Rioters torched a police car at the Georgia Tech Police Department headquarters and fought with police Monday night in protest of a campus police shooting of a mentally ill student over the weekend.
About 50 agitators marched to the police station and rioted after a vigil earlier in the night to remember Scout Schultz, who was killed by officers after calling the Georgia Tech campus police on himself Saturday night.
Schultz, who had a history of mental illness, reported that a suspicious person was loose on campus, describing the suspect as “a white male with long blond hair, white T-shirt & blue jeans who is possibly intoxicated, holding a knife and possibly armed with a gun on his hip,” according to a statement from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
When police arrived on the scene, Schultz was walking around in a disoriented and unpredictable manner. Police shouted at him repeatedly to drop his knife.
“No one wants to hurt you, man,” said one of the officers.
But Shultz kept walking toward them and the police opened fire. A multi-tool with a knife was recovered from the scene. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Schultz left three suicide notes behind in a dormitory room. The 21-year-old Schultz identified as neither male or female and led the university’s Pride Alliance.
Atlanta Police were called in to help Georgia Tech police take control of the situation.
Chad Miller, a Tech alumnus taking part in the march, said he thought tear gas had been deployed. He said he was right behind the police car when it erupted into flames.
“All I heard was metal hitting metal,” Miller said. “I’m guessing it was fireworks, there were some pretty powerful ones.”
“I was marching with them until they got in front of the police station and then all hell broke loose.”
Miller said he saw one man who may have been a police officer throwing up and coughing.
A lawyer for the family said Schultz had a utility tool and the blade wasn’t out. They have questioned why police didn’t use non-lethal force.
Schultz was the head of the Georgia Pride Alliance, which had helped organize Monday night’s vigil. The group advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual individuals.
Rioters violently clashed with police as they tried to restore order. Antifa was present and probably behind much of the violence.