The United Nations is at it again — trafficking in climate change alarmism to promote their globalist political agendas. On November 26, 2019, the U.N. released another doom-and-gloom report, claiming that “drastic action” is the only way to avoid the catastrophic consequences that will result from climate change. Translation: bow down to our collectivist, progressive political demands, or else. But here’s the problem — even progressives themselves can’t keep up with their own inane demands. And now, more than ever, they’re revealing the full extent of their climate-change hypocrisy.
It’s a tale we’ve heard time and time again, and this latest report is just more of the same. Coral reefs will collapse, coastal cities will flood, and temperatures will become unbearable. Unless, of course, your nation adopts our ever-increasingly radical policy proposals. Only this time around, the proposal has descended from blatant radicalism to complete insanity.
According to the United Nations, countries will have to quintuple their commitments made under the Paris Climate Agreement. Yes, you heard that right. Under the new compact, each nation would have to reconfigure its already unattainable climate-change goals by multiplying them fivefold. Then and only then will the world finally be safe from the unseen calamity of climate change!
Aren’t we tired of this foolishness yet? Keep in mind, this report is coming from the U.N., the same people who, just a few years ago, proclaimed the Paris Climate Accords to be the gold standard for action against global warming. These are the same collectivists that had the gall to criticize President Trump for his decision to withdrawal from the accords — for putting American interests ahead of the United Nations’ progressive agenda. “Abandoning the Paris agreement is cruel to future generations, leaving the world less safe and productive,” decried Andrew Steer, the president of World Resources Institute.