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Schools for Hamas-Cide The slaughter in Gaza has exposed the presence of Jew hatred in many of our schools By Larry Sand

While the slaying of some 1,400 Jews by Hamas is a major tragedy in and of itself, other important facets of the story merit attention. For example, a Harris poll taken after the massacre reveals that 51% of  American 18-24-year-olds think the murder of innocent Jewish men, women, and babies was justified, and much of this Jew hatred can be attributed to our nation’s schools. 

Rethinking Schools, a radical activist outfit established in 1986, whose products are used by 200,000 teachers and are on university reading lists, asserts that educators have a “moral and educational responsibility” to join and teach about “the movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel.”

Also, a wing of Rethinking Schools, the Zinn Education Project, which has developed history curricula since 2008, is used by 155,000 teachers nationwide. On October 10, the organization declared that the terror, violence, murder, and rape we’ve seen in the past week “is the direct result of decades of Israeli occupation.” 

In Oakland, the teachers union has accused Israel of carrying out genocide and ethnic cleansing. The teachers union in Seattle passed a resolution in 2021 supporting the same lie. In Virginia, a school board member in Fairfax County has, under the banner of culturally responsive pedagogy, pushed for an explicitly anti-Israeli curriculum.

Also, Black Lives Matter, which has had success infiltrating our public schools, insists that the recent events in the Middle East are a “direct result of decades of Israeli settler colonialism, land dispossession, occupation, blockade, apartheid, and attempted genocide of millions of Palestinians.”

Then there are the colleges. The colleges! Yes, the same cohort of far-left, cultural ignoramuses who can’t define what a woman is and offers classes like “Queering Menstruation” and “Anal 101” are now, not surprisingly, weighing in on the Middle East.

In addition to Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion tenets have become de rigeur on college campuses. The DEI-ists see everything in black and white, labeling white people as oppressors and blacks as the oppressed. While DEI typically concerns itself with USA issues, Israel, too, is on the hook, being tarred as a bastion of Jewish whiteness with a racist commitment to shattering the lives of Palestinians, who are considered people of color.

California Schools Pursue ‘Anti-Racist’ Agenda as Majority of Students Fail Math By Eric Lendrum


In northern California, two schools are implementing an expensive “anti-racism” leadership program, even as the school struggles with as many as 75% of students failing math classes.

As Just The News reports, two schools with the Martinez Unified School District are pursuing the six-figure “Student Leaders’ Anti-Racist Movement” (SLAM) program, which states that its goal is to “empower and mobilize” students “as catalysts for change through an anti-racist leadership youth movement.”

The SLAM program is set to serve 60 students per school, and will attempt to “deepen their personal racial understanding and elevate their racial consciousness as they develop the skills and tools to disrupt systemic racism within their schools, communities, and the larger society.” The program will also force students to “think about the social, cultural, and political aspects of their experiences, with a focus on race,” and will encourage adults to “co-conspire” with students.

The initiative will last for at least three years and cost more than $37,000 per year. SLAM is led by Lori Watson, the founder of Race-Work LLC, who charges $350 per hour for her services as a “racial equity consultant and facilitator.”

Meanwhile, the two schools – Alhambra Senior High School and Martinez Junior High School – are seeing their students fall well below state averages in their math performances. Currently, a staggering 73.9% of Alhambra students are failing basic math standards, while 65.2% of Martinez students are falling. The statewide average currently sees approximately 65% of students failing math courses.

“It’s unfortunate that the Martinez Unified School Board wants to divert resources from curricula proven to work to activism that promotes racial and ethnic strife,” said Lance Christensen, the Vice President of Government Affairs at the California Policy Center. “Race hustlers are never out of ideas to trample on the dream of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. What’s worse is they don’t care about academics in our public schools.”

Campus Anti-Semitism in 1970 An encounter with fringe lunatics then gave a foretaste of today’s bitter hatred. By Jonathan Kellerman


I was a junior at the University of California, Los Angeles when Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban came to town. It was Nov. 12, 1970, and he’d arrived to give a speech on Israel’s conflicts with its neighbors. Alongside thousands of other students eager to hear him, I strolled to Pauley Pavilion, one of the campus’s largest venues.

On the way, my friends and I passed a small, vocal group of anti-Israel protesters, a motley bunch I’d seen on campus over the past year: three Libyan exchange students, a middle-aged German woman and a few members of Students for a Democratic Society, a radical group.

One of the SDSers confronted us, hurling insult after insult. He ended his tirade by screaming that we were Nazis. We walked on and enjoyed an eloquent, well-received speech by Eban. But the encounter remained with me.

Here I was—a second-generation American who had lost several relatives to the gas chambers, the son of a decorated World War II veteran who had fought the Nazis and survived both D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge—being branded as Hitlerian. What could be crueler and crazier?

Anti-Semitism at elite universities isn’t new. Those opposed to Israel planted the seeds of hatred following the Six Day War in 1967. Israel won that military conflict, but its enemies have since dominated the war of words.

Jewish Students Meet Hostility at Yale A university-backed event promotes denial and justifications of Hamas’s atrocities. By Sahar Tartak and Netanel Crispe


New Haven, Conn.

When we found out about Monday’s anti-Israel event at Yale, “Gaza Under Siege,” we scrambled to produce fliers offering some context. They detailed Hamas’s atrocities, its anti-Jewish charter, its use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. Our classmates awaiting the event weren’t interested. They yelled, “don’t take the paper!” and tore it up or threw it back at us.

Organizers refused us entry because we weren’t registered but waved others through who also weren’t on the list. The lecture hall was filled, and we resorted to sitting outside and pressing our ears against the door to listen.

What we heard was two hours of denial, lies and incitement. Speakers referred to the atrocities of Oct. 7 in the sanitized language of “civilians killed,” not beheaded, raped or kidnapped. They called the terrorist group “militant,” and one observed that “violent resistance movements often emerge in colonized spaces.”

Nobody mentioned the Hamas charter’s call to “fight Jews and kill them,” but somebody asserted that Israel aims to “inflict as much harm, damage, and death as possible.” One panelist remarked, “The one most important part of our conversation here today is that Israel is still occupying Gaza.” Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.

One of the speakers flatly declared: “No matter what the solution is—a two-state solution or a one-state solution—the Israeli state cannot remain the state of the Jewish people.”

This event had broad institutional support from Yale. “Gaza Under Siege” was co-sponsored by the American Studies, Anthropology and Religious Studies departments; the programs in Ethnicity, Race and Migration and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; the Center for Middle East Studies; the Black Feminist Collective (co-directed by the head of Pierson College); the Ethnography Hub; the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund; and Yalies4Palestine. The head of Jonathan Edwards College promoted it in a weekly email. The heads of Yale’s colleges had previously been instructed not to advertise a post-Oct. 7 Shabbat dinner invitation. That event was controversial, an administrator told Ms. Tartak.

Bari Weiss: Is Campus Rage Fueled by Middle Eastern Money? According to a new report, at least 200 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately $13 billion in undisclosed contributions from foreign regimes.


Since Hamas’s October 7 massacre, it has been hard to miss the explosion of antisemitic hate that has gripped college campuses across the country. At Cornell, a student posted a call “to follow [Jews] home and slit their throats,” and a professor said the terror attack “energized” and “exhilarated” him. At Harvard, a mob of students besieged an Israeli student, surrounding him as they bellowed “shame, shame, shame.” At dozens of other campuses, students gathered to celebrate Hamas. 

The response from school administrations has been alarming. With few exceptions, in the immediate aftermath of October 7, university presidents issued equivocal statements about the initial attack. Some professors even celebrated it. And the focus on the part of administration bureaucrats has been on protecting the students tearing down posters and being shamed for doing so.

Where did all of this hatred come from is a question worth pondering. As Rachel Fish and others have documented, for several decades a toxic worldview—morally relativist, anti-Israel, and anti-American—has been incubating in “area studies” departments and social theory programs at elite universities. Whole narratives have been constructed to dehumanize Israelis and brand Israel as a “white, colonial project” to be “resisted.” The students you see in the videos circulating online have been marinating in this ideology, which can be defined best by what it’s against: everything Western.

Many are rightly questioning how it got this bad. How did university leaders come to eulogize, rather than put a stop to, campus hate rallies and antisemitic intimidation? Why are campus leaders now papering over antisemitism? How could institutions supposedly committed to liberal values be such hotbeds of antisemitism and anti-Israel activism?

In large part, it is a story of the power of ideas—in this case, terrible ones—and how rapidly they can spread. But it is also a story of an influence campaign by actors far outside of the university campus aimed at pouring fuel on a fire already raging inside.

We’ve known for some time about the links between anti-Israel campus agitators, like Students for Justice in Palestine, and shady off-campus anti-Israel activist networks. 

But thanks to the work of the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), a nonprofit research center, we now have a clearer picture of the financial forces at play at a higher, institutional level.

The Re-Education Camps of Middle East Studies by Ruth King

Manufacturing Jew-haters.

During the Cultural Revolution in China, Mao Zedong declared that “bourgeois intellectuals” could not be trusted as educators; “politically correct” students and teachers should be in charge. Thousands of high school students were sent to camps to be re-educated and embrace communist ideology. Tuition was free.

In America today, parents fork as much as tens of thousands of dollars annually for the same kind of campus re-education, including the communist ideology.

When it comes to Middle East Departments, re-education has been startlingly successful thanks to MESA (the Middle East Studies Association), which could be described as an education cartel that controls what is taught regarding Israel.

If you don’t belong to MESA it is extremely difficult to get employment or tenure in Middle East Study departments in all American colleges and universities, but it is equally difficult to join MESA if you don’t promote their narrative about Israel.

Currently, even the diminishing number of students who have a friendly attitude to Israel with some knowledge of its religious roots and historical and legitimate sovereignty, are quickly disabused of that and indoctrinated with the false narrative that Israel is a colonialist state which dispossessed an indigenous Arab population and now conducts oppression and “apartheid,” justifying Arab resentment. Their success in promoting this fake history is evident in the pro-Hamas rallies ignited on so many campuses recently.

In 1966, Bernard Lewis was a founding member of MESA, but in 2007 he withdrew when it increasingly adopted an anti-Israel bias. If one goes to their website, Lewis is not even mentioned as a founding member.

MESA’s Mission Statement sounds benign enough:

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) is a non-profit association that fosters the study of the Middle East, promotes high standards of scholarship and teaching, and encourages public understanding of the region and its peoples through programs, publications and services that enhance education, further intellectual exchange, recognize professional distinction, and defend academic freedom in accordance with its status as a 501(c)(3) scientific, educational, literary, and charitable organization.

In 2023 about 14.2 million students are enrolled in an undergraduate program. MESA itself does not reach an overwhelming number of students but their professors do and they get their marching orders from the annual meetings. And they influence students in many departments.

Their 57th annual meeting was held at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada from November 2-5, 2023. The conference was the largest of its kind, with an estimated 2,200 attendees, 370 sessions, and nearly 50 exhibitors.

Don’t Confuse Violent Threats on Campus With Free Speech Universities Need to Stand Up for Jewish Students Like Us – By Gabriel Diamond, Talia Dror and Jillian Lederman


Mr. Diamond is a senior at Yale University. Ms. Dror is a junior at Cornell University. Ms. Lederman is a senior at Brown University

Since the Hamas terror attacks on Oct. 7, campus life in the United States has imploded into a daily trial of intimidation and insult for Jewish students. A hostile environment that began with statements from pro-Palestinian student organizations justifying terror has now rapidly spiraled into death threats and physical attacks, leaving Jewish students alarmed and vulnerable.

On an online discussion forum last weekend, Jewish students at Cornell were called “excrement on the face of the earth,”threatened with rape and beheading and bombarded with demands like “eliminate Jewish living from Cornell campus.”(A 21-year-old junior at Cornell has been charged with posting violent threats.) This horror must end.
Free speech, open debate and heterodox views lie at the core of academic life. They are fundamental to educating future
leaders to think and act morally.

The reality on some college campuses today is the opposite: open intimidation of Jewish students. Mob harassment must not be confused with free speech. Universities need to get back to first principles and understand that they have the rules on hand to end intimidation of Jewish students. We need to hold professors and students to a higher standard.

The targeting of Jewish students didn’t stop at Cornell: Jewish students at Cooper Union huddled in the library to escape an angry crowd pounding on the doors; a protester at a rally near New York University carried a sign calling for theworld to be kept “clean” of Jews; messages like “glory to our martyrs” were projected onto a George Washington
University building.

This most recent wave of hate began with prejudiced comments obscured by seemingly righteous language. Following
the Oct. 7 attacks, more than 30 student groups at Harvard signed on to a statement that read: “We, the undersigned
student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” There was no mention of
Hamas. The university issued such a tepid response, it almost felt like an invitation.

Ivy League absent from university presidents’ condemnation of Hamas Yeshiva University President Ari Berman marshaled his colleagues to sign a declaration denouncing the terror group.David Isaac


Stung by their colleagues’ half-hearted condemnations of Hamas and by on-campus anti-Israel protests in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 massacre, more than 100 presidents and chancellors of U.S. colleges and universities appended their names to a full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal (Oct. 28-29) condemning Hamas in no uncertain terms.

However, not a single Ivy League school signed onto the statement.

This, as student chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”—an eliminationist slogan calling for the destruction of Israel—echo in every Ivy League courtyard.

At Dartmouth and Princeton, students chanted, “Israel is a terror state.” Yalies4Palestine justified Hamas’s massacre in an Instagram post, saying, “Breaking out of a prison requires force.” Thirty Harvard student groups held Israel as “the only one to blame” for the pogrom.

Nor has such sentiment been heard only from students. At Columbia, 144 faculty members signed an open letter justifying Hamas’s rampage as a “military action.” A Cornell professor told students that he found the attacks “exhilarating” and “energizing.” A Columbia professor called the attack “awesome” and “astounding.” A Yale professor said that “Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle.”

Meanwhile, Jewish students on these campuses say they don’t feel safe. At Cornell, a student was arrested for threatening to shoot up the school’s kosher dining hall. At Columbia, a student was beaten.

The reaction of Ivy League leadership has been notable for its limpness. Special ire has been directed at the presidents of Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania.

Why Stanford’s Leaders Tolerate Anti-Semitism Recall how Marc Tessier-Lavigne was ousted as president after bucking leftist orthodoxies.


After Hamas massacred some 1,400 Israelis on Oct. 7, many Stanford students marched in support of the terrorist group, chanting “2, 4, 6, 8, smash the Zionist settler state.” University leaders responded with a statement supporting “academic freedom,” including the “expression of controversial and even offensive views.”

This is the same university where administrators last year undertook an Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative, which published a catalog of words and phrases to be removed from the school’s websites. Among the proscribed terms: “American,” “immigrant” and “blind study.”

Stanford’s motto is “let the winds of freedom blow,” but many administrators and faculty want it to blow only from the left. Denouncing anti-Semitic protests wouldn’t chill academic freedom on campus; it would serve as a desperately needed show of moral clarity amid a tempest of false equivalence.

But cowardly university leaders are afraid of provoking leftist professors and staff. Recall what happened to Stanford’s previous president. Marc Tessier-Lavigne, a neuroscientist, announced his resignation in July following a series of reports in the student newspaper, the Stanford Daily, that accused him of research fraud. Much of the reporting turned out to be inaccurate, but that didn’t matter. The die had already been cast against him.

On Nov. 29, 2022, freshman Theo Baker—whose parents, Susan Glasser and Peter Baker, are journalists at the New Yorker and the New York Times—reported that images in some of Mr. Tessier-Lavigne’s papers on Alzheimer’s disease appeared to have been manipulated and that his research was under “investigation for scientific misconduct” by the European Molecular Biology Organization Journal.

Mr. Baker subsequently wrote several stories based on anonymous sources who alleged that Mr. Tessier-Lavigne had tried to conceal fraud in his studies. Mr. Baker focused particularly on a 2009 Alzheimer’s study in the journal Nature that Mr. Tessier-Lavigne led while employed by the drugmaker Genentech.

Jacob Howland The Genocidal Logic of Academic Ideology A civilizational darkness not seen since the Holocaust has fallen. Shamefully, much of it emanates from our own institutions of higher learning.


God, the prophet Isaiah taught, established the Jewish people as a “light unto the nations.” The light of the people of Israel—of justice and mercy, sober intelligence and hopeful faith—has always been one of freedom, shining amid the gloom of tyranny.

When the light was first kindled, the nation in deepest darkness was Egypt. Reliefs at Karnak depict the man-god Pharaoh—immense, archetypically impersonal, and stiff—looming menacingly over herds of human beings. The Bible tells us that a Pharoah solidified control of the land during the famine of Joseph’s time. The Israelites were later forced to make bricks under the Egyptian lash, while organized squads of laborers quarried and hauled massive stones for obelisks and pyramids. The pharaonic machine spent enormous material and social capital on monumental constructions and lavish jewelry meant to bedeck the tombs of dead royalty.

Seeing that the Israelites multiplied abundantly and “filled the land,” the Egyptians imposed a death sentence on all their newborn males. But Moses liberated his brethren from physical and spiritual servitude and led them to life in a new land. It’s not just in theory that the people of Israel embrace life and freedom. They have refused history’s offer of enslavement and death more times than anyone can count. 

Like the ancient Egyptians, Islamists cherish death, particularly that of the children of Israel. But the barbarity of Hamas on October 7 would have made the Pharaohs blush. The terrorists murdered the unborn, babies, and children by beheading, aborting, and baking them alive. A civilizational darkness not seen since the Holocaust once again threatens to extinguish the light unto the nations. Shamefully, some of that darkness emanates from the academy, which has embraced an ideology from which it follows, as night follows day, that the Jews must be assimilated—or eliminated.