Government-run, union-controlled schools are increasingly teaching children to loathe their country and fellow citizens. This systematic indoctrination campaign stayed under the radar until forced at-home learning during the COVID-19 lockdowns exposed the curricula to parents throughout the country.
Children normally welcome with enthusiasm the friendship of any child willing to share a toy, a doll, or a game. They naturally build friendships through common interests and activities. In the current educational environment, however, teachers direct children to dwell on superficial differences instead of enjoying similar interests.
Government-run schools also teach children to hate their country and reject their own bodies, as well as the parents who brought them into the world.
Meanwhile, schools are neglecting essential subjects such as math, language and literacy skills, and science. Positive civic education, which recognizes America’s dedication to individual rights and blind justice despite our failings, is also absent. Such malfeasances leave children ill-prepared for gainful work as adults and thereby rob them of independence and the opportunity to better their lot.
The influence of teachers and the power of the education establishment can easily overwhelm parental authority, especially if the educators have that explicit aim, as is now increasingly the case. Generally, children are with their teachers six or more hours per day, and spend far less time with their parents during waking hours. Children are helpless to defend themselves against the skilled manipulation of these professional propagandists, and parents cannot push back the tide.
These divisions promoted by the education culture are sending America’s youth down a dark path toward destruction. Although much of the media bury these stories faster than the victims can be laid to rest, America is suffering a fast-increasing outbreak of senseless criminal violence.