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Leftist Judge Kills Election Integrity Laws Jeremiah Wright-wannabe likened Trump to Hitler. Matthew Vadum


A radical Arkansas judge in the mold of Jeremiah Wright struck down four new common-sense election integrity laws approved by the Republican-controlled state legislature, declaring the statutes unconstitutional last month. The state is appealing the ruling.

Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen is, like Wright, also a critical race theory-friendly, black nationalist, African dashiki-wearing preacher. He is also a diversity consultant, profiting from race-mongering and dividing people. He founded his firm Griffen Strategic Consulting PLLC, in Little Rock in 2008.

Griffen is controversial in his home state, known for his strident left-wing activism. He delights in sticking his thumb in the eyes of Republican state lawmakers — they have tried to impeach and remove him as a judge. Griffen was barred from hearing cases on a death penalty track after he went to a protest outside the governor’s mansion in 2017 strapped down to a gurney, as if he were a condemned man about to be executed by lethal injection. The protest took place the same day as Griffen issued an order blocking the state’s execution schedule.

Griffen bitterly denounced then-President-elect Donald Trump days after his election in November 2016, spewing paranoid leftist conspiracy theories and racist, white-hating nonsense.

Report: Ballot Harvesters in Georgia Stopped at Democrat Offices In between Runs to Drop Boxes During 2020 Election By Debra Heine


During the 2020 election, ballot traffickers in Georgia allegedly stopped at Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ headquarters, and at least one other Democrat Party office in between their runs to stuff unmanned drop boxes with ballots.

Surveillance video featured in conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming movie “2000 Mules,” reportedly shows people coming out of their cars “night after night” with piles of ballots, and stuffing them into drop boxes funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Election integrity activists used geospatial technology to track the ballot harvesters’ cellphones to precise locations.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, told Newsweek in March that her group spent $1 million to obtain the geospatial information from several marketing services. In addition, Engelbrecht said she paid $20,000 “to obtain video via open-records requests to counties and cities in five states where it appeared Trump was winning, until mail-in and drop-box ballots were counted: Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.”

From there, she says she and her staff cross-referenced the times and locations of the cell phones whose users visited multiple drop boxes with the 4 million minutes of video obtained from city and county governments.

“The geospatial data was the driver,” Engelbrecht said. She told Newsweek that she would be “turning over time and date stamped video that shows the same people inserting ballots into sometimes dozens of different drop boxes to various law-enforcement officials.”

Ensuring Election Integrity by Lawrence Kadish


Congratulations to Alabama and Ballotpedia for their invaluable role in protecting our democracy.

In the age of Covid, with absentee voting now widespread, only one state, Alabama, has safeguards that “explicitly allowed only the voters to return their ballot”, to prevent third parties and ballot harvesters from making your vote disappear.

If you are unable to vote in person, or if you decide to vote with an absentee ballot, mail your ballot in a sealed envelope to your local Board of Elections Office (Absentee Vote Dept) — and please mail it yourself.

In the State of Alabama, they have figured out how to keep your vote from being stolen when a “ballot bandit” knocks on your door. Ballot harvesting has been defined as “the practice in which political operatives collect absentee ballots from voters’ homes and drop them off at a polling place or election office.” It might sound harmless, even “helpful,” but unfortunately it has been subject to vast abuse. So if there is a knock on your door by unlicensed vote harvesters, shut and bolt the door and grab your copy of the Constitution.

Anthony Trimino for California Governor: Changing Mismanagement to Management by Nurit Greenger


For far too long, many governments of California abused their power. More so, the current governor, Gavin Newsom, has abused his power and therefore his term in office must be ended, replaced by a governor who will focus on the quality of life for all Californians.

Anthony Trimino Standing For California

Anthony Trimino, standing as the Republican Gubernatorial candidate for California, is seen by supporters as the “X-factor” in California’s 2022 gubernatorial race. He appeals to a broad range of Californians, from moms, the fastest growing California conservative group who do not want the government to mess with their children and/or co-parent with them, as well as Californians of all walks of life.

Professional Approach

Mr. Trimino’s unique multi-cultural Cuban – Mexican – American heritage and his extensive business experience as one of Orange County’s leading CEOs with his company TRAFFIK, one of the fastest growing privately held companies in America, provides a timely opportunity for the Republican Party to rebrand itself, evolve, and most importantly, begin changing the composition of California’s voter base. Though some people suggest that the Republican Party is on its last breath in California, supporters see a hopeful future with Anthony Trimino.

Apart from God, Only Trump Can Stop Trump Salvatore Babones


“As America’s record voter turnout proved in 2020, it’s unpopularity that drives the race. Electioneering is a blood sport, and it’s blood the voters are out for. No one watches Squid Game for the victories. Democracy, too, is all about the losers. Nothing beats the satisfaction of stepping into the voting booth, pulling a lever, and whispering to the losing candidate: “You’re fired”.

The defeat of Donald Trump in 2020 saved American democracy. Not from Donald Trump: he never shut down websites, imprisoned protesters, or sicked the security services on his opponents. No, if anything, the 2020 election saved American democracy for Donald Trump. The four-year Trump pause that began on January 20, 2021, put the grown-ups back in charge in Washington—and the world. Like grown-ups everywhere, they immediately maxed out their credit cards, mortgaged the family home, stabbed their friends in the back, picked fights with the neighbours, gave stern speeches in their coronavirus masks while posing for unmasked selfies at the Superbowl, and offered nuclear weapons to Iran in exchange for promises to stop supporting terrorism and shift to nuclear blackmail instead. Thanks to the 2020 election, we all know what adult democracy looks like.

It’s a lucky thing, too. Had there been no coronavirus; had the major media not conspired to suppress the Hunter Biden story; had the election been run under the pre-Covid rules, we would now be blaming Trump—for everything. The phase “imagine if Trump had done that” might never have entered the political lexicon. Ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan? Blame the rank amateurism of Trump’s bumbling foreign policy team. Renewed North Korean missile tests? Blame Trump’s personal courting of “little rocket man” Kim Jong-un. Russian invasion of Ukraine? Trump was only waiting for his second term to repay his true master in the Kremlin. Inflation a problem? Impeach Trump under the “emoluments clause” for raising the rack rate at the Trump International Hotel. We would never have known how much better things might have been.


Joe Lisuzzo, a Los Angeles business owner who, with his family, ran the AL Gelato Ice Cream Company & Restaurant for 32 years is now running for California State Senate.
Joe lives and worships in his neighborhood and now wants to serve his community again, this time by running for a California senate seat to represent his district in state senate office.
Joe understands the plight of the people in his district; the homeless are tenting everywhere; the crime, the inexcusable high taxes and now the added inflation all are causing the people great suffering.

Black Republican Puts Crime Front and Center in Bid to Unseat Illinois Governor by Brittany Bernstein


When rioters overtook cities across America for months in 2020, the Republican mayor of Aurora, Ill., remained tough on crime and quickly restored peace to his city.

After “opportunists” descended on the city in June 2020 and caused an estimated $3 million in damage, Mayor Richard Irvin called in the National Guard, shut down roads, and supported the city’s police force.

“Aurora will be ready for you, if you come to our community and attempt to cause destruction. We will not put up with this BS and foolishness. We will not put up with outsiders coming in and causing havoc. We will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, and we already have for those who were identified last night,” Irvin said at the time.

Now Irvin, who has been mayor of Aurora, his hometown, for five years, is running for governor of Illinois. He hopes to oust the incumbent, J. B. Pritzker, with the support of billionaire hedge-fund owner Kenneth Griffin, who has vowed to use his wealth to defeat the Democrat.

55 Dems quit paying dues to their own DCCC ahead of midterms By Monica Showalter


Democrats are running out on their tab.

No surprise there, but according to Breitbart News:

Fifty-five powerful and influential House Democrats are reportedly financially stiffing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), failing to pay the dues they owe because of the likelihood that Republicans will retake the chamber.

Top Democrats leaders are unhappy and worried because many of their valuable caucus members are not paying their dues to the party committee, according to Punchbowl News. Rules dictate that each member is responsible for dumping a certain amount of cash into the committee’s coffers to be used by the top brass as a part of a national strategy to defeat Republicans. The amount of cash members are to fork over depends on their position in the party.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), and DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) reportedly pleaded with members on Tuesday to pay up. But many members are not paying their dues, perhaps because Democrats perceive the 2022 midterm election as a lost cause. “The House Democratic majority is in deep trouble, with both history and the polls against them; and Republicans have overtaken what’s been traditionally a large lead by the DCCC in fundraising, thanks in part to a huge spurt in online fundraising,” Punchbowl noted.

In other words, they’re demoralized.  After all, why pay big dues to the DCCC when the GOP is poised to take the House come the 2022 midterms?  Money down the drain.

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi can yell all they like about Democrats retaining the House in November, but figures like this tell a different story.

The DCCC, according to Breitbart, is a sort of slush fund for Democrats to bankroll particular projects to secure Democrat majorities in the House.  It’s run by House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

That so many prominent names of bigfoot Democrats with plenty in their own campaign coffers to are refusing to pay is particularly noteworthy:

Many of those who are stiffing the committee are some of the most powerful and influential members in the caucus, such as Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Cori Bush (D-MO), and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY).

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) has $685,000 in a campaign account, yet refuses to pay any dues. Others stiffing the committee include Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Natural Resources Chair Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ).

How the ‘Trump Won’ Movement Will Be Vindicated The coming election cycles are shaping up to vindicate the die-hards who refused to be gaslighted under the most daunting of circumstances. By Gavin Wax


Imagine if, following the disputed 2016 presidential election, the recently sworn-in President Donald Trump had sicced his Justice Department, hand-in-hand with allies in Congress and state governments throughout the country, after his Democratic political opponents who maintained that his election was the work of Russian interference. 

Although the claim that Trump was a Russian asset was laughably false, and the subsequent investigation into those spurious claims damaged the federal government’s credibility in immense and perhaps irreparable ways domestically and internationally, applying criminal penalties to the promulgation of that theory would have been wrong, anti-American, and contrary to the First Amendment. In keeping with his stalwart defense of American values, President Trump made no directive to the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges against these Democrats. 

Similarly, his Republican predecessor allowed Democrats to freely “challenge an election”: Democrats had previously contested the 2000 election by claiming that George W. Bush was “selected, not elected” as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v. Gore. A smaller minority contested Bush’s reelection in 2004, alleging irregularities in Ohio and elsewhere. 

Reasonable concerns deserve a good-faith examination, not prosecution and persecution. But that is not what the sitting regime has offered when examining the 2020 election and its aftermath. Joe Biden’s goal (and that of his underlings) is to harass and silence politicians, journalists, dissidents, and political donors. Unfortunately, these tactics are working.

“Dark Money” Affecting Elections in Revolutionary Ways by J. Christian Adams


In fact, dark money is being deployed in new and revolutionary ways to affect our elections.

Dark money refers to money injected into the process from anonymous sources. Somebody somewhere knows where the money came from, but that information is not public. Usually, the source is a tightly guarded secret.

Dark money is used to fuel television advertisement campaigns and organizations. It is used to buy newspaper advertisements and pay the rent at 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations.

Dark money often works like this. A source with deep pockets is interested in an issue. The issue might be green energy, gun rights, Israel, national defense or any of hundreds of other issues affecting the American debate. The source wishes to remain anonymous and wires money to a donor-advised fund. A donor-advised fund is a non-profit that pools funding and decides how to distribute it. They are not required to disclose their own donors.

The donor-advised fund then might distribute the money to the ultimate recipient — a charity, a foundation or even a traditional media campaign. That’s the most common model for moving “dark money.”

But there is even darker dark money. The institutional left has developed models in the last decade that dispenses with any pretense of charitable purpose. They essentially create hyper-funded businesses structures whose only purpose it to spend money on issues. The dark money is even darker because there are utterly no disclosure requirements from start to finish. Remember, in the previous, more familiar, charitable example, the ultimate charitable recipient has to disclose to the IRS the sources of larger donations, even if that information is not available to the public.

But this darker dark money — with funding streams wholly outside of the charitable or tax-exempt world — faces no disclosure obligations. The owners, or members in the case of a limited liability corporation, would be liable for any taxes flowing from net profits. But rest assured, these dark money-fueled businesses spend every last dime as a business expense, so there might be no tax liability in the end.

Secretly-funded efforts fueled the American Revolution. The founding of this country was supported by an 18th Century version of dark money. Anonymous pamphlets, postings and newspaper columns funded and published without attribution rallied patriots to take up arms against the King of England. Anonymity of donors is an important part of the American legacy of liberty, and in 2021, the Supreme Court, in Americans for Prosperity v. Bonita, recognized the importance of anonymous donors.

In March 2022, the 65 Project launched a new dark money-funded campaign to disbar lawyers who work on voter fraud issues or represented President Trump in post-election litigation. Dark money will fuel an organization filled with lawyers who will file over one hundred bar complaints against conservative lawyers. Their self-confessed goal is to shrink the talent pool of lawyers who are willing to fight for election safeguards.

The 2020 election was characterized by a revolutionary new funding stream in which private money flowed into government election offices, and the donors told the government election offices how to run the election. Characterized as “Zuck Bucks” because the majority of the money came from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, this money made the difference in 2020. Urban election offices in Philadelphia, Detroit, Lansing, Phoenix, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Las Vegas were converted into turnout machines. City officials went door to door collecting votes, all legally because they were city officials. Ad buys were made on urban and Spanish-language radio stations. Voting centers were set up inside urban areas rich in Biden votes. And it was all legal. Zuck Bucks drove Trump’s defeat, while many Republicans were distracted by confusing voting machine technology. The use of private money — much of it dark money — to fuel election-office policy was the single most revolutionary and effective characteristic of the 2020 election.

Lastly, no discussion of dark money is complete without mentioning ballot-harvesting. Because of the unprecedented rush to mail-in voting in 2020, dark money flowed into structures designed to go out and collect ballots at voters’ homes. I had seen this on a smaller scale when I was a lawyer at the Department of Justice Voting Section, where politically-connected collectors would go into minority communities and actually fill in ballots in the voter’s home, and, tragically, with the voter’s consent. In 2020, dark money was on the ground fueling ballot-harvesting on a massive scale. Unless we had video footage in every home where this occurred, it is impossible to say it was illegal. That is the problem with ballot-harvesting: it goes on behind closed doors, out of sight of election officials.

The question is whether opponents of these efforts can be as imaginative, and whether even a fraction of the funding used in the last two years can be mustered to stop it.