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‘More Federal Contractor than Educator’: Universities Allowing Antisemitism on Campus Rake in Taxpayer Dollars


Several candidates in the 2024 Republican presidential primaries have threatened to enforce consequences for colleges and universities that allow antisemitism on their campuses. Former president Donald Trump said he would revoke visas of international students celebrating Hamas. North Dakota governor Doug Burgum said he would “fully enforce” Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which mandates that institutions receiving federal assistance refrain from allowing discrimination “on the ground of race, color, or national origin.”

Florida governor Ron DeSantis directed public universities in his state to “deactivate” Students for Justice in Palestine chapters (though he is now facing pushback from state education officials). Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley vowed to revoke tax-exempt status for colleges and universities that are ignoring antisemitism.

A new report from Open the Books, a nonprofit organization focused on transparency in government spending, demonstrates how much money these elite educational institutions receive from American taxpayers.

During the past five years, ten universities — the Ivy League, plus Northwestern and Stanford universities — received $33 billion in federal contracts and grants. These universities are subject only to an excessive endowment tax, which has them pay 1.4% of their net investment income on endowment assets exceeding $500,000 per student. Of the ten, Stanford came in with the highest total since 2018 at just over $7 billion, while only Dartmouth, with about $755 million, was under the billion-dollar mark.

Open the Books CEO and Founder Adam Andrzejewski told National Review the tax code and federal aid have been distorted beyond their initial purpose.

Profiles in Cowardice at Harvard The fallout of brainwashing and propaganda. by Alan Joseph Bauer


The sometimes violent anti-Israel/pro-Hamas protests on many US campuses are the outcome of failed educational policies going back decades. The failure is no more pronounced than at Harvard.

I read last night that Hamas fans blocked Jewish students from entering their classes at MIT. That kind of behavior, which included disrupting classes taught by Jewish professors, sounds a lot like Germany circa 1938. Many US campuses are overrun with antisemites demanding genocide of Jews minimally in Israel and ostensibly everywhere. An unholy alliance of Islamists and liberal women to whom they would deny education and the homosexuals whom they would eagerly throw off of the nearest rooftop march together because their common enemy—the Jew—is at the apex of the intersectional bad guy hierarchy. I don’t know how a Jewish student who holed up in her dorm room goes back in a few weeks or months to the dining hall to eat with her “friends” who marched by her window with a sign demanding her death and the death of her family.

Below is one of several letters I have written to the president of my alma mater, Harvard. President Gay answered one letter but no more. President Gay was chosen to do what Harvard presidents do: raise billions and avoid controversy. She was not chosen, nor is she prepared for Harvard in crisis, where Jewish students are physically threatened, and Palestinian students and their supporters have moved beyond free speech to demanding genocide of the Jewish people. She needs to take decisive action, which she appears incapable of doing. Instead, she appointed a committee whose report will undoubtedly come well after the news cycle has moved to another subject. Her failure is not just for the students at Harvard. If she had acted decisively from day one, she could have significantly reduced campus protests throughout the US. She is like the lead pilot of the Blue Angels: college presidents look to her to know what their next move will be. She is not a leader but someone who filled in the right boxes when the time came to replace her undistinguished predecessor. She is the most recent figurehead to run what was once America’s greatest university. In the 1940s, then-President James Conant was essential in getting the Manhattan Project to its successful conclusion by ensuring that General Leslie Groves had everything he needed. The days of great Harvard presidents are long gone, ending with Derek Bok in the early 1990’s.

Ivy League School Shuts Down Anti-Semitic Palestinian Student Groups By Ryan Saavedra


Columbia University announced on Friday that it was banning two anti-Semitic student groups on campus for the remainder of the fall term after they repeatedly violated school rules.

The private New York City school suspended Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) as official student groups in light of their recent actions on campus.

“This decision was made after the two groups repeatedly violated University policies related to holding campus events, culminating in an unauthorized event Thursday afternoon that proceeded despite warnings and included threatening rhetoric and intimidation,” said Gerald Rosberg, Senior Executive Vice President of the University and Chair, Special Committee on Campus Safety.

“Suspension means the two groups will not be eligible to hold events on campus or receive University funding,” he added. “Lifting the suspension will be contingent on the two groups demonstrating a commitment to compliance with University policies and engaging in consultations at a group leadership level with University officials.”

Jewish Voice for Peace is an anti-Semitic organization that has held numerous anti-Israel rallies after Hamas murdered 1,400 Israelis in an unprecedented terrorist attack last month.

“Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group that advocates for the boycott of Israel and eradication of Zionism,” according to the ADL, which adds that they have “expressed support for violence and, occasionally, classic antisemitic tropes.”

Even jaded people won’t believe why MIT didn’t suspend or expel threatening pro-Hamas students By Andrea Widburg


I’ll admit it: I toyed with the idea of writing about how pro-Hamas students at MIT harassed Jewish students and barred them from entering classrooms but ultimately decided not to. Why not? Because, sadly, in today’s academic environment, it was a dog bites man story. In the almost six weeks since the October 7 massacre in Israel, we’ve been inundated by reports about wildly antisemitic activity in academia, so one more story didn’t seem to add much to the discussion about the fetid moral rot in America’s institutions of higher learning. However, now that I’ve learned why MIT did not discipline those same dangerous students, I’m sufficiently shocked to share the news with you.

Just to set the stage, MIT is one of America’s most reputable institutions. Indeed, even as leftism swept one campus after another, especially in the Ivy Leagues, people thought, “Well, MIT is a STEM school. Surely those brilliant geeks won’t fall prey to woke madness.” But a little bit here and a little bit there…stories started leaking out. (E.g., climate madness, gender madness, and cancel culture.) Antisemitism was in the mix, and I say this because I knew a family that was deeply damaged by an antisemitic attack. But still, it wasn’t as bad as Harvard, Yale, or other schools.

Still, MIT is an American university, so it’s going to be leftist, and leftists support nasty ideas. That’s why I didn’t report on this story, which seemed too sadly common:

Even after the above tweet went viral and the story started spreading beyond MIT’s walls, and a few social media messages, MIT’s administration did nothing: It didn’t put out the usual meaningless statement praising free speech (something academia praises only when anti-leftist messages offend people) nor did it promise to crack down on the malfeasors.

NYC parent, teacher groups promoted pro-Palestinian student walkout: Kids yelled ‘F–k By Deirdre Bardolf and Susan Edelmanthe Jews!’


A Brooklyn parent advisory board promoted and organized a student walkout for Palestinians this week — a clear violation of state regulations, outraged critics told The Post.

The Community Education Council for District 14, which covers ultra-liberal Williamsburg and Greenpoint, used its platform to encourage the 700-student protest involving 100 schools — and even shared resources including antisemitic signs proclaiming, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Recommended chants included, “Resistance is justified when people are occupied” and “Say it loud, say it clear, we don’t want Zionists here!”

Students protesting on Thursday near Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, were captured on video yelling, “F–k the Jews!”

Jewish students were horrified.

One Fort Hamilton High School mom said her daughter didn’t go to school Friday out of fear.

When the mom called the school, an administrator told her it’s “complicated.”

A toolkit created by parents, teachers, and activist groups provided protest signs with graphics supporting Palestinians.toolkit

“I know firsthand what antisemitism is but I never in my life thought my daughter would have to go through something like this,” the mom said.

The Latest Antisemitism on College Campuses Is Beyond Sickening Matt Vespa


Jewish people are running for cover, and can you blame them? In America, most Jewish communities probably never thought they’d have to arm themselves—ever. That all changed when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, butchering 1,400 Israelis and leading to an outpouring of antisemitism not seen since the rise of Nazi Germany. There are no rallies with disciplined men and women wearing swastikas. Still, the disjointed rabble that has gathered on college campuses and in our cities speaks the same language as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party: kill all the Jews.

The phrasing and messaging are different; many will claim they’re anti-Zionist, not antisemitic—all while holding a sign showing the Star of David in a wastebasket with the caption “Keep the world clean.”  That’s a distinction without a difference. And when pressed, it’s an incoherent mess about how they don’t hate Jews but want everyone in Israel to die. 

Some street interviews also exposed an appalling ignorance that causes one to do double-takes. How can kids be unaware that Hamas is a terrorist organization? Some didn’t even know Hams invaded Israel. Of all people, Bill Maher delved into this nonsense, wondering where all this illiberal, illogical, and antisemitic sewage is coming from, and that would be colleges. The kids want to kill Jews. They call for it daily since the Israeli operations against Hamas commenced in earnest after October 7, even going so far as to claim Israel is worse than Nazi Germany. 

It’s not about ideas; you see that with these interactions. It’s about the oppressed/oppressor paradigm that leads to painfully stupid takes from these people, notably the members of the LGBT community who stand with Palestine. Hamas would chuck these people off the roof if they could. Women can’t travel outside the home without a male companion. The sexual liberation that these anti-Israel women also preach would lead to an epic stoning so complete that Gaza City’s streets would be knee-deep with their blood if they ever said one-eighth of the woke nonsense they peddle here. The irony is that Israel’s minorities fare the best in the Middle East for obvious reasons: they’re the only beacon of Western values in that part of the world.

Jewish students at MIT blocked from attending classes by ‘hostile’ anti-Israel protesters By Patrick Reilly


Jewish students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say they were prevented from attending classes by a “blockade” of hostile anti-Israel students — and fear the school is “not safe for Jews.”

An open letter penned by the MIT Israel Alliance alleges that Jewish and Israeli students were “physically” obstructed from classrooms by a “hostile” pro-Palestinian group called the Coalition Against Apartheid (CAA).

“This is after students from the CAA harassed MIT staff members in their offices for being Jewish and interrupted classes in the past few weeks,” the letter read.

“Many Jewish students fear leaving their dorm rooms and have stated that they feel MIT is not safe for Jews,” the letter continues.

“This message is compounded by the public and private warnings of Hillel [the school’s graduate Jewish community] and many faculty that Jewish students should not enter MIT’s main lobby today.”

Four hours after the CAA protest began, the administration told students to leave the lobby and threatened them with suspension — but only the Jewish students who were there to counterprotest left, according to the group.

“Indeed, the CAA proceeded to invite more students and non-MIT protestors to join them in calling for a violent uprising (“Intifada”) and justifying the terror attacks of Hamas on Israeli civilians,” the alliance said.

Intolerant bigots have seized control of our universities Jewish students are under attack. It’s time for donors to demand action Charles Lipson


The surge of open hatred of Jews on college campuses is unprecedented in modern American life. We saw it outside universities in the 1930s, when it was openly preached by Detroit’s Father Coughlin and published by Henry Ford. We saw it from the KKK during the civil rights revolution of the 1950s and 1960s. The Klan targeted Jews, as a marginal group, as allies of black equality, and as vehicles to build solidarity in their target audience: poor, angry, Christian whites.

At universities we saw a different kind of prejudice. That bigotry was exemplified by quiet restrictions on Jewish students and faculty, referred to as “Gentleman’s Agreements”. Those agreements excluded Jews from fraternities and sororities at most schools. Harvard began the practise and stated their goal openly, while others followed in secret. This practice changed only when it was prohibited by civil rights laws.

These practices were obviously prejudiced, but they were a far cry from the open hatred, intimidation, and speech suppression we now see on campus. Some of that is an old mask stripped away, some is an increase in underlying hatred, and some is a collapse of any restraints on its public expression. The old mask was emblazoned with the coda, “We don’t hate Jews. We don’t hate Israel. We just oppose Israeli policies and support Palestinian rights.”

Well, if recent demonstrations are any guide, it turns out they do hate Israel. They want to see it wiped off the map. That’s the meaning of their constant chant, “From the river to the sea.” A Palestinian state that occupies all that territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean would extinguish Israel. That’s their “final solution” for the Jewish state.

Chilling as that goal is, the activists don’t stop there. They extend their hatred to all Jews, and they say so openly in campus meetings and demonstrations. That is led by extremist Muslims, who are part of the dominant coalition on campus. But it is embraced by their political allies. More on that coalition in a moment.

Decent Americans know something has gone badly wrong at our universities. This wider public recognises, quite accurately, that the attacks on Jews are only the latest, most visible examples of a more pervasive problem: the rise of intolerant, illiberal ideology on the far-Left. That has always been a problem on the far-Right, but they were never major players on campus or in elite media. The Left is.

Concealed Foreign Money to US Universities Linked to Campus Antisemitism, Erosion of Liberal Norms: Report By Dion J. Pierre


Billions of dollars in concealed and undocumented donations from foreign governments — many of which are authoritarian — to US institutions of higher education are strongly correlated with an erosion of liberal democratic norms and increased antisemitism on college campuses, according to a new report.

“Over the last decade, institutions of higher education across the United States of America received billions of dollars from foreign donors that were not reported to the US Department of Education, as required,” said the report, titled “The Corruption of the American Mind.” “In its totality, these findings described how a lack of transparency in funding reporting occurred in tandem with antidemocratic norms and antisemitism across American institutions of higher education.”

The report — produced by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) — presented several key findings, going through concealed and undocumented funds to universities uncovered by the US Department of Education.

The ISGAP’s findings included that at an estimated 100 US colleges received $13 billion in “undocumented” contributions from foreign governments, many of which were Middle Eastern and authoritarian. Schools that received this money were found to be home to prevalent campaigns to silence professors and experienced higher levels of antisemitic and anti-Zionist incidents on campus.

From 2015-2020, the report noted, schools that accepted money from Middle Eastern donors had, on average, 300 percent more antisemitic incidents than schools that did not accept such donations.

The Left’s Cheerleading for Hamas’ Terror A product of our education system. by Ian Prior


One would have to be living under a rock to ignore the sickening carnage of October 7, the latest outrage in a horrific terrorism campaign that Hamas has been waging against innocent civilians in Israel for over thirty years. In 1993, all but a tiny sliver of American society, the containing its most radical and foreign elements, recognized Hamas as a monumental evil that must be eradicated without equivocation or regret.

But thanks to the toxic brew of mass immigration and K-12 indoctrination, the America of 2023 is a very different place.  Now, college professors applaud bestial acts of rape, murder, kidnapping as  “de-colonization,” students rally in support of inhuman aggression, and elected officials in Congress  advocate for “Palestine” and for Israel to stand down and then disappear. As a Stanford University student named Julia Steinberg put it in The Free Press, “I am 21 years old and Jewish. Apparently, 48 percent of my peers want people like me dead.”

Years of indoctrination in the name of “critical theory” lies at the heart of this genocidal blood lust. “Critical theory” and “social justice” were sold as tools to combat “systemic racism.” But as these teacher training slides from Loudoun County Public Schools and Tredyffrin/Easttown Public Schools demonstrate, the real goal has always been about identifying, shaming, and overthrowing the so-called “oppressors.”

Thus, our children are taught that every white person is a racist, all men are evil, and American is a uniquely despicable nation. “Privileged” girls in elementary, junior, and high school must share bathrooms, locker rooms, and athletic fields with biological males because “trans” people are “oppressed. Even people who are “average/thin” and people that “[a]dhere to rigid time schedules” are despised because, by their very existence, they are “oppressors” of the obese and the indolent.