“The 2020 American presidential election is the tipping point in America. Will Americans support America-first President Donald J. Trump and recommit themselves to blind justice and the nonpartisan rule of law as Amy Coney Barrett did?? Or will Americans choose to descend further into the financially corrupt world of globalism’s Joe Biden, and the lawlessness of radical leftist Democrat Kamala Harris?”
According to Wikipedia, the familiar term pork‐barrel politics “refers to instances in which ruling parties channel public money to particular constituencies based on political considerations, at the expense of broader public interests. . . .Typically, ‘pork’ involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers.”
The less familiar term “porking” is defined as “government funds, appointments, or benefits dispensed or legislated by politicians to gain favor with their constituents.” So, porking the court would mean nominating justices who would rule in favor of a particular constituency rather than dispensing the blind justice that judges are constitutionally and honor-bound to adhere to.
Anyone who has served on a jury knows that jurors are required to put their personal beliefs and preferences aside. Jury duty is an essential part of the American judicial system that entrusts citizens with the responsibility of impartiality. Blind justice requires impartial judges and impartial juries to provide equal justice under the law.
Part of Barack Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America involved politicizing the courts. Community organizing was Obama’s specialty, his instruction manual written by socialist mentor, Saul Alinsky, is Rules for Radicals. Alinsky’s manifesto is based on incremental change because community organizing is a long-term tactical political strategy. Alinsky advised, “True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.” That is precisely what Barack Obama did.