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Hochul’s Messianic Delusions Obey her orders on guns and vaccinations — or you’re a sinner. Matthew Vadum


New York’s bizarro governor, radical Democrat Kathy Hochul, whose party just rammed totalitarian anti-gun laws through the state legislature in Albany, seems to thinks she’s Jesus Christ.

Is this characterization of Hochul hyperbole? Decide for yourself.

In a wildly under-reported public sermon last year, Hochul zealously denounced the unvaccinated, accusing them of defying God’s will. The unvaccinated people she vilified are her own constituents. They have good reasons, religious or medical or otherwise, for avoiding the various vaccines, all of which have been shown to have serious side effects. The fact they reject the vaccines should not be her concern, but that would not be in keeping with leftist public health dogma, so their heresy must be punished.

America is supposed to be about freedom of choice, but that’s not the way fanatics like Hochul see things. This left-wing theocrat says she is entitled to be followed by “apostles” to spread the false gospel of public health charlatans, monomaniacal epidemiologists, corrupt statistical modelers, and their self-righteous enablers in the government and the media.

“We are not through this pandemic. I wished we were,” Hochul said September 26, 2021, at the Christian Cultural Center in New York City.

The Unvaccinated As Sinners

“But I prayed a lot to God during this time. And you know what? God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers, he made them come up with a vaccine that is from God to us. And we must say thank you, God, thank you. And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated,” she said.

Dissent In WI Ballot Drop Box Victory Highlights Much Bigger Issue: Our Top Jurists Don’t Care About Election Integrity By: Margot Cleveland


Many of the top jurists in our country care no more about election integrity than the Democrat politicians trying to sell the myth that the 2020 election was spectacularly safe and error-free.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday held that state election officials’ use of some 500-plus drop boxes during the 2020 general election violated Wisconsin law.

While the court’s decision represents a (partial, as we will soon see) victory for election integrity, the split 4-3 decision and the substance of the dissent reveal that having a fair electoral process no longer “transcends any individual partisan interest” — something less than two decades ago Jimmy Carter touted as a universal truth in the bipartisan Commission on Election Reform report “Building Confidence in U.S. Elections.”

In Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, the court declared that the Wisconsin Elections Commission, or “WEC,” had illegally authorized election officials to use ballot drop boxes. The high court further held the WEC exceeded its statutory authority when it declared that voters could hand off their ballots to third parties rather than personally deliver their own ballots to election officials. The WEC had authorized ballot drop boxes and third-party ballot delivery in two documents issued in 2020, one in the spring before the primary election and the second before the November 2020 general election. 

Wisconsin Supreme Court Drops Hammer On 2020 Election Shenanigans: ‘Ballot Drop Boxes Are Illegal’ Under Wisconsin Law By: Shawn Fleetwood


The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a ruling on Friday that deems unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes illegal under Wisconsin election law.

“An absentee ballot must be returned by mail or the voter must personally deliver it to the municipal clerk at the clerk’s office or a designated alternate site,” the high court said in the 4-3 decision. “The record evidence [the Wisconsin Elections Commission] cited does not support its argument that ballot drop boxes have been in common and longstanding use in this state.”

The Friday ruling from Wisconsin’s highest court came as a result of a lawsuit filed in May by the Thomas More Society on behalf of state voters, who took legal action against the cities of Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, and Racine for their illegal use of unmanned drop boxes during the 2020 election cycle.

As The Federalist previously reported, the lawsuits came “after the Wisconsin Elections Commission refused … to launch investigations into the five cities for their use of unmanned drop boxes, despite a January ruling from a Waukesha County Circuit Court judge saying that such drop boxes and ballot harvesting ‘violate state law and cannot be used in the upcoming midterm elections.’”

Democracy Depends on Voter ID By Travis N. Taylor


As the federal government under President Biden continues its attempts to undermine the authority of the states to regulate their own elections — unconstitutional and unprecedented federal actions — states are reasserting their power by passing reforms that will protect the integrity of the electoral process. Louisiana is a national leader on this and should continue its work of making it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

Election integrity is vital to a healthy democracy because Americans need to have confidence that their votes are protected. A breakdown in any part of ballot protection can weaken this confidence, lead to questions regarding the legitimacy of election outcomes, and create a deeper distrust of government and the men and women who serve in it.

Protecting the vote includes ensuring that ballots are cast securely, privately, and legally. It means making sure that every legally cast ballot is counted — and counted only once. It also means providing for the transparent and timely reporting of election results as well as a meaningful post-election audit system to ferret out any irregularities.

Election officials across the country work diligently behind the scenes to administer free and fair elections with these goals in mind. However, some election integrity measures are in full view of the public, and those measures are vital to public confidence in elections. One such measure is the use of voter ID, an issue Louisiana has addressed head on, requiring voters to prove their identity when casting a ballot.

I spent much of my adult life in Louisiana. There were many instances, because of work or being out of state on Election Day, that I had to vote by mail because I refused to let my vote go uncounted and my voice unheard.

Each time I requested and filled out a mail-in ballot, I had to enter a code from my Louisiana driver’s license to verify my identity to the Secretary of State and the Clerk of Courts. Having to write down that four-digit audit code wasn’t inconvenient or an undue burden on me. It was easy, and it gave me confidence that my ballot was secure.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court Just Banned Ballot Drop Boxes Katie Pavlich


The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Friday that unmanned ballot drop boxes are illegal in the state and can no longer be used, marking a victory for election integrity activists. 

“Ballot drop boxes are illegal under Wisconsin statutes. An absentee ballot must be returned by mail or the voter must personally deliver it to the municipal clerk at the clerk’s office or a designated alternate site,” the opinion states. “The Wisconsin voters allege they have suffered an injury in fact to their right to vote. As the Wisconsin voters argue, ‘voters are entitled to have the elections in which they participate administered properly under the law.’…We agree.” 

“If the right to vote is to have any meaning at all, elections must be conducted according to law. Throughout history, tyrants have claimed electoral victory via elections conducted in violation of governing law,” the opinion continues. “The right to vote presupposes the rule of law governs elections. If elections are conducted outside of the law, the people have not conferred their consent on the government. Such elections are unlawful and their results are illegitimate.”

Gavin Newsom’s 2024 Presidential Campaign Has Begun He takes on Ron DeSantis in ads urging Floridians to move to California. Good luck with that. By Kenneth L. Khachigian


San Clemente, Calif.

Emboldened by his victory in last year’s recall election and looking toward an easy November re-election, California Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled his presidential ambitions over the Fourth of July weekend. He challenged potential opponent Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis with a television commercial in the Sunshine State.

Stuffing too many images into too little space, Mr. Newsom called on Floridians to flee to California, “where we still believe in freedom: freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate and the freedom to love.” Mr. Newsom followed with a CNN interview trash-talking Mr. DeSantis and summoning Democrats to “take the fight to them.”

Hubris is a common disease for those coming from states where the media are uncritical and political success is attained without duress. The strains of “Hail to the Chief” are enticing while staff in the governor’s corner office prod: “Boss, this is your time.”

Mr. DeSantis and the other potential 2024 Republican candidates couldn’t be happier to welcome Mr. Newsom into the mix. Putting a magnifying glass on Mr. Newsom’s inept management of what was once the jewel of the Pacific will be a joy to the campaign consultants and political action committee managers waiting to chew up another California lightweight—as they did to Kamala Harris in 2020.

Once Mr. Newsom takes his show on the road, he’ll quickly find the scrutiny that has escaped him in California. His slicked-back act won’t play in Iowa cornfields, New Hampshire snows or South Carolina towns. It is politically perverse that Mr. Newsom’s ad asks Floridians to come to California when his own constituents are leaving for friendlier business and cultural climates in Florida, Texas, Arizona and elsewhere.

Here Are So Many Examples of Democrats Denying Election Results That Your Head Will Spin By J.D. Rucker


The Republican National Committee is a strange beast sometimes. On one hand, they’ve essentially disavowed all discussions about the stolen 2020 election. On the other hand, they just posted an article and a video showing plenty of examples of Democrats denying presidential election results during the last three races they lost.

With a 99% certainty, I can say the 2020 election was stolen. Whether the RNC is finally acknowledging that possibility or not is up for debate, but kudos to them for putting together this video and the list below:


Biden and Democrats have a long history of contesting election outcomes.
Many Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barbra Lee (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), have cast doubt on every single Republican presidential victory in the last two decades.
Every single Democrat president since 1977 has cast doubt on the legitimacy of U.S. elections.
As recently as this year, Biden cast doubt on the legitimacy of the upcoming 2022 midterms.

Should We Follow the Science Instead of the Votes? A thought experiment in replacing elections with surveys. By Harvey C. Mansfield


The Democrats, ever solicitous of the people’s welfare and comfort, want to make voting easier. The Republicans, guardians of public morality, want to make sure votes are genuine. So why not abandon elections and replace them with surveys?

Surveys turn citizens into “respondents” answering from home by phone or computer. Respondents are scientifically selected to represent a slice of the population. Answering is easy, to please Democrats, and since your qualities and attributes are selected without regard to your name, there’s no risk of fraud, which should please Republicans. Now that we have surveys made reliable by the science of polling, why do we need elections with their hoopla, ceremony, and expense—not to mention their chanciness, rowdiness and unreason?

An objection to this question comes to mind at once. Polls often go wrong, failing to predict accurately the result of a following election. It would seem that we need elections to check on the surveys. But no—the objection takes for granted that an election is superior to a survey for reckoning the people’s will. That should be taken as a question, not an assumption. We must not underestimate the power of science. We must entertain the possibility that the survey is correct and the election—because it fails to follow the method of science—is incorrect.

This was done in 1995 by one of the founders of survey science, the late Sidney Verba, a friend and colleague of mine at Harvard. In a speech on “the citizen as respondent,” he made the claim that voter surveys are both more democratic and more accurate than elections because they reach those who don’t vote. Nonvoters are different from voters; they are less well-informed and less active on their own account, hence more vulnerable. The political scientist can reach out to them to capture their unvoiced opinions or even generously to articulate their feelings for them.

THE STRATEGY BEHIND DESANTIS’ CULTURE WAR The New Yorker reveals some of the governor’s most effective tactics. Christopher Rufo


“DeSantis is the man to watch. He is making the necessary transition from “culture war as performance” to “culture war as public policy.” He is writing the new playbook for conservative politics and his enemies are starting to take note.”

The New Yorker just published a report highlighting my work supporting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ policies on critical race theory and gender ideology. If you can set aside the obligatory editorializing—the disposition of the New Yorker is obviously left-wing—there is some valuable insight into the political strategy that DeSantis has adopted.

The article begins with some behind-the-scenes details:

In April, the conservative activist Christopher Rufo flew from his home, near Seattle, to Miami, to meet with Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, and to take part in the public signing of the Stop Woke Act. A former documentary filmmaker and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, Rufo was the lead protagonist of last year’s furor over the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools and helped advise the Governor on the Florida law, which aimed to limit discussion of racial history and identity in schools and workplaces. Rufo was especially taken with how personally invested DeSantis seemed in the policy. “He shows up to the tarmac at 6:30 a.m. with a Red Bull energy drink, ready to roll through the policy papers,” Rufo said. The bill had not come from the Governor’s advisers or the grass roots: “It’s driven by him.”

From there, the writer, Benjamin Wallace-Wells, recounts the story of DeSantis’ fight against Walt Disney after the company publicly announced its opposition to the Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits public schools from promoting gender and sexual ideologies in kindergarten through third grade. DeSantis mobilized the public against Disney and quickly signed legislation to strip the company of its special tax and governing status—an aggressive move that most political observers did not anticipate.

Beware America, Gavin Newsom Is Running For President


The governor of the biggest state in the country has said he isn’t running for president. But there’s no question Gavin Newsom wants to be in the White House. The only question: Is this country foolish enough to elect such a miserable failure?

Newsom has said publicly that he has no presidential ambitions. But it’s no secret that he’s been groomed for White House occupancy by rich, progressive San Francisco elites. And now he’s “picking exactly the kinds of fights that presidential candidates like to pick” and is “clearly laying the groundwork for a presidential run,” in 2028 if not 2024.

California, the “damn state” Newsom swears he loves, was once the destination for those who wanted a better life and were willing to work for it. Now, both residents and businesses are fleeing. They’re fed up with confiscatory taxation, a can’t-do-business-here regulatory regime, an extreme cost of living that’s been driven by public policy, and a prohibition agenda that threatens to ban every consumer convenience Americans have grown accustomed to.

No longer golden, California is the center of the universe for homelessness. At 4.3%, the state’s unemployment is worse than in all but seven states, the poverty rate is higher than in any other state, blackouts are becoming more rule than exception, soft-on-crime policies have shown up in ugly street crimes, a politically created drought has a distinct Third World feel, and personal freedom is on the decline while economic freedom has been near rock bottom for more than two decades.

No, Newsom did not create these problems. But his party did. And as governor, he’s done nothing to solve them, which he was elected to do. He has talked a lot, though, and has yet to see a camera or microphone that didn’t need his presence.