Rutgers University president Jonathan Holloway held a town hall with students Thursday night aimed at offering the school community the opportunity to ask him questions. Before he was able to answer a single one, anti-Israel protesters unleashed chaos.
As Holloway attempted to address the crowd, “pro-Palestinian students interrupted the town hall and prevented the scheduled programming from happening. They shouted and tried to intimidate other students,” Rutgers student Sarah Shiner, who was in attendance Thursday night, told National Review.
The chants — as captured on video and shared on X — included slogans like “globalize the intifada,” “long live the intifada,” “from the river to the sea,” and “we don’t want no two-state; we want ’48.”
“What shocked me the most,” Shiner said, “was the fact that the Jews attending the town hall were escorted out by police, not the individuals protesting and breaking the rules.”
Holloway also had a police escort out of the building mere minutes into the event, leaving only half the security dispatched to the town hall there to protect the Jewish students who had come to ask their university’s president how he plans to handle antisemitism on their campus.
Shiner told NR that the environment on Rutgers’s campus is “extremely hostile” to Jewish students. The university’s student body recently voted in favor of two referenda calling on Rutgers to divest its endowment and academic affiliations from Israel. As the campaign in favor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement vote went on, anti-Israel students posted flyers featuring a photo of a Jewish student next to the words “Free Palestine” across campus.
Neither Holloway nor any other Rutgers administrator has addressed the targeted harassment, though Holloway did issue a statement after the BDS referenda saying he believes “in engagement, not isolation,” and opposes any divestment plan.