In American public colleges and universities, faculty are supposed to be able to guide their students towards a better understanding of truth, reality, and the world around them freely and in accordance with their own convictions. But as part of its effort to redefine “sex” in Title IX, the Biden administration is seeking to compel faculty and administrators at public schools to speak and act in violation of their deeply held beliefs about gender and sexuality.
The First Amendment guarantees that all Americans, including those who teach at public schools, have the right to speak and act in accordance with their deeply held beliefs—even if those beliefs are offensive to someone else. If the Biden administration gets its way, that right to freedom of speech will be in grave danger.
The administration is trying to change the definition of “sex” in Title IX to include “gender identity”—a seemingly small change. In practice, however, this change would compel professors, teachers, and administrators at public schools and universities to address and treat students based on students’ self-identified “gender identity,” whether by addressing students by their “preferred pronouns” or verbally affirming the claims of gender identity ideology. Professors, teachers, and administrators would be required to do this, even if doing so goes against their deeply held beliefs. Dissent will not be tolerated.
There have already been attempts to compel professors to sacrifice their freedom of speech at the altar of gender identity. As philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether learned, it does not matter how beloved a professor is or how dedicated and excellent he is at his job—that counts as nothing if he happens to believe something that the current powers-that-be don’t like.