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Who Do Dems Want In 2024? Right Now, Anybody But Biden: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Yes, it’s very early. But if given the choice right now, which Democrats do Americans want to see run for president in 2024? The perhaps not-so-surprising answer emerging from the latest I&I/TIPP Poll seems to be: “Anyone but Joe Biden.”

In our April opinion poll, we asked Americans of all political affiliations across the demographic spectrum “Who do you want to see run for president on the Democratic ticket in 2024?”

Just 19% of those responding answered “Joe Biden, 46th president of the United States.” The rest of the choices were spread among 18 candidates, along with “other” (6%) and “not sure” (28%). Put another way, 81% of Americans don’t want Biden to run again.

Specifically, other names on the list included (in declining order of preference) Vice President Kamala Harris (7%), Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (6%), former First Lady Michelle Obama (6%), former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton (4%), former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (3%), and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (3%).

Trailing in the preference race is a long list at 2%, including losing 2018 Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Massachusetts Rep. Joe Kennedy.

A third tier of candidates includes California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Luhan Grisham, all at 1% preference.

The data come from the April I&I/TIPP Poll of 981 registered voters.

The Real Reset is Coming… But Not the One the Elites Expect By Ron Wright


“We are at a tipping point with the coming midterms. The lies of the elite are catching up with the common sense of the American people.”

“The ‘Real Reset’ is Coming,” As Victor Davis Hanson writes on the upcoming midterm elections.

In truth, we are about to see a radical reset – of the current reset.  It will be a different sort of transformation than the elites are expecting and one that they should greatly fear. . .

In the November 2022 midterms, we are likely to see a historic “No!” to the orthodox left-wing agenda that has resulted in unsustainable inflation, unaffordable energy, war, and humiliation abroad, spiraling crime, racial hostility — as well as arrogant defiance from those who deliberately enacted these disastrous policies.

The public has been marinated in false narratives and disinformation spread by our elite ruling class and echoed by the dominant media. For example, climate change (more), green energy and its consequences, and Putin inflation.  Then there’s the COVID-19 origin and authoritarian mandates fostered by the spurious meme follow the science, the Russian collusion narrative, there was no election fraud in the 2020 Election, voter suppression, wokeism, and equity-speak.  Don’t forget gender fluidity/grooming, the mask mandates by woke schoolboards supported by teachers’ unions,  cops shooting Black men, and Critical Race Theory, including the divisive memes of White Supremacy/domestic terrorism/systemic racism and many other crises de jour.

These false narratives can be very pervasive when embedded in many people’s minds.  For example, I was recently in SoCal.  A Gen Z young man was discussing American government and politics with two older British men in the hotel lounge.  As I left, I mentioned Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell and the election fraud in the 2020 Election.  The discussion was civil, but the young man was wed to the progressive narrative that this was disinformation and wasn’t open to debate.

Biden’s dismal poll numbers imperil Dem Senate control The president’s popularity is dangerously low in the four states where Democratic incumbents are most endangered.By Natalie Allison


Democrats’ path to saving their narrow Senate majority comes down to defending four states this fall. And in all of them, President Joe Biden is underwater in the polls.

Biden’s drag on swing-state incumbents is emerging as a pivotal factor in the midterm Senate elections, where the loss of just one Democratic-held seat in November could put Republicans in control.

Acutely aware of the need to get distance from the president, the four most endangered Democratic incumbents — Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock, Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto and New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan — are increasingly taking steps to highlight their independence from the president and underscore their differences.

Their public pushback against Biden’s plan to lift the Trump-era border restriction known as Title 42 is the most visible expression of the effort to get distance from the president. But the four Democrats are also finding other ways of signaling to voters. They’ve visited the border wall and blocked his nominees. A month before a Trump-appointed judge struck down Biden’s mask mandate on mass transit, three of the four voted in favor of a Republican bill to do just that

On social media, where they shy away from praise of the president and instead focus on their efforts to prod the White House to action, it’s hard to tell they’ve voted in line with Biden no less than 96 percent of the time.

“In these four states, these are senators just doing the work, keeping their head down, getting things done for their states while the Republicans are obviously tearing each other apart in these primaries,” said Martha McKenna, a Democratic ad maker who previously worked for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Will America’s Open Borders Disaster Doom Dems In 2022?


One of a president’s clear and stated duties under the Constitution is to protect America’s states from “invasion.” In short, to protect the borders. President Joe Biden has utterly failed to do so. Now even his own political party is running scared from the policy it helped to put in place.

With illegal border crossings already at a 22-year high, the Biden administration is pondering letting the Title 42 restrictions that held back the flood of illegal immigrants during the pandemic end on May 23.

But doing so would produce a grim state of affairs, with hundreds of thousands of people illegally crossing the border in coming months and no one stopping them from doing so.

Not only would this be a nightmare for financially strapped border cities, which would be overwhelmed by the human tide, but it would pose a very clear national security risk as well.

The data are alarming. In March alone, the U.S. stopped 221,303 crossings along the Southwest border, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection released Monday. That’s a 33% jump from the month before (see chart, below).

Two Respected Political Sites Make Massive House Predictions By Rick Moran


Two of the most respected political prognostication sites — Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball and The Cook Political Report — announced massive shifts in their partisan ratings for House races.

Sabato’s latest estimate shifted an astonishing 11 races toward the GOP. Five of those races shifted from “Safe Democratic” to “Likely Democratic.” It should be noted that in 2010 a dozen or more Democratic races that started in the “Safe” column ended up with a GOP victory. This is another clear indication of an increased chance for a “wave” election where 50 or more seats switch parties.

The Cook Political Report is behind a paywall, but the Hill has a summary of the eight changes made by that site.

The changes include moving three previously “likely” Democratic districts — Indiana’s 1st, New York’s 19th and North Carolina’s 1st — into “lean” Democratic territory. Meanwhile, three districts that previously leaned toward Democrats — Nevada’s 3rd and 4th, as well as Virginia’s 7th district — are now toss-ups, according to the election handicapper.

Multiple Democratic Candidates for Senate Disagree with Biden Ending Title 42 By Eric Lendrum


At least six Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate this November have publicly called on Joe Biden to delay ending the pandemic-era immigration policy known as Title 42, which is all but guaranteed to cause another massive surge of illegal aliens across the southern border.

As reported by Politico, among the candidates distancing themselves from Biden’s increasingly unpopular immigration agenda is John Fetterman (D-Penn.), the incumbent Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania and clear frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for the state’s U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Pat Toomey (R-Penn.).

“We should not end Title 42 until we have a detailed plan in place,” Fetterman said in an interview. “And look, we don’t only need a long-term and detailed plan here for ending Title 42, but we still need to fix our broken immigration system as a whole.”

In North Carolina, Democratic frontrunner Cheri Beasley (D-N.C.) “believes that it is not the right time to lift this policy, especially without a plan in place to deal with a potential influx in migrants,” according to campaign spokeswoman Dory McMillan.

In the more contentious Democratic primary for the Senate seat in Wisconsin, held by incumbent Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), at least three candidates – Mandela Barnes, Sarah Godlewski, Alex Lasry – have all voiced their opposition to Biden’s plans to end Title 42, specifically citing the fact that the administration does not seem to have a concrete plan in place to deal with the influx that is sure to follow.

Voter Registration Drive: What’s Biden Hiding? Mobilizing the federal government to sign people up may sound benign. Far from it. By Tarren Bragdon and Stewart Whitson


President Biden is ordering all agencies in the federal bureaucracy to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.” That language, from a March 2021 executive order titled “Promoting Access to Voting,” may sound benign. It isn’t, and it may conceal an abuse of power. The administration is making it difficult for the public to find out.

Promoting voter registration and participation—i.e., mobilizing voters—is an inherently political act for a partisan president. The resulting efforts can be directed at groups expected to vote for the president’s party and may take the form of pressure to support the party or its policies. A president has every right to sway potential voters on the campaign trail. He has no right to influence them using the force of the federal government.

The Constitution doesn’t grant the president authority over federal elections. It reserves that power to the states and to a lesser extent Congress. Mr. Biden’s order ignores that prohibition by expanding the role of federal agencies in elections. Congress hasn’t approved such an expansion, and election legislation Mr. Biden backs is stuck in the Senate.

The White House refuses to release the plans that various agencies created under the executive order. Agencies submitted their plans by September, yet the administration has provided only overviews of slightly more than a dozen, with little detail. Their full plans should be available, and so should those of hundreds of other agencies. With the federal government throwing its weight behind voter registration and participation, Americans have a right to see what it’s doing and which voters it’s targeting, especially with crucial midterm elections in November.

Divorce, Florida-Style- Trump Vs. De Santis Neal Freeman


Trouble ahead for Trump and DeSantis

Tallahassee, Fla. — Eavesdrop on any pair of political obsessives here — media types, campaign consultants, lobbyists, the rent-seekers of all parties — and you will hear them veer quickly toward the most reliable conversation-starter in this politically obsessed town. The Split. The political marriage of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, never passionate but for a time mutually convenient, is all but over. The only questions that remain are when it will end and how ugly it will get.

Trump likes to say, and he does so with Trumpian repetition, that in 2018 DeSantis was at 3 percent in the polls (not quite) and that without a Trump endorsement DeSantis would have lost the gubernatorial election (probably so). That spring, after trailing for months in statewide polls, DeSantis gave up running as DeSantis and began to run as Trump-Lite. His lead TV spot featured DeSantis sprawled on the living-room rug, teaching his toddling children how to build a wall with tiny blocks. That fall, DeSantis was elected by less than 1 percent of the vote over one of the worst Democratic candidates in state history: Andrew Gillum, a (formerly) closeted bisexual man, married to a woman, with a large drug problem and a wafer-thin resume.

In 2022, Trump says that DeSantis owes him, and invites DeSantis, with Trumpian repetition, to support Trump for 2024. DeSantis has declined the invitation and Trump, in turn, has declined to support DeSantis for election this year, after endorsing, among other notables, Dr. Oz, Mo Brooks, and Herschel Walker.

Can this marriage be saved? The consensus seems to be: no, and it is more likely to end with a bang than a whimper.

I count four scenarios advanced with more or less conviction by the obsessed.

Biden Pollster: 2022 Is the ‘Worst Political Environment of My Lifetime’ By Rick Moran


One of Joe Biden’s most politically savvy pollsters, John Anzalone, thinks that unless the current environment changes dramatically, Democrats are going to get their butts kicked.

Speaking with Politico’s Ryan Lizza, Anzalone gave a grim assessment of his party’s chances in the midterm election.

“No one’s going to sit there as a Democratic consultant and try to bulls**t you that this is anything but a really sour environment for Democrats,” said Anzalone. “So we better look at the strategic ways that we can compete, right? Just compete to not get our as**s kicked.”

When a party tries to “minimize the damage,” they inevitably end up waking up the day after an election and wondering what hit them.

But never fear, Democrats. Anzalone points out that playing the “class warfare” card will work like a charm.

Yes, inflation’s eating it up, but I’ll tell you what they’re pissed about: … They see these big companies not paying any taxes. And Biden’s proposal of making those making over $400,000 pay a little bit more taxes and big corporations pay a little bit more taxes so they pay their fair share to make investments in healthcare and education and childcare is really important.

“Would you dial-up nationally with the populism?” asked Lizza.

“I would so dial-up,” said Anzalone.

Anzalone spoke to the growing realization that Hispanics and even blacks are not the automatic Democratic voters they once were.

Disbarring Trump’s Lawyers David Brock wants them to pay the price for representing someone he hates. Matthew Vadum


Left-wing character assassin and inveterate liar David Brock has created yet another cancel-culture group, this time aimed at punishing lawyers who dared to defend the Trump campaign in post-election litigation or challenged the 2020 presidential election results.

In other words, the Left is now in the business of crushing lawyers for trying to do their job as lawyers. The fact that these attorneys lost in court, and in some cases were sanctioned by judges, isn’t enough for Brock – he and his comrades want their blood because they tried to help Donald Trump.

The stated goal of The 65 Project, a so-called dark money group, is to spend millions of dollars to disbar 111 pro-Trump lawyers in 26 states, ruin their lives, and make them homeless for participating in election lawsuits that courts rejected. The group has already initiated bar complaints and reportedly intends to lobby the American Bar Association and state bar associations for new rules forbidding certain kinds of  election challenges and to adopt model language stipulating that “fraudulent and malicious lawsuits to overturn legitimate election results violate the ethical duties lawyers must abide by.”

The new group aspires to frighten conservative legal talent away from any future Republican efforts to challenge elections, such as this year’s midterms, and 2024. Democrat consultant Melissa Moss, a veteran of the Clinton administration reportedly came up with the idea.