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Amherst Students Conduct ‘Sh–t In’ to Push Gender-Neutral Bathrooms “Involving over 220 students.”

In an effort to push gender-neutral bathrooms on campus, students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, are participating in a “sh–t in” by occupying restrooms in an administrative building.

Involving over 220 students, the “sh–t in” is currently being led by Amherst’s Gender Liberation Union. Throughout the week, students will be occupying bathroom stalls.

In an interview with HuffPo, “sh–t in” organizer Justin Killian, a gender and sexuality major (yes, that’s an actual thing) at Amherst, said the protest is about changing cultural aversions towards gender-bathrooms since Massachusetts law allows people to go into whatever bathroom they choose.

“We have legal protections in Massachusetts that allow people to use any bathroom they feel comfortable with,” Kilian explained. “But having the legal ability doesn’t mean cultural ability.”

“We want a third space that does not have cultural or gender surveillance,” she said.

Killian also said the administrative caved within two days, providing everything on their list of demands.

“The administration agreed to our progressive benchmarks within two days.” Kilian said proudly. “Hormones are now available at Health Services. Before, you had to drive two hours to get them.”

Caroline Glick, Oleg Atbashian and the War on Israel on Campus Daniel Greenfield

Caroline Glick had her UT-Austin appearance aborted under pressure from the Jewish left that now controls much of campus life. Oleg Atbashian, a former Soviet dissident, was threatened with 5 years in jail at George Mason University, for putting up posters critical of an anti-Israel conference.

The anti-Israel left likes to claim that it’s constantly being censored. The truth is that it’s the one doing the censoring. And the ordinary student, the one whose career and future depends on the approval of their professors and the loud campus organizers who can destroy a reputation in 24 hours on twitter, is far more powerless and far less able to have their voice heard.

There are always excuses and justifications in all the individual cases. But more and more people are seeing a pattern.

The pattern is censorship. Sometimes it’s exclusionary. Speakers are disinvinted. The students and faculty who proffer the invitations are intimidated into backing off. Other times the suppression is more violent. There are assaults and arrests.

For the most part the suppression is quiet. Dissenting voices are purged. A climate of hate goes unchallenged. The Freedom Center is determined to challenge that silence.

And it’s when you push back again, that the real ugliness is revealed. That’s what happened when Caroline Glick sought to speak at UT-Austin. It’s what happened when Oleg did the same things that a thousand propagandists and advertisers do on campuses on a regular basis.

Totalitarian systems can appear placid from the outside. As long as no one resists. It’s when resistance happens, that we can see the true ugliness within.

The UT-Austin Censorship of Caroline Glick Hurts Israel By: Daniel Greenfield

In October, J Street at UT-Austin complained that Texans for Israel used a logo featuring Israel’s map without marking off the parts that the anti-Israel group feels rightly belong to Islamic terrorists.

Then J Street went a step further. J Street Austin had been campaigning against the Center for Security Policy. When it targeted Caroline Glick, it went after a proud pro-Israel voice, which triggered all its alarm bells. Glick has masterfully argued that Israel needs to consolidate the territory it liberated from occupation by its invading neighbors.

When J Street Austin went after the Center for Security Policy, it cited the widely discredited and criticized Southern Poverty Law Center hate group ranking. And then it led the attack against an invitation for Caroline Glick to speak.

First Israel’s map came down. Then Glick’s invitation.

Glick had warned about this troubling phenomenon earlier this year.

On a growing number of campuses in the United States, the only Jews who can safely express their views on Israel are those who champion Israel’s destruction.

That turned out to be the case at UT Austin.

The cancellation of a Tuesday event featuring conservative Israeli-American journalist Caroline Glick has led pro-Israel students at the University of Texas at Austin to take action against what they say is a liberal Jewish “monopoly” on views permitted to be voiced about the Jewish state, The Algemeinerhas learned.

“I’m sick and tired of having my voice stifled by [Jewish groups] Hillel, Texans for Israel (TFI) and AIPAC,” said David Palla, a former member of TFI who is spearheading a breakaway group to counteract a “radical change in Israel advocacy messaging on campus,” following the merger of TFI with a burgeoning chapter on campus of the left-wing organization J Street – under the auspices of Hillel.

According to Palla, this partnership resulted in a map of the state of Israel being removed from TFI’s logo.

Former Soviet Dissident Faces Felony Charges for Posters Targeting SJP at George Mason U. Anti-terror posters were torn down while Hamas-promoting SJP National Conference was held on campus. Sara Dogan

As students filed back to campus this Fall, the anti-Israel hatefests began. At the University of Michigan on Rosh Hashanah, Jewish students heading to services encountered a mock “apartheid wall” plastered with anti-Israel propaganda and a protestor garbed as an IDF soldier harassing passing students. On the wall was written “CTRL + ALT + DELETE,” the combination of commands needed to restart a PC, implying that Israel should be destroyed and the land should be regenerated as Palestine. At Portland State University, the student senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting a genocidal and Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) resolution against Israeli companies. The resolution stated that “the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land has been entrenched since 1948.” At CSU Long Beach, a flier for a Jewish Studies course on Israel’s history and culture was defaced with the message “not a valid course. Israel is occupied territory.” The words “modern State of Israel” were also crossed out and overwritten with “occupation of Palestine.”

The common thread in all these incidents is the Hamas-funded, anti-Israel hate group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) which held its annual conference November 4-6 at George Mason University, a public campus in Fairfax, Virginia. In spite of the barrage of evidence—including recent congressional testimony—that SJP is a campus front for Hamas and an instigator of Jew hatred, George Mason opened its doors to the group, providing resources and facilities to the terrorist-supporting campus organization.

SJP purports to be a standard campus cultural group, but in reality it is a pro-terror organization which receives funding and educational support from anti-Israel Hamas terrorists for the purposes of destroying Israel and committing genocide against its Jewish population as is dictated by the Hamas charter.

As described in the Freedom Center’s recent pamphlet, Students for Justice in Palestine: A Campus Front for Hamas Terrorists, SJP’s pro-terror campaign is guided and funded through a Hamas front called American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), whose principals are former officers of the Holy Land Foundation and other Islamic “charities” which were previously convicted of funneling money to Hamas. AMP was created by Hatem Bazian, a pro-Hamas professor at UC Berkeley who is also the co-founder of SJP. AMP provides funding and leadership to SJP chapters across the nation, enabling them to promote the Hamas agenda.

The ‘Cry In’ of 2016 A disturbing glance at the post-election hysteria on college campuses. Jack Kerwick

Since Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton on November 8, college campuses across the nation expanded their “safe spaces” for students and faculty whose world had been turned upside down by this historic election.

In at least three respects, the Great Meltdown of 2016 is a truly tragic commentary on the state of higher education today:

First, it reveals the dominance of a single left-leaning ideology at an institution that is supposed to be a free marketplace of ideas. It goes without saying, after all, that no safe spaces would’ve been created or would have needed to have been created had the election gone the other way.

Second, the hyper-emotionality accentuates the intellectual flaccidness that prevails at the one place that is supposed to exist for the sake of instilling into the next generation intellectual virtue, men and women with strength and toughness of mind.

Third, the Great Meltdown betrays the stunning arrogance on the part of just those people—professors—whose calling to a life in education requires the cultivation of humility. Given that students were just as unprepared as were their teachers for even the possibility that their candidate could lose proves that neither have they been acquiring the virtue of humility while in college.

The College Fix, a campus watchdog publication run by students, is a national treasure. Here are some of the happenings in the academic world from last week that it reports:

At Converse College, an all-female institution, students organized “silent protests,” walked the campus in tears, and posted pictures of themselves crying on Snapchat. At least one professor held off on giving a midterm exam, and another told her students that the day after Election Day was the worst day in American history second only to September 11, 2001.

The President of the college, Krista Newkirk, issued an email to the campus community in which she expressed her sadness that “once again our young girls and women have failed to see the shattering of that glass ceiling and the first female president of the United States” (How much would you be willing to bet that no such email was sent when Barack Obama prevented Hillary Clinton her chance of shattering that glass ceiling in 2008?)

Classes Being Canceled Because Trump Won Is Why Trump Won By Katherine Timpf —

So, Donald Trump won the presidential election, and colleges and universities around the country are predictably canceling classes and exams because students are predictably too devastated to be able to do their schoolwork.

It’s everywhere. A professor at University of Michigan postponed an exam after too many students complained about their “very serious” stress. Columbia University postponed midterms, a Yale University professor made an exam optional, a University of Iowa professor canceled classes and a University of Connecticut professor excused class absences — all because their students just absolutely could not function knowing that they’d have to live in a country where their president would not be the president that they wanted. And it’s not even just the students — a University of Rochester professor canceled all of his meetings with students the day after the election because he decided he just could not bear to talk about it with them.

Reading all of these stories, I really have to wonder: Do any of these people realize that this kind of behavior is exactly why Donald Trump won? The initial appeal of Donald Trump was that he served as a long-awaited contrast to the infantilization and absurd demands for political correctness and “safe spaces” sweeping our society, and the way these people are responding is only reminding Trump voters why they did what they did.

First of all, let me say that I’m far from surprised that these kids are having mental breakdowns over this. Throughout the campaign, the mere sight of “Trump 2016” written in chalk was enough for students to demand a safe space. A professor at the University of North Carolina–Wilmington erased Trump chalkings on campus so students wouldn’t have to see them. A Bias Response Team at Skidmore College determined that writing “Make America Great Again” on dry-erase boards amounted to performing “racialized, targeted attacks.” Realizing that you are going to have to deal with Donald Trump being the president must be a hell of a lot to handle after you’ve been conditioned to believe you shouldn’t even have to deal with seeing his name or campaign slogan, so it makes a lot of sense that the reactions have been so extreme.

U. of Michigan Gives Students Play-Doh, Coloring Books to Cope With Trump By Tom Knighton

For the vast majority of Americans, November 9 only differed from the week preceding it in the lack of political ads permeating their media. For many, it was a welcome end to months upon months of hateful rhetoric and horrible slanders.

On many college campuses, however, it wasn’t the end of the campaign, but the beginning of Armaggedon or something.

At Yale University, supposedly one of the most elite institutions of higher learning in the country, an anonymous professor has decided to let students skip their midterms:

“I am getting many heartfelt notes from students who are in shock over the election returns,” the professor wrote in an email to his students, according to Yale Daily News Managing Editor Jon Victor tweeted.

“The ones I find most upsetting are those who fear, rightly or wrongly, for their own families. These students are requesting that the exam be postponed. On the other hand, I am sure that many students have sacrificed to prepare for the test …Therefore, I am making the exam optional.”

The professor told the class he would “calculate each student’s grade both with and without” the exam.

Remember when asking a professor to postpone an exam for anything short of a natural disaster was grounds to be laughed at? Ah, good times. Good times.

However, that professor’s decision was far from being the silliest example:

At Tufts University, arts and crafts were on offer. And the University of Kansas reminded students via social media of the therapy dogs available for comfort every other Wednesday.

Colleges nationwide scrambled to help students process Republican Donald Trump’s stunning election victory. They’re acknowledging that many students were up late watching results and so may not be at their sharpest in early-morning lectures. More so, they’re responding to a widespread sense of shock and despair on campuses to the victory of a candidate who offended Mexicans, Gold Star mothers, Muslims and the disabled during the course of the campaign.


“People are frustrated, people are just really sad and shocked,” said Trey Boynton, the director of multi-ethnic student affairs at the University of Michigan. “A lot of people are feeling like there has been a loss. We talked about grief today and about the loss of hope that this election would solidify the progress that was being made.”

There was a steady flow of students entering Ms. Boynton’s office Wednesday. They spent the day sprawled around the center, playing with Play-Doh and coloring in coloring books, as they sought comfort and distraction.

Play-Doh and coloring.

And they wonder why people don’t take them seriously.

In addition to the above examples, Cornell University hosted a “cry-in,” where staff provided distraught students with tissues and hot chocolate. CONTINUE AT SITE

American University Students Burn Flags to Protest Trump Win Daniel Greenfield

Trump wins. Race, sexuality and gender studies graduate students hardest hit.

People at American University burned American flags Wednesday at the Northwest, D.C. campus.

Several dozen people were gathered around a man who held up a small American flag while he pulled out a lighter and set it on fire. At one point, a woman tried to help.

“Watch as your precious little flag of patriarchic white supremacy burns in your f****** flesh and eyes,” the man said to the crowd while the upside down flag went up in flames.

Twitter user Saira tweeted videos of the scene, including one where a woman screamed “This is a representation of America” while holding up the burning flag.

Saira also reported people in the crowd chanting “F*** white America.”

Dissent is the new patriotism all over again. And aren’t these folks just so patriotic.

Virginia University Offers ‘Healing Space’ for Distraught #NeverTrump Students By J. Christian Adams

George Mason University is offering a “healing space” gathering for students distraught over President-Elect Donald Trump’s victory. The snowflakes unable to cope with Trump’s win gathered after Student Body President Nathan Pittman sent an email with the subject header “2016 Post-Election Healing Space” to all Mason students. It said:

Mason Community – Healing Space – Post 2016 ElectionStudent Leaders in the Mason Community have come together to provide a space for students to gather in the wake of yesterday’s Presidential Election. Please feel free to stop by and have conversations with other members of the Mason Community. Time: 7:30pm, Wednesday, November 9 Place: The Hub Ballroom, Fairfax Campus Hope to see many members of the Mason Community.

Earlier, the vice president for university life, Rose Pascarell, offered support services for students unable to cope with Trump’s win.
Psychological and counseling services were made available to students affected by Trump’s win. The email from Rose Pascarell states, in full:

We have just completed a long and hard-fought presidential election, which has forced a national dialogue on a number of issues and sparked a range of emotions. Reactions to the results span a continuum from jubilation and optimism to despair and fear and everything in between. Regardless of your perspective, we want to acknowledge the range of emotions that many in our Mason community have experienced throughout this process.University Life staff are here to provide support. You can visit any University Life Office for assistance. A list of University Life Offices is available at ulife.gmu.edu. For those who live on campus, Housing and Residence Life staff are also available 24/7. And counselors from Counseling and Psychological Services are available to provide support to any students experiencing emotional distress (caps.gmu.edu; 703-993-2380).

For many, this is a time to discuss and make sense of the outcomes. University Life will be hosting a post-election conversation space in Patriots Lounge, Student Union Building I, from 3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. today and 10:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. University Life staff members will also be present to provide support and refer students to campus resources, as needed. For those who prefer to take a break from politics, a list of other events and activities can be found at getconnected.gmu.edu. In addition to these gatherings, there will also be opportunities ahead for post-election analysis by some of our Mason faculty and content experts.

Yale Professor Makes Midterm Optional For Anyone Too Upset With The Election Results

A professor at Yale sent an email out during yesterday’s election coverage to students in the ECON 115 class excusing them from taking a midterm if they found themselves to be too distraught from the results of the election.

The email came after the professor received requests for extensions from some students that were in, “fear for their families.”

This happened at one of the most prestigious universities in the country.

These students will probably go on to be leaders in their chosen fields, and executives in major companies.

Basically run this country in twenty years.

So what does it tell you if they are unable to handle the outcome of an election?

Try not to laugh too hard reading this: