Whether you have children or remember your high school days, you remember that Advanced Placement (“AP”) classes attracted the strivers in any schools, the ones who wanted to take an ostensibly college-level class in a given subject, whether to have a more interesting class, to gain college credits or (nowadays) to get extra grade points. These are the kids who pay attention, and who will soon be voting, so it matters tremendously that many of today’s AP U.S. History books defame Donald Trump, a treatment they do not give any other president, including Bill Clinton.
Greg Price took the time to “review five of the most commonly used AP U.S. History textbooks that cover all the way through the presidency.” It was an eye-opening experience and a very disturbing one. Without exception, they repeat as true defamatory claims about Trump, including the disproven Russia collusion hoax, and Clarence Thomas, as well as giving the leftist version of Trayvon Martin’s and Michael Brown’s deaths. One even implies that Trump supporters murdered Brian Sicknick on January 6. Some generally disparage conservatives.
Here’s Price’s summary of the books but I urge you to read beyond the summary. Price backs up his claims with screen grabs from the books:
Nearly all of the textbooks claim “Russian meddling” was responsible for the 2016 election of Donald Trump, despite that narrative being debunked through multiple studies and news reports. A New York University Center for Social Media and Politics study found that Russian Twitter accounts had no measurable impact on the 2016 election. Facebook’s internal investigation also found that 56% of the $100K worth of Facebook ads purchased by Russians in 2016 were viewed on the platform after the election was over.