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Vassar College’s Propagandists for Hamas “Resistance is not Terrorism.”

Last night the Freedom Center’s poster campaign to expose the links between campus anti-Israel activists and Hamas terrorists targeted the terrorist-supporting network at Vassar College. Vassar is the smallest campus on the Center’s list of “Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists,” but one of the most extreme in its advocacy of the genocidal claims of Students for Justice in Palestine and the BDS movement against Israel.

Vassar College supports a highly active Hamas-inspired and funded boycott movement that successfully passed a BDS resolution on campus last spring. BDS is a toxic movement that even Hillary Clinton has denounced as anti-Semitic The Vassar chapter of SJP also distributed a pamphlet celebrating Omar Barghouti the founder of the BDS movement, which is a genocidal attempt orchestrated by terrorists to strangle the Jewish state. Vassar SJP celebrates terrorism by selling T-shirts picturing convicted anti-Israel terrorist Leila Khaled holding a gun with the words “Resistance is not Terrorism.” The chapter also posted a 1940’s era anti-Semitic Nazi graphic on social media.

The Freedom Center’s poster operation campaign identifies Students for Justice in Palestine as a campus front for Hamas terrorists and the Hamas intermediary American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). AMP was revealed in recent congressional testimony to be funneling terrorist dollars to Students for Justice in Palestine to support the Hamas-sponsored, anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in America.

One of the posters features Vassar College Professor Joshua Schreier who is described on the poster as “SJP Supporter, BDS Supporter, Anti-Israel Activist.”

The posters are part of a larger Freedom Center campaign to Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus. The campaign is designed to confront the agents of campus anti-Semitism and expose the financial and organizational relationship between the terror group Hamas and Hamas support groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine. As part of the campaign, the Freedom Center has placed posters on several campuses including San Diego State University, Brooklyn College, San Francisco State University, and the University of California-Los Angeles. The campaign also recently released a report on the “Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists” which may be found on the campaign website, www.StoptheJewHatredonCampus.org. Vassar College is among the campuses listed in the Top Ten report. The section of the report demonstrating Vassar College’s support of anti-Israel terrorists follows below.

Brooklyn College Garners Dubious Spot on ‘Terrorist-Supporting Colleges’ List Shining the spotlight on campus propagandists for a genocidal terrorist movement. Fern Sidman

Reprinted from the Jewish Voice.

For those of us who grew up in Brooklyn in the 1960s and 70s and for those of us who decided to linger a bit longer in the County of Kings before taking the proverbial plunge into the big world out there, many of us ended up at good ol’ Brooklyn College.

Decades ago, however, this veritable Brooklyn institution boasted an integrated student population and crafted an enduring legacy as a campus that heralded the right of free speech, thought and assembly.

Not so, anymore. Apparently, the proverbial compass of time has pointed Brooklyn College in the “politically correct” trajectory as have most other urban centers for higher learning. For those not in the know, that essentially means that a fascist flavor now dominates campus political life. As such, Muslim organizations (among others) have sealed their pact with leftist totalitarian groups in order to “shut down any opposing viewpoints” and to “not allow any dissenting ideas to be publicly expressed,” says David Horowitz. A stalwart champion of free speech and founder of the eponymously named David Horowitz Freedom Center, Horowitz is one of the lone voices in the wilderness in offering an alternative narrative to the liberal, leftist, anti-Semitic ideologies that are taught on college campuses today and are being passed off to a naïve generation as the unadulterated truth.

Last week his conservative campus watchdog group issued a list of the “Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists” and to the surprise of many, Brooklyn College had the dubious distinction of garnering the number one position.

“I spoke at Brooklyn College back in 2011 and the atmosphere was so threatening, that I had to take body guards along with me,” recalls Horowitz. The 2011 speech to which Horowitz referred, entitled the “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Myths and Facts,” was sponsored and organized by Brooklyn College student Yosef Sobel and Mitchell Langbert, an associate professor in the department of business and economics.

“Because the Hillel organization on campus was too afraid to sponsor me, I must thank those who had the courage to do so.” said Horowitz at the time. Despite numerous warnings prohibiting verbal disruptions, Muslim student hecklers abounded and Horowitz’s remarks were often punctuated by the sounds of acrimonious attacks.

Brooklyn College: Hornets Nest of Pro-Terrorist Activists “Jews – root of all evil” was graffitied on campus.

On Sunday night, the David Horowitz Freedom Center conducted a guerilla postering campaign on the campus of Brooklyn College, a school where actions such as storming a faculty meeting with demands for “Zionists off campus” or support for anti-Israel terrorism are facts of everyday life.

Brooklyn College, one of several schools making up the City University of New York (CUNY) system, is home to one of the most active and extreme Students for Justice in Palestine chapters in the nation. Brooklyn College SJP has posted articles and videos online defending terrorism including an advertisement titled “The Third Intifada” on its Facebook page. It has hosted multiple speakers on the Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, and even an event to discuss its policy of shunning pro-Israel organizations and students. A gang of 10 anti-Israel activists recently stormed a campus faculty meeting, calling one faculty member a “Zionist pig” and issuing demands for “Zionists off campus.”

The Freedom Center’s poster operation covered the campus with posters identifying the organization Students for Justice in Palestine as a campus front for Hamas terrorists and the Hamas intermediary American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). AMP was revealed in recent congressional testimony to be funneling terrorist dollars to Students for Justice in Palestine to support the Hamas-sponsored, anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in America.

One of the posters depicts Raja Abdul Haq, a Brooklyn College student and BDS supporter. The poster contains a quote from Haq stating “It’s very important to always remember that Western colonial powers are as guilty as Israel…especially the USA.” Israel has always been the canary in the mine for the holy war that radical Islamists have declared on America and the West.

A second poster depicts a gun-toting Hamas terrorist holding the strings of a puppet labeled “American Muslims for Palestine” which in turn controls a marionette labeled “Students for Justice in Palestine.” Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is described as “The chief sponsor of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish activities on campus.” Hamas is identified as “A terror organization pledged to wipe out Israel” (a goal explicitly stated in the Hamas charter) while AMP is the “Hamas-created chief organizer and funder of SJP.” The poster also depicts shadowed bodies lying in pools of blood, illustrating the bloody deeds of Hamas’s campaign of terror against the Jews. The poster contains the hashtag #JewHatred and the Freedom Center’s website, www.HorowitzFreedomCenter.org.

A third poster created by the Freedom Center asks sardonically, “Do you want to show your support for Hamas terrorists whose stated goal is the elimination of the Jewish people and the Jewish state?” and answers the question with “Join us! Students for Justice in Palestine.” The poster then lists the names of student and faculty leaders on campus who promote the genocidal Boycott Divest and Sanctions movement against Israel.

Seattle Teachers Enforce Black Lives Matter Indoctrination A Maoist-style reeducation fest approaches in Seattle schools. Matthew Vadum

Thousands of taxpayer-supported Seattle teachers are planning to don Black Lives Matter t-shirts this week in public schools and force-feed left-wing propaganda to their students about race in an effort to draw attention to the systemic racism they imagine is embedded in the public education regime.

The shirts say “Black Lives Matter” and “We Stand Together,” which is almost identical in meaning to the Hillary Clinton campaign slogan “Standing Together.”

The Black Lives Matter cult is animated by a hatred of normal American values. Its members idolize convicted, unrepentant black militants and cop-killers Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu Jamal and have declared “war” on law enforcement. Its members openly call for police officers to be assassinated. Sympathizer Micah X. Johnson answered the call murdering five cops in cold blood during a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas in July. Black Lives Matter, which is vehemently anti-white, ought to be designated a domestic terrorist organization for fomenting a war against police, critics say.

The October 19 event is being run by Social Equality Educators (SEA), a group of teachers within the Seattle Education Association (SEA), a local collective bargaining unit. A political faction, SEE runs candidates for offices in the SEA.

Jesse Hagopian, a SEE leader, says more than 2,000 shirts have been ordered for the event. Wearers will include teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, nurses, instructional assistants, librarians, and others this Wednesday as part of “Black Lives Matter At School,” which he calls an unprecedented action.

The Ivy League Doesn’t Need Taxpayers’ Help Colleges that hoard cash—endowments of $2 million per student—should be encouraged to spend it. By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley

onald Trump criticized universities last month for hoarding their endowments, saying that they “use the money to pay their administrators, to put donors’ names on their buildings.” He added that “many universities spend more on private-equity fund managers than on tuition programs.” Mr. Trump suggested that he would work with Congress to encourage colleges to direct more of their investments toward students.

That’s a laudable—and achievable—goal. Many of the schools with large endowments, such as those in the Ivy League, will protest that they are private institutions, and that the government shouldn’t tell them how to spend their money. But these colleges also receive massive cash transfers from the federal government, giving Washington a way to impel them to put their endowments to more responsible use.

As of 2014, the eight Ivy League schools had 58,982 undergraduate students and total endowment funds on hand of about $117 billion, according to a study from OpenTheBooks. That works out to roughly $2 million per student. Yet between 2010 and 2014, according to the same study, these schools received some $30 billion of taxpayer contracts, grants, direct payments, student assistance and tax exemption. In other words, federal cash and subsidies over that time averaged nearly $102,000 per student each year.

Washington is effectively paying colleges not to spend their endowments. Americans worry about skyrocketing tuition, but federal funds are allowing schools to shift cash to new buildings and administrative salaries, while taxpayers take care of the students.

Congress should pass a simple law to rectify the situation. Schools with swollen endowments should face a choice: Keep tuition below the rate of inflation, or lose access to federal loans, scholarships and research programs. The rule could apply to any college whose endowment exceeds $1 million per undergraduate student. That would include at least 30 institutions—almost entirely private colleges and universities.

Universities protest that their financial situation isn’t as rosy as it appears. Of 35 liberal-arts colleges that belong to a fundraising group called Sharing the Annual Fund Fundamentals, nearly a third are lagging in this fiscal year, compared with the one before. Almost two thirds had fewer donors, according to the New York Times. And endowments have taken a beating in the market as well. According to data collected by InsideHigherEd, Dartmouth’s fell 1.9% this year and Cornell’s is off by 3.4%. Harvard’s has fallen 2%. But these funds exist for this reason—to help schools hedge against tough times.

San Francisco State: A Haven For Supporters of Terrorists The campus is notorious for its glorification of anti-Israel terrorism.

Last night, the David Horowitz Freedom Center brought its Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus poster campaign to San Francisco State University, a campus that is notorious for its glorification of anti-Israel terrorism and anti-Semitism.

San Francisco State University (SFSU) has repeatedly enabled the most extreme actions of its General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), a group closely resembling Students for Justice in Palestine, once led by SJP founder Hatem Bazian. This past April, GUPS disrupted a speech by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, by shouting exhortations to terrorist violence and succeeded in curtailing his address. The demonstrators shouted “Intifada,” a call for terrorism against Israel, and chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” a call for the obliteration of the Jewish state. The former president of GUPS wrote dozens of social media posts threatening violence to pro-Israel students, Israelis, the IDF and others. He also praised Hamas and the violent Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

GUPS holds annual Israeli Apartheid Weeks which demonize Israel as an apartheid state and commemorate the founding of Israel as “al-Nakba” or “the catastrophe.” The faculty advisor for GUPS, Prof. Rabab Abdulhadi, met with terrorists Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah during a university-funded trip to the Middle East. (Khaled is a convicted hijacker and a member of the terrorist organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Sheikh Raed Salah has been repeatedly jailed on charges of incitement to terrorist violence.) When questioned about the trip, San Francisco State administrators denied that Abdulhadi’s trip was an improper use of university funds. Abdulhadi also helped to broker a formal collaboration between SFSU and An-Najah National University in Palestine, which is known for its recruitment of students as cadre for Hamas and as suicide bombers.

The Freedom Center’s poster operation plastered the campus with posters identifying the organization Students for Justice in Palestine as a campus front for Hamas terrorists and the Hamas intermediary American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). AMP was revealed in recent congressional testimony to be funneling terrorist dollars to Students for Justice in Palestine to support the Hamas-sponsored, anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in America.

One of the posters depicts SFSU Professor Rabab Abdulhadi, the faculty advisor for the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), an SJP clone. Text on the poster describes Abdulhadi as “A leader of the Hamas BDS Campaign” and a “Collaborator with Terrorists.”

The Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists: UC-Berkeley “Let it be known that we here at Berkeley support the Intifada.”

Last night the David Horowitz Freedom Center targeted the cabal of Hamas supporters at the University of California Berkeley campus with a poster campaign that exposes the links between anti-Israel terrorists and the campus organization Students for Justice in Palestine.

UC-Berkeley is home to an extremist and highly active anti-Israel movement allied with Hamas terrorists. During a recent campus rally, students supporting the BDS movement chanted pro-terrorist slogans including “Let it be known that we here at Berkeley support the Intifada” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – calls to kill Jews in Israel and destroy the Jewish state. Berkeley SJP shared an article on its Facebook page quoting a Fatah activist who declared “Call Me a Terrorist, but I’m No Different From Israeli Troops Defending Their Homeland.” Since the Arabs are the aggressors in the seventy-year war to destroy the Jewish state, this analogy is obviously false and self-serving.

The Berkeley campus has hosted numerous pro-BDS speakers including Omar Barghouti, founder of the Hamas inspired and funded boycott movement, and Remi Kanazi, an anti-Israel poet and BDS supporter. Berkeley is the academic home of Professor Hatem Bazian, Hamas supporter and co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine.

The Freedom Center’s poster operation plastered the campus with posters identifying the organization Students for Justice in Palestine as a campus front for Hamas terrorists and the Hamas intermediary American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). AMP was revealed in recent congressional testimony to be funneling terrorist dollars to Students for Justice in Palestine to support the Hamas-sponsored, anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in America.

One of the posters depicts Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian, a co-founder of SJP and also of Hamas-front AMP. Text on the poster describes Bazian as “Supporter of Hamas Terrorists, BDS Activist, Islamophobia Alarmist.”

A second poster targets fellow Berkeley professor Judith Butler and includes a quote from her stating, “Understanding Hamas/Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the left, that are part of the left, that are part of the global left, is extremely important.”

A third poster depicts a gun-toting Hamas terrorist holding the strings of a puppet labeled “American Muslims for Palestine” which in turn controls a marionette labeled “Students for Justice in Palestine.” Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is described as “The chief sponsor of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish activities on campus.” Hamas is identified as “A terror organization pledged to wipe out Israel” (a goal explicitly stated in the Hamas charter) while AMP is the “Hamas-created chief organizer and funder of SJP.” The poster also depicts shadowed bodies lying in pools of blood, illustrating the bloody deeds of Hamas’s campaign of terror against the Jews. The poster contains the hashtag #JewHatred and the Freedom Center’s website, www.HorowitzFreedomCenter.org.

A fourth poster created by the Freedom Center asks sardonically, “Do you want to show your support for Hamas terrorists whose stated goal is the elimination of the Jewish people and the Jewish state?” and answers the question with “Join us! Students for Justice in Palestine.” The poster then lists the names of student and faculty leaders on campus who promote the genocidal Boycott Divest and Sanctions movement against Israel.

Perverting College Coursework to Conform to Ideology The latest onslaught against reason in the university propaganda war on Israel. Richard L. Cravatts

In April of 2012, the California Association of Scholars, a division of the National Association of Scholars, prepared a report for the University of California Regents entitled “A Crisis of Competence: The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism in the University of California.” In that report, the association outlined in a thoughtful way how the politicization of teaching by the professoriate degraded academic integrity, conflicted with the core principles of academia, and was antithetical to the promotion of scholarship and the pursuit of meaningful learning.

In fact, the report suggested, “Political activism is the antithesis of academic teaching and research. Its habits of thought and behavior are un-academic, even antiacademic.” Why is that? Because, the report said, “political activism values politically desirable results more than the process by which conclusions are reached. In education, those priorities must be reversed.”

Imposing a one-sided, pre-determined line of thought in coursework has the exact opposite effect that most universities strive to achieve; namely, preventing the truth from emerging as a result of considering competing views and coming to conclusions about the truth by analyzing many views on a topic. “The fixed quality of a political belief system will stifle intellectual curiosity and freedom of thought when it dominates a classroom,” the report noted. “In any worthwhile college education, a student’s mind must have the freedom to think afresh and to follow wherever facts or arguments lead. But this freedom of movement is constrained when the end process of thought has already been fixed in advance by a political agenda.”

Apparently, the recommendations in this report have been forgotten at least at one UC school—Berkeley—where this fall a student-taught, one-credit course, “Palestine: A Settler Colonial Analysis,” drew collective howls of indignation from Jewish organizations and others who saw the course as being a prime example of politicized instruction that not only seemed to violate the spirit and letter of the Regent’s policy on course content, “constitut[ing] misuse of the University as an institution,” but also, more troublingly, had as its primary teaching purpose an assault on Zionism itself, and a blueprint for the possibility of dismantling Israel through “decolonization.”

Tellingly, Israel as a sovereign, democratic state is not even mentioned in the course syllabus; instead, the factitious country of Palestine is the focus of the course, an area now overrun by colonial “settlers” who might reasonably be extirpated by utilizing the ideological tactics outlined in the coursework. The revealing syllabus notes that the course will “examine key historical developments that have taken place in Palestine, from the 1880s to the present, through the lens of settler colonialism . . . [and] will explore the connection between Zionism and settler colonialism . . . in Palestine. Lastly, drawing upon literature on decolonization, we will explore the possibilities of a decolonized Palestine, one in which justice is realized for all its peoples and equality is not only espoused, but practiced.”

U of M to Monitor Students’ ‘Cultural Sensitivity Levels’ as Part of New $85 Million Diversity Push By Katherine Timpf

The University of Michigan is going to start using an “Intercultural Development Inventory” to monitor its students “cultural sensitivity levels” as part of its new $85 million diversity initiative — and it’s pretty clearly an irresponsible use of money.

The point of the inventory — which is explained in this very creepy video — is, according to the school website, to judge students’ “ability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities,” give students a “customized learning plan and a variety of intercultural training opportunities designed to improve cross-cultural engagement by targeting specific areas for skill development and increased personal capacity” based on their answers, and then test them again later to see if they’ve “improved.”

According to an article in the school’s official newspaper, The Michigan Daily, the school plans to spend $85 million on diversity initiatives over the next five years — in addition to the $40 million it’s already allotted to spend annually — at a school where tuition has increased 3.9 percent this year.

Now, it isn’t clear how much of this money will be spent on the monitoring program itself, but the fact is that any amount would be too much. Not only is it obviously invasive and creepy, but it’s also just not going to accomplish what the school is hoping it will. Any student at U of M, “insensitive” or not, will probably be smart enough to figure out what answer the school wants and choose that answer. After all, choosing the “wrong” answer will brand students as a “racist” in the eyes of their school — and what’s more, as Reason’s Robby Soave points out, the fact that a student’s answers will determine his or her “individual learning plan” means that “students who are judged to be too insensitive might be given more work to do.” Who wants to do sign themselves up to do more work . . . especially when it’s work that’s so likely to be patronizing and pointless? Zero people. Punishing students for telling the truth about their opinions is the best way to ensure that real discussions about those opinions will never happen — which is hindering the exact kind of learning experiences that the school claims it wants to cultivate.

Barnard Event: Zumba Is ‘Cultural Appropriation’ By Katherine Timpf

Barnard College is hosting a lecture later this month titled “Health at the Expense of Cultural Appropriation: Yoga and Zumba.”

Yes — Zumba.

The lecture is part of a series titled “Barnard BLUE.” According to the college’s official website, “BLUE” stands for “Building Leadership & Understanding Equity,” and it’s “aimed to engage students in intentional dialogues to explore their identities and what it means to foster inclusive communities.” Titles for other sessions in the series include “Sorry for Party Rocking: College Party Culture & it’s Implications” and “Faux Feminists: Pop Culture Icons & Hypocrisy.”

Now, people freaking out that yoga is “cultural appropriation” definitely is stupid, but it’s a complaint that I’ve heard before, and seeing it as the subject of a lecture at a liberal women’s college hardly surprises me. But Zumba? As in, the form of jumping-around aerobics that moms like? I’ve got to admit that that’s a new one.

Although it’s not clear what exactly the claims of the lecture will be, I’d assume that the “cultural appropriation” complaints about Zumba have something to do with the fact that workouts are traditionally performed to Latin American music.

The title of the lecture, “Health at the Expense of Cultural Appropriation: Yoga and Zumba,” really does illustrate how completely stupid it is. After all, I really have a hard time believing that enjoying a workout centered around a typical kind of music — even if that kind of music isn’t from your own culture — is really coming at the “expense” of anyone, however, making people so terrified that their workouts might be racist that they’re too scared to do them could come at the “expense” of their health. We’re an obese nation, and if people like to stay in shape by doing Zumba, then good for them . . . whether they’re white (ew!) or not. Seriously, how far does this go? Are we going to get to the point where white people can only work out to white-people-music without having to have some sort of cultural consciousness discussion beforehand? I sure hope not, because working out is already annoying enough as it is.

One of the most beautiful things about this country is that we are made up of a mix of people from different cultures, and that that mix gives us so many opportunities to enjoy art and music from cultures other than our own. Now, I do understand how someone claiming another culture as their own — or claiming to understand what it would be like to experience life as someone from another culture — would be offensive, however, I highly doubt that anyone who’s going to Zumba class will think that their going to Zumba class means that he or she is some kind of Latin American cultural expert. They just think that they’re someone who went to Zumba class, and I’ve got to say, there are certainly bigger problems facing us than that.