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‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Is Just the Beginning Libraries are the new culture-war battleground as woke politics invade some of America’s most enlightened and democratic institutions. By James Panero


In 2006 the American Library Association offered its members buttons emblazoned “radical militant librarian.” We should have taken the message at its word. The American library, once a haven of neutral calm, has become a battleground in the culture wars.

In 2018 the ALA dropped the name of Laura Ingalls Wilder from its annual children’s literature award. The reason? The supposed culturally insensitive portrayals in her landmark “Little House on the Prairie” series. Three years later, the organization issued a “Resolution to Condemn White Supremacy and Fascism as Antithetical to Library Work.” It claimed that “libraries have upheld and encouraged white supremacy both actively through discriminatory practices and passively through a misplaced emphasis on neutrality.”

The quiet, neutral library was out. Full-throated progressive politics were in. As Emily Drabinski, who was recently elected president of the ALA, said on her website: “So many of us find ourselves at the ends of our worlds. The consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here.”

The condemnation of the history of the American library, by its own gatekeepers, has done more than bring “Drag Queen Story Hour” to children’s reading rooms. It has also upended the library’s traditional role as an organization primarily dedicated to the acquisition, preservation and circulation of books. This radical overhaul is the work of some of America’s largest cultural philanthropies.

Last month the Mellon Foundation hosted a panel discussion on the American library with Mellon president Elizabeth Alexander, ALA executive director Tracie D. Hall and Los Angeles City Librarian John F. Szabo. “Library workers are on the front lines of some of our most pressing social justice issues,” began the discussion. They are “no longer relegated to the reference desk.”

What does this all mean? For one, that today’s librarians mock “the shushing part” of the traditional library: “I can’t think of too many contemporary library spaces I’ve been in where the librarian is going to be a shusher,” Ms. Hall said. “I probably was the librarian that others might have wanted to shush.” The panel spoke of “fulfilling the promise of what libraries were meant to be in terms of equity” through sewing classes, co-working spaces and “entrepreneurial incubators.”

Candace Video: Able-Bodied Norwegian Man Now Identifies as Disabled Woman No limits to the madness.


A Norwegian man who identifies as a woman has inspired ire on social media for also identifying as disabled and using a wheelchair despite not physically needing one. Candace sheds light on just how surreal the Woke trans agenda is. Don’t miss it!

VIDEO: Biological Male Wins Miss America in New Hampshire Teen Beauty Pageant


Brían Nguyen, a biological male who identifies as female has won Miss Greater Derry 2023 in New Hampshire, making Nguyen the first transgender titleholder within the Miss America Organization.

“In the 100 year history of Miss America, I have officially become the FIRST transgender titleholder within the Miss America Organization,” Nguyen said in an Instagram post.

Watch Below:

“No words can describe the feeling of having the opportunity to serve my community and represent my community for the very first time at Miss New Hampshire,” Nguyen added. “I am so honored to be crowned your new Miss Greater Derry 2023, and I am thrilled to show you all what I have up my sleeves. This will be an amazing year.”

Along with the crown and title, Nguyen has also earned a scholarship.

The Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program touts itself as an entity that has been “providing scholarship opportunities to young women in the greater Derry area since 1987,” according to its website.

The Miss Greater Derry pageant is also “part of the Miss New Hampshire and Miss America family,” the program adds.

Over the past few years, biological males have been increasingly dominating in areas traditionally held by women.

Last summer, Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies as a woman, won the title of Miss Nevada USA. Transgender models Valentina Sampaio and Leyna Bloom have both appeared in Sports Illustrated‘s annual Swimsuit Issue.

Biological males are also destroying women in sports.

The Origins of Woke A forgotten satirical book from the nineties predicted cancel culture. Phoebe Maltz Bovy


At a church book sale in my Toronto neighborhood, I found The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook, a bestseller by Henry Beard and Christopher Cerf first published 30 years ago. I always gravitate to books like this—first to see whether there is anything new in this world, and then to remind myself that the overly simplistic answer is no. (See also the 1995 compendium Debating Sexual Correctness. The #MeToo discourse existed prior to #MeToo.) It seems we’re living through a kind of 1990s revival—fueled, I suspect, by nostalgia for pre-Covid, pre-9/11, pre-internet times. Or maybe just by teenagers’ timeless desire to dress the way everyone did decades ago.

The front cover of the dictionary shows a man, a woman, and a dog, each affixed with labels such as “hair disadvantaged” (he’s balding), “woman of noncolor” (she’s white), and “nonhuman animal companion” (it’s a shaggy dog). None of them, though especially the woman and the dog, would be out of place in a 2022 farmers market. (Again: cyclical fashions.)

The back cover bears a warning: “Be sensitive or else!,” with the follow-up, “Welcome to the nineties. But you better watch what you say. If you’re not politically correct, not even your pet—oops, your animal companion­—will love you anymore.” Beard’s author bio begins, “Although Henry Beard is a typical product of elitist educational institutions and a beneficiary of a number of negative action programs, he has struggled to overcome his many severe privileges.” And Cerf’s: “Christopher Cerf is a melanin-impoverished, temporarily abled, straight, half-Anglo-, half-Jewish-American male.” Privilege disclaimers in the early 1990s! I had to have it.   

Why Are Media Ignoring This Muslim Mayor’s Racism And Alleged Election Fraud In Michigan? By: Benjamin Baird


The media blackout of this Michigan mayor’s racist and supremacist views is part of a larger societal trend.

The mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, Ameer Haiderah Ghalib, was recently exposed for mocking black political demonstrations and endorsing comments that referred to African Americans as “animal” and “inhuman.” He also accused Arab world leaders of being secret Jews and “liked” a Facebook post calling Jews “monkeys” who tax “the air we breathe.”

Ghalib, the first Muslim mayor in Hamtramck’s 100-year history, even admitted to committing a potential case of voter fraud by filling out absentee ballots for about 20 families during the 2020 presidential primary. Both the FBI and the Michigan secretary of state’s office have looked into the allegation.

Yet, in the era of “cancel culture,” when activist reporters have all but abandoned investigative reporting in favor of opinionated call-outs, not a column inch has been devoted to documenting the misdeeds of an internationally known public official. Black political activists have failed to march a single city block in opposition to Ghalib’s anti-black racism, and Jewish rights organizations are silent in the face of antisemitic dog whistles.

Who, exactly, gets offended by ‘cultural appropriation’? By Thomas Lifson


We live in an age of mass stupidity, with totally ridiculous notions elevated to the status of self-righteous causes. But among the most absurd complaints that predominantly young wokesters embrace is the censure of what they call “cultural appropriation.” By this, they mean people of one ethnicity using cultural artifacts of another culture.

Having lived in Japan, which eagerly embraced Westernization more than 150 years ago, and where classical music is far more popular than in the United States, this seems an odd complaint. Cultural appropriation has made Japan rich, diverse, and happy. McDonald’s is the biggest restaurant chain, thiough sushi and ramen remain immensely popular too. It is a delightful mix of opportunities for fun in every realm of human endeavor, with all the world’s cultural achievements available for sa,p[ling on today’s Japan. 

The wokesters, of course, have no knowledge of such matters, and focus almost exclusively on complaining about Caucasians dressing, eating, singing, or otherwise sampling cultures which the wokesters have decided are victims.

But what they fail to understand is the cultural pride almost everyone feels when others find their own practices worthy of emulation.

Hearing Witness Claims Hawley Inciting Anti-Trans ‘Violence’ by Asking if Women Get Pregnant


A law professor accused Senator Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) of being “transphobic” during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Tuesday when he questioned her use of the phrase “people with the capacity for pregnancy” as a substitution for “women.” But in a 2020 law review article related to pregnancy, the same academic used the word “woman” 45 times and “women” 349 times.

Khiara M. Bridges, a professor at the UC Berkeley School of Law, testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings dedicated to exploring legal concerns regarding the formal overturn of Roe v. Wade.

In her testimony, Bridges almost entirely refrained from using the word “woman,” and instead resorted to gender-neutral language such as “people” and “people with the capacity for pregnancy.”

Senator Hawley questioned Bridges’ choice of rhetoric. Their exchange was as follows:

Senator Hawley: “Professor Bridges … you’ve referred to ‘people with the capacity for pregnancy.’ Would that be women?”

Bridges: “Many women, cis-women have the capacity for pregnancy. Many cis-women do not have the capacity for pregnancy. There are also trans men who capable of pregnancy, as well as non-binary people who are capable of pregnancy.”

Jordan Peterson in Hot Water over Pronouns (Again) By Christopher Paslay


God bless Jordan Peterson.  “Up yours, woke moralists,” Peterson told Twitter in a recent podcast when they suspended his account for tweeting a missive that apparently used incorrect gender pronouns and somehow violated Twitter’s ambiguous and purposely vague rules of conduct.  

Peterson wrote: “Remember when Pride was a sin?  And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.”  Peterson is not bending to the woke mob, and says he’d rather die than delete his tweet.  Good for him.

Contrary to woke dogma, gender pronouns are meaningless.  Put another way, they are incoherent and indefinable, and when explored with any logic or rigor, they unravel into mush.  They violate basic grammar rules and create confusion in both the speaker and listener.  Using “they/them” as singular pronouns causes ambiguity and problematizes communication, and destabilizes established cultural and linguistic norms.  Further, because modern gender ideology teaches that gender is fluid and not fixed, pronouns can change at any time for any reason.

According to NPR’s “A Guide to Gender Identity Terms,” a person could identify as “he/they” or “she/they” simultaneously.  Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, deputy executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, who contributed to NPR’s guide, elaborates: “That means that the person uses both pronouns, and you can alternate between those when referring to them. So either pronoun would be fine — and ideally mix it up, use both.  It just means that they use both pronouns that they’re listing.”

Another Liberal Celebrity Bravely Tells Truth About Transgenderism By Matt Margolis


If you dare to speak out against transgender ideology, you’ll likely find yourself censored from social media and ostracized by your woke friends. The far left has highly politicized the issue of transgenderism, using its influence in pop culture and government to brainwash the public, particularly children, and force them into compliance with bully tactics.

So when someone on the left dares to speak out, it’s noteworthy. Why? Because they know the risks of doing so and have decided the truth is more important. As such, I applaud Grammy-winning singer Macy Gray for having the courage to speak the truth during her recent interview with Piers Morgan.

Morgan said he believed that transgender people deserve “fairness and equality,” and Gray agreed; however, he did point out that when it comes to sports, males have a clear biological advantage over females, and Gray agreed.

“I totally agree,” Gray told him. “And I will say this, and everybody’s going to hate me, but as a woman, just because you go change your parts doesn’t make you a woman. Sorry.”

“You feel that,” Morgan followed up.

Bette Midler sparks debate by saying trans-inclusive language erases women By Samantha Ibrahim


Bette Midler caught some fire on Twitter on Monday when she tweeted about the trans community and the language used to describe them.

The “Hocus Pocus” star, 76, scribed: “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name!”

“They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators,’ and even ‘people with vaginas!’ Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you,” she continued.

Fans slammed the “First Wives Club” star for her tweets about women and the LGBTQ community on

Twitter users slammed Midler on social media, with several arguing that her words were false.

“Really disappointed in this as a trans man and a Bette Midler fan. Bette, including trans men in the conversation about reproductive health does not harm women. We have the same organs, and even greater vulnerability, as cis woman,” one person replied to the “First Wives Club” alum.