Throughout the Anglosphere- America,Canada, England, Scotland, Australia, academic institutions and free speech are threatened by political correctness and lockstep leftist ideology. This is from Australia …rsk
The Australian government has announced that an independent review of free speech on university campuses will be undertaken by the Hon Mr Robert French AC, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia and current chancellor of the University of Western Australia, will be reviewing existing material, including codes of conduct, enterprise agreements, policy statements and strategic plans.The review comes after a series of controversies on campuses across Australia, where students and academic staff have been accused of stifling public debates.
This is also followed by an extensive research by the Institute of Public Affairs (‘IPA’). In 2017, the IPA recommended that Australian universities adopt the Chicago Statement or a similar declaration.The Chicago Statement recognises free speech on campus as an issue that carries the core mission of every university as a place of learning. It defends free and open inquiry in all matters, and guarantees the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge and learn. The Statement works as a set of guiding principles intended to demonstrate a strong commitment to freedom of speech and freedom of expression on college campuses.