In August 2014 the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga deemed student Corey Mock guilty of sexual assault, finding that in the disputed encounter he failed to prove he had obtained “affirmative consent” from the accuser. According to Mr. Mock’s unrebutted testimony, the female student’s actions during intercourse led him to believe that she had consented to sex. Mr. Mock sued the school, and a Tennessee judge ruled in his favor. “Affirmative consent,” the judge wrote, “is flawed and untenable if due process is to be afforded.” The standard “erroneously shifted the burden of proof” to the accused.
Mr. Mock’s experience is hardly unique. State laws in California, Connecticut and New York require educational institutions to find against students or personnel accused of sexual misconduct unless they can prove the accuser gave “affirmative consent,” meaning a positive manifestation by words or actions of consent to each sex act during an encounter. In practice, as Janet Halley of Harvard Law School has noted, these statutes authorize “proceedings in which the decision maker effectively presumes guilt and requires the accused to disprove it.”
In the past few years thinkers and politicians of diverse ideologies have recognized the excessively punitive nature of the American criminal justice system. Against this backdrop, it’s incredible that the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates plans this week to consider a resolution that would urge legislatures and courts to redefine criminal sexual assault and apply standards like the one in the Mock case.
The resolution, originally advanced by the ABA’s Criminal Justice Section and Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, says that the law should “define consent in sexual assault cases as the assent of a person who is competent to give consent to engage in a specific act of sexual penetration, oral sex, or sexual contact” and “provide that consent is expressed by words or action in the context of all the circumstances.”