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Canceling Beethoven is the latest woke madness for the classical-music world Jonathan S. Tobin


Think some things are so beloved and essential to Western civilization they can’t be canceled? Think again.

If there’s anything we should have learned from months of “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter street protests, statue toppling and online mobs seeking to silence anyone who dissents against leftist narratives about “racism,” it’s that no one, living or dead, is safe from the attentions of woke fascists. Even Ludwig van Beethoven.

Beethoven’s work is not only at the core of the standard repertory of classical music; some of his most popular works have also become part of popular culture, their melodies recognizable even to those who’ve never heard an orchestral concert.

For the last 200 years, Beethoven’s compositions have also been symbols of the struggle for freedom against tyranny. The “Ode to Joy” from the conclusion to his Ninth Symphony remains the definitive anthem of universal brotherhood. It is no coincidence that the opening notes of his Fifth Symphony — whose rhythmic pattern duplicates the Morse Code notation for the letter “V” as in “V for Victory” — were used by the BBC for broadcasts to occupied Europe during the Second World War.

But to woke critics, Beethoven’s music has taken on a new, darker meaning. To musicologist Nate Sloan and songwriter Charlie Harding, stars of the “Switched on Pop” podcast produced in association with the New York Philharmonic, the Fifth Symphony is a stand-in for everything they don’t like about classical music and Western culture. As far as they’re concerned, it’s time to cancel Ludwig.

CDC Moving Ahead with Critical Race Theory Trainings Despite Trump Order By Mairead McArdle


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention appears to be moving forward with critical race theory trainings for employees despite an executive order from President Trump ordering federal agencies to end such taxpayer-funded training programs.

Trump issued an executive order earlier this month requiring federal agencies to “cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions” and directing the Office of Management and Budget to issue guidance on implementing the order.

Nevertheless, the CDC is debuting a 13-week critical race theory program that aims to address the country’s “white supremacist ideology.”

The training series, dubbed “Naming, Measuring, and Addressing the Impacts of Racism on the Health and Well-Being of the Nation and the World,” will feature an American Public Health Association presentation from instructor Camara Phyllis Jones, a physician and civil rights activist.

The program will teach CDC employees how to “identify three levels of racism” and “examine the mechanisms of systemic racism.” The first three sessions focus on “racism, sexism, and other systems of structured inequality,” and instruct trainees how to “address institutionalized racism.”

Trump Was Right, The Woke Mob Is Coming For The Washington Monument


Remember a few years ago, when the left scoffed at President Donald Trump for suggesting that mobs tearing down Confederate statues wouldn’t stop there?

“This week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?’”

NPR even did a “fact check” to prove Trump was nuts for saying that. Others blasted the president for comparing the nation’s founders to slave-loving traitors, suggesting that it was another example of Trump’s racism.

Well, a working group appointed by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser released a report this week that called for removing or relocating (or “contextualizing”) the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial because Washington and Jefferson have been deemed “persons of concern.”

The DC FACES report says the two founders fall into a broader group of historical figures who’ve now been found guilty of “participation in slavery, systemic racism, mistreatment of, or actions that suppressed equality for, persons of color, women and LGBTQ communities.”

The report also calls for toppling statues and scrubbing the names of Ben Franklin, George Mason, Andrew Jackson, Alexander Graham Bell, Francis Scott Key, and many others from D.C. buildings and parks. (The complete list of undesirables is below.)

In their place, the report says, should be names that “include more women, people of color and LGBTQ Washingtonians.”

USC Professor Placed on Leave after Black Students Complained His Pronunciation of a Chinese Word Affected Their Mental Health By Brittany Bernstein


The University of Southern California has placed a communications professor on leave after a group of black MBA candidates threatened to drop his class rather than “endure the emotional exhaustion of carrying on with an instructor that disregards cultural diversity and sensitivities” following the instructor’s use, while teaching, of a Chinese word that sounds like a racial slur.

Greg Patton, a professor at the university’s Marshall School of Business, was giving a lecture about the use of “filler words” in speech during a recent online class when he used the word in question, saying, “If you have a lot of ‘ums and errs,’ this is culturally specific, so based on your native language. Like in China, the common word is ‘that, that, that.’ So in China it might be ‘nèi ge, nèi ge, nèi ge.’”

In an August 21 email to university administration obtained by National Review, students accused the professor of pronouncing the word like the N-word “approximately five times” during the lesson in each of his three communication classes and said he “offended all of the Black members of our Class.”

The students, who identified themselves as “Black MBA Candidates c/o 2022” wrote that they had reached out to Chinese classmates as they were “appalled” by what they had heard. 

Sen. Hawley Questions ‘White Privilege’ Training at US Nuclear Lab By Petr Svab


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is seeking an explanation as to why the United States’ leading nuclear safety laboratory spent taxpayer dollars to lecture its staff about “white privilege.”

In an Aug. 13 letter (pdf) to the Department of Energy (DOE), the largest funder of the lab, Hawley called for “a comprehensive review of its procedures and practices to ensure that taxpayers are no longer required to fund such divisive and ineffective trainings.”

Hawley was referring to a series of training sessions that Sandia National Laboratories paid for at a Santa Fe, New Mexico, resort, where Sandia’s white male executives were sent last year to learn about their “white privilege” and the supposed harmfulness of their “white male culture.”

Leaked materials from the sessions were published earlier this month by Christopher Rufo, head of the Center on Wealth and Poverty at the Discovery Institute, a conservative-leaning think tank.

“Employees must expose the ‘roots of white male culture,’ which consists of ‘rugged individualism,’ ‘a can-do attitude,’ ‘hard work,’ and ‘striving towards success’—which sound good, but are in fact ‘devastating’ to women and POCs [people of color],” he said, citing the materials in an Aug. 12 tweet.

“Taxpayers funded this? At a resort?” Hawley responded on Twitter on the day of sending his letter.

Sandia, which is responsible for the safety of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, is run by Honeywell, but is wholly government-funded. It has received more than $3.7 billion in federal dollars this year, Hawley said.

Was Booker T. Washington Too White? Harold F. Callahan


According to the Washington Post, on May 31, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture’s “Talking about Race” portal published a graphic of “Some Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture in the United States.” As reported by Thomas DiLorenzo, it characterized “most U.S. white people most of the time” as including “self-reliance, independence, merit, competitiveness, belief in equality under the law, protection of property rights, ability to speak and write plain English, avoidance of conflict, politeness, Christianity, the Judeo-Christian tradition, the work ethic, associating ‘pay’ with work, the scientific method, respect for authority, planning for the future (i.e., savings, delayed gratification), and belief in the traditional nuclear family.”

As people started noticing the claims that such characteristics represented whiteness, rather than what Frederic Hess and R.J. Martin termed “intellectual and personal traits that promote personal and civic success – in the U.S. or anywhere else,” it created enough controversy that the graphic was taken down last month, leaving many unanswered questions in its wake.

However, that graphic helped me understand something that has puzzled me for a long time. That something is that every Black History Month, which annually promotes many role models for imitation, gives such short shrift to Booker T. Washington. While my research has led me to conclude that he was an exemplar of the moral means to success – self-improvement that benefits others as well through voluntary arrangements – apparently that makes him “too white” to emulate today. But that is a hard conclusion to defend.  

High Culture’s Iminent Surrender to the Woke By Jared Peterson


Not at all surprisingly, the classical music world is now squarely in the sights of the woke mob.  So now the gang of callow American Maoists is going to teach us that excellence in classical music — composers and performers — is also a white male plot.  I suppose that soon great American symphonies will be hiring violinists who might just barely be able to cut it in a small-town community orchestra.  And the Metropolitan Opera? As an opera lover I can attest: Few sounds are more grating to the ear than opera badly sung, and to sing it well takes extraordinary talent and a lifetime of devotion.

For lovers of classical instrumental music and opera, prepare yourselves for mediocrity and worse.  Can the legitimate stage and museums be far behind?

Of course, in the current revolutionary environment, the culmination of 50 years, this had to come.

It’s important to see this ongoing cultural revolution in some kind of historical context.

America’s rapid cultural collapse, as distinct from its gradual decline, started with an attack on a key cultural — not political or economic — institution, the university.  It began in earnest in the fall of 1964 at UC, Berkeley.  This writer was present, a 19-year-old junior, participated as a dissenter, and followed events closely in amazed disgust, as President Clark Kerr surrendered the university to the radical left and handed them a tactical roadmap for the next 60 years.

The events at Berkeley in 1964 and Kerr’s handling of them provided the template for the left’s destruction of the American university: Take over the Dean’s office, employ a mob to bring normal university functions to a halt, make “non- negotiable” demands, and then, as a reward, get anything you want from administrators and faculty prepared to sell out the functions of the university – imparting knowledge and pursuing truth – for (temporary) peace.

The depth of UC President Clark Kerr’s confusion, weakness and cowardice in October of 1964 — an important story for another time — shocked even the left.  But leftists quickly drew the correct lesson from Kerr’s fecklessness: Universities are easy to mug.  And, employing the Berkeley model, mug them the left did over the next two decades.  By 1985, perhaps earlier, American universities were unrecognizable as the institutions they had been.  The worst consequence of that period was the creation of an entire array of politicized and intellectually vacuous new departments and majors focusing on grievance and specializing in victimology, all born at the gunpoint of the Berkeley tactics that had been validated by Clark Kerr in 1964.  For at least 30 years those new departments have been spreading the lie of American and western civilizational evil, tarted up as academic theory and gradually oozing outward to infect all aspects of campus life with the new university ethic: Ideology over rigorous analysis, mandatory beliefs over rational inquiry, and — above all — feelings over facts.

Black Opera Alliance Calls for Removal of David N. Tucker from Richard Tucker Foundation Position for Racist Comments



…….”It appears that David Tucker, a son of the famed opera singer, the late Richard Tucker, spoke out on social media referring to rioters as « thugs ».  To be sure, some of the rioters were Black, but also included members of other races, most if not all Americans.  No use of racial epithets has been reported, however, on the complaint of an organization calling itself the «  Black Opera Alliance », Mr. Tucker was removed from the Tucker Foundation board due to the statement of his opinion.

I do not question the right of the Black Opera Organization to speak out on a matter that concerns it’s members.  Such organizations are protected by the Constitution.  It is the action by the Foundation that is deplorable as a violation of Mr. Tucker’s right of free speech even as narrowed by state laws which criminalize “ hate speech”.

Were Mr. Tucker to challenge removal as a violation of rights guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution, his suit would stand a reasonable likelihood of success if fairly adjudged on a non political basis and if properly brought would present the Supreme Court with an excellent opportunity to define the meaning of free speech in a time when this right, central to freedom, is under attack by the political left.

Freedom House, a non political civil liberties organization, publishes annually ratings based on how free a country is deemed to be (Freedom House.org).  Criteria include free speech, free press, freedom of religion, among other rights deemed essential in a free society.  The United States has always received the highest rating, a One.  Countries that are rated lowest (their grade is Seven) include China, Iran, North Korea and Cuba. “

Mandated Diversity Training By Eileen F. Toplansky


Most schools and businesses mandate that their employees take a “Diversity: Inclusion in the Modern Workplace” (EDU) online training course.  Under the umbrella of compassion for all, it is a well-crafted collection of leftwing radical propaganda.   Thus, one learns that “[a]n identity transition describes the process of shifting from a central identity and its associated beliefs and behaviors to the integration of another identity, e.g., a formerly childless person finds out they [sic] are going to become a parent.”

Sounds innocent enough.  And then the program turns to intersectionality which “builds on the idea of multiple identities by viewing them within their social and historical contexts of power, privilege, and discrimination, [emphasis mine] i.e., a young white woman may experience sexism because of her gender. And though she may share a ‘female identity’ with an Hispanic woman who is 62 years old and disabled, she would not share the added experiences of racism, ageism, and ableism by virtue of the race, age and disability.”

The unsuspecting reader has been subtly led to believe that being white is problematic because she is guilty of having privilege.

Under “Workplace Identity Negotiations,” Racial Identity-based Impression Management (RIM) is a process whereby individuals negotiate the way they look, act, and speak ‘in order to influence perceptions of racial identity group membership and characteristics.'”  Thus, “in a 2014 study about the work experiences of Asian American journalists, researchers identified four central strategies of RIM: Avoidance, Enhancement, Affiliation, and Racial Humor.”

In such vagueness does the Left prosper and become ubiquitous. Turgid titles and ambiguous meaning rule the day.

Silencing The Song of the South By Gamaliel Isaac


Splash Mountain was a thrilling log flume ride for children in Disney’s Magic Kingdom.  Children were taken on an exciting ride past animatronic characters singing classic songs from the 1946 Disney movie The Song of the South.  Alas, our woke culture is not happy with Splash Mountain or Song of the South.  Over twenty thousand people signed a petition asking that the characters of Splash Mountain be changed to those of The Princess and the Frog, a 2009 film featuring Disney’s first African-American princess.  Disney caved in.  Long before the petition Disney decided not to release Song of the South in any home video format in the United States and after streaming technology came along Disney decided not to stream the movie. 

Fortunately, Disney released the movie in other countries.  When I read about how racist Song of the South was, a skeptical light bulb went off in my head and I ordered a DVD to see if it was really so bad.  My children loved the movie and I enjoyed it too.  The last thing that movie is, is racist.  So why did Disney cave in to demands to prevent Americans from seeing it?

Song of the South is a musical based on stories that originated in Africa.  So censoring Song of the South censored stories by black people.  The stories were compiled by Joel Chandler Harris who grew up on a plantation and heard them from a slave called Uncle Bob Capers.  In 1880, Harris published his first book, Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings. In the book, he preserved the dialect of Uncle Bob Capers.  The book was an instant success, and Harris went on to publish another ten books of stories from Uncle Remus.  Walt Disney grew up reading those stories and one of his ambitions was to bring them to the silver screen.  His idea was to have both animated characters and people together in the same movie.  Walt Disney in his effort to be faithful to the stories kept the dialect of Uncle Remus although he simplified it somewhat so that it would be more understandable to general audiences.