Education is the top issue in the Virginia governor’s race.
That’s usually not a good topic for Republicans, because the Democrats typically make it a referendum on spending more money.
But this year, this issue is not how much money is being spent on education; it’s how the money is being spent in the public schools.
Last year, parents got a better glimpse into how local schools spend taxpayer dollars. It wasn’t pretty.
If money wasn’t being wasted on critical race theory, it was being wasted on critical gender theory. Parents watched in horror as their kids were taught less about math, science and critical thinking skills and more about how they were either racist or victims, about how they may not be either boys or girls, and worse, about how evil and corrupt America truly is.
One thing has become readily apparent over the last year and a half in the United States. Everybody needs more critical thinking skills and the courage to apply those skills to everyday life. We might as well start teaching them to the children.
You can’t believe everything you read in the paper these days. In fact, you really can’t believe anything you read in the paper. When our politicians say something, don’t take it face value. They may not be willfully lying to you, but they are not telling you the whole truth. When health experts like Tony Fauci say something, get a second opinion. Fauci is not infallible. And for God’s sake, be careful with the internet. There is a lot of nonsense being spewed forth on social media.
The fight over our nation’s schools is long overdue.
Our education establishment has been failing our children and our nation for far too long.