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What’s so triggering about The Canterbury Tales? University students are being treated like oversensitive morons. Joanna Williams


Over the past decade, universities have slapped ‘trigger warnings’ on everything from children’s books to entire fields of law. They have warned archaeology students about bones, theology students about the crucifixion and forensic-science students about dead bodies. In 2022, it was reported that over 1,000 books on university reading lists – including classic works by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare – warned students about everything from racism and sexism to murder and suicide. Now, The Canterbury Tales can be added to this list of shame.

The Mail on Sunday reported at the weekend that the University of Nottingham is warning students that Geoffrey Chaucer’s epic poem contains ‘expressions of Christian faith’. The Canterbury Tales – as anyone with even a passing knowledge of literature knows – follows a group of pilgrims as they entertain each other with stories on their way to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. In other words, the clue to this being an ‘expression of Christian faith’ is right there in the title. Nottingham’s English literature lecturers must think students are stupid.

How on Earth did our once learned institutions end up in such a ridiculous situation? Trigger warnings took off on American campuses a decade ago before quickly crossing the Atlantic. The idea behind them, proponents argued, was to give students a heads up about distressing content. Those who had experienced sexual assault, abuse or violence could then protect themselves from ‘triggering’ flashbacks by leaving class or employing coping strategies. In this way, trigger warnings came to be seen as compassionate. And if some compassion is good, the argument went, then more is clearly better. Warnings about every negative element of human existence soon came to be sprinkled liberally across reading lists and course guides. Indeed, even the word ‘trigger’ was removed from what became ‘content warnings’ for fear it might harm students who had witnessed gun violence.

Meanwhile, a growing number of psychologists questioned the use of such warnings. Some argued they simply did not work and that victims of assault were far more likely to experience flashbacks as a result of a random colour or smell than reading an academic text. Others went further and argued they ‘might exacerbate negative reactions or promote avoidance behaviours’.

These debates about the efficacy of trigger warnings take at face value that their purpose is to protect traumatised students. They miss the point that their use has long since morphed into something else altogether. Those issuing warnings today are likely to see all students as vulnerable and in need of protection – not so much from descriptions of assault, but mainly from politically dubious content. The warning Nottingham University has attached to The Canterbury Tales perfectly illustrates this trend.

If lecturers felt compelled to give a heads up to students who had experienced trauma, violent scenes abound in Chaucer’s work. There’s the grim pursuit of death in ‘The Pardoner’s Tale’ that leads to one murder by stabbing and two by poisoning. ‘The Monk’s Tale’ goes one better. It features cannibalism, poisoning, hanging, beheading, suicide and children starving to death. The Wife of Bath – who was hit round the head by a former husband until she lost her hearing in one ear – tells of a young ‘mayde’ who was raped by a ‘lusty bacheler’ from King Arthur’s court. Meanwhile, the young wife in ‘The Clerk’s Tale’ is forced to obey her husband, even when he convinces her he has had their children executed. Then there’s the Prioress who relays a story of blood libel. A young boy, she tells her fellow pilgrims, was wandering in a Jewish ghetto, innocently singing songs in praise of the Virgin Mary, when he had his throat cut, his entrails removed and his body thrown into a sewage pit. He reappears before his grieving mother in ghost-like form.

Department of Education Grants Found to Support Classes Taught by Radical Anti-Israel Professors Haley Strack


The Department of Education has granted millions of dollars in funding to university programs that tout anti-Israel professors, a new report from Open the Books revealed on Tuesday.

More than $22 million has been allocated to support at least a dozen foreign studies programs at top universities that feature anti-Israel staff members. The DOE awards universities Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) grants “to assist graduate students in foreign language and either international studies or area studies,” the department says on its website, which Open the Books found have been used to support the work of multiple anti-Israel faculty members.

Columbia University’s Middle East program received $2.8 million in FLAS grants between the years 2020–24, Open the Books reported, which it secured by way of grant applications that spotlighted the work of Joseph Massad, among others. A professor in the school’s Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies (MESAAS) Department, Massad, called Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel “a stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance” and has spoken before at Columbia on “Zionism and Jewish Supremacy.” On a 2018 FLAS grant application, Columbia listed Massad as a faculty member who is “strong on contemporary politics, with tremendous geographic range” and said that lauded his work teaching “courses that focus on the modern history, gender, political economy, international relations, politics and culture of the region.”

Matias Ahrensdorf, Leo Grunschlag A New Hope for K-12 Education Emet Classical Academy is the first Jewish school devoted to the core texts of Western civilization.


In early September, as New York’s children returned to the classroom, the city witnessed a landmark in educational history. Forty pioneering students—fifth-, sixth-, and ninth-graders—became the inaugural cohort at Emet Classical Academy, the first Jewish school founded on the principles of classical education. 

The need for classical alternatives to traditional public education has intensified in recent years, as political indoctrination—often including anti-American rhetoric, gender ideology, and anti-Semitic propaganda—is increasingly inflicted on public school students. The classical education movement’s response to these developments is to remove political bias from the classroom, focusing instead on equipping students with foundational knowledge and fostering logic, critical thinking, and an appreciation for the core texts of Western civilization.

Emet Academy’s commitment to “take your child as far as he or she can go” is a useful encapsulation of its approach. Along with teaching classic texts, the school also offers a rigorous STEM program. Its Judaic studies program, which encompasses the Tanakh and Talmudic reasoning, sets it apart from other classical institutions. Classes are taught seminar-style to facilitate serious discussions about the material, and to allow students to hone their public-speaking and debate skills. Electives are offered by experts in their respective fields—music, by an orchestrator from the Manhattan School of Music; theater, by a professional Shakespearean actor; a philosophy-of-math course—for the most advanced ninth-grade students—by a renowned mathematician.

Dr. Abraham Unger, Emet’s founding head of school, highlighted the importance of keeping political bias out of the classroom. “To impose ideology on a text is really to halt the progress of humanity,” he said. An emphasis on ideology has led many curricula, he said, to lose a sense of “how to move the human prospect forward.”

Free Speech Impediment Meet our nation’s college students: anti-free speech zealots. by Larry Sand


It has now been 60 years since the birth of the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley. It all started in mid-September 1964, when the school’s dean of students banned tables and political activity along the Bancroft strip, a 26-foot stretch of sidewalk near Telegraph Avenue. Students protested, cops were called in and angry students surrounded the police car. Thousands subsequently joined the crusade, and activist Mario Savio emerged as the leader of the burgeoning Free Speech Movement. The events at Berkeley garnered national attention.

Once again, colleges are ground zero for the free speech issue.But now things have turned 180 degrees, as many studentsactively try to quash speech they don’t agree with.

According to a new survey from the Knight Foundation, 70% of college students say that speech can be just as damaging as physical violence. The survey polled more than 1,600 college students and found that “2024 marks a crisis for free speech on college campuses…”

The poll revealed that more than a quarter agreed that it was more important for schools to “protect students by prohibiting speech they may find offensive or biased” rather than prioritizing allowing students to hear a wide range of viewpoints, including possibly offensive ones.

Another poll, the 2024 American College Student Freedom, Progress and Flourishing Survey, found that 71% of college students maintain that a professor who expresses “offensive”ideas should be reported to the university. Other eye-opening results include:

• About a third of students want professors to drop uncomfortable readings.
• One-quarter want them to avoid uncomfortable discussion topics.
• A third of students said a professor should be reported for contending there is no evidence of anti-black bias in police shootings.

The Antisemitism Is the Point By Jim Geraghty


What ‘Anti-Zionist’ Really Means

This planet is full of people who just want to kill Jews, and this country has no shortage of people who just want to cheer on the murderers.

I hate to begin your Monday morning with such a bracing statement, but that’s the lesson of the past year.

When’s the last time you saw a college campus with a protest against the Chinese government’s ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs? (Perhaps the students are just following the guidance of billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya: “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, okay?”)

Russia has kidnapped an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 Ukrainian children over the course of the war, sending them deeper into Russian-occupied territory or to Russia, and a couple hundred have been shipped off to a boot camp, where the Russians are training them to become child soldiers against their own homeland. This is separate from the 11,743 Ukrainian civilians killed during the war through August, the 24,614 injured, and the 168 summary executions of civilians, including five children, committed by the invading forces.

Anybody on campus want to march in the quad about that?

When’s the last time you saw a college campus with a protest against the Taliban and its nightmarish oppression of women? How many college students even know that the Taliban has now banned all women from public spaces — banned their faces, banned their voices?

Anybody seen any campus protests against the Iranian government’s rapidly increasing rate of executions — in August, 29 executions in one day?

Have you seen any college protests against the Houthis’ “partial and limited reintroduction” of slavery and child marriages?

There are ongoing “atrocities against Black African ethnic groups in Sudan — wrenchingly similar to the Darfur genocide here two decades ago.” Nicholas Kristof reports:

After two military factions started a civil war in 2023, one of them — a descendant of the janjaweed called the Rapid Support Forces, armed and supported by the United Arab Emirates — tried once again to drive Black Africans from Darfur. Naima recounted the same pattern I heard from so many people: The militia surrounded her village, lined up men and boys, then shot them one by one.

“We’re going to get rid of this Black trash,” she quoted the Arab gunmen saying.

Then the gunmen went house to house to kill, plunder and rape. Mostly, those they raped were girls and women, she said, but they also raped at least one man.

Do these black lives matter? Apparently not, judging from the lack of reaction of the overwhelming majority of America’s college students.

Free Speech Impediment Too many of our nation’s college students are anti-free speech zealots. By Larry Sand


It has now been 60 years since the birth of the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley. It all started in mid-September 1964, when the school’s dean of students banned tables and political activity along the Bancroft strip, a 26-foot stretch of sidewalk near Telegraph Avenue. Students protested, cops were called in and angry students surrounded the police car. Thousands subsequently joined the crusade, and activist Mario Savio emerged as the leader of the burgeoning Free Speech Movement. The events at Berkeley garnered national attention.

Once again, colleges are ground zero for the free speech issue. But now things have turned 180 degrees, as many students actively try to quash speech they don’t agree with.

According to a new survey from the Knight Foundation, 70% of college students say that speech can be just as damaging as physical violence. The survey polled more than 1,600 college students and found that “2024 marks a crisis for free speech on college campuses…”

The poll revealed that more than a quarter agreed that it was more important for schools to “protect students by prohibiting speech they may find offensive or biased” rather than prioritizing allowing students to hear a wide range of viewpoints, including possibly offensive ones.

Another poll, the 2024 American College Student Freedom, Progress and Flourishing Survey, found that 71% of college students maintain that a professor who expresses “offensive” ideas should be reported to the university. Other eye-opening results include:

About a third of students want professors to drop uncomfortable readings.
One-quarter want them to avoid uncomfortable discussion topics.
A third of students said a professor should be reported for contending there is no evidence of anti-black bias in police shootings.
A quarter contends that a professor should be reported for saying COVID vaccinations shouldn’t be required.
More than one in five students declare that a professor should be reported for asserting that biological sex is a scientific fact.
Just under one in five students said a professor should be reported for saying that affirmative action is doing more harm than good.
14% would report a professor who accused affirmative action opponents of perpetuating white privilege.
56% of students would report a classmate for saying something they thought was offensive.

Hannah E. Meyers Days of Awe This is the week for universities to reestablish community around open, civilized debate.


The anniversary of the October 7 massacre in Israel falls during Judaism’s ten “Days of Awe.” This is the charged period between Rosh Hashanah, when fates for the coming year are inscribed in the Book of Life, and Yom Kippur, when they are sealed. All across America, Jews will be chanting in unison this year’s communal sins and beseeching: “For all of these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement!” Jews stand before their fate, not as individuals, but as a community.

This will also be “The Week of Rage,” when anti-Israel groups on America’s campuses will chant in unison for the annihilation of Jews—now entering their 5,785th calendar year—and their nation-state. They will openly express their support for terrorism: killing, raping, and torturing civilians to achieve political goals. “By any means necessary!” they will call out. They will wave the insignias of Hamas and Hezbollah, for whom the goal is death to America and death to Israel—and while they’re at it, death to homosexuals, to political rivals, and even to their own children, if it results in their gaining power. As a community, they stand behind an ideological vision as intolerant in its aims as it is savage in the means it chooses to pursue them.

Sensibly enough, considering what we’ve seen on American campuses over the last year, many universities are planning extra security, erecting additional barriers to movement around their quads and buildings. So far this semester, however, similar strategies have failed to quell the rage: students from Pittsburgh to Michigan have been beaten or slashed for being identifiably Jewish. Creating truly safe campuses will require more than purely defensive measures.

To work a genuine transformation in campus safety this week and onward, universities need to confront the problem as a community. They must embrace the American community tradition, which thrives by welcoming disagreement.

Hundreds of Anti-Israel Protesters Demonstrate at Columbia on Anniversary of 10/7 By Alex Welz


Anti-Israel demonstrations returned to Columbia University on Monday, marking one year since Hamas’s 2023 massacre and kidnapping of innocent Israelis.

These came as part of a wider protest known as Students Flood NYC for Gaza, organized by the pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime. This followed a coordinated student walkout in support of the Palestinians that included hundreds of students. Nearby, pro-Israel demonstrators could be seen waving Israeli flags and calling attention to the hostages taken by Hamas. Pro-Palestinian protesters later swarmed the 110th Street subway station, expanding their activities beyond campus.

In the days leading up to the protests, Columbia University interim president Katrina Armstrong introduced additional security measures in anticipation of campus clashes. “We anticipated and have been preparing for a period of uncertainty in the coming days,” university spokeswoman Samantha Slater told the Columbia Spectator. Barricades were erected across campus in an attempt to quell any ensuing unrest.

In preparation for the event, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, another pro-Palestinian campus organization, encouraged attendees to conceal their identities. This included wearing all-black clothing, covering up any tattoos/piercings, and wearing masks (allowing one to be “protected from surveillance”). The organization even urged students to avoid using the university Wi-Fi or their Columbia-affiliated email addresses to communicate.

Classical v. Unclassical Curricula Welcome to the school-based culture wars. by Larry Sand


Chad Aldeman, a Virginia-based researcher who focuses on education-related issues, recently detailed the educational experience of his daughter, who completed sixth grade in June. He writes that her teachers didn’t use textbooks, assign homework, or expect kids to study at home for tests, didn’t teach kids to sound out words, and didn’t drill times tables. He also mentions that there were no spelling tests, students didn’t practice handwriting of any kind, cursive or otherwise, and didn’t learn the 50 states and their capitals, let alone world geography.

Aldeman is very concerned by this shift, arguing that her educational experience has “reduced instructional time devoted to science and social studies and emphasized isolated skills such as critical thinking or reading comprehension over teaching students a coherent body of knowledge and facts.”

The scenario spelled out by Aldeman is hardly an isolated case, as traditional pedagogical fads have replaced tried and true methods. Additionally, political causes in education are frequently front and center to the detriment of traditional learning. In a 2022 statement, the National Council of Teachers of English declared: “The time has come to decenter book reading and essay-writing as the pinnacles of English language arts education.” Instead, teachers are urged to focus on “media literacy” and short texts that students feel are “relevant.”

In many places, the curriculum has taken a Marxist turn. In New York City, students now receive lessons critical of capitalism, that black Americans should receive reparations, that student loans are equivalent to “debt peonage,” and the feasibility of abolishing the police.

In Evanston, IL, the district is loaded with Critical Race Theory bilge. Schools there are committed to equity and to “identifying practices, policies, and institutional barriers, including institutional racism and privilege, which perpetuate opportunity and achievement gaps.”

One of the many new trends in education is the teaching of ethnic studies, which means different things in different locales. In the state of Washington, where ethnic studies is a graduation requirement, its main goal is to “dismantle white supremacy.”

What Happens to All the Unnecessary DEI Workers? By Robert Weissberg


Recall the adage to be careful of what you wish for… you might just get it. This sage advice is currently being demonstrated in the decline of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) crusade. Scarcely a week passes without major corporations and universities ending their DEI programs but unfortunately, these cutbacks hardly mean the end of DEI; it may even get worse. The reality is that the thousands of newly unemployed functionaries plus countless would-be DEI commissars are not about to disappear.

Particularly worrying that DEI functionaries are disproportionately middle-class African Americans, and unlike politically voiceless Kentucky coal miners now unemployed due to the push for green energy, they will not quietly go out to pasture on government doles.

Now for the “you may get what you wish for” bad news: the federal government is likely to pick up the slack, and the armies of now unemployed DEI functionaries and future racial preference experts will undoubtedly find a home in the vast federal bureaucracy. In a sense, this recalls the Great Depression, when the federal government served as the employer of last resort. Now, however, rather than build the next Hoover dam, these new hires will push Washington to ensure that that the federal workforce “looks like America” while prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion.

The federal government has already gone on a DEI hiring spree. On the first day of his administration (January 20th, 2021), Biden issued an Executive Order, to “…Advance Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.”