Oh now we have “reform” terrorists seeking to overthrow King Abdullah and his pretty wife. If she has to give up her designer duds and wear a Niqab, she’ll move to Hungary…..and the Mossad just can’t keep protecting the kinglet…..rsk
AMMAN, Jordan—In the campaign for parliamentary elections next month, the political wing of Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood replaced its traditional slogan, “Islam is the Solution,” with a more inclusive “Reform.” And to underscore its more moderate posture, the Islamic Action Front also fielded several Christians and women on its coalition’s slate of candidates.
One of the oldest and most potent political forces in the Middle East, the Muslim Brotherhood has been on the defensive following the 2013 coup against a Brotherhood administration in Egypt that unleashed a regional crackdown on political Islam.
The Sept. 20 elections in Jordan—a monarchy where most major decisions are taken by the royal court—aren’t likely to alter the country’s domestic or foreign policies. But they offer a rare test of strength for political Islam in the region as well as a measure of what lessons, if any, the Brotherhood has learned from its disastrous experience in power in Egypt.
The head of the IAF’s elections committee, Zaki Bani Irsheid, was released from Jordanian prison earlier this year after serving most of his 18-month sentence for criticizing the United Arab Emirates, one of the region’s most strident enemies of the Brotherhood.
“Political Islam is one of the most important components of Arab society and it cannot be eliminated,” he said in an interview. “But the Islamic movement has undergone a deep review of its ideas and discourse, and the experiment of these elections is a manifestation of this change.” CONTINUE AT SITE