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Harvard professor out as dean amid backlash for representing Harvey Weinstein Joey Garrison


BOSTON – A Harvard Law School professor who became a lightning rod on the Ivy League campus for working on the legal defense team of Harvey Weinstein has been let go as a faculty dean.

Neither Ronald Sullivan Jr. nor his wife, Stephanie Robinson, will continue as faculty deans of Harvard’s Winthrop House when their terms end next month, the university said Saturday.

Rakesh Khurana, dean of Harvard College, announced his decision in an email to residents of the school’s Winthrop House, calling the situation “untenable” and saying it was “informed by a number of considerations.”

Sullivan has been under fire from students since January when he emerged as one of the attorneys representing Weinstein in the media mogul’s upcoming trial where he faces multiple sex-crime charges.

Oregon Elementary School Teacher Tried to Convince 8-Year-Old Student He’s Transgender By Michael van der Galien


It doesn’t get much crazier than this. According to KPTV-TV, an Oregon elementary school teacher tried to convince an 8-year-old student that he was transgender. The schoolteacher did this without involving the parents. The result? The boy is now aggressive, depressed and confused.

The teacher at Nellie Muir Elementary School in Woodburn targeted the boy for transgender indoctrination when he started using the staff restroom after a stomach issue made him feel uncomfortable about using the boys’ toilet. The teacher took the 8-year-old aside, spoke shortly to him, and then proceeded to share all kinds of transgender literature and videos with him. The teacher asked the boy several times whether he thought he was a girl and even held him out of recess in order to read transgender books and watch transgender videos. Oh, and to top it off, there were one-on-one conversations about transgenderism.

All this was done without the parents’ consent or even their knowledge. It only came out when the boy came home with a book about transgenderism and when he talked to a therapist (while crying his eyes out).

As The Blaze reports, the effects of the transgender propaganda on the boy have been significant:

“He feels different now, he feels confused,” the mother told the station, which didn’t reveal her identity or the father’s identity…

“Still today, a year later, if he plays with my niece, he’s a girl in that moment … if he plays with my nephew, he’s a boy,” the mother added to the station.

Also, the boy now shies away from playing with “girl” toys or playing “girl-related” games and underwent personality changes, becoming more depressed, aggressive, and isolated.



Hatred of Israel, and its close cousin, hatred of Jews, have been commonly held and expressed sentiments on college campuses in the US, Canada, and Europe in recent years. Anti-Israel speakers are invited to speak, paid handsome fees, and draw large audiences of enthusiastic students, faculty and administrators. Anti-Zionist groups, often dominated by Arab or Muslim students, proliferate and ally with groups representing other minority groups in an effort to create an intersectionality of interests, where various minority groups all rally in support of any of the causes any of the individual identity groups support. Groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and the misnamed Jewish Voices for Peace, regularly taunt and harass pro-Israel students, disrupt meetings and talks by pro-Israel groups, and try to prevent pro-Israel speakers from appearing on campus.

Even at schools with a large percentage of Jewish students, university administrators appear to endorse actions directed at Jewish students or pro-Israel students though they never would allow similar activities directed against other minority groups they care to protect or favor.

Recently, Emory University gave its administrative stamp of approval to the posting of eviction notices by SJP on student dorm rooms (many of them with Jewish residents), meant to scare students and attempt to link the eviction threat to actions taken by Israeli authorities they falsely claim are routine in Israel and the West Bank.  In one of the lamest defenses ever offered for blatantly anti-Semitic activity on a college campus, a high-ranking Emory administrator offered this defense of the school’s approval of the eviction notice posting:“Emory interim vice president and vice provost Paul Marthers issued the initial statement. In justifying the posting of the flyers, Marthers stated they were “posted as part of a communication campaign by a student organization concerned with human rights in the Middle East.”

School May Erase Mural of George Washington Over Concerns It ‘Traumatizes Students’ By Katherine Timpf


There is nothing we can do to change some of the horrifying aspects of our history as a country. So how do we handle them?

A school district in Northern California is considering the removal of a mural depicting George Washington from George Washington High School over concerns that it “traumatizes students and community members.”

The panels of the mural had been painted in 1936 by Russian-American painter Victor Arnautoff, as part of a Works Progress Administration project during the New Deal. Now, a working group made up of several panels has concluded that the artwork might be upsetting to Native Americans and African Americans and should be removed from the walls of the school and archived.

“[San Francisco Unified School District] convened a ‘Reflection and Action Working Group’ that was comprised of members of the local Native American community, students, school representatives, district representatives, local artists and historians,” district spokeswoman Laura Dudnick, told The College Fix.

According to The Fix, the group received input during four public meetings from December 2018 to February 2019.

“At its conclusion the group voted and the majority recommended that the ‘Life of Washington’ mural be archived and removed because the mural does not represent SFUSD values,” Dudnick continued.

Ummah Day in Philadelphia By Marc A. Scaringi


Young schoolchildren attending the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia are being taught to be enemies of Jews and are being indoctrinated in the culture of violent Islamic jihad. This is extremely disturbing at any time, but even more so now with the rise in anti-Semitism and the horrific murders of innocent Jews from the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh to Chabad of Poway, north of San Diego.

On April 22, 2019, the Muslim American Society in Philadelphia uploaded a video of its “Ummah Day” celebration. Ummah Day is the time of year when Muslims come together and celebrate their cultural traditions. It’s about Muslim pride — as the Quran teaches, “You are the best community (Ummah) raised up for (the benefit of) humanity; enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in God…” (Quran 3:110). The video of their celebration, however, reveals something sinister is going on there.

In the video, young boys and girls dressed in traditional Muslim attire sing and recite what the Muslim American Society claims are traditional Muslim songs and poetry. But if you listen to the lyrics you will hear the boys singing, as they don the Palestinian keffiyeh, how they will fight to destroy Israel and reconquer Jerusalem with lines such as, “Glorious steeds call us and lead us onto paths leading to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The blood of martyrs protects us. Paradise needs real men!” and “Take us, oh ships, until we liberate our lands — until we reach our shores and crush the treacherous ones!

Philly “Fanaticism”, Or U.S. Muslim Children Taught “Classical” Islamic Jew-Hatred? Andrew Bostom

Chilling videos surfaced this past week (here; here) from an April 17, 2019 event sponsored by the mainstream, traditionalist Muslim American Society (MAS)—“one of the nation’s major Islamic groups”—at their Islamic Center in Philadelphia. Dubbed “Ummah [Global Muslim Community] Day,” the celebrations featured Muslim children intoning “you need force and the Koran,” then paying tribute to jihad murder martyrdom—sacrificing their “bodies and souls…without hesitation”—to kill “Zionists”, i.e., Jews. These “liberating” murderous actions—beheadings [Koran 8:12; 47:4]—would further cause their Jewish victims eternal Koranic [4:54-55, and 98:5-6; glossed, 4:54-55 and 98:5-6] damnation:

We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture.

Only on May 3rd, after exposure of these videos in the national press did the MAS provide a statement, transparent in its mendacity. The songs and declarations recorded for posterity and placed triumphantly on the MAS Philadelphia affiliate’s Facebook page, in all their ugliness, were “not properly vetted.” A spokesperson for the national MAS insisted on Sunday May 5th the video “does not represent our understanding of Islam, nor the understanding of the mainstream Muslim community,” and in response to media backlash, its Philadelphia affiliate’s Facebook page was shut down.

My Say: An Academic Umbrella for Bigots By Ruth King


There is a lot of justifiable hand wringing over the Israel bashing and overt anti-Semitism in American academia. The bias is correctly blamed on the leftist “progressives” who buy into the libels promoted by Moslem/Arab students and their campus affiliated organizations. It is no secret that Saudi Arabia has poured a huge sum of dollars both from government and private donors into American colleges to promote whitewashed Islamic studies and influence opinions on the Middle East. However, there is another culprit, namely the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) which feeds faculty to universities and colleges throughout the nation.

MESA promotes itself as: “…a private, nonprofit learned society that brings together scholars, educators and those interested in the study of the region from all over the world.”

Most of the “scholars” shamelessly upend Middle East history as follows:

The “learned society” soon sees to it that students who still bear an attachment to Israel “unlearn” Jewish historic religious ties to Palestine, the Balfour Declaration and the betrayal that deeded eighty percent of Mandate Palestine to the Hashemites with absolutely no historic ties to Palestine.

Instead, the narrative taught is that Israel is a colonialist state, which dispossessed an indigenous Arab population with Jewish Holocaust survivors, and now tramples on all Arab fundamental human rights. Furthermore, it follows that Israel’s “occupation” is the root cause of terrorism and instability in the region…..please continue at site

The Brainwashing of a Nation From campus identity politics cults to the media, brainwashing is bigger than ever. Daniel Greenfield


Brainwashing isn’t a secretive event that takes place in hidden rooms. No hypnotists or vials full of chemicals are required. It takes place every day on a massive scale across the United States.

Unlike Raymond Shaw in The Manchurian Candidate, brainwashing does not turn people into hypnotized zombies who would be ready to kill a presidential candidate at a command. Instead, it transforms them into the sort of people who would be willing to kill someone for political reasons.

The distinction is why so few people understand the sources of political radicalism and violence.

Brainwashing isn’t magic, but it can look like magic. The sleight of hand that causes us to think so is our firm belief in our reason and free will. It’s easier to believe in changing minds through hypnotism and drugs, than to understand, what the successful practitioners of brainwashing do, that the human mind is more malleable than we like to think, and that the subconscious is more powerful than the conscious.

The art and science of brainwashing is well known. We don’t know it because we choose not to.

Brainwashing happens every day. It doesn’t have to mean a complete transformation of identity. On the simplest level, it means compelling someone to believe something that isn’t true.

Justice Kavanaugh is Still Triggering the LeftBy Nicholas J. Kaster


Normally, one would expect that a university fortunate enough to get a sitting Supreme Court Justice to join its faculty would be receiving accolades from its students. But of course, these are not normal times. Thus, when George Mason University recently announced that Justice Brett Kavanaugh would co-teach (along with Professor Jennifer L. Mascott) a summer class at its Antonin Scalia Law School, the campus Left was seriously triggered.

Students immediately launched protests, a petition drive, and an ad campaign claiming that they would suffer harm due to the uncorroborated allegations of sexual assault made against Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings last fall.

Reason’s Robby Soave described the unhinged response:

‘The hiring of Kavanaugh threatens the mental well-being of all survivors on this campus,’ said one female student during the public comment period of GMU’s board meeting last week… Another student, a survivor of sexual violence, claimed that her mental health had already suffered as a result of the Antonin Scalia Law School’s decision to hire Kavanaugh. ‘It is affecting my mental health knowing that an abuser will be part of our faculty,’ she said. A third student said, ‘As someone who has survived sexual assault three times, I do not feel comfortable with someone who has sexual assault allegations walking on campus.’

Victory for State-Funded Hate Speech at UMass


Jew Haters CelebrateA Massachusetts state court has refused to block the University of Massachusetts, Amherst from hosting an anti-Semitic panel featuring  Linda Sarsour and Roger Waters. The court’s opinion recognized that “[t]he Verified Complaint and supporting legal papers reflect a genuine concern by the plaintiff students who filed this motion that the panel discussion will engender anti-Semitism.” Unfortunately, the court also ruled that Plaintiffs had a very high bar to overcome before the court could order the antisemitic event off campus. They had to prove that the speakers were likely to incite or produce “imminent lawless action” at the event, or that “any expected speaker has personally threatened any of the Plaintiffs with physical harm or any other type of harm.”

Anti-Israel hate groups like Jewish Voice for Peace have attempted to mischaracterize this lawsuit as an attack on their First Amendment rights. But, according to Karen Hurvitz, the attorney who filed the lawsuit on behalf of Jewish students, the lawsuit never challenged their rights to engage in free speech. It challenged the use of taxpayer monies to pay for discriminatory hate speech. Private individuals like Linda Sarsour are free to advocate for discrimination against Jews, and even for the destruction of the Jewish state. The Plaintiffs never tried to restrain that freedom. But government entities, like UMass Amherst, should not be free to involve themselves in private discrimination by placing their power, property, and prestige at Sarsour’s disposal.