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‘A New World Order’? The Iran-Russia-China Axis During the Biden Administration by Majid Rafizadeh


The Biden Administration has created a vacuum of leadership on the global stage.

If the US further pulls out of Asia, the Indo-Pacific, the Middle East, Ukraine, Latin America — anywhere — the vacuum created will surely be filled by the new axis of China-Russia-Iran. A US pull-out is, most probably, just what they are hoping and waiting for.

If Putin sees any gains in Ukraine, China will try to seize Taiwan.

“We’re sitting still, and the Chinese, the Russians, Iran, North Korea, and several others, are moving to shore up their relations and threaten us in a lot of different places… It’s an indication that the Saudis and others are [also] trying to hedge their bets with China and Russia, because they don’t think the United States has the resolve and the fortitude necessary to do what they need to do to protect the world against Iran and its intentions.” — Former US National Security Advisor John R. Bolton, yahoo.com, March 12, 2023.

“The Chinese have a strategy they’ve been following… We kind of wander around from day to day.” — John R. Bolton, yahoo.com, March 12, 2023.

Thanks to the lack of leadership and the vacuum that the Biden administration has created — and appears continuing to create — on the global stage, the new axis of Iran-China-Russia has been shaped with Beijing, Moscow and the ruling mullahs — rather than the brutalized people of Iran. The Axis is seizing leadership of the new world order, or — if the world’s communists manage to defeat the world’s democrats, as they seem tenaciously determined to do — it will be, more accurately, the new world disorder.

As Winston Churchill famously pointed out, “I never worry about action, but only about inaction”. The Biden administration’s inaction has led to the creation of a new axis of tyrannies: Russia, China and Iran, with North Korea not far behind. As the Tehran Times, which has close ties to Iran’s foreign ministry, wrote: “[T]oday we are witnessing the formation of a new world order….”

Biden’s Anti-Israel Policy Empowers Iran, Palestinian Terrorists by Bassam Tawil


US President Joe Biden appears more worried about the Israeli government’s plan for judicial reform than the growing support among Palestinians for terrorism against Israel.

He seems more concerned about a plan to fix the deeply broken judicial system in Israel than about Palestinian threats to destroy Israel and kill as many Jews as possible.

We did not see Biden raise any objection over the Palestinians’ “Pay for Slay” policy, which rewards terrorists and their families for the murder of Jews. We did not see Biden raise any objection over the Palestinian leaders’ glorification of terrorists, who are being celebrated as “martyrs” by a majority of Palestinians. We did not see Biden raise any objection over the thousands of Palestinians who regularly take to the streets to celebrate the murder of Jews in terror attacks perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists.

As Biden was criticizing the democratically elected prime minister of Israel, senior (unelected) Palestinian officials were continuing to use every available podium to spread more libels against Israel.

Has Biden ever shown any concern that the Palestinians are living under highly undemocratic regimes, with the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Has Biden or anyone from his administration ever asked the Palestinians why they do not have a functioning parliament?

The crisis Biden has triggered with Israel because of his recurring criticism of a badly-needed judicial reform plan is great news for Iran and its Palestinian proxies, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), two of the many Islamist terror groups that openly call for the elimination of Israel.

By sparking a crisis with Netanyahu and the Israeli government, Biden has succeeded in bringing happiness to the enemies of both Israel and the US, perhaps in an effort that will be fruitless, to appease them. The message the Biden Administration is sending is that you are rewarded if you are an enemy of the US but punished if you are a friend.

Biden has placed himself alongside the mullahs of Iran who are expressing hope that the protests against the Netanyahu government will lead to the “collapse of the Zionist regime.”

The mullahs are clearly happy to see Biden’s attacks on the Israeli prime minister, who has been spearheading efforts to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

The mullahs are also undoubtedly delighted to see the Biden administration turn its back on its major ally and the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel. In the view of the mullahs and most of Israel’s enemies, the US has always been the “Great Satan” that stands in the way of achieving their goal of destroying the “Little Satan” Israel.

Basically, Iran does not want any democratic presence in the Middle East and has presumably been attacking US interests in the area to force the US to pull out.

In reality, it looks to many in the Middle East as if the Biden Administration’s objection to long-overdue judicial reforms is really just a pretext for trying to bring down the democratically-elected Israeli government and replace it with a new government that will allow the US to accept that Iran may have all the nuclear weapons it wants, perhaps with some feckless “compromise,” such as “so long as it does not field them.” This would be a deeply terrible plan that the Biden Administration might, alarmingly, decide to accept.

The current US anti-Netanyahu approach will do nothing except empower Iran and its proxies, Hamas, PIJ and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and incentivize them to carry out more terror attacks – not only against Israelis, but against Americans as well.

The Israeli government’s judicial plan is probably not perfect, but it could not be more dangerous than Iran’s continued effort to produce nuclear weapons or the Palestinians’ rising support for terrorism.

The Biden administration would do well to understand that those who want to kill the Jews also want to see dead the friends and allies of the Jews. That is why it would be most helpful for America’s national security if Biden and his officials immediately defused the tensions and ceased their rhetorical attacks against a small country that is in reality America’s only true friend and most trusted ally in the Middle East.

Thanks to Biden Administration, Iran’s Mullahs Winners of Russia Invasion of Ukraine by Majid Rafizadeh


Russia also reportedly wants to buy ballistic missiles from Iran, which has the largest and most diverse ballistic missile arsenal in the Middle East. The Iranian regime therefore should officially be considered an accomplice to Russia’s war crimes.

The Iranian regime, probably because it knows that the Biden administration will not take any action, is ratcheting up its engagement and weapons exports to Russia.

“President Biden’s leadership is non-existent…. Look at what’s happening right now with unemployment — eight million jobs are unfilled right now, and President Biden just ushered through a partisan bill to pay people billions of dollars not to work when eight million jobs are unfilled right now. We’re paying people not to work, and they’re borrowing money from our kids and our grandkids to do it…. We’re seeing inflation starting to go through the roof. Our country is less secure. Look at what’s happening around the world — the Middle East, Iran — who the President wants to let back into an agreement to get a nuclear weapon. [The Iranians are] helping funnel these bombs that are being shot into Israel. I mean where is the President’s leadership on any of these crises?” – US Rep. Steve Scalise, Fox News, May 2021.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the Biden administration has been running out the clock, allowing the ruling Islamist mullahs of Iran to prosper from the war and emerge as the winners. According to a January 2022 report:

“[T]he United Nations has reported at least 6,919 civilian deaths and more than 11,000 wounded as a result of the war in Ukraine and estimates the actual figures to be much higher. Approximately 6.5 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and about 5 million have fled as refugees to European countries. About 2.8 million Ukrainians are in Russia and Belarus, in some cases against their will.”

Biden Meddles in Israeli Politics He lectures Prime Minister Netanyahu on judicial reform while staying silent on Iran’s nuclear program.


President Biden likes to say he’s rebuilding American alliances, but he sure is selective about it. Woe betide the ally who runs afoul of American progressive opinion. Then Mr. Biden gives you the frenemy treatment.

That’s certainly how he’s treating the Israeli government as that country debates judicial reform, especially with his disdainful criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On Monday the Israeli leader announced a pause in pushing the controversial reform, saying he’d seek a national “consensus” on the subject. But Mr. Biden still chose to lecture the foreign leader about the matter.

“Like many strong supporters of Israel, I’m very concerned. And I’m concerned that they get this straight. They cannot continue down this road. And I’ve sort of made that clear,” Mr. Biden told reporters. “Hopefully the Prime Minister will act in a way that he is going to try to work out some genuine compromise. But that remains to be seen.”

So much for giving Mr. Netanyahu credit for reaching out to the opposition to seek a compromise. Mr. Biden also took a gratuitous shot at the Prime Minister by saying the Israeli leader wouldn’t be invited to the White House—“not in the near term.”

Why Did the Biden Administration Oppose Israeli Judicial Reform? Jonathan Tobin


Ignore Washington’s hypocritical talk about protecting democracy. They want a weak government that won’t make trouble when it comes to Iran, and they won’t stop until they get one.

Washington made no secret of its efforts to directly intervene in a domestic Israeli dispute….

The people who jammed the streets… see the maintenance of an unaccountable court with virtually unlimited power as the only way to maintain the Israeli left’s political power even when they lose elections….

Washington is… determined… to oust a democratically elected government by any means possible.

What the White House and State Department want is more pliable Israeli Prime Minister, who will keep quiet about the nuclear threat from Iran, and who can be intimidated into not acting too forestall that deadly threat to Israel’s existence.

As for behaving like a dictator, Biden’s predilection for governing by executive order… even when his diktats are obviously contrary to the constitution or existing laws makes anything Netanyahu might attempt look like child’s play.

[Biden’s] administration apparently thinks that when Israel’s Supreme Court strikes down Netanyahu’s efforts to govern – on the basis of no law, and only on the judges, subjective ideas about what is “reasonable” – it’s a great idea.

[E]stablishment Jewish groups… joined the liberal groups in praising Netanyahu’s surrender to the mob and then had the chutzpah to laud the protesters, who sought to sabotage the country to get their way without even any attempt at balance by treating supporters of the government and reform, who clearly outnumbered the critics at the ballot box last November, as equally praiseworthy.

[T]hey also understand that the hyperbolic claims that Netanyahu and advocates of judicial reform seek to impose a dictatorship or a Torah state is pure fiction.

What Biden and his supporters want in Jerusalem isn’t so much an all-powerful Supreme Court… but anything that can help oust the prime minister.

The [Biden] administration is now willing to tolerate Iran having nuclear weapons as long as they are not going to publicly flaunt them.

This attitude isn’t just unacceptable to all of Israel’s major political parties. It constitutes a grave threat to the security of the Jewish state that no Israeli prime minister could reasonably be expected to tolerate.

The brazen nature of Biden’s attack on Netanyahu… speaks volumes about how much the administration wants an Israeli government that won’t cause trouble over Iran.

It didn’t play a decisive role in the drama that unfolded in Israel as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was forced to call a halt to his efforts to enact judicial reform. But the Biden administration’s willingness to involve itself in the push to oppose the measure was remarkable for two reasons.

Biden to Israel: “They Cannot Continue Down this Road” “Biden said Netanyahu won’t be invited to visit the White House” by Daniel Greenfield


The leftist mobs shrieking hate and blocking ambulances claimed that they were fighting for “democracy” in Israel by demanding unlimited power for an unelected leftist judiciary that picks its own members.

This is what “democracy” looks like.

President Biden on Tuesday said he hopes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “walks away from” plans to pursue reforms to the country’s judiciary…

“Like many strong supporters of Israel, I’m very concerned, and I’m concerned that they get this straight. They cannot continue down this road,” Biden told reporters after a speech in North Carolina on the economy.

“Hopefully the prime minister will act in a way that he can try to work out some genuine compromise. But that remains to be seen,” Biden added.

Biden said Netanyahu won’t be invited to visit the White House “in the near term.”

North Korea Unveils New Nukes as U.S. Argues about ‘Misgendering’ By Catherine Salgado


As a U.S. aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea for military drills, North Korea responded by unveiling new nuclear warheads. I guess that’s what you call an explosive statement.

Photos of the  smaller nuclear warheads, called Hwasan-31s, were released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Reuters reported.

Nuclear experts reportedly said that, based on the photos, North Korea has made progress “in miniaturising warheads that are powerful yet small enough to mount on intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of striking the United States.” 

Meanwhile, back in America, mainstream media outlets, including New York Times, USA Today, and CNN, are apologizing for referring to a female murderer as a woman because she called herself “he/him,” and President Joe Biden cracks jokes about ice cream before discussing the shooting of six people, including three young children. Somehow, that’s not encouraging.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un visited the Nuclear Weapons Institute to inspect the nukes, nuclear counterattack operation plans, and ballistic missile warhead mounting tech. Kim was further reportedly briefed on an “IT-based integrated nuclear weapon management system called Haekbangashoe,” which Reuters reported means “nuclear trigger.”

The Growing Power of the China-Iran Alliance Thanks to the Biden Administration by Majid Rafizadeh


The deal grants China significant rights over the Iran’s resources and help to Iran in increasing its oil and gas production. Leaked information revealed that one of the terms is that China will be investing nearly $400 billion in Iran’s oil, gas and petrochemicals industries. In return, China will get priority to bid on any new project in Iran that is linked to these sectors.

China will also be able to pay in any currency it chooses.

The Biden administration’s failure to lead is effectively handing the US over to China, Russia and Iran on a platter, actively creating a new world order with China at the top and the US potentially wherever China wants.

Where is our commitment to a “Manhattan Project” to strengthen our defense? Why is the requested defense budget for 2024 only 3.2% higher than the 2023 budget? This means in real terms, factoring in the current inflation of 6%, that the current defense budget is a cut. Worse, it comes in below the budget increases planned for the Environmental Protection Agency (19%), Department of the Interior (12%), and Department of Veterans Affairs (5.4%). In 2022, US defense spending as a percentage of GDP was 3.1%, compared to the 8% of GDP it was in 1970.

Thanks to the monumental serial ineptitude of the Biden Administration, China’s President Xi Jinping, backed by his troika of oil suppliers — Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran — doubtless feels on the verge of fulfilling his fondest dream: Displacing the US as the world’s leading superpower. The saddest part is that the reason is us: Why are we deliberately not protecting our Republic?

Questions Without Answers About Ukraine Americans trying to understand the current administration’s obsession with Ukraine will note a number of unanswered questions surrounding the crisis. By Victor Davis Hanson


Ukrainians, and many Europeans and Americans, are defining an envisioned Ukrainian victory as the complete expulsion of all Russians from its 2013 borders. Or, as a Ukrainian national security chief put it, the war ends with Ukrainian tanks in Red Square.

But mysteries remain about such ambitious agendas.

What would that goal entail?

Giving Ukraine American F-16s to strike bases and depots in Mother Russia? The gifting of 1,000 M1 Abrams tanks? Using American Harpoon missiles to sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet?

A huge arsenal that would guarantee total victory rather than not losing?

Russia’s cruel strategy is to grind down Ukraine and turn its eastern regions into a Verdun-like deathscape.

So is a brave Ukraine really winning the war when it loses about 0.6 soldiers for every Russian it kills?

Russia plans to leverage its extra 100 million people, its 10-times larger economy, and its 30-times larger territory to pulverize Ukraine and tire its Western patrons—whatever the costs to Russia.

Yet why were only a few in past administrations calling for a joint Western effort to expel Putin’s forces from the borderlands and Crimea captured in 2014?

Why are Putin’s 2014 invasions now seen as urgent rectifiable crimes of aggression in 2022, but were not regarded as reparable during the prior eight years?

Is the United States economically capable or politically unified or socially stable enough to wage a huge proxy war on the frontiers of a nuclear Russia?

The Gulf War: 20 Years Later Was the war worth the blood and treasure we spent on it? Here’s whom to ask. by Kenneth R. Timmerman


Monday marked the twentieth anniversary of the second Gulf war, which detractors call the invasion of Iraq. I have always looked at it as the liberation, as do many Iraqis.

But most Americans have been taught a history of lies, a history forged by left-wing political activists and their allies in the media and rarely contradicted by those who knew the truth.

Even Britannica, the once authoritative encyclopedia, has bowed to the political orthodoxy, referring to Saddam Hussein’s “alleged” possession and manufacture of weapons of mass destruction.

That is the founding myth of the “Bush lied, people died” Democrats and the media.

So were there weapons of mass destruction in Iraq at the time of the U.S. invasion?

Absolutely. We know that because the United States and its coalition partners assembled a team of over 1,400 special forces operators, scientists and intelligence analysts to scour Iraq for the evidence. And what they reported has been wildly mischaracterized – at times, even by the leaders of that very effort.

David Kay, a former IAEA inspector who became famous for his parking lot “standoff” with Saddam’s goons, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on January 23, 2004, that WMD stockpiles would not be found in Iraq. “I don’t think they existed,” Kay said.

“Stockpiles” quickly became the defining term. But in Kay’s interim report to the House intelligence committee, just four months earlier, he painted a very different picture. “We have discovered dozens of WMD-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations during the inspections that began in late 2002,” he said.

This included:

*  A prison laboratory complex that may have been used for human testing of BW agents and “that Iraqi officials working to prepare the U.N. inspections were explicitly ordered not to declare to the U.N.” Why was Saddam interested in testing biological-warfare agents on humans if he didn’t have a biological weapons program?

*    New research on BW agents, brucella and Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, and continuing work on ricin and aflatoxin that were not declared to the United Nations.