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Jihad Must Have No Place in the West by Guy Millière


That the attacks were jihadist is rarely mentioned, or only briefly. Then everything gets forgotten until the next jihadist attack.

In many American universities, tenured professors have openly supported radical Islam for years, described Hamas as a liberation movement, supported terrorism, shown their hatred of the United States and brainwashed students. Radical imams in many mosques have incited their followers to hate and even murder Jews (here, here and here) and appear to be trying to legitimize jihad.

Political Islam, support for Islamic terrorism and incitement to jihad – holy war — needs be squarely faced and defeated.

It is hoped that the Trump administration will allow no place for Jihad in the US or the West.

The jihadist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on January 1st by an American who converted to Islam and became an Islamist should come as no surprise.

This was not the first time that a Jihadist in the United States or Europe had used “vehicular jihad. The Islamic State (IS) appears to have “encouraged” it in 2010. IS even recommended that to cause “maximum carnage,” it be used preferably in “pedestrian only” sites.

In the US, Jihadist attacks, vehicular and other, include 9/11/2001, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Fort Hood slayings, and the New Orleans attack {for more, see Appendix 1).

In Europe there have been at least 15 vehicular attacks, including two on Christmas markets in Germany; one on Nice’s seaside in France on July 14, 2016, and more in France, Spain, the UK , and Stockholm. There have also been countless non-vehicular jihadist attacks there , including the London Underground attacks of 2005, the slaughter at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the murders at Paris’s Bataclan theater, among many others (see Appendix 2).

Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Bullhorn for the Muslim Brotherhood, Promotes Jihad, Radical Islam, Terrorism. Even Israelis and Palestinians Agree! by Khaled Abu Toameh


“Among the Islamist terrorist organizations that Qatar and Al-Jazeera have supported over the years are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, the Al-Nusrah Front/Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, ISIS, Hamas, and even the Shiite proxies in Yemen, Ansar Allah (the Houthis).” — MEMRI.org , May 6, 2024

“The Al-Jazeera TV network is an arm of the Qatari regime. It is owned by the government and carries out its foreign policy by means of indoctrination of the Arabic-speaking masses worldwide. Al-Jazeera, therefore, should not be discussed as a means of telecommunications, but instead as an unyielding and forceful political tool of Qatari foreign policy under the guise of a mass media network. )” — MEMRI.org May 6, 2024

The MEMRI report points out that Al-Jazeera was the prime power for toppling the secular authoritarian regime in Egypt, when Qatar, by means of Al-Jazeera, supported the Muslim Brotherhood in ousting then Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Al-Jazeera, the single most significant platform for mainstreaming Jihadi and Muslim Brotherhood ideology, was the power that accorded [Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate] Mohamed Morsi his victory.

Al-Jazeera’s role in providing a platform for promoting extremist Islamist ideologies goes back decades: “The case of promoting Al-Qaeda is of particular interest…. Al-Jazeera’s official role in the current Israel-Hamas war is nowhere more evident that its exclusive broadcast of Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif… at the very time that Hamas terrorists were carrying out their mega-terror attack in Israel… Deif declared the launch of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ and incited all Palestinians to join the war, using all means in their possession – guns, knives, Molotov cocktails, and vehicles.” — MEMRI.org , May 6, 2024

They [Israelis and Palestinians] have both come to the conclusion that Al-Jazeera’s goal is to promote radical Islam and terrorism. It now remains to be seen whether the US and other countries will follow suit and stop the Qatari-owned TV station from supporting terrorism, poisoning the hearts and minds of millions worldwide, and ravaging global security.

The Palestinians have finally discovered that Qatar’s Al-Jazeera television network — which has long been serving as a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and virtually all other Islamic terrorist groups — is “broadcasting inciteful content, spreading misinformation, and interfering in internal Palestinian affairs, which [the Palestinian Authority Ministerial Committee] claimed stirred division and instability.”

Sweden: A New Hotbed of Jihad Terror A rapidly Islamizing country is turning out jihadis regularly. by Robert Spencer


Welcome to the new, multicultural Sweden: in early Dec. 2024,according toRemix News, “four men, including two Swedish brothers who converted to Islam, have been charged with preparing to commit acts of terror and involvement in a terrorist organization, according to an indictment submitted to Nacka District Court. The group is accused of acting on behalf of the Islamic State in Somalia, with plans allegedly targeting Jewish individuals as part of their intended ‘jihad.’”

They were just one such group among many. The Swedish-language Fria Tider reported in late Nov. 2024 that “two Afghans with connections to the terrorist group IS-K are on trial in Germany – suspected of plans to carry out a terrorist attack against Sweden’s parliament and kill at least ten people. The oldest of the defendants, a 30-year-old, has admitted to the plans during the ongoing trial in Germany. He states that he was brainwashed by the Islamic State and was motivated by the Koran burnings in Sweden.”

The Swedish government has taken a strong stand regarding those Qur’an burnings: Agence France Presse reported on Nov.5, 2024 that a Swedish court court had “sentenced a Swedish-Danish right-wing activist to four months in jail for inciting ethnic hatred at two 2022 protests that included the burning of Korans. Rasmus Paludan provoked rioting in Sweden in 2022 when he went on a tour of the country and publicly burned copies of the Koran. In August, prosecutors charged him with ‘agitation against an ethnic group’ over a protest in the southern city of Malmo in April 2022, where he desecrated and set fire to the Muslim holy book while making disparaging comments about Muslims.”

This has been a long time coming. Sweden’s third-largest city, Malmö, had by 2004 become one-quarter Muslim, and that number was rapidly growing. Nor were the Muslims of Malmö inclined to demonstrate their moderation. Even the police were afraid: “If we park our car it will be damaged — so we have to go very often in two vehicles, one just to protect the other vehicle,” reported a police officer in Malmö. Meanwhile, Swedish ambulance drivers would not enter some areas of Malmö unless police accompanied them.”

The Rape Jihad Is Unmentionable Because It’s Doctrinal Andrew McCarthy


Yet British officials knew what was happening on a rampant scale. It was impossible not to know.

In our pages, over a decade ago, I scoffed at a colleague who had suggested that ISIS — the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which used to be the Iraqi franchise of its now rival al-Qaeda — might be concerned that Western nations were on to its rape jihad. Even if we indulged the fantasy that jihadists were possessed of the civilized sensibility that would trigger such a concern, I countered that “the shocking Rotherham rape jihad scandal” that had erupted in England would assure them that “the West is far more likely to look the other way than to mobilize against this signature sexual abuse.”

This is akin to a point so eloquently made by such fearless truth-tellers as John O’Sullivan, Douglas Murray, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Among the most heinous elements of the sudden interest in the rape jihad, catalyzed by Elon Musk’s admirable hounding of Britain’s oh-so-progressive government, is that the “grooming gangs” are a very old story. The rape jihad wasn’t hiding in plain sight; it was willfully covered up by Parliament, by Britain and its allies in Europe’s transnational progressive project, and by the American cognoscenti. Talking about it was a surer guarantee of pariah status than participating in it.

And then there’s the why. Why is it a signature sexual abuse that we’re not supposed to talk about? Well, because it’s deeply rooted in Islamic scripture. If you have the temerity to notice that, there looms the risk of admonition that the problem is not the rape jihad but your “Islamophobia.”

Back in that 2014 column, written when ISIS was conquering territory the size of Britain and reveling in the spoils, I quoted one of the jihadists who was gleefully anticipating “slave market day.” The Koran, he insisted, authorizes Muslims to sexually exploit “the (captives) whom their right hands possess.”

Lessons in antisemitism from the NEU The powerful teachers’ union is obsessed with Palestine Nicole Lampert


Perhaps the clues were always there. When the “national education union” was formed in 2017, it dispensed with the rules of grammar for its new image. Capital letters, typically used for proper nouns, were dispensed with in its logo. This new union said it planned to “shape the future of education”.

Today, with nearly half a million of the nation’s teachers in its ranks, the NEU (capitals allowed) is the biggest education union in Europe. It is also the most powerful. During the pandemic, it was sufficiently influential to close Britain’s schools. For such services, Mary Bousted, its leader at the time, was made a Dame in this year’s New Year honours.

Under her replacement as general secretary, Daniel Kebede, the NEU has remained a campaigning organisation, lobbying on gender equality, racism and LGBT rights. But in recent years, it has dedicated itself to one cause in particular: Palestine.

One might wonder what a British teaching union has to do with a geopolitical conflict 3,000 miles away, but the question would be moot. Every year — excepting wars and pandemics — the NEU subsidises two propaganda trips to the Palestinian Territories, while its magazine Educate frequently denounces Israel. In one recent editorial, Kebede wrote: “As educators whose instincts are humanitarian, members are appalled by the willingness of political leaders to let this situation go on. Why do arms sales continue? Why has the verdict of the International Court of Justice not restrained their behaviour?”

To understand this obsession, one need only attend the NEU’s annual conference. Even before the conference, different branches were thinking up novel ways to attack Israel. Natasha Brandon, a Jewish secondary school teacher based in North London, was surprised to find it top of the agenda for the LBGT+ division when they got together ahead of conference.

Do Not Fall for Iran’s Nuclear Negotiation Trap: A Strategy to Buy Time by Majid Rafizadeh


Lest anyone think that this is a genuine attempt at diplomacy, it is not. Rather, it is a maneuver aimed at deceptively buying time, avoiding sanctions and deflecting impending actions of the Trump administration.

Iran’s regime is playing a game of manipulation, apparently hoping to mislead the world and stave off serious consequences — namely losing their nuclear weapons program — which, mind-bogglingly, it denies even having, as well as, more importantly, losing their jobs…. It is a tactic known by every four-year old and absolutely should not be taken at face value.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who backed HTS, apparently now sees a neo-Ottoman Turkey finally replacing Iran as the aspiring hegemon in the region, with himself as sultan.

The regime’s goal is clear: buy time, reach a sweetheart deal similar to the one it was handed by the Obama administration, secure sanctions relief and opportunities to complete its nuclear weapons.

Unless Iran is stopped, it will continue covertly to advance its nuclear weapons program – regardless, of course, of any agreements made.

Will the incoming Trump administration let themselves be gamed and permit Iran to be capable of threatening the region again as soon as Trump’s term is up? Iran’s request for negotiations sadly seems part of a larger strategy to enable it to resume its reign of terror. The Trump administration must not allow it to succeed…. Make Persia Safe Again! — for the Iranian people and for enduring global peace.

The Iranian regime has made a sudden and calculated move to engage in talks about nuclear weapons. The UK, France, and Germany have announced that negotiations will begin on January 13.

What Venezuela’s Opposition Leader Said about Her Personal Safety before Maduro’s Forces Kidnapped Her By Jimmy Quinn


Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado was kidnapped by her country’s dictatorship today as she left a political rally in the Chacao neighborhood of Caracas. It was the first time she had come out of hiding since Nicolás Maduro stole elections in the country last year.

In a conversation with National Review on January 3 — among Machado’s last media interviews prior to the kidnapping today — she told me that she was in a “safe place.” While other opposition politicians had sought asylum abroad, she stayed in Venezuela, biding her time until she could launch a new wave of demonstrations today.

The article I wrote about our conversation focused on her remarks about the demonstrations she launched today to coincide with the inauguration of Maduro pursuant to last July’s sham election and her relationship with the incoming Trump administration. But other comments she made in our conversation speak to her immense bravery, especially in light of the regime’s attack on her today,

Right off the bat, I had asked Machado about the fact that she had gone into hiding after the election, from which Maduro disqualified her, almost certainly because of her immense popularity (and his unpopularity). I asked if she was safe.

“I’m sure you’re aware of what happened at the end of July and just after the election. The regime unleashed a brutal wave of oppression against ordinary citizens just because they were involved in monitoring the election, but also against everyone else that was involved and had a responsibility in organizing the process,” she said.

UK Parliament Votes 364 to 111 Against Muslim Rape Gang Investigation 250,000 votes of rape victims vs 4 million Muslim bloc votes. No contest. by Daniel Greenfield


The Labour government had announced that it was responding to the brutal Muslim killing of a little girl in the UK with a crackdown on homeschooling that it had dubbed the ‘Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill’.

While Labour was trying to turn that Islamic crime into an assault on homeschooling parents, Conservatives fought to include a call for an inquiry into the Pakistani Muslim ‘grooming’ rape gangs.

Labour however successfully blocked the inquiry in a 364 to 111 vote.

Not a single Labour MP voted for it. And that’s understandable.

Even assuming that the high numbers for rape victims in the UK are correct, the UK still has 4 million Muslims.

250,000 votes of rape victims vs 4 million bloc votes concentrated in key areas is really no contest.

New lawfare tactic threatens all Israelis who serve in IDF By David Isaac


The specter of her sons and daughters being hauled before foreign courts on war crimes charges has shaken Israel.

The lawfare tactic came to the public’s attention this week with the drama of an Israel Defense Forces reservist on vacation in Brazil being forced to flee the country, aided by the personal intervention of Israel’s foreign minister.

Yuval Vagdani, 21, a soldier in the IDF’s Givati Brigade, found himself in the crosshairs of the Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF), a Belgium-based NGO that targets Israeli soldiers for legal action.

Its modus operandi is to monitor the social networks of soldiers for posts about their service—for HRF, service in Gaza appears to be prima facie evidence of war crimes—and then to launch a suit in the countries those soldiers visit, typically on holiday.

It signals an aggressive shift in anti-Israel legal strategy, Brooke Goldstein, founder and executive director of The Lawfare Project, a group dedicated to defending Jewish civil rights, told JNS.

“Previous failed efforts to prosecute Israelis for alleged war crimes have focused primarily on political and military leaders rather than rank-and-file soldiers. The move to target lower-level personnel, like the IDF soldier in Brazil, represents a major escalation in legal and advocacy strategies,” she said.

HRF lawsuits started from a handful, rising as of last count to 28 in multiple countries, including Sri Lanka, Thailand, Holland, Ireland and South Africa. It brought two complaints in Argentina this past week. Israelis fear the number of cases will become an avalanche.

“Given Israel’s mandatory military service…this tactic poses a threat to the broader Israeli population, effectively putting all citizens at risk of legal action,” noted Goldstein.

Patrick Horan Things Are Looking Up for Argentina Under President Javier Milei, the South American country’s turnaround bolsters the case for free-market economics.


Just over a year ago, Javier Milei, the eccentric, chainsaw-wielding libertarian economist, won the presidency in Argentina against a backdrop of soaring inflation and rising poverty. Since taking office, Milei has aggressively pursued a free-market program of fiscal austerity and deregulation. This approach contrasts strongly with Perónism, the strongly interventionist economic ideology followed by most Argentine presidents since its namesake, Juan Perón, rose to power in 1946.

Milei’s critics, including prominent economists such as Thomas Piketty, warned that his agenda would prove catastrophic. Though Argentina still faces severe economic challenges, Milei has largely proven these doubters wrong and achieved several victories worth celebrating.

Monthly inflation has fallen sharply since Milei took office. Rising prices have been a recurring problem in Argentine history, with the government frequently turning to the central bank to print money to finance its excesses. Unlike many of his predecessors, Milei has reduced federal spending (by 28 percent) and cut the number of federal ministries in half.

This fiscal discipline has been paying off. In October 2024, Argentina achieved its first budget surplus in 12 years. Since last May, monthly inflation has stayed below 5 percent; in November, it was 2.4 percent, the lowest since July 2020.

If we annualize the data since May 2024 (that is, if we express these monthly changes as if they had lasted an entire year), we find annual inflation trending down to about 33 percent. While that is extremely high by American standards, it’s a welcome change for Argentina, which has been reeling from triple-digit inflation on a year-over-year basis since the beginning of 2023.

Austerity has not been painless, as Milei himself cautioned in his inaugural address. Slashing government spending deepened the recession that began in 2023, and poverty and unemployment have both risen. But the recession ended in the third quarter of 2024, as the economy grew at a 3.9 annual rate. Economists now forecast that Argentina’s economy will expand 4.2 percent in 2025.