down through Japan, the Ryukyu islands, Taiwan, and on to the Philippine Islands and Indonesia, is a natural barrier now being fortified by the Japanese and Taiwanese militaries and the US Marines. The Commander of the US Marine Corps, General David Berger, recently announced that the Marines were changing their policies and missions in reaction to developments in Asia. He said a “new mission” for the Marines would be “island hopping” in the Indo-Pacific armed with anti-ship missiles to meet the growing China threat. (see The Times, London dispatch, Weekend Australian 6-7/11/21). Presumably, they would carry Tomahawk anti-ship missiles and be supported by US specifically designed shallow-hulled coastal patrol vessels, armed with the same Tomahawks, as well as Japanese submarines.

This would make transit through the Chain almost impossible for hostile surface ships and submarines. One of the difficulties for Chinese and Russian submarines is the difference between the relatively shallow waters of the seas between mainland China and the First Island Chain and the vast depths and trenches of the Pacific Ocean east of the Chain. Submarines would have to surface or near surface to transit the Chain either way, making them easily detectable and vulnerable.

Furthermore, at the southern end of the Chain, other US forces along with the navies of Australia, France, Britain and hopefully India and Indonesia could block Chinese and Russian naval and merchant shipping transiting the Malacca Strait and contiguous Indonesian waterways and passages. As a result, China could suffer a serious trade blockade.

Qatar’s World Cup: What Visitors Were Not Shown by Lawrence A. Franklin


Qatar claims that 37 workers died during the construction phase of its World Cup infrastructure projects. The organization Amnesty International asserts that authorities in Qatar failed to investigate the deaths of thousands of migrant workers who lost their lives working on construction projects associated with the World Cup. One UK press report puts the total number of victims at 6,750.

The workers often arrive in debt, due to extortionate fees charged by recruiters who facilitate the employment process. Qatar’s kafala (sponsorship) system is so fraught with abuse that it approaches the level of human trafficking.

Working conditions are medieval. Laborers have little to no access to health care: they cannot afford health insurance and there are no on-site clinics. They are also forced to work long hours, often seven days a week. Many migrants die from the extreme heat during Qatar’s summer: temperatures sometimes reach above 44 degrees Celsius (112 degrees Fahrenheit).

Despite the presence of a large US military base, Qatar’s ruling Al-Thani family is a huge financial supporter of various terrorist groups, including Hamas. This wealthy, conservative Sunni mini-state is also a sanctuary for several terrorist operatives.

The violation of migrant workers’ human rights in Qatar has been massive and woefully underreported by the Arab Gulf State and many others. Qatar’s dismal treatment of “guest workers” has become more pronounced and visible since its selection in 2010 by FIFA as the site of this year’s World Cup football (soccer) tournament.

Iran’s Mullahs: When Will the EU Wake Up? by Majid Rafizadeh


Does the EU know that the Russian President Vladimir Putin has received huge support for Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine from the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei? Iran has been supplying kamikaze drones to Russia. That is why the Ukrainian foreign ministry reportedly stripped Iran’s ambassador in Kyiv of his accreditation and reduced the embassy’s diplomatic staff there.

The Biden administration is also not putting any pressure on the EU to stop its business dealings with Iran’s ruling clerics….

“Russia has used almost 4,500 missiles against us. And their stock of missiles is dwindling. Therefore, Russia went looking for affordable weapons in other countries to continue its terror. It found them in Iran.” — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Jerusalem Post, November 4, 2022.

“Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear — I fear greatly — the storm will not pass…. It will spread to the South; it will spread to the North.” — Winston Churchill, January 20, 1940.

Even though the Iranian regime has been increasing its military support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – a gift that poses a significant threat to the European Union – the EU’s appeasement policy toward the ruling mullahs of Iran barrels on.

It is shocking that the EU continues to trade with the predatory regime of Iran, openly referred to as the “world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism.” The Tehran Times bragged in a recent report that Iran’s exports to the EU have gone up “28% in 9 months on year”.

Pentagon, Chinese analysts agree US can’t win in Taiwan Strait US mulls ‘scorched earth’ strategy for Taiwan instead of defense: David Goldman


China’s satellite coverage in the Western Pacific has doubled since 2018, the Pentagon reported last week in its annual assessment of the Chinese military. That gives China the ability to detect American surface ships with an array of sensors that can guide its 2,000 land-based missiles to moving targets, including US aircraft carriers.

The Defense Department’s November 29 report “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” reflects a grimly realistic rethinking of China’s military capacity in its home theater.

China hawk Elbridge Colby, a prominent advocate of a Western Pacific military buildup to deny China access to its adjacent seas, tweeted on November 6, “Senior flag officers are saying we’re on a trajectory to get crushed in a war with China, which would likely be the most important war since WWII, God forbid.”

The strategic takeaway is that the United States cannot win a firefight close to China’s coast, and can’t defend Taiwan whether it wants to or not. That view in the Joe Biden administration’s Department of Defense (DOD) persuaded the president to discuss “guardrails” against military confrontation in his November summit with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

Republican hawks appear to have come to the same conclusion. The United States will enact a scorched-earth policy in Taiwan, destroying its semiconductor industry, if the PRC seizes the island, former Trump national security adviser Robert O’Brien told a conference at the Richard Nixon Foundation on November 10, reports army-technology.com.

“If China takes Taiwan and takes those factories intact – which I don’t think we would ever allow – they have a monopoly over chips the way OPEC has a monopoly, or even more than the way OPEC has a monopoly over oil,” O’Brien said.

Turkey and Israel: ‘On’ Again, Only to Be ‘Off’ Again by Burak Bekdil


Turkey’s Islamist strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, appears to be on yet another hoax charm offensive: he is faking the restoration of diplomatic relations with Israel and Egypt, and even signalling peace with President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

He needs to look pretty to his Middle East nemeses to A) avoid further Western sanctions, B) wink at Washington, and C) raise some international cash flows into the badly ailing Turkish economy that threatens to end his reign after two decades of uninterrupted rule.

Erdoğan and his ministers pledged to isolate Israel internationally. Instead, it was Turkey that was isolated by the international community, including the European Union, the US, Israel, Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

There will always be the risk of Turkish-Israeli friction, including the possibility of a new break up, as long as any Islamist regime in Turkey refuses fully to respect the Jewish state’s sovereignty and admit that Hamas is a terrorist entity that aims to annihilate Israel by any means necessary (see Hamas charter).

Come May 2023, with the commemoration day of the “Nakba” (“catastrophe”) — meaning the loss by five invading Arab armies of the war they had initiated to try to destroy Israel in 1948 — there is likely to be a new escalation of hostilities with a fresh wave of Hamas violence, and Israel’s response to Hamas’s violence, then Turkey’s response to Israel’s response. Erdoğan will try to exploit this in Turkey’s June presidential elections.

Once again Erdoğan plans to be shining as the anti-Zionist, Islamist neo-Ottoman sultan, the savior of oppressed Muslims!

Turkey’s Islamist strongman, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, appears to be on yet another hoax charm offensive: he is faking the restoration of diplomatic relations with Israel and Egypt, and even signalling peace with President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria — in addition to his earlier reconciliation efforts with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He needs to look pretty to his Middle East nemeses to A) avoid further Western sanctions, B) wink at Washington, and C) raise some international cash flows into the badly ailing Turkish economy that threatens to end his reign after two decades of uninterrupted rule.

The Parallel Universe of the CCP and the World Economic Forum Two fronts of the same irregular war. by Scott S. Powell


For decades Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) has been recruiting and cultivating corporate and political leaders from all over the world to embrace a vision and plan for a complete social, political, and economic transformation—a “Great Reset”—which is nothing short of a communist “New World Order.” This plan calls for the end of sovereign states; the end of private property and the remaking of the economy based on environmental, social, and governance rankings; the replacement of oil and gas with so-called green and sustainable sources of energy; the transformation of agricultural production; the replacement of traditional money with social credit score-linked digital currency; and the requirement of universal health passports—to name some of the key WEF objectives.

After the G20 meeting in Indonesia on November 15-16, 2022, WEF chairman Klaus Schwab broadcast on CGTN TV that “the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model…” For Schwab, China is the model because the totality of its social controls is what is needed to facilitate the Great Reset and consummate the New World Order. So, let’s recap the main elements of the Chinese model and then examine the correlation to the WEF program.

China is a one-party state ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which now has the distinction, along with North Korea, of having the most complete totalitarian control over its people of any state in all human history. The CCP has now accomplished:

the near total control of peoples’ thinking and knowledge of history through state control of schools, the internet, and all media
the control of people’s behavior through a digital currency controlled by the state with accounts for every Chinese citizen—accounts that the government can turn off when account holder’s social credit score drops or when the account holder travels outside a zone prescribed by government
the control of people by requiring universal health passports
the control of people by way of wall-to-wall facial-recognition camera surveillance

Shamima Begum: ‘Groomed’ or ‘Indoctrinated’? by Andrew Ash


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) seems to have a short memory. Although it has only been a few years since the brutal Islamic State (ISIS) was defeated, from the tone of the BBC’s recent articles — featuring a female jihadi’s returning to Europe from Syria — you could be forgiven for thinking that the ISIS bloodbath was just another government-run women’s empowerment initiative.

Take the sympathetic account of Shamima Begum, the Pakistani-British schoolgirl who felt compelled to make the hazardous journey from the British Midlands to the “ISIS capital”, Raqqa, to marry a jihadist and join in the fun. By her own admission, within weeks she was used to, and evidently unfazed by, the sight of headless corpses and public executions.

Perhaps if ISIS had not been defeated, Begum would have given a plum role by now, maybe even in the ISIS “morality police”. Instead of continuing her climb to the Islamist group’s topmost echelons, however, she was arrested and incarcerated in a Syrian detention camp. After several attempts by lawyers to reverse the British government’s decision to revoke her British passport, she is now claiming to have been “trafficked”. She would like us to forget about her apparent enthusiasm for immersing herself in the most brutal forms of Sharia law, and instead is demanding sympathy and to be treated as a victim herself.

It certainly didn’t take long for the BBC to set aside any revulsion for Begum’s actions, and instead focus on the “human rights” of this otherwise fully paid-up box-ticker: Muslim, check. Female, check. “Of colour”, check. Feminist? Perhaps not.

Although forgiveness is not high on the BBC’s to-do list when it comes to trashing figures whose politics they oppose, female jihadis are apparently another matter altogether. Essentially, people at the BBC and other outlets would like the British public to join them in rebranding her as a victim as opposed to her actual role as an oppressor.

Being “granted innocence” as a child, they fail to point out, is intrinsically linked to certain criteria, such as coercion by one’s parents to commit murder; but at what age is that excuse no longer credible? To suggest that it is the “system of oppression” and the “Islamophobia” of Begum’s “Muslim-ness” that turned her into a figure of hate, is not only to excuse her behaviour, but tacitly emboldens a twisted ideology, in which this author was raised, whose ultimate goal is to rid the world of “unbelievers”.

As far as indoctrination is concerned, there are no age limits. Indoctrinated children will most likely grow up into indoctrinated adults. The problem, therefore, is not the “manipulation of innocent children”, but the ideology itself.

A malleable child at the hands of a fundamentalist parent, for example, will likely find it easier to accept the extremities of “Allah’s will”, or concepts such as martyrdom, than those who have not been offered those thoughts. The same goes for a disenfranchised Muslim, who, in the West, might feel persecuted or pushed into a corner, rather than praised for his “commitment”.

Many of them, however, will already have been radicalised, and — like “sleeper cells” — are perhaps even unconsciously biding their time. They are not under direct orders from any human authority. Allah holds dominion over them. Should they fail to flourish within the alien “kuffar” society with which they have become entangled, or should they misread or excuse their lack of success as “oppression”, this is when their indoctrination — seeded as a child — has a chance of re-emerging.

This changeability is part of the reason that Islam is so problematic: its chameleon-like tendency to adapt when necessary, and appear “moderate” if circumstances dictate. There is even a term for it, “taqiyya,” meaning to dissemble, including the degree of one’s religious identity when “in fear of persecution”.

Of course, the perception of “persecution” is almost impossible to measure: it is often totally subjective. People with a tendency to feel offended can see it even if it may not actually be there. Feelings of being persecuted, sometimes referred to as paranoia, can be as just adaptable or acrobatic as the mind of any man, woman or child. In Islam, it often seems that the only requirement for perceiving persecution is if one can successfully make the argument to oneself.

All these people in ivory towers or at the BBC have one thing in common: they appear to have little idea of what Islam actually is.

Campaigning to bring jihadis back to Britain is a really bad, terrible idea. The situation is dour enough as it is, with the risk that refugees from the war-torn Middle East — they and their terrorist cohorts displaced — may one day “revert” to the fundamentalist Islam in which many of them were raised, as was demonstrated by 22-year-old Libyan, Salman Abedi, a who massacred scores of pop fans at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester in 2017.

“We will not tolerate hate towards any part of our community”, declared the authorities after the Manchester bombing, demonstrating just how out of touch they are by issuing the warning — not to terrorists — but to the understandably outraged people of Britain.

The lack of awareness in delivering such a bizarre statement — equating Islam with “equality” and “justice” — is not surprising to me, having heard it all before, countless times from my religious siblings. The assumption that Begum and her friends were “targeted” however, is as laughable as the suggestion that my Muslim siblings were “targeted”. Indeed, my sisters would be hugely insulted at it being inferred that they were targeted, and not “chosen” by Allah Himself. To misunderstand this point is to misunderstand what Islam is. The prism through which the West sees the world simply cannot be applied to Islam.

Similarly, the BBC’s concept of “feminism” also sits awry next to “Islamic feminism”, in that in Islam there is no higher authority than Allah — very much a “male” entity, steeped in medieval traditions. All Muslims understand that their Creator’s sensibilities and desires come before theirs, and if those sensibilities rub Western feminism the wrong way, then that is where their paths diverge.

Believing that the violence associated with Islam in the 20th and 21st centuries is unfairly depicted, is to stick one’s head in the sand. Claiming that female jihadis, from Leila Khaled in the 1960s to Shamim Begum in 2015, are being “disrespected” for being “Muslim” — rather than being disrespected for planning to massacre non-Muslims, “wrong” Muslims, or anyone-that-gets-in-their-way Muslims, is to be in denial.

What is the difference between “grooming” and “indoctrination”? One offers you “victim” status, the other does not. If it sounds oblique, it is probably meant to.

Despite a glut of recent cases, the police, working with counter- terrorism officers, are keen to make the point that there is nothing to worry about.

U.S. Arms Sent to Ukraine Make Their Way to Boko Haram By Athena Thorne


When the U.S. sends nearly unlimited arms willy-nilly to Ukraine with little or no oversight, no one should be surprised when some of that weaponry enters the black market and makes its way to various bad guys and scumbags around the world.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari discussed the ongoing threat posed by terrorist groups at a Lake Chad Basin regional conference on Tuesday, according to a statement released by his office:

At the 16th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), the President, who is Chairman of the Summit of Heads of State and Government, said the threat by terrorists in the region had been relatively brought under control, while the influx of weapons poses fresh challenges.

“It must however be stated that despite the successes recorded by the gallant troops of the [Multinational Joint Task Force] MNJTF and the various ongoing national operations in the region, terrorist threats still lurk in the region,” said Buhari.

“Regrettably, the situation in the Sahel and the raging war in Ukraine serve as major sources of weapons and fighters that bolster the ranks of the terrorists in the Lake Chad Region,” lamented the Nigerian president. He decried that “the arms and ammunition procured to execute the war in Libya continues to find its way to the Lake Chad Region and other parts of the Sahel,” then continued, “Weapons being used for the war in Ukraine and Russia are equally beginning to filter to the region.”

Islamic Socrates, or a Prankster? by Amir Taheri


A new book published in Tehran and praised by officials as a “major philosophical treatise” may suggest yes as an answer. The book by Islamic academic Jalal Sobhani, and titled From the Day Before Yesterday to the Day After Tomorrow, is marketed as “a journey in the political thoughts of Ahmad Fardid.”
Fardid, who died in 1994, aged 85, had established himself as the ruling ayatollahs’ house philosopher with a series of television appearances and lectures in the 1980s about what he termed “preparations for the return of the Hidden Imam” at “the end of times”.
According to Sobhani, Fardid regarded “liberal democracy” as the most vicious enemy of the project to fulfill the “Islamic destiny of mankind”. This is why the Islamic Republic must face the Western powers with determination, always with “the finger on the trigger.” This is meant to justify the Islamic Republic’s growing closeness to Russia and Communist China which, though repressing their Muslim citizens, compensate for that misdeed by also combating the West and its liberal democracy.

Has the Islamic Republic of Iran fallen into a trap set by a prankster masquerading as a philosopher?