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Saudi Arabia arrests two over dog beauty contest: Lisa Daftari

Authorities in Saudi Arabia have arrested two men for hosting a dog pageant in the port city of Jeddah.

The men spread word of the contest on social media using the hashtag “most beautiful dog in Jeddah” urging Saudi pet owners to enter their dogs. The best 10 would be recognized, and the top three would receive prizes.

The awards ceremony was scheduled for Wednesday, to coincide with the Eid festival, marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan, but when news of the event went viral, Saudi authorities stepped in and arrested the organizers.

The Jeddah municipality posted a message to its social media pages saying the contest had been cancelled, and the organizers would face legal action and consequences.

Ironically, authorities then used the original ‘most beautiful dog’ hashtag to notify people that the event was cancelled, prompting one user to note the “stupidity and ignorance” of fighting over a dog pageant.

Saudi Arabia forbids the ownership of dogs as pets, viewing the animal as ‘unclean’ and a product of ‘decadent Western culture.’ Similarly, most Muslim scholars view dogs as ritually ‘impure.’

In some regions of the country, the ‘Mutaween’ or morality police usually tasked with ensuring women adhere to the strict Saudi dress code and keep unrelated men and women separated in public also keep watch and clamp down on pet-dog owners.

In 2008, Riyadh’s governor banned the sale of cats and dogs in an effort to keep men and women apart, after authorities claimed flirtatious young men were using their pets as magnets to lure girls in public places such as malls.

Earlier this month The Foreign Desk reported a Saudi crackdown on Saudi men wearing ‘un-Islamic’ clothes. As many as 50 men were arrested for ‘fashion violations’ such as wearing ripped jeans, Crocs sandals, shorts, necklaces and having Western hair styles.

Lisa Daftari is a Fox News contributor specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. This was written by Lisa for FOX News.

France: The Coming Civil War by Yves Mamou

For French President François Hollande, the enemy is an abstraction: “terrorism” or “fanatics”.

Instead, the French president reaffirms his determination to military actions abroad: “We are going to reinforce our actions in Syria and Iraq,” the president said after the Nice attack.

So confronted with this failure of our elite who were elected to guide the country across nationals and internationals dangers, how astonishing is it if paramilitary groups are organizing themselves to retaliate?

“Western elites, with a suicidal obstinacy, oppose naming the enemy. Confronted with attacks in Brussels or Paris, they prefer to imagine a philosophical fight between democracy and terrorism, between an open society and fanaticism, between civilization and barbarism”. — Mathieu Bock-Côté, sociologist, in Le Figaro

In France, the global elites made a choice. They decided that the “bad” voters in France were unreasonable people too stupid to see the beauties of a society open to people who often who do not want to assimilate, who want you to assimilate to them, and who threaten to kill you if you do not.

Similarly, the British took the first tool that was given to them to express their disappointment at living in a society they did not like anymore. They did not vote to say: “Kill all these Muslims who are transforming my country or stealing my job or soaking up my taxes”. They were just protesting a society that a global elite had begun to transform without their consent.

The global elite made a choice: they took the side against their own old and poor because those people did not want to vote for them any longer. They also made a choice not to fight Islamism because Muslims vote collectively for this global elite.

Turkey: Coup Has Failed, Erdogan More Powerful Than Ever By Michael van der Galien

Izmir, Turkey — It’s a done deal: the military coup has failed. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Parti remain in power and vow to take revenge against those behind the coup.

Or, perhaps better said: against those they say are behind it.

Now that the coup has clearly failed, we can conclude that this must have been the most incompetent attempted takeover in Turkey’s troubled history. When part of the military launched their offensive last night (Turkish time), I immediately checked news channels supporting President Erdogan. Surprisingly, none of them was taken over. The only broadcaster who was taken over was TRT Haber, the state news channel. But NTV and other channels supporting Erdogan were left alone.

That was remarkable, but what struck me even more was the fact that these channels — especially NTV — were able to talk to the president and the prime minister. That’s strange, to put it mildly. Normally, when the military stages a coup, the civilian rulers are among the first to be arrested. After all, as long as the country’s civilian leadership are free, they can tell forces supportive of them what to do… and they can even tell the people to rise up against the coup.

And that’s exactly what happened. Both Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called into news programs and told their supporters to go out on the streets and fight back against the soldiers. A short while later, streets in the big cities (Ankara and Izmir) were flooded with Erdogan-supporters, who even climbed on top of tanks. Fast forward a few hours and it was officially announced that the coup had failed, and that Erdogan and his AK Party remained in power. About 1500 soldiers were arrested.

As I wrote on Twitter yesterday, there were three options:

The coup was staged by a small group within the military, which would severely limit their ability to strike.
The coup was staged by the entire military, which meant Erdogan’s chances of surviving politically were extremely small.
The coup was a set-up. Think the Reichstag fire.

The main argument against option number three is that there was some very serious fighting taking place, including massive explosions. Dozens of people have been killed. If this was a fake coup, it probably was the bloodiest one ever. That’s why many people are skeptical about this option, and believe it was just an incompetent attempt at a military takeover.

The general feeling in Izmir — a city with 3 million inhabitants who are generally not pro-Erdogan at all — is that it was a real coup attempt, but that the officers behind it were incredibly amateurish. Friends on the streets and cafés are literally telling me:

It was a real attempt, but they were stupid. CONTINUE AT SITE

Britain closes down global warming bureaucracy By Thomas Lifson

The almost unthinkable has happened. In a clear sign that the global warming fraud has peaked and is on the decline, an actual government agency has been abolished because it was dedicated to global warming. Andrew Follett of the Daily Caller writes:

Britain’s new government abolished its Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Thursday morning, ridding the country of its global warming bureaucracy.

Officials stated that the DECC has been abolished and U.K.’s environmental policy is will be transferred to a new ministry called the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Some former DECC’s functions will be outright abolished, while others will be handed back to the new ministry.

Follett provides good background on the failures of green energy policy in Britain that have led to this rejection of the mission of the agency.

The backlash against British wind power occurred when the country’s government was already forced to take emergency measures to keep the lights on and official government analysis suggests the country could have insufficient electricity on a windless or cloudy days to meet demand. Brownouts and blackouts caused by wind and solar power have already impacted the U.K. (snip)

Government green energy taxes currently account for seven percent of the average household’s energy bill, according to the UK’s Office of Gas and Electricity Markets. (snip)

Polling indicates that energy prices were so high that 38 percent of British households have cut back essential purchases, like food, to pay their energy bills. Another 59 percent of homes were worried about how they are going to pay energy bills.

Governments needing to cut expenditures can find ample pickings in green energy subsidies and global warming bureaucracies.

Daryl McCann: The Next President and the Long War

Before the massacres in Orlando and Nice, Daryl McCann considered the ramifications and likely response of the White House’s next occupant to the slaughter of another 14 innocents by an Islamist couple in San Bernardino. As France reels yet again, his insights are no less relevant.
On December 2, 2015, Syed Farook, an American-born citizen of Pakistani descent, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, a Pakistani-born lawful resident of the United States, armed with semi-automatic pistols and rifles, murdered fourteen people in San Bernardino, California, and seriously wounded another twenty-two. The victims of this jihadist atrocity were attending a work-based Christmas—sorry, holiday—party/luncheon. The San Bernardino massacre and the proximate response to it by key public figures, from Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton to the Republican front-runner Donald Trump, may have shaped the 2016 presidential campaign as much as any other single event.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, Hillary Clinton adopted the default position of the progressive-leftist narrative about mass shootings per se in America: “I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now.” Fellow Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley also took pains to omit any reference to radical Islamic jihadism: “Enough is enough. It’s time to stand up to the National Rifle Association and enact meaningful gun safety laws.” Bernie Sanders had a similar message: “We need to significantly expand and improve background checks.” Clinton would later pillory Sanders in a television debate for voting against the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act to establish a national criminal background check system.

However, scrutiny of the criminal or mental health record of the jihadist husband-and-wife hit team would not in itself have found anything amiss. There is some talk of Syed Farook experiencing a “troubled” childhood, but the twenty-eight-year-old municipal health inspector was characterised by colleagues and neighbours as a mostly polite and equable fellow. In travels abroad he met and wed twenty-seven-year-old Tashfeen Malik, a pharmacology graduate from an upper-middle-class family in Pakistan. The PC-compliant authorities vetted Malik on her arrival in America and—finding everything to be in order—granted her Green Card status in 2014; a baby daughter was born in mid-2015. One of the few times the “very quiet” Farook brought attention to himself was on the occasion that he argued a little too vociferously with a work colleague that Islam was “a peaceful religion”.

Alan R.M. Jones Enough With the Candles and Tears

Either France and the rest of us can continue on as we have, with every day Ground Hog Day in Guernica and no response better than an impotent snivel, or Western civilisation can summon the righteous anger necessary to win, not merely endure.

After the next-to-last Islamist massacre in France, Premier Mike Baird fittingly ordered that the Opera House be lit in the Tricolour. It was a moving tribute and our family went down to Circular Quay to see it, and I dutifully posted a picture of it on my Facebook page, as we do these days.

To post that picture today would, I think, only mock the 80 Bastille Day dead.

The head of France’s security and intelligence service has warned of waves of such attacks and that the Fifth Republic is itself at risk (what could be the marginal cost in version 6.0?). President Hollande said after the last atrocity that France was at war, and he has now abandoned the White House’s pointlessly nebulous ‘violent non-state actors’ charade – are there any sentient souls left on the planet who doubt what this is about? — and is calling it a spade.

But other than a few, highly publicised bombing sorties to blow up some sand dunes, there hasn’t been much evidence of that war except for the slaughter of more innocents.

In his essay, “Inside the Whale,” George Orwell referred to Aldous Huxley’s “Dream of Phillip the Second,” in which Huxley wrote that the people in El Greco’s pictures always look as though they were in the bellies of whales:

For the fact is that being inside a whale is a very comfortable, cosy, homelike thought. The historical Jonah, if he can be so called, was glad enough to escape, but in imagination, in day-dream, countless people have envied him. It is, of course, quite obvious why. The whale’s belly is simply a womb big enough for an adult. There you are, in the dark, cushioned space that exactly fits you, with yards of blubber between yourself and reality, able to keep up an attitude of the completest indifference, no matter what happens… Short of being dead, it is the final, unsurpassable stage of irresponsibility.

Either France and the rest of us can continue on as we have, Jonah-like, where every day is Ground Hog Day in Guernica, or Western civilisation can start getting all Sonny Corleone about it and summon the righteous anger necessary to win, not merely endure.

Ned Levin and Yeliz Candemir :The Turkish Coup That Wasn’t – Erdogan Reasserts Control After Attempted Coup Death toll from violence surrounding coup attempt reaches 90

ISTANBUL—Turkey’s elected government moved to reassert control Saturday morning after an attempted coup by factions of the military rocked the country and killed dozens late Friday, with officials saying the situation was now largely under control.

Ninety people were killed and more than 1,000 were injured in the events surrounding the coup attempt, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported. A total of 1,374 military personnel were detained across Turkey as part of an investigation into the coup attempt, the agency said.

The head of Turkey’s national police told Anadolu that police were in control of Istanbul, but that the situation in Ankara, where gunfire was still heard on live television Saturday morning, was still challenging. Helicopters and airplane hangars had been bombed, said Celalettin Lekesiz, the head of police.

Istanbul, where troops had blocked two bridges over the Bosphorus and tanks appeared at the main Atatürk Airport on Friday night, was calm Saturday morning. The bridges were functioning normally, television footage showed. Turkish Airlines, the country’s flag carrier, said it was operating normally on the request of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Attack in Nice, France Attack killed 84 people


Islamic State on Saturday claimed responsibility for the attack in Nice, France on Thursday that killed 84 people.

French investigators have been trying to establish whether a Tunisian resident of this city was acting as part of a wider network when he used a rented truck to mow through 8 crowds lining the seaside promenade to celebrate France’s national holiday.

Authorities have identified the driver as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a 31-year-old Tunisian who was shot dead by police after carrying out the rampage.

French Lesson: Guns not Critical To Jihadi Violence by A.J. Caschetta

Originally published under the title “French Lessons.”

The Bastille Day attack in Nice, France last night should cause the Democrats to reconsider their gun control approach to counterterrorism. After San Bernardino and then Orlando, Obama, Chuck Schumer and others have been citing jihadi terror attacks to support their domestic legislation agenda.

France is about as close to a national gun-free zone as you can get. Lesson number one from France is that gun laws will not stop jihad terror.

There are no gun show loopholes in France, because there are no gun shows. There are no mandatory waiting periods, and there is no debate about gun control. Everybody agrees that guns are bad, so only the police have them. Or at least that was the plan. But of course the people who don’t obey laws have guns. They are called criminals. Lately a lot of them happen to be Jihadis.

Lesson #1 from France: gun laws will not stop jihad terror.

Remember the touching father and son scene last November, after a jihad attack in France, where Parisians were consoling themselves in the modern fashion with flowers, stuffed animals and candles? A conversation between a reporter, a young father and his little boy was captured on French television and “went viral.” The boy was worried about all of the bad guys with guns. His father told him not to worry “They’ve got guns but we have flowers.” Lesson number two from France is when your enemy has guns, flowers will not suffice.

So another jihadi has used guns to kill French citizens. This one was also prepared to use grenades (also illegal in France). But he also used a truck, reminiscent of Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar who in 2006 drove his SUV into a crowd of people on the campus of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill injuring nine.

Lesson #2 from France: when your enemy has guns, flowers will not suffice.

Banning firearms did not prevent the Nice, France attacker from finding and using firearms. It did not prevent the Bataclan killers, or the killers at the Charlie Hebdo offices, or the killer at the Hyper Kasher Deli, or the killer at the Jewish school in Toulouse. Nor did it prevent the Moroccan jihadi on the train in Paris, who would have done much more damage had it not been for the valiant efforts of three type-A, gung ho Americans with nerves of steel. While the crew of the French train ran away from the shooter, Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler ran towards the gunfire and subdued him. Lesson number three from France is that only by fighting back can you survive.



A Familiar Form of Terror By Jonathan S. Tobin
Commentary magazine
July14, 2016

At the moment we don’t know the identity or the motive of the person responsible for the Bastille Day terror attack in Nice, France. Speculation about whether this killer, who took the lives of scores of persons gathered to watch holiday fireworks, was a lone wolf terrorist inspired by ISIS is natural but premature. So, too, are any other theories. But while we mourn with the people of France and wait for more details to be released, it’s worthwhile pondering the terrorist’s choice of tactic: using a vehicle as a lethal weapon.
Viewing the horrifying videos being posted online or broadcast on television of the attack, there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Nice killer was using a truck to murder people and that his actions are obviously an act of terror. But what that brings to mind is the fact that when Palestinians do the same thing, many in the international community and the media treat Israeli efforts to take out the potential killer as unjustified and often dispute whether the attack was a form of terrorism.

After the erection of Israel’s security fence in the West Bank, the wave of suicide bombings in which Palestinians affiliated with both the mainstream Fatah movement and Hamas killed hundreds of Jews inside Israel during the second intifada came to a halt. Faced with a more formidable challenge to their ability to inflict mass casualties on Israelis, terrorists resorted to new tactics. One of their more popular choices was vehicular homicide. In incidents in Jerusalem and at security checkpoints in the West Bank, Israelis have been subjected to numerous attempted hit and run attacks. At least three were killed in such incidents last year at the start of what is now known as the “stabbing intifada.”

But such attacks are rarely referred to as terrorism in the international media. Outside of Israel, the press has often either ignored them or treated the nature of the incident as questionable even referring to them as accidents rather than terror. They also denounce Israeli defensive measures that aim, as authorities in France did in Nice, to shoot or otherwise disable the terrorist as an unjustified attempt to execute a possibly innocent person.