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Tehran Dangles the Samson Option Again by Amir Taheri


The new enrichment program is taking place in the Fordo nuclear center which, built deep underground, is supposed to be immune from possible air strikes.

As on the eight previous occasions when this trick was used, Tehran’s message is addressed to Western powers, notably the United States: resume the nuclear talks or else!

The mullahs played that trick with presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. In every case, except that of Trump, the trick worked.

At the same time, Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian plays reluctant debutante by claiming that the US “is begging us to resume talks.” Over the past two weeks, he has been pestering Omani and Qatari foreign ministers with phone calls demanding they persuade Washington to return to the stalled talks.

Last week, Tehran announced that 41 foreign nationals have been seized as hostages and charged with helping the current anti-regime protests across the country. That brings the number of hostages now held by the mullahs to 81, the highest since they seized 52 American diplomats in 1979.

Will the trick work again? I am almost certain that, had it not been for the current uprising against the Islamic Republic, the Biden administration would have fallen for the trick with a big smile, if only to save Obama’s only legacy while settling scores with Trump.

It is not hard to expose Tehran’s game as a cheap trick. For years, Tehran, through its lobbyists and useful idiots in Washington, has been selling the story that Khamenei has issued a fatwa banning the production of nuclear weapons under Islamic law.

To be sure, no one has ever seen that fatwa except supposedly Obama, who claimed he had some knowledge of it. But if there is such a fatwa and the mullahs don’t intend to build a bomb, why would they need to enrich uranium up to 60 percent?

The mullahs’ game worked for as long as it concerned only themselves and the cynical or lily-livered Western politicians.

This time round, however, a third player is in the field: a good chunk of Iranian people who feel they cannot take it anymore.

The myth of the Khomeinist despotism as a people-based regime, peddled by characters like Noam Chomsky, has been punctured. Even Bill Clinton is now tweeting support for young Iranians calling for regime change in Tehran.

Like a one-trick pony, Iran’s ruling mullahs have played unpredictable so often that they have become predictable in their unpredictability.

FIFA has scored a spectacular own goal Everybody in the world knows why the World Cup is taking place in Qatar: Douglas Murray

“Everybody in the world knows why the World Cup is taking place in Qatar. It is because the Qataris are very rich and bribed FIFA officials to have the competition in their inappropriately climated statelet. Many people have lamented this, but I think the whole thing has paid off. Rather than covering over the lamentable aspects of Qatari society, the World Cup has highlighted them — as it has also highlighted a range of people who are willing to say almost anything so long as they get to trouser a lot of cash.”

Unlike some fair-weather fans I maintain a fairly constant interest in the workings of FIFA. Not because I especially care for association football, but because I consider myself something of a connoisseur of corruption. I do not spend all my time studying the matter, but I do take an interest in corrupt people and entities. They form a sort of hall of fame in part of my head.

Top of my list is probably Abdalá Bucaram. For anyone who failed to follow Ecuadorian politics in the 1990s, that is the period when Bucaram was elected to office in his country. Known as “El Loco” (“The madman”), the president had a colorful period in power. Among other things, he released a pop single trying to adopt his nickname in a positive light (“The madman who loves”). But he was best known for his fantastical corruption. So corrupt was Bucaram that when the Ecuadorian parliament voted to impeach him, he was caught trying to bribe officials to vote that he wasn’t corrupt. Shortly afterwards he was seen clambering on to a private jet to Panama with what one witness described as baskets full of cash.

Outside South America, you really have to go to international sporting organizations for corruption of this calibre. So it is that very near to Bucaram in my personal pantheon sits Chuck Blazer. You may remember him from a few years back as one of the FIFA officials who was proved to have received bribes to arrange for the World Cup to go to any country that could line his voluminous pockets. For Mr. Blazer was a big man. Indeed so morbidly obese was he that he had to move around in a mobility scooter. He had two apartments in Trump Tower, one of which was set aside for his cats. When the Feds came knocking, Mr. Blazer was on the way to his favorite restaurant on his mobility scooter. And so the Feds caught the FIFA official fairly easily on Fifth Avenue in perhaps the lowest-speed chase in NYPD history.

The Unspoken Genocide of Christians in Nigeria The black lives that don’t matter. by Raymond Ibrahim


Did you know that, all throughout sub-Saharan Africa—in Nigeria, Mozambique, the Central African Republic, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo—Muslims have for many years been terrorizing and slaughtering Christians?

Nor is there any hope on the horizon: problems that cannot be honestly addressed are doomed to persist in perpetuity.

Enter the so-called “mainstream media.” As far as they are concerned, the persecution of Christians in Africa is a byproduct of economic and territorial grievances.

One report, titled, “How poverty and corruption fuel terrorism across Africa,” is emblematic.  After citing  an incident where “jihadis” connected to the Islamic State slaughtered dozens, it insists that such terrorist attacks, which  “are on the rise across the African continent,” are “a consequence of poverty, domestic grievances new and old…”

This has been the mainstream media’s argument, and they’re sticking to it — no matter all the mountains of contradictory evidence.

Take the little-known genocide of Christians in Nigeria. According to an August 2021 report, since the Islamic insurgency began in earnest in July 2009, more than 60,000 Christians have either been murdered during raids or abducted, never to be seen again. During this same timeframe, approximately 20,000 churches and Christian schools were torched and destroyed by “Allahu Akbar” screaming Muslims.

According to the World Watch List’s latest reporting, 79 percent of all Christians killed for their faith were killed in Nigeria, for a total of 4,650.

Who, exactly, is behind this travesty?  Two groups, primarily.  First is Boko Haram, Nigeria’s premier terrorist organization, whose full name means “Sunnis for [Islamic] Propagation and Jihad.”  “Boko Haram,” their nickname, means “Western education is a sin” (not “we kill because we’re poor”).  Their stated goal is the establishment of a pure sharia state and the brutal subjugation or slaughter of Nigeria’s Christians.

Latin America: ‘China’s Backyard’ China in Latin America – Part 2 by Judith Bergman


In the next two years, between 2022 and 2024, China, according to its joint plan with Latin American and Caribbean states, and as part of its quest to become the world’s global tech leader, envisages providing states in the region with 5,000 government scholarships and 3,000 training places in education and research in the Chinese homeland.

This cooperation also extends to space, as well as nuclear energy and nuclear technology. The plan also aims to strengthen cooperation in 5G telecommunications equipment and artificial intelligence.

Significantly, the action plan also mentions building networks of sister cities and sister provinces between Latin American/Caribbean countries and China.

“Under the administration of Communist Party leader Xi Jinping, the association [for sister-cities] has been revitalized as China seeks to groom local business, political, and media leaders in countries around the world…” — “China’s Influence & American Interests,” a 2018 report by the Working Group on Chinese Influence Activities in the United States, Hoover Institution Press, November 29, 2018.

China’s trade with Latin America reached $450 billion last year, up from $180 billion in 2010. The World Economic Forum has estimated that trade with the region will exceed $700 billion by 2035, more than double what it was in 2000.

Crucially, 21 out of the 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have joined the Belt and Road Initiative. The BRI seeks dramatically to enhance China’s global influence… by making countries worldwide increasingly dependent on China.

Latin America, as one headline noted recently, is fast “becoming China’s backyard.”

China is deepening its involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean, as Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Ma Zhaoxu made clear last year at a summit between China and Latin American and Caribbean states.

Qatar’s Double Game: Funding Islamists While Pretending to Be America’s Ally by Khaled Abu Toameh


Hamas leaders [who have relocated to Doha]… are using Qatar as a base for calling for the destruction of Israel. Yet this does not seem to bother the rulers of Qatar or its allies in the West, including the US.

This is the same Qatar whose leaders claim that they condemn all acts of terrorism and violent extremism.

It is disquieting, to say the least, that a county that hosts the leadership of a Palestinian group that carried out thousands of terror attacks against Israel is talking about Qatar’s desire to help eliminate terrorism and extremism.

It is also disquieting that Qatar… continues to pour millions of dollars into the Gaza Strip, thereby emboldening Hamas, whose leaders and charter champion violence and call for the destruction of Israel.

Haniyeh is not the only Hamas leader living under the patronage of Qatar. Several other Hamas leaders, including Khaled Mashaal, Hussam Badran, Izzat al-Risheq and Sami Khater, have also been welcomed to move their offices and homes to the Gulf state.

In addition to hosting the Hamas leaders and their families, Qatar has been providing millions of dollars to Palestinians in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip…. [T]he Qatari aid indirectly helps Hamas to hold on to power. Qatar’s beneficence exempts Hamas from its responsibilities towards the Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip and allows the terror group instead to direct its resources and energies towards building tunnels to attack Israel and manufacturing weapons, including rockets, in preparation for their next war to try to destroy Israel.

The Hamas leaders have often been criticized by Palestinians and other Arabs for leading comfortable lives in Qatar while calling on their people in the Gaza Strip to continue the jihad (holy war) against Israel.

Qatar, however, evidently cares nothing about the interests of ordinary Palestinians, such as boosting their economy and improving their living conditions. What it cares about is embracing the leaders of Hamas to make Qatar appear to the Arabs and Muslims as the main supporter of the Palestinian “resistance” – a euphemism for the “armed struggle” against Israel.

In spite of Qaradawi’s public support for terrorism and inflammatory rhetoric, the Qataris continued to host him and many of his followers, as well as the leaders of Hamas — in this way turning the emirate into a center for spreading global jihad and terrorism.

It is this detrimental role that, in 2017, prompted four Arab countries — Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt — to break diplomatic relations with Qatar. The four countries also barred Qatari citizens and closed all their borders to Qatar.

The Saudis accused Qatar of “embracing various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at destabilizing the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood group, Daesh (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda…” — Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington, DC, June 5, 2017.

Qatar has long hosted the largest US airbase in the Middle East, but Qatar is not hosting the base out of love for the Americans. Rather, it is a way of distracting attention from its support for the Muslim Brotherhood and other extremist groups.

Qatar might even have convinced some Americans that it is doing the US a favor by allowing the airbase to be there. How comfortable it must be to export terrorism while having the protection of the US military right on your own soil.

Qatar, however, is no friend of the US or its Arab allies. In fact, Qatar’s endorsement of global jihad remains a source of intense concern for many Arabs, who are asking when the US will wake up and see how the Qataris have been using their wealth to subvert America by showering it with gifts, including financial contributions to US universities and think-tanks.

As long as Qatar continues to fund and host the Hamas leadership, and as long as it continues to use Al-Jazeera to encourage jihad and extremism, the only real game that the emirate is playing, apart from the World Cup, is one of successfully deceiving the Americans.

Is Multiculturalism Destroying Western National Identities? by Giulio Meotti


Today, 90% of British demographic growth comes from immigration.

The same shift is taking place in Sweden. In 2015 alone, Sweden welcomed 163,000 immigrants, the equivalent of 1.65% of its total population. Combined with other years, it is a demographic revolution: As of 2015, approximately 17% of the population were foreign-born.

“Therefore, there has been a huge cultural change in the immigrant population, as its largest group has gone from being Finnish to being Muslim… with immigration unchanged, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in 2065.” — Kyösti Tarvainen, professor at the Aalto University of Helsinki, Folkbladet, April 13, 2021.

That is why Swedish people recently voted in a conservative government. It is their last chance to stop an unprecedented national self-destruction.

“Brussels is no longer Belgium…. There are more Brussels residents of Moroccan origin than Flemings or Walloons”. — Philippe Van Parijs, Belgian academic and economist, De Standaard, September 5, 2022.

A country facing demographic suicide (1,707 kindergartens in Italy closed down in the last ten years) cannot afford to be overwhelmed by mass immigration without losing its national identity.

The West is at stake. The choice Europeans urgently need to make is whether they would like to transform their countries into a wholly different culture — as the people who inhabited Turkey did after center of Christendom fell to the Ottoman Empire, or as Egypt did from being the land of the Christian Copts to that of a state where the Copts now face non-stop persecution.

Unfortunately, Europe, whether it likes it or not, has virtually no time left to decide whether or not it wishes to continue embracing open borders, multiculturalism and globalism, and, through passivity, find that its hard-won Judeo-Christian values, freedoms and identity will be quickly made extinct.

Twenty years ago, the United Nations published a document titled “Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”. It was not a right-wing conspiracy theory, but a sophisticated working plan for Western democracies dealing with demographic aging. It has since gone mainstream. Just read what Richard Thaler, a Nobel laureate in economics, said this month: “We need more immigrants to pay pensions”.

Xi Dresses Down Trudeau When you get a tongue-lashing from your boss. by Christine Douglass-Williams


Canada is heavily infiltrated by China, aided by a longtime partnership between the Chinese leadership and Justin Trudeau. See more HERE.

During the G20 meetings, Trudeau, who has been referenced as “little potato” by China, was openly reprimanded by China’s leader Xi Jinping:

Also newly reported:

Yusheng Wang, 35, an employee of Canada’s largest electricity producer Hydro-Quebec, was arrested at his home south of Montreal by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) on Monday. A special national-security investigations unit of the RCMP charged Wang with stealing trade secrets for China.….

“Foreign actor interference is a priority for many law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world. Hydro-Quebec is considered a critical infrastructure and a strategic interest to be protected,” the RCMP said in a press release announcing the arrest.

China invests heavily in academic research and development, and along with it comes longstanding concerns about China stealing foreign technologies and trade secrets. A 2020 Bloomberg report asked the question in reference to the Nortel Canada, a one-time world leader in wireless technology that seemed suddenly to disappear: “Did a Chinese Hack Kill Canada’s Greatest Tech Company?” In short, the answer is yes. Hackers breached Nortel’s uppermost ranks and “roughly 800 documents” were sent off to China in an elaborate corruption scandal. Then came the rise of the tech giant Huawei.

The Russian-Turkish Bond to Harm the West by Burak Bekdil


Turkey’s skies remain open to Russian airlines and its doors remain open to hundreds of thousands of Russians and their money. Turkey’s exports to Russia are surging.

Russian cash helped to plug the growing hole in Turkey’s foreign currency reserves — and at a time when Erdogan needs foreign money to shore up the country’s ailing economy before the presidential and parliamentary elections in June 2023.

Some analysts see this as a scheme to open up room for parking Russian funds in Turkey.

The Erdogan-Putin bond has two main pillars. One is pragmatism: They both strategically, politically and economically benefit. The other is ideological: They both hate Western civilization.

If they had met as presidents of other countries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin would probably have hated each other. Historically, Turkish Islamists have hated both Tsarist and Soviet Russia. Similarly, Russians have never been fond of the Turks. Today, however, Erdogan, with a foot in NATO, is exhibiting a pro-Russian tilt never seen before. What is the secret of this ostensible marriage?

Turkey has refused to join Western sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, thereby throwing Putin a lifeline. Turkey’s skies remain open to Russian airlines and its doors remain open to hundreds of thousands of Russians and their money. Turkey’s exports to Russia are surging. In July alone, exports to Russia shot up by a dizzying 75% year-on-year.

It Is Time for NATO to Confront Iran by Con Coughlin


For decades Tehran has consistently lied about the true extent of its nuclear ambitions, so it should come as no surprise that Iran’s instinctive response when confronted about its military support for Russia has been to issue a denial.

Iran’s belated admission that it is actively supporting the Russian war effort is certainly an alarming development, one that completely destroys the argument that Iran’s malign activities are solely confined to the Middle East.

The implications of Iran’s deepening involvement in the Ukraine conflict can no longer be ignored, as they now constitute a direct threat to European security, a development that Nato leaders need to take on board as a matter of urgency.

Nato has already demonstrated a welcome display of unity in providing vital military support for Ukraine in its battle to defeat Russian aggression. Nato leaders must now take similar measures to support all those states, whether they are in Europe or the Middle East, that want to protect themselves against Iran’s intimidating conduct.

Iran’s belated admission that it has provided Russia with sophisticated drones to boost its war effort in Ukraine should serve as a wake up call to all those Western policymakers who claim the threat posed by Tehran’s aggressive regime is only limited to the Middle East region.

Despite credible reports that Russian forces have been deploying Iranian-made drones to launch attacks against Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, inflicting electricity and water shortages on the country’s civilian population, Tehran has consistently denied the weapons originated from Iran.

Egyptians: We Do Not Want the Islamists to Return to Power by Khaled Abu Toameh


The Islamists, in other words, failed in their latest attempt to instigate unrest and violence in Egypt with the hope of returning to power.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and many other Egyptians seem to prefer less democracy and freedom of speech to the return of the Islamists to power.

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s eyes are on [wanting] the authority to control the people who rejected them.” — Moneer Adib, Egyptian counter-terrorism expert, Al-Ain, November 14, 2022.

“They lied to the Egyptians when they said that they were good for Egypt and when they claimed that they had magical solutions to the economic, social and religious problems.” — Ahmed El-Messiri, Egyptian former Muslim Brotherhood member, Al-Ain, November 11, 2022.

Habusha warned that the Islamists’ “desperate attempts” to undermine Egypt and its people are not accepted because the Egyptians said no to the organization 2013.

The collective sigh of relief expressed by Egyptians over the failure of the Islamists to ruin their country and return to power is a refreshing approach in Egypt and other Arab countries. It is good to see that the Egyptians are eager to keep the Muslim Brotherhood away from their lives and centers of power.

It now remains to be seen whether the Palestinians will follow suit and get rid of the Iranian-backed Islamists in the Gaza Strip, where they have destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad continue to hold the two million Palestinians of the Gaza Strip hostage, offering them terror attack tunnels and weapons instead of schools and hospitals.

It also remains to be seen whether the apologists in the West who continue to search for ways to appease Iran’s mullahs and other Islamists will learn from the Egyptians’ horrific experiences and distance themselves from the terrorists.

Is the banned Muslim Brotherhood organization trying to return to power in Egypt?

Many Egyptians believe that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind calls to Egyptians to hold nationwide protests during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), which is now in progress at the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm al-Sheikh. The Islamists, they say, justified their call by arguing that the planned demonstrations were designed to protest human rights violations and bad economic conditions in Egypt.