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Andrew Bostom:Rev. Justin Perkins, American linguist & missionary, 1836 eyewitness to a murderous Persian Muslim blood libel against, & seething Islamic hatred, of Jews.

Rev. Justin Perkins. A Residence of Eight Years in Persia among the Nestorian Christians with Notices of the Muhammedans, New York, 1843; p. 276.

May 20, 1836] Yesterday an unoffending Jew was publicly beheaded and burned in this city. The enraged Mohammedans had, for two or three days, thronged the governor’s palace by thousands, demanding that the whole Jewish population of the city should be put to death to a man. And to appease the mob, the governor delivered up this individual. He was arraigned under the accusation of having murdered a Mohammedan child. The Mohammedans…cherish the belief, (or profess to cherish it,) that the Jews possess an instinctive thirst for human blood, as well as seek human victims for an annual sacrifice.

In this instance, a Mohammedan infant was found dead, before the door of a Jew.

The probability is that the child died a natural death and was thus exposed by interested persons, to rouse public indignation against the poor Jews; and so strong is the hatred of the Mohammedans towards the descendants of Israel, that the stratagem proved entirely successful, as is often the case in Mohammedan countries…The hostility cherished by Mohammedans towards the Jews is inconceivably more bitter than their hatred to Christians. The determined aversion which the Jews early manifested to the religion of the impostor [Muhammad] is still remembered and strongly resented by his followers.


The Mufti’s meeting with Hitler in Berlin

As German historian Peter Longerich explained, when Hitler met the Grand Mufti on November 28, 1941 at the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, Hitler informed him that Germany was “resolved to urge one European nation after the other, step by step, to contribute to the solution of the Jewish problem, and when the time comes to non- European peoples with a similar appeal.”  He would “carry on the fight until the total destruction of the Jewish-Communist European,” and in the “not too distant future” his army would reach the southern tip of the Caucasus and into the Middle East after defeating the Russians.

Hitler assured the mufti, who from 1941 to 1945 lived in Berlin as an honored guest of the Third Reich, Germany had no imperial designs in the Arab world. The country’s only goal was to liberate the Arabs. “The German objective would be solely the destruction of Jews residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power.” Although this declaration should be viewed from a pragmatic military perspective, Longerich noted that it demonstrates that Hitler’s vison of extermination of the Jews at this point already went beyond Europe.

Hitler viewed the mufti as a “sly old fox,” and ascribed his “quite exceptional wisdom” to the likelihood of “Aryan” blood according to Israeli historian Robert Wistrich. “With his blond hair and blue eyes,” Hitler speculated, “he gives the impression that he is, in spite of his sharp and mouse-like countenance, a man with more than one Aryan among his ancestors and one who may well be descended from the best Roman stock.” (See Haaretz: Never-before-seen Photos of Palestinian Mufti With Hitler Ties Visiting Nazi Germany)

Special Office Established for the Mufti to Transmit Arabic-language Broadcasts



Part I  A War of Words–setting the record straight 

The unending war between the Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews is fought on a number of levels. One on the military front; another in the propaganda arena.

As part of this war of words, the Israelis use the Arabs own writings, including the Hamas Covenant and the Palestinian National Charter, their calls for violence against Israel and glorification of Palestinian Arab terrorists found in the media, broadcast on television, preached in the mosques and found in school curricula, as proof the Arabs in Israel refuse to accept the existence of the state of Israel.

The Palestine Authority policy of paying stipends to Palestinian-Arab prisoners and to families of terrorists who have been wounded or killed further demonstrates their commitment to make the country Judenrein. The terrorists know that whether they are killed in combat or imprisoned in Israeli jails, their families will be compensated by the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and/or other Palestinian-Arab terror organizations.  In 2019, ignoring otherwise ordinary measures of inflation, the PA increased salaries to terrorist prisoners by 11.8%, according Palestinian Media Watch. They doubled the monthly payment being made to the terrorist mastermind behind the 2014 kidnapping and murder of Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach and Naftali Frenkel.

With the aid of the Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI, Israel documents how terrorists are revered in their society by honoring homicide bombers, bomb makers, hijackers, and organizers of terror attacks, who have public squares, streets, schools and youth centers named after them. A number of the vilest terrorists have been honored on multiple occasions.

Remembering the First and Forgotten Armenian Genocide of 1019 Its more popular modern counterpart is the tip of the iceberg. Raymond Ibrahim


Last April 24 was Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.  Millions of Armenians around the world recollected how the Islamic Ottoman Empire killed—often cruelly and out of religious hatred—some 1.5 million of their ancestors during World War I.

Ironically, most people, including most Armenians, are unaware that the first genocide of Christian Armenians at the hands of Muslim Turks did not occur in the twentieth century; it began in 1019—exactly one-thousand years ago this year—when Turks first began to pour into and transform a then much larger Armenia into what it is today, the eastern portion of modern day Turkey.

Thus, in 1019, “the first appearance of the bloodthirsty beasts … the savage nation of infidels called Turks entered Armenia … and mercilessly slaughtered the Christian faithful with the sword,” writes Matthew of Edessa (d.1144), a chief source for this period.  Three decades later the raids were virtually nonstop. In 1049, the founder of the Turkic Seljuk Empire himself, Sultan Tughril Bey (r. 1037–1063), reached the unwalled city of Arzden, west of Lake Van, and “put the whole town to the sword, causing severe slaughter, as many as one hundred and fifty thousand persons.”

After thoroughly plundering the city—which reportedly contained eight hundred churches—he ordered it set ablaze and turned into a desert. Arzden was “filled with bodies” and none “could count the number of those who perished in the flames.” The invaders “burned priests whom they seized in the churches and massacred those whom they found outside. They put great chunks of pork in the hands of the undead to insult us”—Muslims deem the pig unclean—“and made them objects of mockery to all who saw them.”

Eight hundred oxen and forty camels were required to cart out the vast plunder, mostly taken from Arzden’s churches. “How to relate here, with a voice stifled by tears, the death of nobles and clergy whose bodies, left without graves, became the prey of carrion beasts, the exodus of women … led with their children into Persian slavery and condemned to an eternal servitude! That was the beginning of the misfortunes of Armenia,” laments Matthew, “So, lend an ear to this melancholy recital.”



Dr. Andrew Bostom gave a presentation for the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Tuesday, July 30, 2019, entitled, “The Rising Scourge of Islamic Antisemitism”. Dr. Bostom summarized extensive, and unprecedented Anti-Defamation League (ADL) survey data revealing the current disproportionate 2.0 to 4.5-fold excess of extreme Antisemitism amongst Muslims vs. all other religious groups, or those professing no religion, globally, and regionally, including within the United States.

He also demonstrated what animates this Muslim Antisemitism: the 1300 year-old living legacy of theological Islamic Jew-hatred, rooted in Islam’s core texts—the Koran itself, the traditions of Islam’s prophet Muhammad, and the earliest pious Muslim biographies of Muhammad. These texts, in turn, have begotten three inter-related canonical Islamic doctrines which continue to be espoused by Islam’s most authoritative religious teaching institutions, Sunni, and Shiite, alike: jihad war to subjugate Jews, and other non-Muslims; the application of Islamic Law, Sharia, which seeks to humiliate Jews and non-Muslims who survive their conquest, but do not convert to Islam; and Islam’s theology of virulent Jew-hatred which targets Jews, relentlessly, for their alleged intrinsic evil, manifested as stubborn, even hateful rejection of Islam, and conspiratorial efforts to undermine the Muslim prophet Muhammad, and his mission to propagate the Muslim creed, from Islam’s inception, till now.

The presentation, notably, also includes an exposure, and thorough debunking, of the popular, late modern Western Islamic studies doyen, Bernard Lewis, whose platitudinous bowdlerization of doctrinal and historical truths, continues to negate the Islam underpinning Muslim Jew-hatred, with tragic consequences.

Finally, the mea culpa-based teachings and implementation of Vatican II/Nostre Aetate, launched in 1965, which sought to expunge Christianity’s Antisemitic theology, were summarized as a template for challenging institutional Islam—indeed demanding—that it initiate a similar effort to eliminate Islam’s own virulent theological Jew-hatred.


https://www.thej.ca/post/the-tragic-fight-over-a-zionist-leader-s-final-resting-place https://herutna.org/

The anniversary of the passing of a Jewish leader is often an occasion to reflect on the deceased’s life and legacy, and the death of the Zionist leader in August 1940 is no different. 

But in Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s case, the controversy over his re-interment, decades later, is also a matter of significance—and offers important lessons for our own era.

Jabotinsky was one of the most dynamic and influential Zionist orators of the 20th century. Speeches were vital for inspiring the masses—especially the downtrodden masses of interwar Eastern Europe. He exhorted the Jews of Russia and Poland to take pride in their heritage, to recognize that violent anti-Semitism was on the horizon, and to prepare to settle in the Land of Israel.

Jabotinsky addressing the 1931 World Zionist Congress

But Jabotinsky was much more than just a speechmaker; he also was a man of action. He was the founder, in 1917, of the Jewish Legion, the first Jewish military force in nearly two thousand years. He created the Haganah, in 1920, to protect the Jews of Palestine against Arab pogromists, and spent years in a British prison for the “crime” of organizing Jewish self-defense (He was made a member of the OBE – Order of The British Empire – 2 years later – ed.). He was the spiritual father of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the underground Jewish militia that fought for Jewish independence.

Two of Jabotinsky’s most devoted followers, Jewish underground leaders Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, would later serve as prime minister of the State Of Israel that their leader did not live to see.

The Lessons of the Versailles Treaty By Victor Davis Hanson


The Treaty of Versailles was signed in Versailles, France, on June 28, 1919. Neither the winners nor the losers of World War I were happy with the formal conclusion to the bloodbath.

The traditional criticism of the treaty is that the victorious French and British democracies did not listen to the pleas of leniency from progressive American President Woodrow Wilson. Instead, they added insult to the German injury by blaming Germany for starting the war. The final treaty demanded German reparations for war losses. It also forced Germany to cede territory to its victorious neighbors.

The harsh terms of the treaty purportedly embittered and impoverished the Germans. The indignation over Versailles supposedly explained why Germany eventually voted into power the firebrand Nazi Adolf Hitler, sowing the seeds of World War II.

But a century later, how true is the traditional explanation of the Versailles Treaty?

In comparison to other treaties of the times, the Versailles accord was actually mild—especially by past German standards.

After the 1870-1871 Franco-Prussian war, a newly unified and victorious Germany occupied France, forced the French to pay reparations and annexed the rich Alsace-Lorraine borderlands.

Berlin’s harsh 1914 plans for Western Europe at the onset of World War I—the so-called Septemberprogramm—called for the annexation of the northern French coast. The Germans planned to absorb all of Belgium and demand payment of billions of marks to pay off the entire German war debt.

Moshe Perlmann, 1940: Koran And Hadith Depict Jews As “The Incarnation Of Evil” Andrew Bostom


Professor Moshe Perlmann (1905-2001) was a meticulous scholar of Arabic and Islam, with great fluency in not only Arabic and Hebrew, but also Russian (having been born in Odessa), and German, as well as further written proficiency in Persian, Syriac, French and Italian.

The focus of Perlmann’s work was the Medieval religious polemic, especially Islam’s anti-Jewish (here; here) and anti-Christian tracts (here; here). Unearthing and providing unique annotated translations of pathognomonic texts (cataloguedhere), with insightful commentary, Perlmann, as obituarist Herbert A. Dawson,observed, allowed the original writings, “to speak for themselves,” leaving readers “to draw whatever moral they can.”

Perlmann, uncompromising in his examination of Islamic religious fanaticism, even in mythically “tolerant” Muslim Spain, brought to light (1949) the “profuse” employment of the dehumanizing Koranic epithet (Koran 2:65/7:166)characterizing Jews as apes, for the incitement of the jihad annihilation of Granadan Jewry during 1066—a massive anti-Jewish pogrom, whose killing of some ~4000 Jews greatly exceeded in scale the much better known Crusader ravages of the Rhineland 30 years later at the outset of the first Crusade. Two decades later, Perlmann lamented how in 1966, the 900th anniversary of this “Granada debacle,” which he remonstrated was “the first major pogrom on European soil,” had “passed unnoticed.”

Ilhan Omar, Nazis, and Israel… by Gerald A. Honigman


Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the previously Three (now four) Amigas, has recently introduced a resolution comparing Israel to  Nazi Germany… https://ekurd.net/the-three-amigas-2019-02-19

This kind of wisdom is nothing new for her. She’s frequently spouting some antisemitic (sometimes disguised as anti-Zionist) alleged truism or another. So, it’s time for a little enlightenment, and I’ll leave out persistent stories of Omar’s various undertakings–such as marrying her own brother and such.

Omar’s family is from Somalia and are Arabized/Islamized black Africans.

Millions like her were conquered, colonized, displaced, enslaved, massacred, and brought into harems as a result. If a good number of folks in places  like Saudi Arabia and such look black, guess why? Not that we don’t see this sort of thing in the West and other places too, but folks like Omar don’t seem to care about what brought themselves to the “religion of peace.”

For black Africans who dared to resist the Arab jihad, there’s quite a different story to tell—just don’t share it with Louis Farakhan and his buddies, like President Obama’s virtual uncle, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and other holy men such as Al Sharpton, Jesse “Hymietown “ Jackson & Co. Omar’s fellow Amiga, Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib, has written for Farakhan’s rabidly anti-Jewish publication…http://www.businessinsider.com/rashida-tlaib-wrote-column-louis-farrakhans-blog-2019-2

That other, different story of blacks—whose ancestors resisted Arabization—would just be “nasty, Satanic, Jew Zionist propaganda” for Omar, Farrakhan, and their ilk.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of those “others” and is also from Somalia. Please see what she has to say on this very same subject, such as here…

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the previously Three (now four) Amigas, has recently introduced a resolution comparing Israel to  Nazi Germany… https://ekurd.net/the-three-amigas-2019-02-19

This kind of wisdom is nothing new for her. She’s frequently spouting some antisemitic (sometimes disguised as anti-Zionist) alleged truism or another. So, it’s time for a little enlightenment, and I’ll leave out persistent stories of Omar’s various undertakings–such as marrying her own brother and such.

Omar’s family is from Somalia and are Arabized/Islamized black Africans.

Millions like her were conquered, colonized, displaced, enslaved, massacred, and brought into harems as a result. If a good number of folks in places  like Saudi Arabia and such look black, guess why? Not that we don’t see this sort of thing in the West and other places too, but folks like Omar don’t seem to care about what brought themselves to the “religion of peace.”

For black Africans who dared to resist the Arab jihad, there’s quite a different story to tell—just don’t share it with Louis Farakhan and his buddies, like President Obama’s virtual uncle, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and other holy men such as Al Sharpton, Jesse “Hymietown “ Jackson & Co. Omar’s fellow Amiga, Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib, has written for Farakhan’s rabidly anti-Jewish publication…http://www.businessinsider.com/rashida-tlaib-wrote-column-louis-farrakhans-blog-2019-2

That other, different story of blacks—whose ancestors resisted Arabization—would just be “nasty, Satanic, Jew Zionist propaganda” for Omar, Farrakhan, and their ilk. 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of those “others” and is also from Somalia. Please see what she has to say on this very same subject, such as here…


For an analogy, let’s see how how Arabs in the north of the Sudan, west of Somalia, viewed the same issue. As I’ve oft referred to before, ex-president, Gaafar Muhammad al-Nimeiry proclaimed…

Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists by Lawrence Kadish


• John Adams, the nation’s second President, understood that studying history, and specifically conflict between nations, would give us the means of avoiding the next battle, conflict between nations and of protecting our shared future.
• “… I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine.” – Letter by President John Adams to Abigail Adams, May 12, 1780.
• The reality is we remain at war — with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.
President John Adams has something to say to students this fall but it is unlikely he will be given the chance.
Across the United States, this summer will be used by educators to convene conferences on curriculum, classroom content and study guides to present to students in September. Likely absent from most of their agendas will be a comprehensive study of the most seminal event in the last century — World War II — which continues to define the world we live in, our geopolitical borders, our society, the role of technology and America’s leadership role around the globe.
Social studies teachers will be the first to admit despair. In many school districts, a single 45-minute period is all that is offered in the course of an entire class year for the study of this global conflict, Gloria Sesso, chairperson of the Long Island, N.Y. Committee for the Social Studies, told Gatestone.
Forty-five minutes would not even begin to cover how the Nazis took a bigoted beer hall boast and made it into mass murder on an industrial scale, much less understand the origins and consequences of World War II. (A recent survey revealed that 22% of millennials had never heard of the Holocaust.)