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Porking the Supreme Court by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com

“The 2020 American presidential election is the tipping point in America. Will Americans support America-first President Donald J. Trump and recommit themselves to blind justice and the nonpartisan rule of law as Amy Coney Barrett did?? Or will Americans choose to descend further into the financially corrupt world of globalism’s Joe Biden, and the lawlessness of radical leftist Democrat Kamala Harris?”

According to Wikipedia, the familiar term pork‐barrel politics “refers to instances in which ruling parties channel public money to particular constituencies based on political considerations, at the expense of broader public interests. . . .Typically, ‘pork’ involves funding for government programs whose economic or service benefits are concentrated in a particular area but whose costs are spread among all taxpayers.”

The less familiar term “porking” is defined as “government funds, appointments, or benefits dispensed or legislated by politicians to gain favor with their constituents.” So, porking the court would mean nominating justices who would rule in favor of a particular constituency rather than dispensing the blind justice that judges are constitutionally and honor-bound to adhere to.

Anyone who has served on a jury knows that jurors are required to put their personal beliefs and preferences aside. Jury duty is an essential part of the American judicial system that entrusts citizens with the responsibility of impartiality. Blind justice requires impartial judges and impartial juries to provide equal justice under the law.

Part of Barack Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America involved politicizing the courts. Community organizing was Obama’s specialty, his instruction manual written by socialist mentor, Saul Alinsky, is Rules for Radicals. Alinsky’s manifesto is based on incremental change because community organizing is a long-term tactical political strategy. Alinsky advised, “True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.” That is precisely what Barack Obama did.

Poll: Biden Drops 8 Points In 3 Weeks In Florida By Mollie Hemingway


Joe Biden continues to lose ground in Florida, even in polls that have historically been quite favorable to him. Biden’s most favorable pollster in the Sunshine State is Quinnipiac, which just three weeks ago claimed Biden held an 11-point lead. Its latest poll has shown President Donald Trump gaining 2 points and Biden losing 6 points, dropping Biden to a 3-point lead.

By comparison, Quinnipiac’s final Florida polls in 2018 showed Democrats winning both the Senate and governor races by a 7-point margin. In fact, the Republicans narrowly won both races.

The most recent Susquehanna poll also showed a significant drop for Biden. Near the end of September, Susquehanna had him up 3 points but their most recent poll has Trump leading by 4 points.

Recent polls either show Trump leading by 3, 4, or 4 points — or Biden leading by 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, or 6 points.

Earlier this month, Biden had as much as a 4.5-point lead in the RealClearPolitics average of Florida state polls. Now he’s down to just 1.2 points. Still, he’s doing, about 1.2 points better than Hillary Clinton was at this point in the 2016 race. She ended up losing that race by 1.2 points, about one point more than she was projected to lose it by, in the RealClearPolitics average.

Tucker Carlson: The Biden Scandal Is Real And Not Going Away


TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: It’s been obvious for decades now that the Biden family has gotten rich from selling influence abroad. Joe Biden held a series of high level jobs in the U.S. government. Based on that fact and that fact alone, Biden’s son and brother approached foreign governments and companies, sovereign wealth funds, energy conglomerates, Third World oligarchs and dictators, and they offered to exchange favors from Joe Biden for cash.

The polite term for that practice is influence-peddling. Sometimes it is legal under American law, sometimes it is not. But it has always been the economic engine of the Biden family. They’ve never done anything else. Until recently, no one debated this fact. Several liberal news organizations, in fact, have written detailed stories about the Biden secret business dealings over the years. Look them up, assuming you still can.

It’s only since Joe Biden received the Democratic nomination that anyone in the media has claimed otherwise. This week, we introduced you to one of the Biden family’s former business partners, a man called Tony Bobulinski. Bobulinski confirmed more conclusively than anyone ever has what the Bidens have been doing.

Biden, Never By Jack Fowler.*****


On Election Day, this #NeverBiden voter will vote.

In my 34th year of “Never Biden,” exhausted by the political commentariat’s Trump myopia, I offer some reasons, selective, that explain a complete, personal disdain for the idea of a President Biden. These reasons for opposing this vanguard of Warren/Sanders/Harris socialism, for objecting to this doddering culmination of a half-century of hackery and blarney, elicit varying degrees of disqualification and rage-inducement. The handful of reasons (there are many more) are disqualifying. They are presented without the obsession of “But Trump . . .” rhetoric — look elsewhere (the places are plenty) if that is what floats your boat. This is done with an understanding, maybe delusional but likely not, that #NeverBiden is a status that applies to many Americans.

Demeaning Vaccines

The true game-changer to this pandemic should be a successful vaccine (or, vaccines) that, if taken, would restore normalcy of work, travel, commuting, socializing, weddings, worship, vacations, camaraderie, and so much more (consumer spending) that has been curtailed and suppressed by lockdowns and other measures. Or at least, with vaccines, much would be met with far less fear. Vaccines will be empowering and restorative agents. They are deserving of overwhelming support. This summer, as Operation Warp Speed’s pedal hit the metal, Gallup reported that two-thirds of Americans were willing to be vaccinated. But then came the disingenuous and disparaging political rhetoric of the Biden-Harris ticket, which has severely harmed public support for the de facto cure: that number has dropped to 50 percent. In August, 83 percent of Democrats polled were willing to take the vaccine — as of late September that number plunged to 53 percent.

On his largely virtual hustings, the former vice president has repeated COVID anti-vaxxing rhetoric. “I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don’t trust Donald Trump,” Biden said in a September 16 speech in Delaware, which followed a meeting with scientists to discuss coronavirus policy. “And at this moment, the American people can’t either.” Infecting America’s receptiveness to an anticipated COVID counterattack was on display at the first presidential debate, when Biden disparaged the efficacy of vaccines being tested by pharmaceutical giants: “And by the way, in terms of the, the whole notion of a vaccine. We prefer a a [sic] vaccine, but I don’t trust him at all, and neither do you, I know you don’t. What we trust is a scientist.”

Trump retorted: “You don’t trust Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer?”

Could Biden Blow This Thing? By Kyle Smith


“If Joe Biden is elected president he’ll be the first one who ever needed to take a break for a nap in the middle of his inaugural address. Can you picture Biden commander-in-chiefing his way through a mano a mano with the Ayatollah? The man looks like he needs help ordering lunch.”

The data vs. the stories.

When it comes to polling, like Jon Snow, I know nothing. I don’t know from statistics. I’m so innumerate that I’d have to phone a friend if you asked me what comes between 10 and 12. When it comes to crunching, I’ll choose potato chips over numbers every time. Plus, when it comes to politics, I’m hopeless: I predicted both that Donald Trump wouldn’t run for president and that Democratic voters would find Joe Biden’s creepy behavior around women disqualifying. Live and learn! Biden is way ahead. And he is certainly going to win. Right?

I’m all about stories, not numbers. True, the plural of anecdotes is not data, so nothing I have to say can possibly have any value whatsoever. When the whiz kids say President Trump has a 13 percent chance to win reelection, listen to them. Whiz kids are never wrong.

But when I look at President Trump, I see a guy who is trying so hard to get the girl — the voter — that he wears her down till she gives in just to shut him up, like Hawaiian-shirted noodge Robert De Niro agonizingly wooing Liza Minnelli in that nightclub at the start of New York, New York. De Niro in that scene goes from weird to alarming to annoying to funny. Just like Trump.

Trump: Now he’s in Florida, now he’s in Pennsylvania. This week he’s been in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota. He’s out hustling for a single contested electoral vote in Nebraska. He’s hitting Nevada, New Mexico, Madagascar, Peru, and the Moon. Remember when the guy was supposedly at death’s door and we all wondered what would happen if he died? Fat chance. I’ve seen golden retriever puppies with less energy. If his movement gets buried on November 3, the gravestone will read: 2020 Campaign of Donald J. Trump — You can’t say I didn’t try.

Alaska Gov. Dunleavy Praises Trump’s Bid to Reduce Reliance on China for Critical Minerals By Isabel van Brugen


Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy (R) on Thursday praised President Donald Trump’s bid to ramp up domestic production of critical minerals such as rare earth elements and support mining jobs in the United States to reduce the nation’s reliance on Beijing.

In an interview with The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program, Dunleavy said that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic has exposed the nation’s weakness in a number of supply chains, including rare earths.

The president last month signed an executive order declaring a national emergency in the U.S. mining industry. It asks the Department of the Interior to look into implementing the Defense Production Act to fund mineral processing “that protects our national security.”

China is currently the top global producer of the specialized minerals, used to build electronics, military weapons, and other high-tech equipment. Last year, 80 percent of rare earths imported by the United States came directly from China.

“I think to some extent, we as a country have fallen asleep at the helm over the last several decades. And that, plus the concept of globalization has put us in somewhat limited position of weakness,” the governor said.

“From a strategic point of view, a defense point of view, at the very least … I think what the President is doing is absolutely correct. And that is identifying the fact that we have these weaknesses.”

Rare earths are an obscure group of 17 minerals, and there are no known substitutes for them. They are often found in precision-guided missiles, smart bombs, and military jets.

While the United States used to be the leading producer of the minerals, China currently commands a lion’s share of the market after it displaced competitors by strategically flooding the global market over the last few decades.

Is America Going To Let The Party Of Riots, Re-education Camps, Coups, Intolerance And Segregation Win The White House Tuesday?


Tuesday’s election is without question the most important in most of our lifetimes. America can pick the soft tyranny, guaranteed to grow harder, of the Democrats, or stand athwart history, to borrow a phrase from William F. Buckley, and yell stop. Voters must choose wisely. There’s a future at stake.

President Donald Trump is not a perfect man, nor is the Republican Party a faultless institution. But the Democrats, as constituted today, are flawed beyond repair. Their leadership mutters at times about patriotism and American values, but only to pander to select audiences. Today’s Democrats are defined by policy choices and actions that are not consistent with liberty and independence. They are the party of:

A coup attempt.
Re-education camps.
Segregation (through its support for Black Lives Matter and racially divisive policies in higher learning).
Marxist indulgence. (see BLM again).
Election fraud.
Using government to punish political enemies.
A modern serfdom.
The cancel culture.

Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country. Here’s How Mollie Hemingway


Even if Donald Trump had lost the 2016 election, instead of won it in a surprise, the media’s coverage of his campaign and supporters would have been a horrific failure. They presented that race as unwinnable for Trump and as if his support was inexplicable.

Their response to their 2016 failures has been not to improve their journalism in any way, shape, or form, but to decide that they didn’t do enough to bias that election in their preferred direction. Their nearly four-year temper tantrum has resulted in far worse 2020 campaign coverage than even the depths of their 2016 coverage. It’s as if they looked to the Candy Crowley debate in 2012, when she went out of her way to back Barack Obama when he said something false, and viewed it as a model, not an embarrassment.

Once again, regardless of the outcome next week, Big Media is actively at war with half of the American people and are desperately working to rig an election against them. Here are just five ways they’re doing that.

1. Refusing to Do Journalism on Joe Biden

On October 14, the New York Post published a story about how Hunter Biden had introduced his father to a top Ukrainian businessman. This contradicted Joe Biden’s oft-repeated claim to have had no knowledge whatsoever about his son’s overseas business affairs.

Hunter Biden was paid handsomely by Burisma, a Ukrainian energy concern, while his father was vice president. Hunter had no business acumen or relevant experience in the energy sector, but was paid millions of dollars by Burisma at the time his father was in charge of U.S. policy toward Ukraine.


Twitter CEO Admits: We Have No Proof the Hunter Biden Story Is False https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2020/10/28/twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-admits-we-have-no-proof-the-hunter-biden-story-is-false-n2578956?
Sen. Gardner Asks Dorsey Why He’s Hidden Trump’s Tweets, But Not the Ayatollah’s https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2020/10/28/sen-gardner-asks-dorsey-why-hes-hidden-trumps-tweets-but-not-the-ayatollah-n2578937?
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey accused of lying under oath to the Senate: That’s a felony https://www.wnd.com/2020/10/twitter-ceo-jack-dorsey-accused-lying-oath-senate-felony/

STILL HIDIN’ HUNTER: Nets Spend a Meager 21 Minutes Out of 113 Hours on Biden Scandals https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/geoffrey-dickens/2020/10/27/still-hidin-hunter-nets-spend-meager-21-minutes-out-113-hours

Why Hunter Biden Really Does Matter… Big Time https://www.theepochtimes.com/why-hunter-biden-really-does-matter-big-time_3556068.html?
‘The Hunter Games’: Like prodigal father, like prodigal son https://www.wnd.com/2020/10/hunter-games-like-prodigal-father-like-prodigal-son/

RIGGED ELECTION: TX ‘Ballot Chaser’ Illegally Pressures Voters To Change Votes; “I could go to jail” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAhTVMikqgU&feature=emb_title

The Election – A Few More Things to Consider by Sydney Williams


The election will be over in four days, though the results may not be known for a while. This is written to raise questions, which give credence to the importance of this election.

The strongest case for Joe Biden is that he will (or so he claims) return the country to normalcy – whatever that is – and bring civility back to the White House. God knows, today’s politics do not appear normal and even Mr. Trump’s most ardent supporters would hesitate to affix the adjective “civil” when describing the 45th President. Calling Vice President Biden “sleepy Joe,” and referring to the Speaker of the House as “crazy Nancy” would not endear Mr. Trump to Emily Post. But is he alone? Was it polite for Mr. Biden to tell the black radio host Charlamagne, “If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!”? Was it gracious for the Speaker to tear up the President’s State of the Union speech on live TV? Civility is absent in Washington. Should that be blamed on Trump or do its roots extend further back? Could anyone describe Joe Biden’s behavior as civil, when as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1980s, he interrogated Robert Bork, claiming his America was “…a land where women are forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors…” or what about his “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas? Was Senate Majority leader Harry Reid deferential (or even wise) to eliminate the filibuster, as it applied to judicial appointments, in November 2013? A decision regretted four years later.

And what is normal behavior? Is it normal to not acknowledge the results of an election, as numerous politicians did in joining the Trump “resistance” in January 2017? Have the looting, riots and killings in cities across the nation, in response to the horrific death of George Lloyd at the hands of a policeman, been normal? Was the refusal to accept the findings of the Mueller investigation, after three years and the expenditure of thirty to forty million taxpayer dollars normal? Was it normal for a sitting U.S. Vice President to allow his son to trade on his name with foreign nationals? Was it normal for the nation’s intelligence agencies to try to sabotage a duly elected President? Was it normal for the New York Times’ writer-at-large, Jim Rutenberg to admit, as he did in August 2016, that they (the Times) could not be “objective” when covering Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump?  Would it be normal, should Democrats take the Senate and the Presidency, to then try to “pack” the Supreme Court and/or attempt to make Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. states?